Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 908 Stealing the Dragon and Turning the Phoenix

Qing Lin and Shi Tie were all overjoyed.

With the addition of the phantom avatar, it means that they have an extra god-level helper...

In fact, the combat power of the phantom clone has reached more than 8 trillion yuan, and with a 200-fold increase, it can overwhelm the Jade Pool God...

"Forgive your life! Little friend, spare your life!

The Lord Luling roared in horror...

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

The sound of fierce attacks continued!

With the addition of the phantom avatar, the aura of God Luling plummeted all the way...

Qing Lin and Shi Tie were both overjoyed.

They finally saw the hope of killing Lu Ling.

Having said that, it's really hard to kill a god-level powerhouse, it is dozens of times harder than killing the peak of the gods...

In fact, Qin Feng's current speed of killing God is faster than that of a half-step eternal powerhouse.

This is all because he has the Creation God Fire and Sanqi Ancestral Water...

These two kinds of strange things are designed to overcome the primordial spirit, and they cooperate with each other, and their power is stronger.

After a few minutes, the Lord Luling finally couldn't hold on anymore, and became like a gossamer...

Qin Feng couldn't help showing a happy expression.

But at this moment, there were three air-breaking sounds in the distance, and the speed was extremely fast!

"No! The three gods are here!

Qing Lin exclaimed.

Qin Feng frowned and became anxious.

He repeatedly urged the seals to launch attacks with all his strength...


With an incomparably shrill scream, the primordial spirit of Lord Lu Ling finally collapsed and turned into stars in the sky.

"Ding! The host succeeded in killing a god of great perfection...getting 101 trillion karma..."

"Haha!! This guy is finally dead!

Iron ecstasy!

"Go! 99

Qin Feng was extremely anxious.

As soon as he waved his hand, he took Si Tie and Qing Lin into the double universe.

The phantom clone 10 also waved at the same time, and put the blood fog in the sky into a storage ring.

In the next second, one person and one clone disappeared out of thin air at the same time.

As soon as Qin Feng left, three lights and shadows flashed continuously in the field, which were the three gods who came quickly.

"Huh! Why did the breath suddenly disappear again!

"Hey! I'm still one step late!"

True God and Jiuyuan God were extremely annoyed.

Up to now, they always felt that there was a devil around them along the way.

They vaguely felt that the disappearance of the gods several times seemed to have been murdered by the same group of people, because the methods were very similar each time...

"This time, the gods should be missing again..."

Yaochi God's nose moved slightly.

She smelled the bloody smell in the air, as well as the breath of Yuanshen fragments.

Primordial spirit, only the gods have it.

When the primordial spirit is broken, its life will die!

"You two, do you feel that this journey is very strange, as if someone is secretly eyeing us..."

The voice of the true God is very low.

Jiu Tianzhu and Yaochi Tianzhu couldn't help but change their expressions.

The two thought about it for a while, and it seemed that this was the case, and suddenly felt a little cold on their backs...

"Right! That last shrill scream, does it sound familiar to you? 99

The true God suddenly spoke again.

Before, they were very close to the battlefield, and naturally they heard the screams of God Lu Ling.

"Hey! Brother Zhenji, don't talk about it. When you mention it, I also feel that the scream is a bit familiar, very similar to the voice of God Luling in the northern part of the God Realm..."

As soon as Jiuyuan God's voice fell, Yaochi God's eyes widened.

"My God! I thought it was a little girl's illusion, but you also feel like the voice of God Luling! 99

"Strange! The old man also feels like Lu Ling's voice!"

"This... No way! How can people from the northern part of the God Realm come in here?"

The three gods were stunned.

As the leading figures in the southern part of the God Realm, and in order to safeguard the interests of the southern part, they often contacted the high-level officials of other forces in the God Realm.

There are five major gods in the northern part of the God Realm, and Luling God is one of them.

The three of them knew each other naturally.

"You two, listening to the screams just now, it seems that something happened to Lu Ling.

