Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 901: Cultivation for breakthrough (seeking complete order)

Huoyue Tianzun was stunned for a while.

The disciples of Huoyue Mountain were also confused.

Doesn't it mean that Qin Feng will arrive in half an hour?

How did it arrive in the blink of an eye?

"Bring it!"

Qin Feng looked at Qinglin for the first time.

Qing Lin understood, and hurriedly threw the source of extreme yin that he had obtained long ago to Qin Feng. . . .

At the same time, the fierce beast that had been on the sidelines raised its claws and gave Qin Feng the source of extreme yin that it protected. . . .

This scene made Tianzun Huoyue and others stunned - forced!

what happened?

Why did this beast obey Qin Feng so much?

Do it like Qin Feng's subordinates.

But without waiting for them to think about it, Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing the two pieces of the source of extreme yin...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the source of extreme yin (2 pieces)... Your god base, true spirit, and heavenly soul have been successfully tempered by the source of extreme yin... Your physique has been promoted to the body of the moon saint... The host's combat power Raised to 9.5 trillion yuan..."

In the blink of an eye, Qin Feng's physique was promoted to the Moon Saint's body, which was astonishingly fast...

His aura also skyrocketed, piercing the sky...

Huoyue and others suddenly felt bad.

"Master, the situation is not right!

Huoyue couldn't help swallowing her saliva, and looked at Qin Feng with unease on her face.

Qin Feng's unusual series of operations completely disrupted his thinking...

At this moment, Qin Feng opened his eyes with joy.

His strength has increased greatly!

"Qin... Qin Feng, you... what did you do just now? Didn't you say you like to gamble? Why did you grab the source of extreme yin as soon as you came up..."

But before Huoyue Tianzun finished questioning, Qin Feng directly slapped the Huoyue crowd...

The supreme power instantly enveloped the audience!

That power suddenly reached the god-level level...

Everyone's face changed greatly.

"Huh! This is?

"No... not good!"

"Run away!

Huoyue Tianzun was so frightened that he turned and ran away first.

He never expected that Qin Feng's strength would increase so quickly.

But before he escaped dozens of meters, a phantom avatar and a rough figure rushed out from behind the woods, it was Shi Tie.

"Get back!"

Ba Tie raised the double-edged axe, and with one axe, the Huoyue Tianzun was shocked back...

Qin Feng's palm fell directly.


Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

A loud bang!

The disciples of Huoyue Mountain were shot, and they all fell on the spot...

Even Huoyue Tianzun's body was blasted on the spot by that terrifying palm...

The phantom avatar on the side also instantly sacrificed the Heaven Punishing Sword, turned into billions of sword lights, and blasted towards the Primordial Spirit of Huoyue...

Qing Lin also shot at the same time.

Qin Feng also put his hands down, the Creation God Fire and Sanqi Ancestor Water rolled down...

The fire and water blended together, swallowing all the blood mist in an instant...

The shrill screams kept coming out...


A soft sound!

Like an oil lamp withered out!

In just a moment, the primordial spirit of the Huoyue Tianzun was destroyed, and the body died.

The beasts on the side were dumbfounded!

A powerhouse at the pinnacle of the gods was wiped out like this, this speed is too fast!

In the next second, Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing all the blood mist energy......

"Ding~! The host has successfully swallowed a large amount of energy.... Your cultivation base has increased to 6% of the peak of the true god. The combat power has increased to 15 trillion yuan..."


Qin Feng was shocked, the bottleneck that had been stuck for a long time was instantly opened, and the momentum of the peak of the true god rose to the sky...

That supreme divine power is earth-shattering, and all beings within hundreds of millions of miles are shocked...

Si Tie and Qing Lin on the side were dumbfounded.

Especially Shi Tie, his heart was extremely shocked.

This is the pinnacle of God!

The master's combat power has reached the limit of the god level, which is simply unimaginable!

It can be seen that the master is much better than his father God!

After a long time, Qin Feng opened his eyes, and his face showed joy again.

He finally broke through!

Now, his combat power has reached 15 trillion yuan, plus the increase of 200 times, even if the three major gods join forces, they may not be able to do anything to him, and they may not even be his opponents.

In other words, he is the number one powerhouse in the south!

