Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 915: Yaochi's End

In the last despairing roar, the third giant beast also fell, turning into the energy of water mist in the sky, mighty and mighty...

Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing it all...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for swallowing a lot of water energy... Your cultivation base has increased to 76% of the peak of the true god, and the combat power has increased to 45 trillion yuan..."

The combat power has increased a lot!

This third behemoth is obviously the strongest.

Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, his face full of joy.

Today, his combat power is 45 trillion Yuan, fully reaching the level of half-step eternity.

Half-step Eternal's combat power range is 40 trillion to 80 trillion.

However, his cultivation is the pinnacle of True God, and his future achievements are immeasurable...

Jiuyuan God is reminiscing about old times with Ge Tie.

When he saw Qin Feng open his eyes, he hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

"Master Qin Feng, thanks to your help this time, Jiu's life has been saved!"

God Jiuyuan bowed respectfully to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "You and I are both from the South Alliance, you don't need to be polite, and you don't need to call yourself an adult...

Jiuyuan panicked: "Sir, God Realm has always respected strength. With your current strength, you are worthy of the title of 'sir'. Jiu can't repay the life-saving grace of adults. If you send in the future, Jiu will Obedience"

As soon as these words fell, the corners of his iron mouth curled.

"Jiuyuan, don't talk about these falsehoods. If you want to repay your life-saving grace, give half of the inheritance jade in your hand to my master..."

Lord Jiuyuan was taken aback: "Master Qin Feng needs it?

The corners of Shi Tie's mouth twitched: "That's right! My master has collected three complete 403 inheritance jade stubs, and this last piece is just short of it. You gave that half to my master, and it just happened to be a beautiful thing..."

Hearing this, Lord Jiuyuan seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly looked at Qin Feng.

"Master Qin Feng, are you the master of the universe?"

Qin Feng smiled and nodded in recognition.

With his current strength, there is nothing to be afraid of saying this.

But when Jiuyuan and Zhenji saw this, their eyes glowed with surprise.

Tens of trillions of years!

Back then, there was the Lord of Jiuquan Universe in the southern part of the God Realm, and he had a good position in the God Realm.

But after the death of the Lord of the Universe in Jiuquan, the south suddenly became the bottom existence, and it has been crowded out by the eight major forces for tens of trillions of years.

As long as there are good resources and good things in the God Realm, the southern part can't even drink a sip of soup.

This is really because the southern power is too weak!

Not to mention dividing resources, it would be nice not to be extorted from resources.

Now, there is finally another Lord of the Universe in the south.

What surprised them even more was that Qin Feng was obviously more talented and had stronger potential than Jiuquan.

At that time, when Jiuquan's cultivation reached the peak of the gods, he only had the combat power of half-step Eternal Realm.

Qin Feng is the pinnacle of the true god, and has already reached half-step eternal combat power.

There is a huge difference between the two!

Thinking of this, the eyes of Zhenji God and Jiuyuan God both changed when they looked at Qin Feng.

"Lord Qin Feng, (baeh) I hope you will accept this half of the inheritance jade!"

At the moment, Jiuyuan God took out the inheritance jade, and destroyed his soul in the jade.

Afterwards, Jiuyuan God offered the jade ultimatum with both hands.

"Fellow Daoist Jiuyuan, do you really want to send me?

"This is natural! I hope the adults will accept it! 99

"it is good!"

Qin Feng is not hypocritical, he sucks up the jade ultimatum as soon as he beckons....

So far, he has collected three and a half pieces of jade.

As long as he collects the last half of the jade, he can reorganize the Jiuquan universe and evolve into the Great Thousand World.

At that time, his strength will skyrocket again.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng put away the jade in a happy mood.

"Lord Qin Feng, this old man would like to ask, what is going on this time? Why did the Lord of Yaochi collude with the Bai people?

True God asked respectfully.

At this time, the players have rushed to the scene one after another.

Everyone was curious about what happened before, and looked at Qin Feng one after another.

In their opinion, Qin Feng might know more.

Without waiting for Qin Feng to speak, Qing Lin interjected.

