Time flies so fast, half a day has passed in a blink of an eye!

In the past half a day, Qin Feng went back and forth across a small continent, collecting four sources of extreme yin.

The phantom avatars have also collected three places.

The iron has been collected in two places.

Qing Lin also has two tasks, but her strength is the weakest and her speed is also the slowest.

At present, she has collected one place and is rushing to the second place.

Qin Feng is already very satisfied with this progress.

A quarter of an hour later, on a mountain top.

Qin Feng summoned both the phantom avatar and Shi Tie.

"Master, this is the source of extreme yin collected by subordinates!

呲tie handed two pieces of the source of extreme yin with both hands.

"Nice job!"

Qin Feng took it with relief.

Then, he got three pieces from the phantom clone.

As a result, he had nine yuan in total.

Qin Feng did not avoid suspicion, in front of pyridoxine, he swallowed nine pieces of the source of extreme yin...

Shi Tie looked shocked.

You must know that the source of extreme yin is extremely corrosive, even extreme yin practitioners would not dare to swallow it directly.

And the true god's god base, heavenly soul, and true spirit have not yet been fully integrated, so they are much more fragile than the primordial spirit, and they will be hit even harder.

The master is still a true god, but is it too reckless to just swallow it like this.

The more he thought about it, the more worried he became.

But at this moment, a cold breath emanated from Qin Feng...  

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the source of extreme yin (nine pieces)... Your god base, true spirit, and heavenly soul have been successfully tempered by the source of extreme yin... There is still 4% progress from the body of the moon saint... .The host's combat power has been increased to 8.8 trillion yuan..."

403 In the next second, Qin Feng's momentum continued to soar...

Si Tie on the side was stunned.

After a long time, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, his face full of joy.

His strength has increased greatly.

Even better, he was only 4% short of progress before he could be promoted to the Moon Saint Body.

And there are two sources of extreme yin on Qinglin's side!

In other words, if he devours the two sources of extreme yin again, he will surely be promoted to the body of the Moon Saint.

In this way, his physique is the combination of the creation fire body, the eternal water body, and the moon saint body.

Regardless of talent, potential, and strength, it will be greatly improved.

The more Qin Feng thought about it, the more refreshing it became.

"Master...Master, have you refined it?"

"Hmm! 35

"This... so fast! 35

Tie Tie was dumbfounded.

He also heard for the first time that someone could refine the source of extreme yin so quickly.

You must know that even if a god-level powerhouse refines a piece of the source of extreme yin, it will take ten days and a half months!

But Qin Feng refined it in less than a quarter of an hour, and refined nine pieces at one time.

"Hey~!" He took a deep breath, "Master, your subordinates admire you more and more! You are stronger than your subordinates expected!"

Shi Tie sighed.

He really admired Qin Feng, and was even more grateful for his choice.

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Batie, in the future in front of outsiders, you don't need to call my master, just call my majesty or the leader of the alliance..."

"Yes! Master!

Bitterly grateful.

Qin Feng did this just to give him enough face in front of outsiders.

Anyone who sees a god who is at the peak of a god who is serious about God will be somewhat contemptuous.

Thinking of this, Shi Tie became even more determined to Qin Feng.

"Master, have all the sources of extreme yin been collected?"

"There is one more piece! Qing Lin has already gone to collect it... Hey!

Qin Feng suddenly raised his head and looked towards the east, which was where Qing Lin was.

"Master, what's wrong?"

"Qinglin is in trouble! Humph! Such a Huoyue Tianzun, who dares to touch the deity! Shit, let's go!"

As soon as Qin Feng waved his hand, the two disappeared out of thin air......

Meanwhile, in a canyon.

A fierce beast with the body of a tiger and the tail of a leopard, with its claws together, it protected a black crystal the size of a walnut under it.

That black crystal is the source of the extreme cathode.

The aura of this beast has reached the level of the Great Perfection of the True God.

At this moment, it stared at the group of people in front of it in horror.

There are two groups of people.

There was only one woman in the faction, and it was Qinglin.

The other faction is led by Huoyue Tianzun.

The nine people behind him are all disciples of Huoyue Mountain.

In other words, all the people from Huoyue Mountain are here.

The group of them did not separate, just to gather strength to deal with Qin Feng.

Unexpectedly, they did not find Qin Feng, but met Qinglin.

"Huoyue Tianzun, what do you mean? I discovered this source of extreme yin first!"

"Haha! Qinglin, are you joking?! I also discovered the psychic grass before, but Qin Feng robbed it. Now it's better, if it falls on you, won't I be allowed to grab it? 99

Qing Lin frowned: "Huoyue Tianzun, don't take your word for it! Qin Feng didn't rob you, but won a bet with you. Many people witnessed it at the time!

"Hehe! That's not because Qin Feng is strong, Huo has no choice but to obey!"

