Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 909 The fox's tail is exposed

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Let's gather then!"

Immediately, the group rushed to the meeting point...

Five hours later, at the meeting point, everyone in the south had already assembled.

After the inventory this time, everyone found that only three people were missing, namely Qin Feng, Wen Yuan, and Kui Ying.

That Kuiying is the disguise of Maori Tianshen, and her apparent cultivation is a false god, Great Perfection.

Wen Yuan is also a pseudo-god of Great Perfection.

No one cared about the disappearance of these two people.

But Qin Feng's disappearance shocked everyone.

In their opinion, Qin Feng is the first genius in the south, his potential surpasses everyone else, and he is also the most promising talent in the south to break through to the Eternal Realm.

But Qin Feng actually disappeared during this expedition, which made everyone feel very sorry.

Both the True God and Jiuyuan God are heartbroken.

They are extremely optimistic about Qin Feng, and even pin the future development of the south on Qin Feng.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng disappeared.

In the crowd, only God of Yaochi was surprised and delighted.

She originally wanted to question Qin Feng in person, so as to dig out Qin Feng's trump card, but she didn't expect that guy to disappear.

The way of disappearing is very similar to that of Huoyue Tianzun, it seems that the bad luck is less...

With this thought, she swept away the gloomy mood of the past few days, and her mood was greatly improved.

"Qin Lei, can you really find Qin Feng?

True God asked.

He didn't know that Qin Lei in front of him was Qin Feng.

"Master Huizhen, this junior has already searched around and sent messages to my elder brother many times, but there is no response. It seems that my elder brother is more fortunate than luck, hey~!"

Qin Feng pretended to be anxious.

"Sir, if you give us a little more time, we'll look for it again!"

"Yeah! I believe that the leader of the alliance is just trapped somewhere, we can look for it and we can find it back..."

Qinglin and Ziwei star masters also cooperated with the acting and sent requests one after another.

Hongyue and others also pretended to be sad.

In the eyes of outsiders, the entire Youth League looked uneasy, and many people showed sympathy.

"Brother Zhenji, Jiu also thinks to look for it again~"!"

Jiuyuan God also made a proposal.

In fact, he and Zhenji God had already searched for it again, and naturally he did not find any trace of Qin Feng.

But he is not happy!

He was unwilling to accept it, and SAARC lost a peerless genius in this way.

"Hey~! This..."

True God smiled wryly.

Reason told him that Qin Feng could not be found.

They searched again, and it was in vain.

"Two, the little girl thinks there is no need to look for it!"

Lord Yaochi suddenly spoke.

Everyone in the field was stunned.

Qin Feng pretended to be annoyed: "Master Yaochi, why do you say that?

Seeing Qin Feng's annoyed look, Yao Chi thought that Qin Feng was really in a hurry, and felt a burst of schadenfreude in his heart, very comfortable.

On the surface, she said solemnly: "Qin Lei, we have already looked for the three major gods, and your Youth League people have also looked for Qin Feng, but Qin Feng has not been found! Even when you sent a communication, Qin Feng did not respond. "

"The situation this time is very similar to the previous two, I'm afraid he's already out of luck, and it's futile to look for him any more, hey~! 99

Speaking of the end, Yaochi Tianzhu pretended to sigh and pretended to be regretful.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng wanted to snicker.

I wonder if this woman will collapse after knowing the truth?

At this time, Yaochi continued: "Besides, Qin Feng's strength can be silently disappeared, plus the loud noise before, it shows that there is an extremely terrifying existence hidden behind this continent. 99

"According to my speculations with Zhenji and Jiuyuan, maybe there is a half-step Eternal Realm hidden behind this continent, so this place is extremely unsafe, we should evacuate as soon as possible..."

As soon as these words came out, the audience panicked.

No way?

Is there a half-step Eternal Realm hidden behind this continent?

If so, that would be terrifying!

Zhenji and Jiuyuan also frowned slightly.

They are also worried about this.

After a while, the true God sighed heavily: "That's it! This place is really not safe, let's evacuate!

After saying this, he sighed helplessly.

Making this decision is equivalent to giving up Qin Feng, and he is naturally entangled in his heart.

But he has to consider all his life!

Qin Feng pretended to be hesitant to speak.

Everyone in the Youth League also showed sadness, and their acting skills were high and low.

But in the eyes of Yaochi God, this is a beautiful scenery.

The sadder the people of the Youth League are, the happier she is.

At the same time, she also breathed a sigh of relief.

She was really worried that everyone would continue to look for it and found Qin Feng.

She didn't want Qin Feng to survive...

In this way, everyone reached a consensus and left the continent with a heavy heart...

In the next few days, the group encountered several continental fragments one after another.

It's just that there are accidents one after another, and everyone no longer dares to stay for too long, and only stay on each continent for one day...

After experiencing Qin Feng's disappearance, the Lord of Yaochi completely gave up his suspicion of Qin Feng and stopped paying attention to the movements of the members of the Youth League...

Qin Feng took this opportunity to re-sacrifice the two pieces of broken jade that he had obtained before, and fuse them together.

Those two pieces are the jade ultimatum of heaven, and after re-integration, it is a complete inheritance jade ultimatum.

At this point, Qin Feng has two complete jade ultimatums in his hands, one is from hell and the other is from heaven.

He also lacks the inheritance jade ultimatum from the human world and the outer world.

With the four pieces of inheritance jade in his hand, he can reorganize the universe of Jiuquan and evolve it into a great world...

Time passed quickly, five days passed in a blink of an eye, and everyone was not far from the location of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth.

That is to say, on this day, everyone encountered a super continent with extremely rich resources, which was very tempting to everyone.

The three gods discussed and decided to stay on that continent for three days.

Afterwards, the crowd dispersed to hunt for treasures.

A quarter of an hour later, in a remote jungle, the figures of Yaochi God and Jiuyuan God appeared.

`Daoist fellow Yaochi, are you telling the truth? There really is the treasure you said in that place?

At this moment, Jiuyuan God looked excited.

"Of course! The little girl has a deep impression on this continent. Last time, the little girl found that treasure, but unfortunately, the little girl couldn't get it by herself, so she wanted to invite Brother Jiuyuan to help."

"Of course, the little girl also wants to invite fellow Daoist Zhenji. Unfortunately, that treasure is only enough for two people to share. With three people, it's not easy to share.

Lord Yaochi lied.

Lord Jiuyuan nodded slightly, feeling that there was some truth to it.

"Fellow Daoist Yaochi, let's go quickly! This time, we will only stay for three days, so as not to delay the trip!


At the moment, the two left Joe in a hurry.

Not long after the two left, Qin Feng emerged from the back of the woods.

He looked at the backs of Yaochi and the two leaving and couldn't help sneering.

He knew that Yaochi must be deceiving Jiuyuan.

It seems that she is going to attack Jiuyuan God.

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