Global Powers: I Control All Elements

The 916th chapter of the division of spiritual fruit (seeking complete order)

"That's right! Lord Qin Feng, with your talent, if you have the help of heaven and earth, you will be able to go further!"

"The old man thinks so too!"

Jiu Yuan, Zhenji really thought so.

The people below also thought so.

In fact, Qin Feng is also looking forward to the effect of Heaven and Earth Spirit Root.

According to rumors, the effect of the Spiritual Root Fruit is only for realm, not for combat power.

The lower the cultivation base, the better the effect after eating.

Although Qin Feng is a half-step eternal combat power, his cultivation realm is the pinnacle of True God, which is several realms lower than Jiuyuan and Zhenji.

In other words, the effect of Qin Feng taking a Spirit Fruit will be several times that of Jiuyuan and Zhenji, even better than most players.

After all, only a minority of the players present had a lower cultivation level than Qin Feng.

"Let's go! This place should not be long-stay! 35

Qin Feng said lightly.

"I hope Lord Qin Feng will lead the way!

Zhenji and Jiuyuan respectfully made way.

Before this, the three gods were leading the way, but now Qin Feng is leading the way.

Obviously, Qin Feng has been acquiesced as the first person in the south, and the structure of the Southern Alliance will inevitably change in the future.

"By the way, Mr. Qin Feng, you are going to use the bones of Yaochi to refine the Six Spirit Ancestral Water, why don't you kill her now and keep her bones.

Jiuyuan God suddenly thought of finding a problem.

He hated Yaochi God very much.

Qin Feng shook his head slightly: "It's not enough to just rely on the bones to provide energy, she also needs to sacrifice her primordial spirit, so she can't kill it."

"I see!

Jiu Yuan was stunned and didn't say any more.

At the moment, a group of people gathered together to count the number of people.

After doing this, everyone found that, after going through all kinds of things before, there are less than 140 players left now.

The super powers are left with Jiuyuan Mountain and True Extreme Sect, and only eight top powers are left.

Seeing this scene, Ge Tie said: "Everyone, Yaochi Mountain has been destroyed, and only two of the three superpowers of the Southern Alliance remain. Our Youth League is considered the king's power. I think the distribution method of heaven, earth and spiritual roots needs to be changed. Bar?

As a member of the Youth League, Bie Tie extremely safeguards the interests of the Youth League.

As soon as his voice fell, the members of the two superpowers and the eight top powers all looked at Qin Feng, Qin Lei, True God, and Jiuyuan God.

Unconsciously, these four became the default southern leaders in their hearts.

The highest status is naturally Qin Feng, followed by Qin Lei.

Zhenji and Jiuyuan rely on their previous prestige to make those people feel trusted,

It's just that these people don't know that Qin Lei is Qin Feng's clone.

"Lord Qin Feng, this old man has just thought of this issue. Now, there have been changes in the south of our country. The Youth League deserves to be the king's power and should get more fruits of spiritual roots."

"That's right! Jiu thinks so too.

Zhenji and Jiuyuan offered to make concessions.

None of the contestants dared to speak, but they were all concerned.

After all, it's in everyone's interest.

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "This is a sensitive topic. If we get more points from the Youth League, then the benefits you get from Zhenji Sect and Jiuyuan Mountain will be reduced..."

As soon as these words came out, those true god-level players nodded slightly, secretly thinking that this was the case.

But the gods were indifferent.

It's not the first time they've come here, there's something else going on here.

Sure enough, as soon as Qin Feng's voice fell, the True God and Jiuyuan God looked at each other and smiled.

Then, the true God said: "Lord Qin Feng, you don't know, we in the south have made some arrangements that everyone thinks are suitable for how the king's forces will appear in the future. Fan, adults see if it is suitable, and then make a decision...

"you say!

"My lord, the distribution method is like this. The distribution of spiritual fruits of the top powers is still in accordance with the previous model. There are only eight top powers now, the first is eight, the second is seven, and so on... The last one Just one.

"The distribution of super powers used to be that after the top powers were divided, the remaining three super powers were divided equally. What this old man means is that after the top powers are divided this time, the rest will also be divided equally. Yuanshan will take one of each, and the rest will belong to the Youth League."

呲tie frowned: "As you said, the interests of your True Extremist Sect and Jiuyuan Mountain have not changed, and our Youth League has only replaced Yaochi Mountain. Is this distribution worthy of our status as a king's power?