"This... it's impossible! Lu Ling is also a great perfection powerhouse, who can destroy him? Unless it's a half-step Eternal Realm powerhouse, but here..."

Jiuyuan God shook his head again and again.

Zhenji and Yaochi looked contemplative.

After a while, Zhenji took a deep breath: "Anyway, this old man feels very unsafe here, and always feels that there is an extremely terrifying existence hidden in the dark, if that existence is a half-step Eternal Realm powerhouse, this old man believes... ."

Hearing this, Jiu Yuan and Yao Chi looked at each other and became even more uneasy.

Immediately, Jiu Yuan said in a low voice, "You two, it is not advisable to stay here for a long time, let's evacuate quickly! 35

"That's what the old man means!

"By the way, two, the little woman found a strange imagination."

"What phenomenon? 99

"The little girl always felt that Qin Feng was a little weird. This time, she followed him quietly to see if there was anything unusual. But she didn't want to. Follow him, and the boy disappeared strangely..."

Having said that, the Yaochi God deliberately paused.

She always draws her attention to Qin Feng, intentionally or unintentionally. …

Sure enough, her words fell.

True God and Jiuyuan God couldn't help but look at each other, and there was a hint of surprise in each other's eyes.

But then, Lord Jiuyuan shook his head slightly: "Daoist fellow Yaochi, do you have any prejudice against little friend Qin Feng? Jiumou felt that this series of strange events should have nothing to do with him!

"The old man also thinks it has nothing to do with him! Little friend Qin Feng does not have that strength!

The true God also agrees.

"Ha!", Lord Yaochi sneered, "That's not necessarily true! Qin Feng doesn't have that strength, who knows if the person behind him has that strength?"

As soon as these words came out, it was like a thunderbolt, which made the two of Zhenji think of something and were shocked.

Immediately, the true God said in shock: "Daoist fellow Yaochi, do you mean that Qin Feng cooperates with outsiders and has been working in secret all the time?"

"The little girl thinks it's very possible!

Lord Yaochi smiled coldly.

Over the past few days, she has been unable to figure out how many of her men have been encircling and suppressing Qin Feng, but all of them have disappeared without a sound. In all likelihood, the entire army has been wiped out.

She didn't believe that those people were killed by Qin Feng.

In the end, she thought of a possibility, that is, there is an expert behind Qin Feng.

"Daoist fellow Yaochi, do you have any evidence for saying that?"

"This.... the evidence is no!""

The Lord of Yaochi is not good to ask his subordinates to encircle Qin Feng.

Immediately, her eyes rolled: "Although there is no evidence, Qin Feng's behavior is too strange. For example, this time, he disappeared under the eyes of the little girl without a sound. Don't you two feel strange?"5

"You know, even under the surveillance of the two little women, it would be difficult to disappear without a sound, right? Not to mention, that Qin Feng is only a true god, and his comprehensive strength is only the peak of the gods...

Hearing this, True God and Jiuyuan God couldn't help but look at each other.


If you say that, Qin Feng is really weird.

"Fellow Daoist Yaochi, although you have some truth in what you said, you can't judge that there is something wrong with little friend Qin Feng based on this! 99

"Fellow Daoist Jiuyuan, how do you explain Qin Feng's strange disappearance?

"You two, don't argue. Since you are in doubt, why don't we convene everyone and ask Qin Feng in person, and ask him to give a reasonable explanation. No, that's fine. 35

"That's right! That's what the little girl meant.

Yaochi God finally smiled.

She had long suspected Qin Feng.

This time, she wants to see how Qin Feng explains it?

If she couldn't explain it clearly, she would naturally not let it go.

Immediately, the three of them reached an agreement and hurriedly left the battlefield...

It's just that the three of them didn't find out from the beginning to the end, a zerg that looked a lot like a seven-star ladybug, had been lying quietly under a leaf, and listened to all the conversations of the three in the field...

Meanwhile, on the other side of the continent.

