Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 902: Cocooning 1self

At the same time, in a canyon, a team of men and horses was rushing through.

This team is from Yaochi Mountain.

Leading the three, one is the peak of the gods, and the two are gods.

The rest are all above the true god, a total of ten people.

At this moment, these ten people are rushing towards the position of Huoyue Tianzun.

They want to unite with Huoyue Tianzun to kill Qin Feng!

But at this moment, there was a continuous sound of breaking air above everyone's heads.

Everyone was startled and raised their heads.

Swish~! Swish~! Swish~! Swish~!

Four shades in a row!

Qin Feng, phantom avatar, pyridoxine, and Qinglin appeared in turn.

"It's you!'

"Qin Feng!

"Hey! Qin Lei is here too! Who is that?"

Everyone in Yaochi Mountain was greatly surprised.

They were going to find Qin Feng.

But he didn't want to, Qin Feng brought it to the door himself.

Immediately, everyone turned to look at Shi Tie.

This person is very strange!

"Everyone, where are you going?"

Qin Feng asked knowingly.

The head of the Heavenly God Peak frowned slightly.

Immediately, he said arrogantly: "Qin Feng, aren't you going to gamble with Huoyue Tianzun! Huoyue Tianzun invited us to come and be a witness! You just arrived, so you are going to gamble. In this case, let's Let's go together!"

The man was arrogant.

He didn't take Qin Feng seriously from the bottom of his heart.

After all, he had never seen Qin Feng make a move, and he always felt that others had exaggerated Qin Feng's strength.

No matter how "four zero three" is said, Qin Feng is only a small true god, how can he compare with the gods!

Not only did he think so, but the nine people behind him also looked like they were watching a good show.

"Yeah! Qin Feng, we are all here to witness, you can come with us! Anyway, it's coming soon!

In the crowd, someone encouraged.

These people thought that Qin Feng had just arrived and had not met Huoyue yet, so they wanted to deceive Qin Feng so that they could join hands with Huoyue to kill Qin Feng.

Qin Feng felt amused when he heard it. ,

Qing Lin and Shi Tie both pouted.

These guys are dying and they don't even know it!

"Yeah! It's really a coincidence! A few, I'm not sure where the location is, please lead me down the road! 35

Qin Feng pretended to know nothing.

Everyone in Yaochi Mountain looked at each other with joy.

They thought to themselves that when they got to the assembly place, the other two groups should arrive too.

At that time, together with the people from Huoyue Mountain, they will make Qin Feng die without a place to be buried.

At the moment, the person in the lead said cheerfully: "Okay! Come with us!

As soon as the voice fell, everyone in Yaochi Mountain led the way.

When these people all turned their backs to Qin Feng, Qin Feng gestured with his eyes.

Qing Lin and Shi Tie understood.

The next second, Qin Feng, the phantom clone, Shi Tie, and Qing Lin shot at the same time, and suddenly slammed into the Yaochi Mountain crowd...

The four heavenly powers were connected together, and instantly enveloped everyone in Yaochi Mountain, and the momentum destroyed the sky and the earth...

"not good!"

"What are you doing?! 35

"This momentum... this... how is this possible! 35

"Quick! Run away!"

Everyone in Yaochi panicked.

They did not expect that Qin Feng and the four would attack.

But in the next breath, they were scared to death!

After Qin Feng's strength increased greatly, the momentum of that blow surpassed the true God, and it was extremely terrifying!

These people simply can't imagine!

What's even more frightening is that the phantom clone has one-third of Qin Feng's combat power, which is 5 trillion battle power, plus a 200-fold increase.

In this way, the strength of the phantom avatar has also reached the threshold of the god-level.

As a result, Qin Feng and the four joined forces, and the momentum was like the beginning of the heaven and the earth, which could obliterate all the avenues and destroy the heaven and earth...

Everyone in Yaochi Mountain was so frightened that they dared to resist at all, and they all screamed and ran away...

But it's too late!

They have lost their chance to escape!

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

Four loud bangs!

There was screaming in the field!

In an instant, everyone in Yaochi Mountain was blasted into blood mist!

In the next second, the Creation Divine Fire, Sanqi Zushui, the Four Swords of Execution, the Double-edged Giant Axe, and the Snow Divine Sword all attacked into the blood fog...

In just a moment, there were a few soft sounds in the blood mist!

The primordial spirits of the three great gods have all been destroyed!

In less than a minute, the ten-member team of Yaochi Mountain was wiped out, including one Heavenly God Peak, two Heavenly Gods...

They don't even have a chance to ask for help...

This is much more difficult than the time to put out the Moon Mountain, but the killing speed is several times faster...

This is naturally the influence of Qin Feng's increased strength...

"Haha!! These guys are all dead! Laozi has never killed so well!

呲 Tie picked up the giant axe and laughed excitedly.

Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing a lot of blood mist......

"Ding~! The host swallowed a lot of energy successfully.... Your cultivation base has increased to 11% of the peak of the true god... The combat power has increased to 16 trillion yuan..."

In the blink of an eye, Qin Feng's momentum skyrocketed, and his strength increased again.

He was pleased.

Shi Tie and Qing Lin were also very happy.

"Go! Let's go kill the second group! 35

With a wave of Qin Feng's hand, he put away many spoils.

Afterwards, the three of them rushed towards the second group of people...

Meanwhile, on the other side of the continent.

True God and Jiuyuan God both looked at the direction Qin Feng and the others were in shock. . . .

Just now, there was another earth-shattering loud noise.

The momentum of the sound completely reached the level of God, and it was not a single attack sound, like a melee.

The noise they heard was caused by Qin Feng and the others killing everyone in Yaochi Mountain.

