Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 895: Treasures in the pit (seeking full order)

On the other hand, Qin Feng summoned from a space and disappeared out of thin air.

The next second, he arrived in a remote forest and appeared beside Hongyue.

"Hey! Husband!

When Hongyue saw Qin Feng, her face was full of joy.

Qin Feng waved his hand and released Qinglin and the phantom avatar.

"Qin Feng, the three gods shouldn't have discovered us, right?"

As soon as Qing Lin appeared, he asked anxiously.

After all, killing a colleague in the south should not be publicized, and it would be bad if it was discovered.

"Don't worry! They're not as fast as us!

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth twitched slightly, with a confident look on his face.

Seeing this, Qing Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

Hongyue puzzled: "Sister, what did you do?""

"Yue'er, we just killed the Tiansheng old thief! 99

"Ah?! Sister, you really killed the ancestor of Tiansheng? By the way, you made the huge movement just now?"

"That's right!"

At the moment, Qing Lin briefly explained the process.

After listening to it, Hongyue was both surprised and delighted.

She was shocked that Qin Feng's strength had increased so terribly that he killed a god in just a few minutes.

She was happy that her grandmother's revenge was finally avenged.

"It's great! It's great! Grandma's revenge is finally avenged! Woo~! Woo~!"

The red moon actually cried with joy.

She is very affectionate and sexual, and has a deep affection for Grandma Qingqiu.

"Husband, let's go find Lu Ming! I want to tell her the good news too..."

Hongyue rubbed her red eyes.

After all, the three sisters were all raised by their grandmother.

"Okay! I have sensed the location of the green tea, not far from here, come with me! 35

Qin Feng's figure flashed, and he rushed in one direction.

Qinglin and Hongyue followed closely.

Not long after, the three of them arrived near a valley...

In that valley, more than a dozen players had already gathered, and Lu Ming was among them.

At this moment, the players looked greedily ahead.

I saw in that direction, next to a blue rock, there were three purple spiritual flowers growing, delicate and dazzling.

But all the players dare not come forward to pick!

Because next to the three spirit flowers, there was a giant beast that was taller than a three-story building. It looked like a lion, with curly hair and golden body.

Those more than a dozen players are all below the peak of the true god, and even if they join forces, they are not necessarily the opponents of this giant beast.

What's more, the dozen or so people came from several forces and were not united.

In this way, naturally no one dares to go forward, and no one is willing to go to 403.

But the spirit grass so close at hand made them reluctant to give up.

The giant beast seemed to see how strong these people were.

It raised its head high, looked at the players with contempt, and whistled in its throat, as if warning everyone not to move forward...

At this moment, a roar of tigers and lions sounded from the back of the valley.

With a gust of wind blowing!

With a bang, a golden light flashed, the heavy object fell to the ground, and the valley shook.

Another giant beast that looked like a cow and a deer fell in front of everyone, standing side by side with the previous giant beast.

Looking at the aura of this vicious beast, it was actually at the level of the Great Perfection of the True God.

Everyone's faces changed greatly, and they secretly shouted that the situation was not good, and there was no way to get the psychic grass.

Some people were so frightened that their legs trembled, and they wanted to slip away on the spot...

A beast at the level of the Great Perfection of the True God, they did not dare to step forward, let alone two.

"Withdraw! I can't get the spirit grass!"

"Hey! When there was only one just now, let's unite, maybe there is still a chance.

"Cut! That sounds nice! Unity? Who is going to stop the beasts? Who is going to pick the spirit grass? Besides, there are only three, how are you going to divide them?

The crowd scolded.

roar~! roar~!

Two beast roars~!

The valley shakes!

The overwhelming aura of beasts instantly enveloped everyone.

The contestants shuddered, thinking that the two beasts were about to attack, they dared not stay, so they wanted to leave...

According to the habits of these beasts, as long as they don't rob their treasures, they will take the initiative to attack the players...

At this moment, there was a sound of breaking through the air from Taniguchi...


A figure fell on the scene.

Everyone looked closely, and it was Huoyue Tianzun.

"Hey! Psychic grass! This is rare!"

Huoyue Tianzun saw the three spirit grasses at a glance, his eyes lit up, and he was about to pick them...

When the players saw this, they stopped one after another, and many people looked regretful...

This spirit grass was eventually acquired by others.

Having said that, these two beasts are going to be out of luck!

No matter how strong they are, they can't be the opponents of Huoyue Tianzun!

In the crowd, Lu Ming felt distressed when he saw that Huoyue Tianzun was about to pick it.

She knew that Huoyue Tianzun had a grudge against Qin Feng, and it would be fine if others picked it. It would be a pity for this guy to pick it.

