Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 899: Yaochi Mountain's Conspiracy

At this moment, Qin Feng seemed to have found something, frowned and looked in a certain direction.

In that direction, in a remote valley, the people of Yaochi Mountain gathered in secret and were discussing something.

It's just that they didn't find that, just under a rock behind them, a yellow-skinned lizard beast broke out, staring at them with curious eyes.

Qin Feng saw the situation in the field clearly through the eyes of the lizard beast.

I saw that in the field, all the subordinates stood in front of the Yaochi God, waiting for the order.

Among those subordinates, there are seven gods of light, two gods of half-step, and the rest are all true gods.

The strength of Yaochi Mountain can be described as extremely powerful.

"Master, you summoned us, are you ready to attack the Jiuyuan God?"

A deity asked impatiently.

In the distance, Qin Feng frowned when he heard this.

Everything was as he expected, Yaochi God is really going to attack Jiuyuan God this time.

After all, Jiuyuan God is also a water cultivator, and he is also a God-level master, which meets the standards for refining the Six Spirit Ancestral Water.

It seems that the Six Spirit Ancestral Water of the Bai Clan in Guixu has not been fully refined yet...

In addition, Qin Feng still has one thing he can't understand.

Why is the Yaochi God in such a hurry to deal with the Jiuyuan God?

Shouldn't she wait to deal with the Jiuyuan God after she has divided the spiritual roots of heaven and earth?

Without Jiuyuan God, everyone would not be able to find the location of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth. After all, Jiuyuan God has half a piece of inheritance jade in his hand...

Of course, Qin Feng had a piece and a half of jade in his hand.

Even if there is no Nine Yuan God to lead the way, he can still find the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, but it is a little troublesome.

After all, it was his first time to infiltrate the Ruins of Return, and many routes were still unfamiliar...

Just when Qin Feng was puzzled, Lord Yaochi spoke up.

I saw her shaking her head and said, "Now is not the time to attack Jiuyuan..."

"Master, didn't the Bai people get half of the inheritance jade? They also promised to give the half of the jade to us. In that case, what's the use of keeping Jiuyuan God?"

"That's right! Lord, the Bai people still need the last god-level corpse to condense the Six Spirit Ancestral Water. We should capture the Jiuyuan God earlier and send it to the Bai people, so that the Six Spirit Ancestral Water will also be collected. It can be gathered as soon as possible..."

Yao Chi shook his head slightly: "You don't have to worry! We have signed a contract with the Bai people, they will not break the contract, and they will also give the Liuling Ancestral Water that they promised! 39

As soon as these words fell, the gods of Yaochi showed joy.

They are all water cultivators, but their physical talents are too poor.

If you get the Six Spiritual Ancestral Water to wash your primordial spirit, you will definitely be able to greatly improve your physical quality.

And Qin Feng was even more shocked when he heard this.

He always thought that only the Lord of Yaochi had colluded with the Bai people of Guixu, but he did not expect that the entire Yaochi Mountain was involved.

From this point of view, this force is the cancer of the Southern Alliance!

Of course, the Bai people actually had half a piece of inheritance jade in their hands, which surprised him.

At this time, Lord Yaochi said again: "In other words, with our current strength, it is difficult to subdue Jiu Yuan even if it is unexpected. Don't underestimate him! If the shot fails, it will not be worthwhile to alert the True God. now..."

"Lord, it's not that the Bai people will send three god-level figures to come here this time, plus the Lord, with four to one, you should be able to easily subdue the Jiuyuan God!"

"This subordinate thinks so too! Besides, the Lord has hidden his strength for many years, and the outside world has underestimated your assessment. In fact, your strength is not under the Nine Yuan God at all..."

The subordinates seemed to be impatient, and one by one, they encouraged God of Yaochi to attack God of Jiuyuan.

Qin Feng was naturally even more surprised when he heard this.

This time, the news he has eavesdropped on is more explosive than the last!

The Bai people will actually send someone to participate this time.

In this way, with the three God-level monsters and the Yaochi God, the Jiuyuan God must be more fortunate than good.

