Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 903: Small Thousand World

As soon as the three gods arrived at the scene, they quickly looked around.

The field was in a mess, with traces of battle everywhere, a little blood on the ground, and a faint smell of blood still left in the air.

Apparently, a fierce battle has just happened here!

When Lord Yaochi saw this scene, he felt very uneasy in his heart.

"Brother, we are late again!

Jiuyuan God sighed.

He just swept around with his divine sense, and he didn't find any suspicious objects in a radius of hundreds of millions of miles.

"There is still an aura of broken primordial spirit in the air. It seems that some gods have fallen. It seems that there are more than one..."

The true God is the strongest, and the consciousness is also the strongest.

He actually caught some clues from the battle scene.

And as soon as his words fell, the face of Yaochi God on the side changed greatly.

Falling several gods at once, I am afraid that her subordinates will suffer.

But she didn't believe that with so many people joining forces, they couldn't destroy a Qin Feng?

Could it be that something unknown happened here?

She must find out ASAP!

Thinking of this, Lord Yaochi said: "You two, something must have happened! I'm afraid the problem this time is more serious than the last time!"

"The old man also has such concerns!""

True God is worried.

Jiuyuan God also nodded: "It seems that we can't stay here anymore. The three of us still summon everyone, let them gather quickly!

10 "Exactly! Come on, the little girl texts them now and asks them to assemble!"

The Lord of Yaochi couldn't wait to send a message to everyone.

She was really uneasy.

After Yaochi God finished sending the message, the three hurried to the meeting point.

At the same time, on another mountain.

Qin Feng stood at the top of the cliff, looking at the direction where the three of Yaochi left...

When the mountain wind hit, his long hair fluttered in the wind, his clothes squeaked, his eyes were bright and deep under his sword eyebrows, his bearing was handsome and majestic...

The scene at this moment made Qinglin a little crazy...

"Your Majesty, have those three left?"

呲 Tie asked curiously.

He does not have Qin Feng's ability to monitor the entire continent.

"Well, just left!

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

This time the task was successfully completed, and he was in a good mood.

"Qin Feng, the three major gods sent a message saying that another accident happened, and asked everyone to go to the meeting point to meet..."

Qinglin reported truthfully.

"Just know that! 95

Qin Feng looked back with a smile.

"Let's go! I'll go gather too..."

At that moment, Qin Feng was ready to leave.

But at this moment, he seemed to have discovered something, stopped again, and looked curiously at the other...

Shi Tie and Qing Lin couldn't help but stop, not daring to disturb...

At this moment, in which direction, in a mountain col.

Wen Yuan respectfully stood aside.

There are seven people in front of him, all of them are god-level powerhouses.

These are the northern gods mixed in.

It's just that these people didn't notice that a zerg shaped like an ant was lying in the grass not far away, peeping at them.

Qin Feng was seeing everything in the audience through the zerg's compound eyes.

What surprised him was that among the seven people, four were in the god realm, two were at the peak of the gods, and the last old man with white hair and beard was actually a strong god of perfection.

Moreover, these seven people are all face-to-face.

The only one who was familiar with him was that Wen Yuan.

But that Wenyuan was just a false god, Dzogchen, not even a true god, so he was very inconspicuous.

If he hadn't been with the disciples of Tiansheng Mountain, Qin Feng might not have remembered him.

But the scene in front of him made Qin Feng a little surprised.

How could this humble Wen Yuan be with so many unfamiliar gods, and even one of them was a god-level existence?

Qin Feng was puzzled, so he quietly observed.

At this moment, the gods in the north held the pass runes in their hands one by one and read the information inside.

After a while, the seven people put away the rune and talked in a low voice.

"Oh! The three of them have gathered everyone in the south again! I'm afraid something will happen again!"

"It should be related to the previous loud noise! ​​Look at the loud noise, there should be a god-level character shot..."

"Isn't the previous loud noise made by the three Zhenji?"

