Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 910 Bai's Ambush

It was at this moment that Qing Lin's voice sounded in Qin Feng's mind.

"Qin Feng, what is Yaochi doing sneakily? Isn't she cheating Jiuyuan?"

Qin Feng smiled coldly: "You guessed right, she should start. If she doesn't start, she will reach the place where the spiritual roots of heaven and earth are, and she will not have much chance. 99

Qing Lin was anxious: "This woman is really Damn it! Qin Feng, don't let her succeed! 35

"Master, please save Jiu Yuan!

The sound of ironing resounded in Qin Feng's mind again.

This time, Qin Feng put both of them into the double universe.

"Don't worry! I won't let Yaochi succeed! 35

"Thank you master!"

There was some gratitude in his tone.

He and Jiuyuan have known each other for a long time.

He was a congenital being in the Jiuquan universe back then, and he was the best among them.

Jiuyuan is the master of the human world of the Jiuquan universe.

The two are old acquaintances, their strengths are also equal, and they have a friendship of their own.

It's just that after the death of the master of the universe in Jiuquan, Jiuyuan escaped back to the realm of the gods, and by chance, he broke through to the great consummation of the gods.

呲 Tie has been plagued by pain for trillions of years, and his cultivation base has not advanced an inch, otherwise he would have been a god-level powerhouse long ago.

In any case, he didn't want to see the old acquaintance being murdered by Yaochi.

At the moment, Qin Feng dodged and followed quietly...

"Qin Feng, you must be careful, Yaochi is a god-level powerhouse, you can't get too close..."

Qing Lin's reminder sounded in Qin Feng's ear at the same time.

The tone was full of tension.

This time, Qin Feng has to face the alliance of Yaochi and Bai people, but the other party has several god-level powerhouses.

She was naturally nervous.

Not only her, but Si Tie was equally nervous.

Just like that, Qin Feng quietly followed..

On the other side, Yaochi and Jiuyuan were marching all the way.

They did not find that Qin Feng was also following him.

The destination of the two was a small valley hundreds of millions of miles away.

At this moment, four strange-looking people appeared in 403 in that small valley.

These four people have high nose bridges, white skin, blond curly hair, and a red vertical line between the eyebrows.

These four people belonged to the Bai clan in Guixu.

Among the four, the three older ones are God-level powerhouses, with extremely extraordinary aura, and none of them are under the Nine-Yuan God.

And the youngest person is only at the god level, and can barely transform into a human form.

There are slightly raised meat buns on both sides of his forehead, which are animal horns that have not been completely removed.

The transformation of this ghost of the ruins is much more difficult than other creatures.

At this time, these four people are discussing actions.

"Bai Mo, has Yao Chi acted?"

The three strong Bai people looked at the weakest one.

That guy is called White Moose.

A trillion years ago, his cultivation realm was only at the true god level.

That is when, by chance, he got a piece of inheritance jade and refined it.

That jade is a jade that is inherited from the heavens and the sky of the Jiuquan universe, and it is still a complete piece.

Even Yao Chi didn't understand this, she thought it was a broken jade.

In short, the white elk became the master of the sky.

Right now, this continent is the largest piece of the continent in the outer world, and all the beasts worship him.

In other words, all movements in this continent are under his supervision.

This is also the reason why the Bai people choose to do it here.

"Three elders, Bai Mo just observed it, Yaochi has already deceived Jiuyuan. According to the distance, you can arrive here in about half an hour. 35

As soon as these words came out, the three Bai clan elders all showed joy.

"It's good if you can deceive! So that we don't lie in ambush for nothing. Having said that, this woman in Yaochi is quite capable..."

"Haha!! If it weren't for her help, we still don't know when the Liuling Ancestral Water of the Bai people will be successfully refined!

"Yeah! Over the years, she has deceived four gods of the gods to come here. We Bai people only caught one by our own means. Without her help, it would be impossible!"

"Haha! If it wasn't for that woman being extremely selfish, how could she help us? You don't have to be so grateful to her. Having said that, we only need the last corpse of God to refine the Six Spirit Ancestral Water. I hope this time There will be no mistakes.

"Yeah! As long as we take back the Jiuyuan God this time, we should be able to refine the Six Spirit Ancestral Water within a few decades. At that time, the holy egg will be cultivated with the Six Spirit Ancestral Water, and the hatching date can be expected... .."

"Holy egg! Tsk tsk! As long as we hatch it and ask it to reward holy blood, we will be able to condense primordial spirits like the souls of the gods. defective….."

As soon as these words fell, the three elders of the Bai clan all showed excitement, full of expectations.

Compared with the spirits of the gods, the ghosts of returning to the ruins have strange methods, making the spirits of the gods hard to guard against.

The defect of the returnable ruins spirit monster is also very obvious, that is, the primordial spirit cannot be condensed until the Eternal Realm.

Even the spirits of the half-step Eternal Realm have no primordial spirit.

In this way, as long as they are beheaded once, they will disappear completely.

This made the disciples of the Bai tribe extremely envious of the creatures in the God Realm.