Another thing surprised Qin Feng. It turned out that the Lord of Yaochi had been hiding his strength.

In other words, her strength is equivalent to nine yuan, which is about 10 trillion yuan...

At this time, the voice of the Lord of Yaochi rang out again in the field.

"You don't have to worry! This time, the half of the jade in the hands of the Bai people belongs to the heaven, and they have already lurked in a piece of the mainland fragment of the heaven. With the help of the jade, everything is under their control.

"They have already set up an ambush, just wait for us to rush over to meet. At that time, we will capture nine yuan in one fell swoop and let the Bai people take him away. As for the jade in his hand, as well as the jade of the Bai people, it will belong to us. …”

"At that time, we will find the spiritual roots of heaven and earth according to the guidance of the inheritance of jade..."

"Master, do you mean that we secretly go to the land of heaven and earth, regardless of the true God?"

Yaochi God sneered: "Oh! Of course I don't care about them! This time, we Yaochi Mountain will dominate the world, how can we give them a share?

As soon as these words fell, everyone's eyes flashed, and their faces were full of joy.

There is a certain number of spiritual fruits produced by the spiritual roots of heaven and earth. If they are monopolized by their family, the benefits will naturally be great.

"After we get the spirit root of heaven and earth, we will go to the Bai people's residence to meet. Presumably, they have used the body of nine yuan to condense the six spirit ancestor water. If we get the six spirit ancestor water again, the strength will be greatly increased again. !99

The more God Yaochi said, the more he looked forward to it, and his eyes were full of light.

The subordinates are also happy.

The Lord's plan is perfect!

"Master, according to your plan, you will get the spiritual fruit first, and then the spiritual water. After this, you will definitely be able to break through to the half-step Eternal Realm!"

"Haha!! At that time, our Yaochi Mountain will definitely be able to dominate the south, and all the gods will take the Lord as their highest honor.

"It's too early to say! Everything will be said after the spiritual root is obtained."

The corner of Yaochi's mouth was smiling, and he was delighted to hear it.

"Master, since you won't take action against Jiuyuan God this time, you will call everyone here, do you have any new mission arrangements?"

"That's right! This deity is asking you to kill someone together this time!


"Qin Feng! 55

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Immediately, someone was puzzled.

"Master, although Qin Feng's strength is comparable to the peak of the gods, he is only a true god. Compared with the nine gods, he is nothing compared to the gods. If the master wants to kill him, just send three or four people there. Don't you have to make such a fuss?"

"Yes! Isn't it just a true god, why should we go together?

The gods of Yaochi kept muttering.

On the day of the competition, these people were not present, so they did not understand Qin Feng's true strength.

What they knew about Qin Feng was only through rumors.

Many people maintain strong doubts that Qin Feng can defeat Huoyue Tianzun.

After all, I haven't seen it with my own eyes. Who would believe that a true god can defeat the peak of the gods?

Seeing this, Yaochi God smiled wryly and shook his head.

These guys have always been arrogant, and it is indeed difficult for them to admit that a true god is better than them.

"Forget it! I won't talk to you any more! This time, I won't take action personally, but will only respond to it, to prevent your actions from making mistakes and causing the suspicion of Zhenji and Jiuyuan.

"And what you twenty-nine have to do is to destroy Qin Feng at all costs!

When everyone saw that the Yaochi God's army had been ordered, they naturally did not dare to say anything.

"Master, this continent is very huge, and it is not easy for us to find Qin Feng..."

Yaochi nodded slightly: "So this deity intends to divide you into three groups and search in three directions. In addition, Huoyue Tianzun is also united with us. In this operation, Huoyue Mountain will also participate, and they are already looking for Qin Feng's traces. …”

As soon as these words fell, everyone frowned.

"No way? To deal with a little true god, do you still need outsiders to participate?

"That's right! With our strength, we don't need to join hands with Huoyue Mountain at all!"

Yao Chi frowned: "Wait, don't be too long-winded! Let you do what you want, just do it!"

"Yes! Lord!

People dare not resist.

