Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 928: Forcibly Picking the Mysterious Spirit Fruit (please complete the order)

"Hey~! What is this kid doing?"

Yu Qian felt a little strange when he saw Qin Feng flying to the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, wanting to pick the yellow fruit.

He knew a lot about the spiritual roots of heaven and earth.

Picking a yellow fruit requires killing a guardian spirit, which is very time-consuming.

But right now, there is not much time left for Qin Feng.

But this guy is not in a hurry to retreat, he is still greedy for the spiritual fruit, isn't he courting death?

Ha ha! Young people are arrogant and greedy!

Thinking of this, Yu Qian was a little disdainful.

In just a moment, Qin Feng and the phantom avatar rushed into the second-layer area of ​​​​the spirit root of heaven and earth...

Om~! Om~!

Linggen launched a soul attack.

The two soul powers fluctuated to form soul thorns, which stabbed Qin Feng and the phantom avatar respectively.

Qin Feng naturally did not have the slightest influence, and the Creation God Base bounced the soul power attack out.

The phantom avatar is an extension of Qin Feng's body, and there is no god base and primordial spirit at all, and it is not affected.

That soul power attack passed through.

At this moment, Qin Feng approached a yellow fruit.

The spirit fruit flashed and summoned a guardian spirit.

I saw Qin Feng sacrifice the fire of creation, and the phantom avatar sacrificed the sword.

One by one shot at the same time.

This joint effort made the audience look at him with a 10 earth-shattering momentum.

Qin Feng's strength has soared.

At this moment, there is another phantom avatar to help, which is different from before.

In less than half an hour, the guardian spirit roared miserably, turned into a light spot in the sky, and dissipated between heaven and earth...

This scene made Yu Qian feel guilty.

True God and others were even more amazed.

Before that, Qin Feng killed a guardian spirit in an hour at the fastest. Now, he killed one in less than half an hour, and the efficiency has more than doubled.

Next, Qin Feng, under Yu Qian's surprised gaze, picked the spirit fruit and ate it directly.

In just a moment, Qin Feng refined the spirit fruit.

The refining speed was so fast that Yu Qian was dumbfounded.

As far as he knew, Huangzhong Lingguo was more than ten times more difficult to refine than the early Yuan Lingguo, and one could not be refined within ten days and a half.

The actual situation is like this, it took more than half a month in the double universe to smelt and refine a yellow fruit.

But Qin Feng was refining in a moment, which made Yu Qian feel very uneasy....

In this way, Qin Feng and the phantom avatar joined forces to quickly harvest the Huangzhong Lingguo.......

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, a day has passed.

There are only five hours left for the time when the spiritual roots of heaven and earth stay.

Qin Feng finally finished picking all the Huangzhongling fruit.

At this moment, he excitedly looked at the last yellow fruit...

Not long ago, he swallowed a yellow fruit, and his cultivation level was raised to 98.7% of the peak of the true god...

Perhaps, if he swallows this last one, he will be able to break through to the Great Consummation of the True God in one fell swoop.

At that time, he will have the ability to kill Yu Qian, and also have the opportunity to pick the mysterious fruit of the third floor...

Qin Feng thought excitedly.

In the distance, the SAARC people also watched nervously.

Even Yu Qian showed a very nervous expression.

They had already discovered that Qin Feng had reached the bottleneck of the pinnacle of the true god, and the next step would be the great consummation of the true god, and his strength would have skyrocketed a lot.

This is what Yu Qian feared.

The South Alliance people are looking forward to it.

As long as Qin Feng can break through the realm, they are not afraid that the elders of the Yu clan will kill them...

At this moment, whether Qin Feng's cultivation can break through has become a turning point in the game between the two sides.

At this moment, Qin Feng swallowed the last yellow fruit in one bite...

"I ate it! I ate it! Lord Qin Feng ate it! 39

"Do you think Master Qin Feng can break through this time? 99

"Yes! Certainly!"

Everyone was talking nervously...

In just a moment, Qin Feng refined the spirit fruit, and the momentum of his whole body soared...

The whole place was quiet, and the atmosphere didn't dare to breathe...

At the same time, Qin Feng's mind also sounded a prompt from the system.

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for swallowing a 'Huang Zhongguo', obtaining a lot of energy and a ray of mysterious yellow energy.... The host's cultivation base has increased to 99.97% of the peak of the true god, and the combat power has increased to 85 trillion yuan..."

