Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 897th each take what they need, great harvest

Qin Feng was overjoyed and rushed in the direction he sensed.

Before long, he was over a desert.

There are boundless yellow sand.

In addition, this desert is very hot, the temperature between heaven and earth is as high as thousands of degrees, and the sand on the ground is in a state of melting, which is very unusual.

Deserts are inherently scarce in resources.

The desert is also located in a remote place, so very few people come.

Qin Feng stared in the direction of the middle of the desert.

Where the temperature is higher, the environment is also harsher.

And the inheritance jade he sensed was there...

Qin Feng was looking forward to it in his heart, and as soon as his mind moved, he flew in that direction...

In just a moment, he arrived in the middle of the desert, the temperature in the air reached two or three thousand degrees, and the sand below liquefied into a glass state, very strange...

The breath of the jade can be inherited, which is more obvious.

That jade ultimatum is hidden under the sand!

Qin Feng's thoughts moved, and he fell down.

But just as he was about to land, a mutation suddenly occurred, and a monstrous murderous aura rushed out of the ground...


The dust is flying~!

Chilling light now~!

A round of "403" axe blades bigger than mountains smashed through the thousands of miles of desert and slashed directly towards Qin Feng in midair...

The power of that axe, which opened up the world, suddenly reached the upper limit of the peak of the gods, and was not under the Huoyue Tianzun at all, and even surpassed it.

"Looking for death! 35

Qin Feng flicked his fingers and tapped the axe blade.


An axe!

All over the place~!

A groan under the desert~!

A monster bigger than a mountain was blasted out.

Qin Feng took a closer look, and saw the head of a demon beast, with dark hair all over his body and knotted muscles.

Looking at its head again, it looks like a bull and a dragon, with a broken corner, and there is a scar on it, and the skull can be seen deep.

From this, it can be seen that the head of this demon has been severely injured.

that's the truth!

This monster is called 呲 Tie, and it was born from eating fire and iron.

He is one of the three thousand inborn beings created by the Lord of the Nine Springs Universe, and he is also the best among them.

In the first battle, Jiuquan fell, and many cosmic creatures died in the battle.

He is one of the very few survivors.

It's just that his head has been severely injured, and his intelligence has been greatly reduced. Sometimes he is awake, and sometimes he is confused.

And the piece of inheritance jade that Qin Feng sensed was in his body.

It turned out that when the universe collapsed that year, one of the inheritance jade happened to fall beside him.

At that time, his intelligence was already blurred, but he knew that this thing was extremely precious, so he swallowed it in one mouthful and left it to be refined.

Unfortunately, his cultivation base at that time was already the peak of the gods, which exceeded the constraints of the laws of heaven and earth, and could not refine and inherit the jade ultimatum.

Because only the gods below can refine the jade ultimatum.

Tie Tie was helpless, so he had to give up refining and inheriting the jade and hide in the underground to heal his wounds.

But he didn't want to, after tens of trillions of years, his injuries not only did not improve, but became more and more serious, which caused his mental intelligence to continue to decline, and it became more and more difficult to control himself...

One of the manifestations is that the fire energy in his body leaked out, causing tens of millions of miles to turn into desert...

But at this moment, the iron hand held the double-edged giant axe and staggered up from the ground.

With red eyes, he glared at Qin Feng angrily.

The next second, he roared at Qin Feng, raised his axe and chopped again...

"Hey! This guy!

Qin Feng frowned, wondering if this guy was a little stupid.

The power of the two sides is obviously not the same level, this guy not only did not run, but took the initiative to send to the door, I am afraid that the brain is not good enough...


Earth shakes~!

Thousands of miles of dust flying!

Qin Feng slammed the iron into the sand with one palm, and stepped on its head with the other foot.

"Monster, hand over the inheritance jade ult! Otherwise, the deity will open his belly and take out the jade ultimatum from your belly!""

With this stern shout, the monstrous murderous aura descended from the sky, suppressing the iron to the point of being unable to move.

The originally irritable Shi Tie suddenly woke up and regained some sanity.

He was frightened, and while struggling, he spoke loudly.

"Human, you want Laozi's jade, it's a delusion! As long as Laozi chooses to blow himself up, the inheritance jade will explode with Laozi, and you won't get any feathers!

"Yo! You're so awake and smart now! It's not like you lost your mind at all! Well, how about you and I make a deal?!

Qin Feng's consciousness swept over the body of Tie.

Soon, he discovered the root cause of iron stinging.