Later, they discovered a secret technique, that is, to cultivate holy eggs with the Ancestral Water of the Six Spirits, and then take the blood of the holy eggs to refine, and then they can condense the primordial spirit at the level of the gods...

Now, they have everything ready and only owe Dongfeng, the materials of the Six Spirit Ancestral Water are the last corpse of God who cultivates the water system.

Jiuyuan God is the God of the water system, and it is their goal.

Of course, the Lord of Yaochi is also the Lord of the Water Element, but he is their ally, and that is untouchable.

"Three elders, after a while, the Jiuyuan God will come, how confident are you to capture him? 35

White Moose is still a little worried.

But as soon as his words came out, one of the elders sneered.

"Heh! Bai Mo, you're worrying too much. We have three God-level combat powers here, plus Yaochi, there are four. You said four-on-one, and it's a surprise, is it difficult to capture him?

Hearing this, Bai Mi heaved a sigh of relief: "That's good! The younger generation is afraid that something will go wrong and attract the True God, which will cause some trouble.

The elder still disdain: "Even if the true God comes, he can't stop it. If it's a big deal, we will kill it completely. The only thing to lose is God of Yaochi. She still wants to retain the power in the southern part of the God Realm."

Bai Mo was surprised: "Why did she do that?"

The elder smiled coldly: "That woman has great ambitions! She also wants to dominate the southern part of the God Realm in the future and become the unique queen of (baeh). In this case, she naturally does not want the southern part to be killed or injured too much.

"But what does this have to do with us? If the true God dares to make trouble, we will kill what we should. Even if we kill all these southern players, there will be no loss to us, even Yaochi can do nothing, after all, there is no such thing in our contract with her. It is an obligation, so it is not a breach of contract..."

Bai Mo suddenly realized.

At this time, another elder said: "Bai Mo, look at the situation over Yaochi, and see when they can arrive..."

"Yes! Elder! 9

As soon as Bai Mo's mind moved, he connected his vision with the beasts.

Soon, he discovered the location of Yaochi and Jiuyuan.

The two were rushing towards this side.

Looking at the speed and distance, it will take more than a quarter of an hour to arrive.

It can be seen that Jiuyuan God has no doubts from beginning to end.

Bai Mo smiled slightly, secretly thinking that everything was going well.

But just when he was about to withdraw his vision, he suddenly discovered something, and his expression was slightly taken aback.

In the next second, his vision changed, and soon, thousands of miles behind Yaochi, he saw a young man who was coming here quietly.

Looking at that appearance, it seems to be following Yaochi and Jiuyuan.

The white moose frowned involuntarily.

In fact, the person he saw was Qin Feng.

"White Moose, what's wrong?"

An elder soon discovered that Bai Mo's expression was wrong.

"Three elders, I found that Lord Yaochi seems to be being followed.

"What? Yaochi is being followed?

"Who is it? Wouldn't it be the true God?"

The three elders frowned.

If the true God followed, things would be tricky, at least the success rate of catching the Jiuyuan God alive would be reduced.

"Back to the elder, that person is a young man, and the cultivation base seems to have only the peak of the true god...․"

White Moose withdrew his vision.

The three elders couldn't help laughing after hearing his words.

"Haha! This elder thought that Zhenji was following, but it turned out to be just a little ant at the peak of the true god. If he wants to follow, let him follow! When the time comes, just kill him!

"Yeah! The little ant at the pinnacle of True God, I can kill him in seconds with just one hand!

"Three elders, should we remind God of Yaochi?"

White Moose proposed carefully.

An elder hurriedly shook his head: "Don't! Yaochi is with Jiu Yuan now. If we rashly send her a message, it will inevitably cause Jiu Yuan's suspicion.


The other two joined in.

Bai Mo also felt that it made sense, so he didn't say any more.

They didn't know that this young man they looked down on was the real big evil star.

On the other side, at the moment when Bai Mi retracted his vision, Qin Feng felt something and couldn't help frowning.

"Qin Feng, what's wrong?"

Qing Lin immediately noticed that Qin Feng's expression was different.

"It seemed like someone was spying on me just now..."

Qin Feng's voice transmission.

Qing Lin was shocked: "Who would it be?

Qin Feng didn't say a word, his consciousness swept all around, hundreds of millions of miles in an instant.

Soon, he found a moth-like zerg peeking at him under a big tree.

Seeing this, he suddenly realized, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Your Majesty, who is spying on you?

Shi Tie also asked curiously.

"If I'm not mistaken, it's someone from the Bai people. That guy should have a piece of inheritance jade in his hand..."

Qin Feng's eyes lit up when he mentioned the inheritance of jade.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?

Qing Lin and Shi Tie were a little worried.

"Don't worry! We'll just keep following..."

Qin Feng smiled slightly, and followed the two of Yaochi again...

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, your phantom clone has successfully transformed the Weyuan universe into the Xiaoqian world.... The host has gained a lot of combat power back... Your combat power has increased to 30 trillion...

Qin Feng's eyes lit up and his heart was ecstatic.

Good luck too!

Just before the battle was about to start, his strength skyrocketed again.

Not only that, the phantom clone can also come out to help.

This time, the Lord of Yaochi and the Bai people are dead!

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