"Brother Zhenji, the sound just now was extremely violent and continuous, like a melee! Could it be that another god-level spirit has invaded this continent?

"This..." True God frowned, "If this is the case, I'm afraid something will happen!

"Then let's go and have a look!" Jiuyuan God was a little anxious.


It's just that the two of them didn't notice that the Yaochi God on the side narrowed his eyes slightly, curved like a crescent moon.

She pondered in her heart that such a huge movement must have been caused by her subordinates and Fire Moon God working together to strike.

At this moment, I am afraid that Qin Feng has fallen.

Thinking of this, Yaochi God's eyes showed joy.

"Let's go~! Let's go and see! Fellow Daoist Yaochi, let's go too! 55

True God is worried about some surprises.

But the Lord of Yaochi hesitated for a moment.

She is awaiting subpoenas.

According to the agreement, Qin Feng will send her a message as soon as he dies.

But she waited for a long time, and there was no reply.

Could it be an accident, they haven't completely solved Qin Feng?

Thinking of this, she quickly rolled her eyes.

"You two, the little girl forgot to tell you something important.

"What's the matter?

"Just when the little girl came to look for the two of you, she passed by and found a suspicious figure that looked like a god-level figure."

"At that time, the little girl was in a hurry to meet you, so she didn't chase. Now the explosion sounded suddenly, reminding the little girl of that suspicious figure!

As soon as these words fell, Zhenji and Jiuyuan were surprised.

"Daoist fellow Yaochi, where did you find that figure?"

"It's not far from here! If the two are interested, the little girl will show you there now!

Yaochi was full of nonsense.

She didn't see anything suspicious at all.

She did this just to delay time for her subordinates, lest Zhenji and Jiuyuan arrive and ruin the plan to encircle Qin Feng.

She didn't know that Qin Feng was now hunting her people, not her people who were besieging Qin Feng.

All this is ironic!


Zhenji and Jiuyuan hesitated after hearing Yaochi's words.

"Fellow Daoist Yaochi, that loud noise just happened in the west, shouldn't we go there first to see what's going on?"

Jiuyuan God is a little puzzled.0

"Fellow Daoist Jiuyuan, this is not contradictory. When the little girl found a suspicious place, it was also in the west direction, very close to here. We can take a look along the way, maybe we can find some clues!"

Yao Chi is talking nonsense again, just to delay time.

"Makes sense!"

"Daoist fellow Yaochi, please lead the way!

Zhenji and Jiuyuan were persuaded.

"You two, come with the little girl!"

Immediately, the two left with the Lord of Yaochi.

Not long after the three left, there was another loud noise in the distance.

The three were shocked again.

But the noise soon ended.

The Lord of Yaochi thought to himself that it was indeed the case, the Qin Feng before was not completely dead, this time he should be dead!

This thought made her secretly happy.

But the true God and Jiuyuan God were uneasy and went to investigate again.

God of Yaochi persuaded again, saying that the suspicious place is coming soon, and it will not be delayed for long.

The two did not want to refute Yaochi's face, so they agreed.

Lord Yaochi deliberately took the two around to delay the time.

In fact, she was waiting for the news of Qin Feng's death.

What made her depressed was that she did not wait for the news of Qin Feng's death, but waited for the third loud noise.

This time, don't say that the True God and Jiuyuan God were shocked.

Yaochi God also felt that something was wrong.

Seems to be a big problem.

At the moment, regardless of the presence of Zhenji and Jiuyuan, she directly took out the communication talisman to contact her subordinates, but found that there was no response.

She suddenly felt cold all over, and secretly cried out.

Zhenji and Jiuyuan didn't care about Yaochi's strange behavior.

The two looked in the direction of the loud noise with gloomy expressions on their faces.

"Brother Zhenji, it seems that the problem is getting more and more serious!"

"Yeah! Three bangs! One faster! One more violent! Something must have happened! No matter how much, let's go straight to see!

"You two are right! The little girl also thinks it's time to go and have a look!""

Yaochi God's change of words surprised the two of them.

However, the two of Zhenji didn't think much about it, thinking that Yaochi realized the importance of the problem, so they no longer bothered with the previous small problems.

He didn't know that at this moment, the God of Yaochi was extremely uneasy.

She was extremely eager to go to the scene to see if something was wrong with her subordinates.

Immediately, the three of them rushed in the direction of the last loud noise...

At the same time, in the place where the sound exploded.

Qin Feng was suspended in the air.

The phantom clone, Shi Tie, and Qing Lin followed behind him.

In front of 4.7 is the blood fog that fills the sky.

Just now, the four of them joined forces to kill the last group of people.

So far, the people of Yaochi Mountain have been completely killed, leaving only the bare commander of the God of Yaochi.

At this time, Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing up the blood mist from the sky...

"Ding~! The host swallowed a lot of energy successfully.... Your cultivation base has increased to 28% of the peak of the true god... The combat power has increased to 18 trillion yuan..."

Qin Feng's whole body rose to the sky, and his strength skyrocketed again...

After a while, his momentum returned, all transformations were completed, and his bearing changed again, more fierce than before...

Si Tie on the side, the more he looks, the more shocked, the more he admires...

This host is so scary!

He witnessed with his own eyes that the master's strength was improving step by step.

At this rate, surpassing his Father God is inevitable.

"Qin Feng, the people in Yaochi Mountain and Huoyue Mountain are all gone, who will we deal with next?

This series of killings made Qing Lin's heart surge.

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "The three great gods are coming soon, it is not advisable to stay here for a long time!

As soon as the voice fell, he waved his hand, and the four disappeared out of thin air.

Not long after Qin Feng and the four left, light and shadow flashed in the air, and three figures flashed in succession.

The people who come are the three gods.

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