But she couldn't stop it.

It was at this moment that Tianzun Huoyue strode forward and wanted to pick spiritual grass...

(baeh) Roar~! Roar~!

Two fierce beasts roared and stopped in front of him one after another.

"Look for death! Get out!

Huoyue Tianzun was furious and wanted to teach these two beasts a lesson.

Lu Ming frowned a little unbearably.

Some players also lamented in their hearts, secretly thinking that these two beasts are not very intelligent, they don’t know how to escape when they see the gods, they are afraid that they will not escape the poisonous hand...

At this critical moment, a cold drink resounded throughout the audience.


The sound of drinking suddenly exploded, and everyone's ears and drums rang in unison, making them dizzy.

Huoyue Tianzun even faced the impact directly, and he was shocked so much that his blood and energy were vain, and his head almost exploded.

He was furious, and when he followed the sound, he saw four flashes of light and shadow.

Qin Feng, phantom clone, Qinglin, and Hongyue just arrived.

"It's you!"

Huoyue Tianzun was shocked and angry.


When Lu Ming saw Qin Feng and others arrived, he ran over happily.

When everyone saw Qin Feng and the phantom clones arriving, they all took a deep breath, not daring to breathe.

"Qin Feng, what do you mean?"

Huoyue Tianzun was very upset.

Although he is not Qin Feng's opponent, he is not afraid of Qin Feng.

In his opinion, the difference in strength between himself and Qin Feng is very small.

"Are you going to choose these three psychic grasses?"

Qin Feng glanced lightly at the three spirit grasses in front of him.

In fact, he had long known the existence of these three spirit grasses.

This psychic grass does not have much effect on humans, but it has the effect of improving the understanding of monks whose body is a beast, and has a greater effect on vicious beasts with low spiritual intelligence.

Because they can greatly enhance the intelligence of the beast, and even help the beast to become enlightened in one fell swoop and become a real cultivator.

It is for this reason that Qin Feng has not picked it, but left it to these beasts.

What's more, this psychic grass is not yet mature.

After picking it back, it will take some time to cultivate it before it can be used.

Of course, the real reason Qin Feng stopped Huoyue Tianzun from picking spirit grass was to help the beast.

After all, these beasts are his future subordinates.

When he collects all the inheritance jade ultimatum, he can call these beasts at any time.

"That's right! This deity is going to choose these psychic grasses, why do you want to stop it?"

Huoyue Tianzun questioned.

His body is the Moon-Swallowing Tengu, which is a beast.

This psychic grass is of great use to him.

"Sorry! These three spirit grasses belong to me, if you want to pick them, go elsewhere! 95

Qin Feng smiled coldly.

If it wasn't for the fact that he had just destroyed the ancestor of the heavenly sage, and had already caused the alert of the three gods, I'm afraid he would have already attacked Tianzun Huoyue.

Of course, he didn't want to hurt innocent people, after all, there were people from other forces in the crowd.

These have nothing to do with him and cannot be silenced.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Tianzun Huoyue was furious: "Qin Feng, you are deceiving people too much! Obviously I came first, these spirit herbs will naturally belong to me! Why are they yours?

Qin Feng sneered: "You came first? Then these players came earlier than you, should the psychic grass belong to them?"

"Yes! Huoyue Tianzun, we came much earlier than you!

Green Tea immediately agreed.

Huoyue Tianzun's face changed slightly.

Immediately, he sneered: "You guys came earlier than me, but you didn't pick them before I came. These spirit grasses are things without owners. Things without owners are naturally taken by the strongest people!"

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth twitched: "That's a good word! You didn't pick it before I came here. These spirit grasses are unowned things. As for who is their master, you and I will see the true chapter with strength!"9

As soon as these words fell, Tianzun Huoyue's face was ugly, and he couldn't say anything to refute for a long time.

Everyone thought it was a little funny.

Huoyue Tianzun is digging a hole for himself and punching himself in the face.

"Qin Feng,'re deceiving people too much!"

Huoyue Tianzun was not willing to give up.

"What? You can say it yourself, you can use it on others, but you can't use it on yourself? You are really hypocritical!"5

Qin Feng was very disdainful.

Everyone also nodded, thinking it made sense, and whispered one by one.

Many people looked at Huoyue Tianzun with strange eyes.

Huoyue Tianzun suddenly felt like a light on his back, and he was in a dilemma.

If he just gave up, he would be the laughing stock of everyone.

But if he persisted, he would not be able to beat Qin Feng.

Just when Huoyue Tianzun was in a dilemma, Qin Feng spoke again.

"Fellow Daoist Huoyue, if you really don't want to give up, the deity will give you a chance, how about we take a bet?"