Qing Lin sneered: "Don't make yourself feel so wronged! You didn't think Qin Feng would lose before you gambled, but unfortunately you miscalculated..."

This sentence pierced Huoyue Tianzun's old bottom, making him embarrassed and blushing,

Immediately, he sneered: "You are right! But the deity was unconvinced before, and this time I want to gamble with Qin Feng again! Contact Qin Feng now and let him come over and gamble!

"What do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean? It's very simple! Let him bet again. If you win, the source of extreme yin belongs to you. If you lose, it belongs to us!"

Hearing this, Qing Lin was a little puzzled.

It stands to reason that the strength of the Huoyue Tianzun group has an absolute advantage.

If he really wanted (baeh) the source of extreme yin, he would just go up and grab it, why did he have to wait for Qin Feng to come forward?

If Qin Feng really came, I'm afraid they won't get anything.

Qinglin didn't believe it, Huoyue Tianzun couldn't figure it out.

Could it be that there is a conspiracy here?

Thinking of this, Qing Lin deliberately said: "That's it! My Majesty is on a treasure hunt and has no time to come here. This source of extreme yin, you can take it if you want! I don't want this girl! 35

As soon as the voice fell, Qing Lin was about to leave.

But he didn't want to, the surrounding sound moved in unison.

The people from Huoyue Mountain blocked Qinglin's way and surrounded her in the center.

Qing Lin's face changed slightly: "Huo Yue, what do you mean?"

"Haha! It's very simple! If Qin Feng doesn't come, don't even think about leaving! 35

Huoyue Tianzun grinned.

Qing Lin's face was a little ugly.

This guy seems to be trying to use himself to lead Qin Feng to come, isn't there really any trap?

If there is a trap, she will never let Qin Feng take the risk.

But only after this thought came up, Qin Feng's thought transmission sounded in her mind.

Qin Feng sent new instructions.

After Qing Lin finished listening, the eyes lit up.

In the next second, she looked at Tianzun Huoyue and pretended to be angry: "Huoyue, do you really want Qin Feng to come?"

"Of course! I'm going to take another bet with Qin Feng. I don't believe it, he can still win this time! 99

Huoyue Tianzun pretended to be unwilling.

Qing Lin sneered in his heart, knowing that he was pretending.

"Okay! This is what you asked for yourself!"

Qing Lin pretended to have a letter, picked up the communication jade, and sent a message to Qin Feng.

When Huoyue Tianzun saw this scene, his eyes showed joy.

After a while, Qing Lin finished sending the message.

"How is it? Qin Feng is willing to come over and gamble?"

"Of course! How could my Majesty be afraid of you?"

"Hehe! When will he arrive?

"Half an hour later!

"Very good! Last time, there was a third party to witness! This time, I can't be without witnesses! The deity is now calling some people to witness!

After Huoyue Tianzun finished speaking, he picked up the jade talisman and sent three messages in a row.

Qing Lin frowned: "Who did you send the message to?"

"You Youth League and our Huoyue Mountain are both top-level forces. This third-party witness is naturally a super-power talent, such as the people from Yaochi Mountain..."

Huoyue Tianzun smiled and put away the communication jade talisman.

As soon as his words fell, those Huoyue Mountain disciples secretly looked at each other and showed knowing smiles.

They all knew that their master plan was going to succeed, and Qin Feng was going to die here in a while.

It turned out that Huoyue Tianzun was using Qinglin as bait and gambling as an excuse to deceive Qin Feng.

On the other hand, he notified the people from Yaochi Mountain to come over, under the pretense of inviting witnesses.

In fact, he wanted to unite with the people from Yaochi Mountain and work together to destroy Qin Feng.

"Oh, so you are looking for someone from Yaochi Mountain to testify. It seems that you have a good relationship! They won't favor you, will they?"

Qing Lin deliberately asked.

"Hey! Don't worry! Yaochi Mountain is a superpower, and they will not take sides. At that time, the gambling fight between Qin Feng and I will be absolutely fair!"9

Huoyue Tianzun looked proud.

He thought that Qing Lin had been tricked.

"If it can be fair, it would be great! By the way, when will the people from Yaochi Mountain arrive at the earliest?"

"It will take half an hour at the earliest!"

Huoyue Tianzun has no doubts about it, and tells the truth.

Qing Lin got this information, but his eyes lit up, and his face showed joy.

Half an hour!

Enough Qin Feng to kill Huoyue Tianzun and others before Yaochi Mountain arrived.

Qing Lin quickly sent a message to Qin Feng.

Afterwards, the space above everyone's heads fluctuated for a while.

Everyone was alarmed and looked up, and saw Qin Feng walking out of the void...

Huoyue Tianzun was stunned for a while.

The disciples of Huoyue Mountain were also confused.

Doesn't it mean that Qin Feng will arrive in half an hour?

How did it arrive in the blink of an eye?

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