"Master, there is a question in your mind, why do you attach so much importance to that Qin Feng? This time, you want to gather the power of Yaochi Mountain and Huoyue Mountain to encircle and suppress him?

At this reminder, everyone was puzzled.


Speaking of which, Qin Feng's threat to them is far less than that of Jiuyuan God and True God. Why does Yaochitian mainly deal with Qin Feng like this?

The Lord of Yaochi smiled coldly: "None of you were present at the big competition that day, so you don't know that Qin Feng has a ball of Sanqi Ancestral Water on his body!"

"Hey! Sanqi Ancestral Water! That's the same level of spirit water as the Six Spirit Ancestral Water!"

"Yeah! The three oddities are yang, and the six spirits are yin. The so-called three oddities in the sky and the six spirits in the underground. It is rumored that when the three oddities meet the six spirits, there will be wonderful changes!

"I didn't expect that Qin Feng had such a treasure on his body!"

The crowd kept muttering.

Yaochi God continued: `The method of quenching the body that we cultivate is mainly based on the Ancestral Water of the Six Spirits. The Sanqi Ancestral Water and the Six Spirit Ancestral Water are of the same rank, so they must have some body quenching effects. 35

"So, this deity wants you to kill Qin Feng, take his Sanqi Ancestral Water, and let me study it. Maybe, I can study a new method of quenching the body from it, and then I will teach it to you together.... "

Everyone suddenly realized that they were overjoyed.

It was only at this moment that they figured out why Yaochitian killed Qin Feng.

"Master, if it's for the sake of Sanqi Zushui, Qin Feng should really be killed!"

"Haha!! It's just killing a true god, we will definitely not let the Lord down! 35

As soon as there is interest in the front, the gods of Yaochi are all excited, and they can't wait to kill Qin Feng immediately.

The Yaochi God also showed relief when he saw the high fighting spirit of his subordinates.

As soon as she waved her hand, dozens of jade talismans flew towards the crowd.

"These jade talismans include a way to communicate with the Huoyue Tianzun, and there are also some plans that I negotiated with him. Time is short, let's start!"5

"Yes! Lord!"

After everyone read the information, they divided into three groups, got into the vast distance, and began to hunt Qin Feng...

After everyone left, the Yaochi God looked in the direction of the True God and Jiuyuan God.

Then, she hurried in that direction.

After a while, if there is a real battle, there will inevitably be a huge movement.

She wants to hold off the two and buy some time for her subordinates.

In a blink of an eye, the arena was empty. …

In the distance, Qin Feng also retracted his vision, sneering in his heart.

The people from Yaochi Mountain are going to attack him!

Unfortunately, these people underestimate themselves.

This time, he will definitely make them pay a heavy price.

"Master, what happened over there? (Are you okay)"

The iron beside him called out.

Qin Feng looked back and said, "Iron, there may be a war in a while. You and I have to get ready!"

"But according to the master's instructions! I swear to accompany me to the death!"

"Okay! I'll make a long story short. At present, we are short on time, and we have to divide our troops into two groups. The map recorded in this jade talisman has two buried sources of extreme yin, you can quickly take it out!

Qin Feng threw out a jade talisman.

He is already the lord of this hell world, the lord of hundreds of millions of beasts, and he knows exactly where the source of extreme yin is buried here.

Therefore, he decided to get all the sources of extreme yin first, improve his strength, and then take action to destroy Huoyue Tianzun and the gods of Yaochi Mountain.

It's just that this continent is too huge, and he can't collect it all by himself in a short time, so he arranges some tasks for Sitie.

Ge Tie glanced at the jade talisman for a moment, then smiled and said, "Master, this continent is very familiar to your subordinates. I have been to these two places before. I didn't expect such treasures to be hidden! No! More to say, this subordinate will go to collect the treasure!"

As soon as the voice fell, Shi Tie rushed out of the desert.

Qin Feng didn't say much, and chose another direction to leave Qiao.

At the same time, the phantom clone is also rushing in one direction.

Not only that, Qin Feng also sent a message to Qinglin, asking her to go to the fourth treasure place of the source of extreme yin

With this four-pronged approach, he can collect the source of extreme yin much faster.

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