"Betting a game? How to bet? Don't talk to Huo about gambling. Huo admits that he is not your opponent.

"Of course it's not a gamble! The deity doesn't want to take advantage of you!

"Then what are you betting on?

"Just bet that these two beasts will automatically donate the spirit grass, and see who they will give the spirit grass to? Who is the spirit grass to be given, so what?

As soon as these words fell, everyone was stunned for a moment, and felt that Qin Feng's words were a little far-fetched.

Huoyue Tianzun laughed loudly.

"Haha!! Qin Feng, are you kidding me? Everyone knows that these beasts are low-minded and unruly. Not to mention you, even the gods can't tame them. You want them to take the initiative to sacrifice Lingcao, it's just a dream!

"You do not believe?"

"Naturally I don't believe it!"

"What if I could do it?"

"Haha!! If you can do it, Huo will give you all the gains from these days! 39

Huoyue Tianzun didn't believe it at all.

People also feel unreliable.

Even the three Qinglin sisters were anxious, secretly thinking that Qin Feng was talking too much.

Obviously it is a situation where you have the upper hand, but doing so will become a joke for others.

But he didn't want to, Qin Feng continued: "Your harvest, the deity still doesn't like it. If you really dare to gamble, take out your source of extreme yin and gamble! 95

"Hey! How do you know that I have a source of extreme yin?"

"Looking at how quickly your Fire Moon Seal and strength have fully recovered, you can guess."

"Hey~! You are smart!

Huoyue Tianzun took a deep breath of cold air and his expression became more solemn.

Anyone who is guessed about their own background is a little nervous.

"What? If you don't dare to gamble, leave early. This spirit herb belongs to the deity!

Qin Feng said agitatedly.

Huoyue Tianzun frowned: "Oh! Qin Feng, do you think Huo can't see that you are cheating on me? Do you think I really dare not gamble? I think you really have no ability to do it! Since you want to gamble, Then I will accompany you!"

"Look! What is this? 35

Huoyue Tianzun turned it over with his hand, and there was a black crystal in the palm of his hand, exuding an icy and gloomy aura.

Qin Feng's eyes lit up, and there was a look of joy in his eyes.

This piece of the source of extreme yin was twice as strong as what he had obtained before!

"Everyone, have you heard what Qin Feng said just now? He said that he could let the beast take the initiative to send him the spirit grass. If he doesn't do it, even if he loses, the zero harvest will be mine.

"If he can do it, my source of extreme yin will belong to him! I also hope that you will be a witness to Huo!

After saying this, Huoyue Tianzun looked at Qin Feng again gloatingly.

He didn't believe that Qin Feng could do things that even God couldn't do.

Immediately, he said proudly: "Qin Feng! I've taken out the bet! Witnesses are also available! Let's start! Huo would like to see how you tame these beasts? By the way, don't delay. too long, so...

Before he could finish speaking, Qin Feng looked at the two beasts.

"Hey~! Are you two willing to give me the spirit grass?"

Woo~! Woo~!

The two vicious beasts nodded in succession, extremely well-behaved.

Huoyue Tianzun couldn't help but be stunned.

Everyone was also puzzled.

But what happened next made them even more confused.

I saw Qin Feng casually said: "Then you guys hurry up and bring the spirit grass!"

"Woo~! Woo~!"

The two vicious beasts let out a few cheers, and they all shrunk down to the size of pet dogs.

Afterwards, the two beasts ran over and pulled out the three spirit grasses by the roots.

One picked up two, the other picked up one, and rushed to Qin Feng to offer the spirit grass.

Qin Feng happily put away the three spirit grasses and stroked their furry heads.

The two beasts also happily stretched out their pink tongues and licked Qin Feng's hand, as if trying to please their master.

This scene made Tianzun Huoyue completely dumbfounded.

Everyone's mouth is wide open!

"Bring it!

Qin Feng directly reached out to Huo Yueyi.

Huoyue Tianzun woke up.

His throat rolled and he swallowed hard.

"Qin... Qin Feng, how did you do it?

"What's with you? Hurry up and bring it!", Qin Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense.

"with your's!"

Huoyue Tianzun threw the source of extreme yin with a painful face, turned and left.

He really couldn't stay any longer.

At this moment, his heart is bleeding.

It took him trillions of years to accumulate the source of extreme yin, and he didn't expect that it would be cheap for the enemy all of a sudden...

In the blink of an eye, Tianzun Huoyue escaped thousands of miles away.

Qin Feng happily put away the source of extreme yin.

It was at this moment that everyone's runes in the field vibrated.

Qin Feng and others quickly took a look.

It turned out that the three major gods sent a message, asking them to quickly go to the meeting point to meet, something big happened.

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