Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 896 huge discoveries (seeking full order)

Qin Feng and others quickly took a look.

It turned out that the three major gods sent a message, asking them to quickly go to the meeting point to meet, and something big happened.

"Huh! What's the big deal?""

"I do not know!""

"Let's hurry up and meet!

Everyone hurriedly put away the runes and rushed towards the assembly point.

In a blink of an eye, Qin Feng, the phantom avatar, and the three sisters Qing Lin were left in the field.

"Qin Feng, the three gods sent this news, will it have something to do with us?

Qing Lin silently put away the pass-going rune.

"I guess so! After all, we made such a big noise before, which should have made the three of them nervous."

Qin Feng also put away the rune.

When Lu Ming heard this, he seemed to remember something, and asked: "Husband, did you make the terrifying sound before?

"That's right! 35

"My God! I thought it was God who made it! Husband, your strength has improved again!"

Green Tea was amazed.

"Third sister, Qin Feng just avenged his grandmother, he killed the old thief of Tiansheng..."

Hongyue briefly described the matter.

Lu Ming was only moved after hearing this, and the circles of his eyes were red.

Grandma's revenge has finally been avenged!

"Qin Feng, Tiansheng old thief is dead, but Huoyue is still alive. That guy is very dissatisfied with you..."

Qing Lin reminded in a low voice.

Qin Feng smiled coldly: "More than him? Yaochishan is also ready to deal with me..."

Qing Lin was shocked: "Why?"

"I don't know exactly why. However, I heard from the people of Tiansheng Mountain that the people of Yaochi Mountain want to deal with me..."

At the moment, Qin Feng briefly recounted the dialogue between the six true gods of Tiansheng Mountain before killing the ancestor of Tiansheng.

When the three Qinglin sisters heard this, they were both angry and worried.

"This Yaochi Mountain is really Damn it! We haven't found their trouble yet, but they came first!"

The red moon was angry.

Qinglin sneered: "I guess Yaochi can't see the rise of Qingqiu, so she has to deal with Qin Feng. In her opinion, Qin Feng is the key to our rise!"

Hongyue also sneered: "To put it bluntly, she is guilty of being a thief! Husband, since we already know that the people of Huoyue Tianzun and Yaochishan are going to deal with you, then we don't need to talk to them about the unity of the south, we will do it first. Bar!

Qin Feng nodded slightly: "I also have this intention! Next, let's look for opportunities.

"Husband, Huoyue Tianzun is the pinnacle of the gods of the Jiuji God Base, and his strength is three or four times stronger than that of the ancestor of the Tiansheng. It is not easy for us to kill him silently. There are also several gods in Yaochi Mountain, They are guarded by the God of Jade Lake, and they are not easy to do..."

Lu Ming looked worried.

With this reminder, Qinglin and Hongyue also frowned.

The risk of killing Huoyue Tianzun and the gods of Yaochi Mountain is indeed much greater than that of the ancestors of Tiansheng...

If he misses, Qin Feng may become the target of public criticism!

"Everything is supreme, as long as you give me some time, there will be a chance!

As soon as Qin Feng turned his hand, there was a black crystal in the palm of his hand, which was the source of extreme yin he just won...

He opened his mouth and took a breath, then swallowed...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the source of extreme yin... Your god base, true spirit, and heavenly soul have been successfully tempered by the source of extreme yin, and you are still 47% away from the body of the Moon Saint... The host's combat power has increased to 7.3 trillion yuan..."

In just a moment, Qin Feng's physique was strengthened again, his momentum skyrocketed, and the terrifying Tianwei loomed...

The three Qinglin sisters sensed it immediately.

The three girls were both surprised and delighted.

At this time, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, hiding his joy.

"Qin Feng, won't your strength increase again?"

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "There is an improvement!"

Qing Lin was overjoyed: "At your speed of progress, you might be able to eliminate Huoyue Tianzun silently!""

"Let's talk about it! Anyway, the next target is him!

As Qin Feng waved his hand, the two psychic grasses flew towards the two beasts on the side.

"I only took one of this psychic grass, and you keep the other two!

"Woo! Woo!

The two beasts were overjoyed and nodded in thanks.

With these two spiritual grasses, their spiritual wisdom will inevitably increase in the future, and they can even transform into normal monks...

Qin Feng also put away the last psychic grass and sent it to the double universe for Yunxi to plant and cultivate.

"Let's go! We can't keep the three gods waiting for a long time! Hey! That guy is killing again..."

After dealing with those trivial matters, Qin Feng will take Qinglin's children to the meeting point.

But at this moment, he suddenly stopped and turned to look in a certain direction to the west...

Just where the direction is, one out of the secret forest.

Maori Tianshen looked at the bloodstains all over the ground with a smug look on his face.

Just now, he killed a pseudo-god player...

At this moment, he found the pass rune from the victim's storage ring...

"The third one! Find three more and that's enough!

Uri Tenjin happily put away the rune.

It's just that he didn't notice that, in the grass behind him, a zerg lying on the grass pole was watching all this curiously.

It was through the compound eyes of the zerg that Qin Feng saw all the murders of the God of the Sun.

This is not the first time Qin Feng has seen him kill, but the third time.

That is to say, in the three days, Maori Tianshen killed a total of three players.