His primordial spirit was actually eroded by a group of strange spirits.

Looking at the situation, it seems that it has been corroded for tens of trillions of years, but iron has nothing to do with it.

This led to the constant injury of the iron-stricken Yuanshen, and the sanity was greatly affected.

"Deal?! Hehe! Laozi is not interested in any deal now! You either let Laozi go! Or Laozi blows himself up and you get nothing!""

Shi Tie's tone became more and more rapid, and his eyes gradually turned red.

His awake time is getting shorter and shorter now, and if this continues, he will fall into chaos again.

At that time, he himself can't guarantee that he will not blow himself up.

It's his nature to be cranky!

It's his innate trait that the fish die and the net breaks!

"Demon, this deity sees that your sanity is damaged. What do you think if this deity exchanges things with you for repairing your sanity?"

Qin Feng knew that he couldn't force it.

To be hard on an irrational monster, if he really blows himself up, he won't get anything.

Sure enough, as soon as his words came out, Ba Tie was shocked.

Those eyes that were about to be lost, lit up.

"Do you have a spirit to mend your intellect?"

"Of course! Do you see what this is?"

As soon as Qin Feng waved his hand, a spirit grass appeared in the air, which was the psychic grass he got a few days ago.

One day in the outside world, ten years in the double universe

After being cultivated in his double universe, this psychic grass has matured.

"Psychic grass!"

When 呲 Tie saw the psychic grass, his eyes lit up with excitement.

If he can eat this psychic grass, his spiritual injury can recover 90%.

"Human, are you really willing to exchange this psychic grass with me?

"Of course!"9

Qin Feng's mouth twitched slightly.

This psychic grass is not precious to him, and it is definitely worth it in exchange for a complete inheritance jade.

In the same way, the inheritance of jade is tasteless to Si Tie, but the psychic grass is a treasure that can save his life.0

He didn't want to live in such a rut anymore.

"Human, I am willing to exchange with you. But what should I do if I don't trust you? Otherwise, you will eat the psychic grass first, and I will pass on the jade to you.

"Haha! Are you kidding me? Who knows if you will regret it after eating it?"

"Then how do I know that after you get the jade ultimatum, will you also give me the psychic grass?"

"Looking at how smart you are, it doesn't look like your brain is broken. How about you sign a contract before you trade with me?"5

"It's possible!

"it is good!"

Qin Feng waved his hand, took out a contract scroll, and dripped blood on it.

After finishing, he showed the contract to Ge Tie.

After the demon read it carefully, he felt that there was no problem, so he bit the tip of his tongue and spat out a drop of blood essence.

In the next second, the contract takes effect and aura blooms.

Qin Feng released his foot and put away the contract scroll.

After Si Tie got up, he hurriedly opened his mouth and spit, and a piece of intact inheritance jade appeared in front of the two of them.

"Here! 35"

Ba Tie waved his hand, and the jade flew towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng also sent the psychic grass to him.

Both parties have what they need, they are all happy, and they can't help but smile at each other.

In the next second, Shi Tie couldn't wait to eat the spirit grass and refine it on the spot.

Seeing that this guy was so anxious, Qin Feng also began to drip blood to refine the jade ultimatum.

After a while, the jade slogan lit up with purple light...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, you have refined the inheritance jade of the Lord of the Nine Springs universe (hell world, complete)... The host has great control over the creatures in this world..."

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

In an instant, the inheritance jade slammed continuously, blooming with purple light!

In the next second, Qin Feng's stalwart figure appeared in the minds of all the beasts in this continent, standing above the nine heavens, exuding immeasurable golden light...

The beasts finally waited for the new master to appear, and they were all ecstatic and roaring in the sky...

For a time, the entire 4.7 land was filled with the roars of beasts.

One after another, deafening...

The three gods and the contestants were once again shocked.

This similar scene appeared a few days ago, and now it has appeared again.

It's just bigger.

Many people feel a little uneasy in their hearts. After this incident happened last time, many people have fallen. ,

This time, it won't be the same, will it?

After a while, the beasts returned to calm.

Qin Feng also opened his eyes with joy.

Just now, he communicated with the beasts and got a lot of useful information.

For example, there are several places in this continent where the source of extreme yin is buried.

This is one of the treasures Qin Feng is most eager to get.

The master of the Jiuquan universe was the eternal moon body, so there are many fragments of the source of extreme yin hidden in this broken universe.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng was excited and prepared to dig in a while.

At this moment, Si Tie also finished refining the psychic grass and opened his eyes.

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