"It's up to me to talk about this! True God, Jiuyuan God, do you still remember Qingqiu God?"

"Qingqiu God? Isn't that the founder of your Qingqiu Mountain?

"That's right! The little girl is the reincarnation of God Qingqiu, back then...

At the moment, Qing Lin recounted the events of that year.

After everyone heard it, they suddenly realized that they were angry.

They never thought that Yaochi God was so vicious that he had killed four southern Gods one after another.

This time, if it wasn't for Qin Feng's action, Jiuyuan God would have suffered.

"Damn bitch! She actually wanted to use the deity's corpse to refine the Six Spirit Ancestral Water! 99

Jiuyuan God was furious.

The more he thinks about it, the more afraid he becomes.

If Yao Chi really succeeds this time, his fate will be very miserable.

Having said that, he is also more and more grateful to Qin Feng.

"Master Qin Feng, what are you going to do with that slut in Yaochi?

Jiuyuan God is already furious, and he can't wait to kill Yaochi immediately.

The true God also said: "Master Qin Feng, the Master of Yaochi has done such a treacherous thing, and I hope the master will take action and let him die!"9

But he didn't want to, Qin Feng smiled and shook his head: "I can't kill her now!"

God Jiuyuan was surprised: "Why? Master Qin Feng, this woman not only harmed the South Alliance, she was also the enemy of Daoist Qinglin's previous life, why didn't you kill her?

Qin Feng smiled lightly: "Fellow Daoist Jiuyuan, you may have forgotten. The Bai people want to refine Liuling Ancestral Water, and they still lack the corpse of a water god as raw material. This Yaochi happens to be the water god, and Liuling Ancestral Water is very important to the deity. Also useful!"

As soon as these words fell, everyone suddenly realized.

It turns out that Qin Feng wants to use Yaochi God to replace Jiuyuan God to refine Liuling Ancestral Water, which is the best punishment for her!

At this thought, everyone felt relieved.

But then, Jiu Yuan exclaimed: "Sir, do you mean that you are going to break into the Bai clan's lair?"

Zhenji God's face also changed greatly: "Lord Qin Feng, the Bai Clan's old nest must not be heard. The Bai Clan not only has more than a dozen God Powerhouses, but also two Half-step Eternals.

"Besides that, they are adjacent to the Yu Clan. The Yu Clan also has two Banbu Eternals in charge. If the Bai Clan is attacked, the Yu Clan will definitely help. At that time, you will face four Half-Bu Eternals by yourself, and the situation will be It's going to be dangerous..."

Qin Feng frowned slightly: "If I don't go to the Bai clan's lair, how can I get the Six Spirit Ancestral Water? Besides, where are the bones of Qing Lin's previous life, I must get it back! 99

Hearing this, Qing Lin was greatly moved.

At the moment, she also persuaded: "Qin Feng, if you don't mind this time, I didn't expect that after trillions of years, the number of half-step eternal powerhouses in the Yu and Bai tribes would increase. If they only have one or two half-step eternals. , you still have hope. 39

"But there are four over there, plus it's the old lair of the Bai clan, it would be very dangerous to break in. Why don't we go next time!

Qin Feng shook his head slightly: "I have to wait for the next return to the ruins to open, it will take a trillion years, I can't wait..."

"Master Qin Feng, if you have to go, Jiu is willing to accompany you!"9

"The old man is willing too!

The Jiuyuan God and the True God God fought one after another.

This made Qin Feng a little surprised, but also a little warm.

It seems that the southern part of the God Realm is still very united.

At the moment, he smiled and said: "You two, let's improve our strength before going. Don't forget, we still have the spiritual roots of heaven and earth!"

With this reminder, everyone remembered the business.


Heaven, earth and spiritual roots are the biggest opportunity in the south.

Only once in a trillion years.

As long as they get the spiritual root of heaven and earth this time, their overall strength will increase again.

Especially Qin Feng, his cultivation is the pinnacle of true gods, and he has never eaten the spiritual fruit of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth before.

If he can eat enough Spiritual Root Fruit this time, his strength will definitely improve.

At that time, he will have enough confidence to break into the Bai clan's lair.

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