Of course, he is still a little far from the half-step eternity, and he is not even the top existence in God.

All god-level characters, without exception, are Jiuji God base.

The more you practice, the higher the requirements for God Foundation.

The limit of the Trinity God Base is the peak of the gods, and if you want to go further, you can only reshape the God base.

It is extremely difficult to reshape the God Foundation, and it is almost impossible, unless the remodeling is completed in the process of improving the physique.

Most people have never had such an opportunity in their entire life, so they have been stuck at the peak of the gods, and there is no possibility of promotion.

For example, among the top forces in the south, the Heavenly Venerate Minglin, who was once ranked second, was like this.

呲tie, Qinglin, and Huoyue Tianzun are all Jiuji God Bases, but there is a possibility to go further...

Of course, the Huoyue Tianzun has fallen, and there is no future....

As soon as Qin Feng waved his hand, he put away the trophies such as the storage ring in the arena.

Qing Lin and Pyridine happily leaned over.

"Qin Feng, your breakthrough should be stronger than most gods, right?

Qing Lin asked curiously.

Qin Feng nodded with a smile.

Qing Lin was instantly overjoyed and was extremely excited.

Shi Tie was even more shocked.

At this rate of progress, this new master will soon catch up with the strength of God the Father.

"Qin Feng, what you said is true. With your current strength, there is a way to destroy the Lord of Yaochi, right?

"There's still some heat! Besides, now is not the time to destroy her. If you destroy her, it will disturb the Bai clan. I will also use her to draw out the three masters sent by the Bai clan, but they have half a piece of inheritance in their hands. Jade's..."

·0 for flowers·

"That's right! The inheritance of the jade is very important to you. If you can collect all the jades, we will be able to enter and leave the market freely in the future.

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth twitched slightly: "These are not enough! If I want to gain a foothold in Guixu, I must have at least half a step of eternal strength. Besides, we have to retrieve the bones of your previous life, seek revenge from the Bai people, and snatch the Six Spirit Ancestors. Water. If there is no half-step eternal strength, it will be a waste to go!

"Qin Feng, I believe you can reach it soon!

Qing Lin smiled sweetly, his eyes full of light.

She is more confident than Qin Feng.

Qin Feng smiled without saying a word.

His current combat power has just reached the threshold of the gods of the gods of the gods.

The gods' combat power of the gods of the gods is 15 trillion to 20 trillion yuan.

But there are very few people in this world who have the gods of the gods, and there are not many in the entire god world.

As for the half-step eternal combat power, it is even more terrifying, and the light threshold is 40 trillion yuan.

In short, Qin Feng's current strength is among the best among God, and he is still far away from half-step eternity. . . .


"Qin Feng, who is this?'

Qing Lin looked at Shi Tie curiously.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce it, this is my new subordinate, named 呲tie. He was originally the Lord of the Nine Elements Universe... 39

Qin Feng gave a brief introduction.

Seeing that Qin Feng has won another capable general, Qing Lin felt very happy.

The two also got to know each other.

"Your Majesty, we have been delayed for a long time. Is the person from Yaochi Mountain coming soon?"

Shi Tie was a little impatient.

Their plan this time is not only to deal with Huoyue Tianzun, but also those people in Yaochi Mountain will not let go.

Qin Feng looked up in three directions.

After a while, he looked back and said: "The people from Yaochi Mountain are divided into three groups. At this moment, they are coming from three directions. 35

"The nearest group is coming from the west, and it will arrive in half an hour! Let's take the initiative to go over to face this group and destroy them one by one!

Shi Tie's eyes lit up: "This method is not bad!"

Qing Lin was also overjoyed: "It just so happens that your strength has greatly increased, it should be easy to destroy them!

"Haha!! Let's go! This time, let's give the Lord Yaochi a surprise! 35

Qin Feng dodged and hurried to the west.

The phantom clone, Tie Tie, and Qing Lin followed closely.

In a blink of an eye, the four of them disappeared into the vast jungle.

In the field, only the obscure beast remained.

At this moment, it looked at the direction Qin Feng was leaving, and was shocked.

This new master is really powerful!

However, this place doesn't seem to be safe anymore.

The vicious beast shrank and disappeared into the ground.

The field became quiet again, but there was a faint smell of blood in the air.

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