"Whether it is or not, it's not a good thing for the three of them to take action. It means that there is a huge threat lurking in this continent..."

"That's right! I don't know if the gods have disappeared this time? Last time, the ancestors of the gods disappeared silently.

"Haha! I want the old man to see, it would be good to have a few more missing! In this way, our chances of grabbing the spiritual root will be even greater..."

As soon as these words fell, everyone showed joy.

Immediately, another person said: "You said that after this incident is over, will the south be furious, so it will go to the north to settle accounts?""

"Haha!! With the strength of the south, do they dare to go to the north?"

"That's right! We only have seven people here this time, and the real main force is still sitting in the north!

Speaking of which, the northern gods are all proud.

They simply looked down upon the southern gods.

In the distance, Qin Feng eavesdropped on this, and was shocked.

These seven people are actually from the north!

Heavenly Sage Patriarch is really damn good!

He actually let the northern spies get in.

This trip to Linggen was really uneventful!

However, what Qin Feng is puzzled about is whether these northern gods are a little reckless?

Once their identities are exposed, aren't they worried that there is no way out?

This return to the ruins space is constantly changing, without the Nine Yuan God to lead the way, they can't return.

Just when Qin Feng was puzzled, there was a new movement in the field.

"Okay! Mao Ri and Wen Yuan, you should hurry up and meet, lest you go too late and they will suspect...


As soon as these words fell, one of the middle-aged men's body and face changed, and in a blink of an eye, he turned into the appearance of Kuiying.

This man is the God of Heaven.

In the next second, Wen Yuan waved his hand and took the other six people into his body.

Afterwards, Wen Yuan and Maori Tianshen rushed towards the meeting point...

Seeing this, Qin Feng suddenly realized.

He finally figured out the confidence of the northern gods.

Their confidence is Wenyuan!

You don't need to guess to know that Wenyuan is a master of the universe.

Qin Feng had tried it before, and the Lord of the Universe could be teleported back to the God Realm from the Returning Ruins.

The northern gods should have also discovered this secret, so they dared to infiltrate the team and plot the spiritual roots of heaven and earth.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng was both surprised and delighted.

To his surprise, the inconspicuous Wen Yuan was actually a master of the universe.

He is happy that as long as he captures Wenyuan's universe, he can create a small world!

This is very beneficial for him to create the God Realm!

To create the God Realm, you need enough big and small worlds as the foundation.

Wenyuan's strength is not strong, its universe should be very weak, and it can only be made into a small 403 thousand worlds.

However, the universes of Wenyuan and Jiuquan are different.

The universe of Jiuquan is broken, and Qin Feng needs to collect the fragments of inheritance jade one by one.

Wenyuan's universe is complete, you can use it when you grab it!

What's more, the small world can also grow and grow slowly to form the big world...

Qin Feng's eyes are getting brighter and brighter, looking at the direction Wen Yuan is going, it's like seeing a moving treasure house.

However, he quickly calmed down.

Na Wenyuan was surrounded by seven gods, one of whom was a god-level powerhouse.

These seven people join forces, I am afraid that they are stronger than the true God.

If he wants to snatch Wenyuan's universe, he has to make a good plan, and he can't take it head-on.

Otherwise, he would not be able to maximize his interests if he attracted the involvement of the three major gods.

More importantly, Wenyuan is the master of the universe.

If Qin Feng's blow fails, that guy is likely to escape into his own universe, and then escape from the ruins.

In this way, he will be empty in the bamboo basket...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng thought to himself that he had to take a long-term view.

Immediately, he withdrew his vision, and Qing Lin's question came from his ears.

"Qin Feng, did you find something?

"I found an interesting thing, and I will tell you later. Let's go, let's meet! 99

Qin Feng smiled slightly and took the lead to leave.

呲tie, Qinglin, and phantom clones followed closely.

The group soon disappeared into the vast jungle.

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