Zhenji God smiled gently and said, "Don't worry, fellow Tie Dao! I haven't finished what this old man said. You don't understand the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, so you think like this..."

Shi Tie raised his eyebrows: "How do you say this?"

"Let me tell you this! That day, the spiritual root of the earth is a divine tree of heaven and earth. The tree is extremely miraculous. It is divided into three layers: the upper, middle and lower layers. The first layer bears a spiritual fruit every trillion years."

"Those spiritual fruits are extraordinary, and can produce various illusions. When the gods approach, they will get lost in them, or they will be mentally attacked, and the weak will even fall. Only God has the ability to pick them."

"The spiritual root that we used to talk about is the first layer of spiritual fruit, and it is also the lowest quality. Its effect is very good for the gods and true gods, but it is very small for the gods.

Then there is the spiritual fruit of the second layer, which bears a spiritual fruit every ten trillion years, but the quality is one level higher than that of the first layer. helpful.

"Unfortunately! The spiritual fruit of the second layer has no half-step eternal strength, and there is no way to pick it. We have developed the spiritual root of this world for tens of trillions of years in the south, and every time we look at it and cannot pick it. Hey. ~!"

At the end of the day, Zhenji God looked regretful.

Bie Tie's eyes lit up: "You mean, unless the first tier of spiritual fruit, our Youth League can take part, the second tier of spiritual fruit belongs to the Youth League, and you will not participate in the distribution.


True God nodded again and again.

"Lord Qin Feng, what do you think? 39

Jiu Yuan asked with concern.


·0 for flowers·

Qin Feng readily agreed.

After all, the spiritual roots of that day are the common resources of the SAARC, and it is impossible for him to dominate alone.

Besides, Zhenji and Jiuyuan were good to him when he was weak.

But the iron is a little uncomfortable.

He curled his lips: "Cut~! Laozi thought what a good distribution method. You said it generously, but it's not that you have no ability to pick. Now only my master has the ability to pick, and of course it all belongs to my master.

As soon as these words came out, Zhenji and Jiuyuan were a little embarrassed.

"Okay! Shit, that's all!""

Qin Feng made a round.

Zhenji and Jiuyuan looked grateful.

The real gods, gods and gods of Jiuyuan Mountain were secretly relieved, and they were full of gratitude to Qin Feng.

They knew that this was Qin Feng's intention to make a profit.

Otherwise, Qin Feng had no idea what to do.

In fact, Qin Feng felt that this allocation was quite reasonable.

He couldn't eat meat alone, and he didn't even leave any soup for others.


That would be detrimental to the unity of the South.

Speaking of which, he was full of expectations for the second-layer spiritual fruit.

The second layer of spiritual fruit is effective for half-step eternity, but it will have a greater effect on him.

"Friend Zhenji, you mentioned the first and second layers of spiritual fruit, why didn't you mention the third layer?

"Going back to Master Qin Feng, the third layer of spiritual fruit bears at the top of the divine tree, and it bears fruit once every trillion billion years, only three at a time, the quality is also the best, and it is of great use to the eternal realm... .."

Qin Feng's eyes lit up: "This spirit fruit is a treasure!

"It's really a good treasure! Rumor has it that the Lord of the Universe of Jiuquan was only interested in the third-tier spiritual fruit, so he wanted to snatch the spiritual roots of this world, and he didn't want to perish because of it. In addition, the third-tier spiritual fruit is good, but it needs to be picked. The power of eternity...

The true God was sighed and helpless.

"This is a very high requirement! It's a pity!"

Qin Feng sighed.

According to the explanation of the true God, he has no way to pick the spiritual fruit of the third layer.

At present, there is no way to pick such a treasure, and he naturally regrets it.

However, he wanted to give it a try.

"By the way, Mr. Qin Feng, the old man reminds you that after you find the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, don't rush to pick the third floor, otherwise it is easy to get lost in it, or even be severely injured..."

The true God advises you with kindness.

"Well, I know it! Let's go! It's time to go!"

Qin Feng replied casually, but he thought that he had to try it anyway.

In this way, everyone's discussion is over.

In a quarter of an hour, the group set off in a mighty manner under the leadership of Qin Feng.

At the same time, the old nest of the Bai nationality has exploded.

The fall of the three elders of the Bai clan and the white moose has alarmed the Bai clan.

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