Beside a small stream, Qin Feng overheard the words of the three gods through the seven-star zerg...

After the three gods left, he also withdrew his sight.

"Your Majesty, how is the situation?"

Behind Qin Feng, the voice of Star Master Ziwei sounded.

Qing Lin and Shi Tie also showed concern.

Before, Qin Feng used the space to summon, and instantly teleported to the side of the star Lord Ziwei, only to avoid the three gods in time...

"Then Yaochi God's heart will not die if I die, and now I encourage the True God and Jiuyuan God to ask me why I suddenly disappeared before..."

Qin Feng simply said what he had overheard before.

After the three Ziwei heard this, their expressions changed slightly.

"Your Majesty, the trouble is now.

"Yeah! The three of them asked you to explain how to disappear out of thin air, you can't tell your identity as the Lord of the Universe, right?

The three Ziwei frowned, feeling that things were a little tricky.

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "This matter is easy to solve! Don't they want to ask me face-to-face? If I am gone, who will they ask? If there is no one to ask, then there is no loophole.

"Er? Your Majesty, what do you mean..."

Star Master Ziwei looked puzzled.

Qinglin and pyridoxine were also puzzled.

Qin Feng smiled slightly and looked at the phantom avatar.

The phantom avatar understood, and with a wave of his hand, monstrous blood surged out.

These are the energies left behind after the death of Lord Luling.

Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing it all....

In the next second, his aura continued to skyrocket...

The three star masters of Ziwei were both surprised and delighted to see...

After a long time, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, his face full of ecstasy.

God-level energy is extremely powerful!

After absorbing the energy of God Luling, his cultivation progress increased to 47% of the true god peak, and his combat power increased to 27 trillion yuan.

In this way, the combat power of even the phantom clones is close to 10 trillion yuan, which can be compared with the true god....

Qin 403 Feng pondered for a while, then waved his hand, and dozens of storage rings flew towards the phantom avatar.

The phantom avatar took the storage ring, dodged, and burrowed into Qin Feng's body.

As soon as Qin Feng's thoughts moved, he activated the Heaven Confusion Technique and turned into a phantom avatar.

Seeing this place, the three Star Master Ziwei were stunned.

"Your Majesty, why do you want to become a phantom clone?"

Star Master Ziwei looked puzzled.

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Isn't Yaochi going to force me to ask me? Unfortunately, I am Qin Lei now, how did Qin Feng disappear out of thin air, she shouldn't have come to ask me..."

The three Ziwei suddenly realized.

Immediately, the three of them were overjoyed.

"Your Majesty, you are too smart! You pretended to be Qin Lei, and said that you were missing yourself. In this way, the three gods were speechless, and they even had to sympathize with us for the loss of the leader...

"Not bad! Not bad! Your Majesty's move has completely cleared the suspicion."

Star Master Ziwei and Shi Tie were both amazed.

Qing Lin asked curiously, "Qin Feng, you just gave the phantom avatar so many storage rings, did you have any new arrangements?"

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "You're smart! I just got a small universe, but it can't be of great use. If you want it to be of great use, you have to evolve it into a small world, which will consume a lot of resources."

"I put a lot of resources in the storage ring for the phantom avatar. I asked him to use those resources to evolve the small universe into a small thousand world in the next few days, so he will not have it in the next few days. It's time to show up, and I'm just pretending to be him..."

Hearing this, the three of Qinglin suddenly realized.

This is really doing two birds with one stone!

Actually, Qin Feng didn't say a word.

If Xiaoqian World's evolution is completed, his strength will skyrocket again.

Next, the Lord of Yaochi and the Bai people are about to take action.

He must improve his strength as soon as possible in order to annihilate this group of people in one fell swoop.

At that time, he will tell all the truth to the public....

It was at this moment that the common rune of everyone came with information.

"Your Majesty, the three gods have called us to gather..."

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Then let's gather! 99

Immediately, the group rushed to the meeting point.

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