After a while, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes showed disappointment.

After devouring the last spiritual fruit, his cultivation level was stuck at 99.97%, and he was just a tiny bit away from breaking through to the realm of True God Great Perfection.

such a pity!

It's finally a little off!

"Hey! Master Qin Feng doesn't seem to have made a breakthrough..."

"Yeah! His realm aura is still the pinnacle of True God!"

"Hey~! It seems that the energy of a yellow fruit is not enough for Mr. Qin Feng to break through! Mr. Qin Feng's foundation is too solid..."

Everyone sighed, feeling somewhat lost in their hearts.

But at this moment, there was a discordant laughter from the crowd.

"Laughing at the deity! The deity thought you would break through? I didn't expect to be happy! Haha!!"9

Yu Qian laughed proudly.

Everyone in the South Alliance frowned, disgusted to the extreme...

Heaven and Earth Spirit Root, second floor.

Qin Feng frowned slightly and looked up at Yu Qian...

This guy is really lucky!

such a pity!

He swallowed more than 20 Huang Zhongguo in a row, but he still couldn't break through the realm, and he still couldn't do anything with the guy...

"Father, that guy is really annoying!"

"Your Majesty, according to my concubine's opinion, we should withdraw from the double universe to the realm of the gods! Otherwise, as soon as the Supreme Elder of the Yu clan arrives, the people of the Southern Alliance will be in danger..."

In Qin Feng's mind, the voices of Ups and Downs and Emperor Feng resounded.

Everything that happened in the outside world, they naturally watched.

"Is that so?"

Qin Feng glanced at Yu Qian, a little unwilling in his heart.

That guy is still laughing wildly at the moment, extremely proud.

"Maybe, I still have a chance!"

Qin Feng raised his head and looked at the third floor of Heaven and Earth Spirit Root.

There are three huge spiritual fruits hanging there, surrounded by glowing rays of light, with extraordinary auspiciousness.

A Huang Zhongguo can't make him break through, but a Xuanji fruit can definitely make him break through.

As soon as this thought moved, Qin Feng dodged and rushed to the third layer of the spiritual root of heaven and earth, that is, the top of the divine tree...

This made everyone gasp in surprise!

"My God! Lord Qin Feng rushed to the third floor!"

"Not good! This... this is too dangerous a!

Zhenji and Jiuyuan's expressions changed drastically.

Even Yu Qian was dumbfounded!

The guardian spirit of the Profound Spirit Fruit is the combat power of the threshold of the Eternal Realm.

Qin Feng rushed over like this, wasn't he courting death?

Not to mention the guardian spirit, even the soul power attack released by the divine tree, I'm afraid Qin Feng can't stand it!

At the moment when people exclaimed, Qin Feng had already rushed into the third floor...


The entire heaven and earth spirit root was activated in an instant, and the palm wind emitted hundreds of millions of purple lights.

In the next second, the entire heaven and earth spirit root launched a soul power attack on Qin Feng.

420 The soul power wave that was comparable to the Eternal Realm rushed directly to Qin Feng's mind, but was easily blocked by the Creation God Base...

Qin Feng is safe and sound.

"Hey! This kid is all right!""

Yu Qian exclaimed.

He thought Qin Feng would be lost in the third floor under the attack of the soul power.

At this moment, Qin Feng rushed to the nearest Xuanji Spirit Fruit.


The light of the spirit fruit flashed, and the guardian spirit was instantly summoned.

It was a majestic old man with white hair and beard.

"Huh! Seventh-level human?"

The old man stunned and slapped it with his hand, and the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed.

Qin Feng hurriedly resisted with all his strength...


Just a muffled sound!

The old man slapped Qin Feng with one palm, and the blood mist was flying all over the sky...

"not good!"

"Master Qin Feng! 9

The people of the South Alliance roared in grief.

The guardian spirit of the Eternal Realm was so terrifying, it killed Qin Feng with one palm...

"Haha!! Dead! That kid is dead!"

Yu Qian danced with excitement.

But in the next second, his laughter stopped abruptly, and the smile on his face froze.

I saw that after Qin Feng was slapped with a palm, the phantom avatar residing on the second floor became Qin Feng, and he actually lived again.

"Haha!! So it is!"

Qin Feng waved his hand, the space around him changed, and a phantom clone was summoned again.

The next second, he rushed to the third floor together with the phantom clone.

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