It's not that the god of the sun is not killing fast enough, but that he is very cautious.

In order not to cause any movement, he only attacked the pseudo-god-level players, and he must kill them with one hit.

But the players who came in this time, the false gods are already in the minority, so it is not easy to meet them.

Seeing that the god of the sun put away the pass rune, he rushed to the assembly place, Qin Feng also withdrew his vision...

"Qin Feng, who did you see killing people just now?"

Qing Lin looked curious.

"A very strange person! That person seems to be called Kuiying, who is from the Tiansheng Mountain. For the past two days, he has been killing people, and he has killed three people who are at the level of false gods!

Qin Feng didn't hide it.

Qing Lin frowned: "Why did this guy kill? It wasn't because of the ancestors of Tiansheng, right?"

"It shouldn't be!" Qin Feng shook his head, "Among the three people he killed, one of them was a man from the Heavenly Sacred Mountain, and his strength surpassed that of a true god, and he had the shadow of a god..."

"What? God?! 35

The three girls were surprised.

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "So I think this person is weird, I'm afraid there are some secrets hidden behind it. Not much to say! Let's go to the assembly!

At the moment, everyone rushed to the gathering place...

After an hour, everyone rushed back to the meeting point.

After the three gods carefully counted the number of people, they found that there were thirteen people missing.

This surprised the three gods.

In the past, people would disappear, but only two or three disappeared at a time. Unlike this time, there were thirteen people missing all of a sudden, which is very abnormal.

It didn't take long for everyone to discover this problem.

But soon, they discovered that there were only two of the ten members of Tiansheng Mountain, namely Wen Yuan and Kuiying.

The ancestors of Tiansheng and the six true gods are all gone!

This time, everyone was shocked!

You know, those who disappeared in the past were all pseudo-god-level players.

Most of them died in the mouth of fierce beasts because of insufficient strength. Very few true gods have disappeared, and no one has heard of gods.

"What's the matter? Why did the ancestor of Tiansheng disappear?"

"Yeah! Not only is he gone, but the six true gods and one false god contestant of Tiansheng Mountain are also gone."

The crowd was talking.

At this moment, the discussion of the three major gods resounded in front.

·0 for flowers ·........

"Jiuyuan, have you contacted Tiansheng?"

"Nope, what about you?"

"Hey! No! The message sent by the old man, he has never returned!

"The little girl is here too!

"Hey~! It seems that something happened to Tiansheng!"

True God God sighed and put away the communication jade talisman.

When everyone heard this, they felt bad.

Huoyue Tianzun asked quickly: "Master Zhenji, you said that something happened to Tiansheng?

"It should be! Did you hear the loud noise before?"

Huo Yue was startled: "Really great people, didn't you make that loud noise?

Zhenji God smiled bitterly: "It's not the three of us, that's what someone else did. According to the three of us, it should be a god-level monster passing by and just discovered this continent. Perhaps, the saints encountered that one. The spirits have been poisoned because of this!" 5

As soon as these words fell, everyone sighed.

"My God! The ancestor of Tiansheng has fallen!"

"Not only him! The six true gods of Tiansheng Mountain are also gone..."

"There is also a pseudo-god-level player who also suffered..."

"Tiansheng Mountain is really miserable this time! Now there are only two pseudo-god-level players left..."


The crowd sighed.

Without the ancestors of Tiansheng and the six true gods, Tiansheng Mountain will fall directly to a medium-sized force, and the future will be sad...

Many people looked at Wen Yuan and Kui Ying in the corner with sympathy.

These two people are the only remaining roots of Tiansheng Mountain.

It's just that no one knows that these two people are not from Tiansheng Mountain at all, but northern spies.

Tiansheng Mountain has been wiped out.

"Everyone, this place has been discovered by a god-level monster, and it is no longer safe! Let's leave quickly and rush to the next continent!

True God has announced a new order.

Everyone complied.

After a while, under the leadership of the three major gods, everyone left the mainland and flew to the depths of the Returning Ruins...

A day later, everyone found the second continent.

What they relied on was the half piece of jade in the hands of Jiuyuan God to sense the position of the nearest continent.

As soon as they arrived in the New World, everyone began to search for resources.

Qin Feng also began to look for the remaining inheritance jade.

That new continent was much smaller than before.

A day later, everyone searched the entire continent, and the resources obtained were much less than before.

Qin Feng also found nothing, and found no new jade shards.

Afterwards, the crowd continued to go deep into the ruins.

In this way, everyone encountered four continents one after another, all of which were very small.

Qin Feng still did not gain anything, and no one was injured or missing.

During this period, Qin Feng tried to attack Huoyue Tianzun several times, but failed to find a suitable opportunity.

After seven days, everyone finally encountered a very huge new continent.

This continent was more than ten times larger than the first continent they encountered.

Without more than ten days of effort, it is impossible to search for an incomplete continent.

But this also means that there are more resources on the new continent.

The three major gods immediately announced that this time everyone was free to search for resources, and they would gather in ten days.

The members were very excited and went to search for resources one after another.

This is a very rare opportunity.

Qin Feng also secretly said that the opportunity has come.

At the moment, he and the phantom clone went to search for the inheritance jade.

The next day, he made a huge discovery.

This time, he sensed the breath of a piece of inheritance jade, and it was a complete inheritance jade.

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