Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 929: Cultivation for Breakthrough

"Haha!! So it is!"

Qin Feng waved his hand, the space around him changed, and a phantom clone was summoned again.

In the next second, he rushed to the third floor together with the phantom clone...

The crowd exclaimed.

"Oh my God! Lord Qin Feng rushed in with the clone..."

"This...this is too dangerous!"

True God and others were terrified.

They had already seen that as long as Qin Feng and his clone were immortal, Qin Feng would be immortal forever.

But now Qin Feng rushed in with the clone. If he was destroyed by the guardian spirit together, Qin Feng would be completely lost...

This action is very dangerous!

"Haha! This kid is really courting death! Who does he think he is?""

Yu Qian was blushing with excitement.

He didn't expect Qin Feng to be so impulsive, but it fits his idea too well.

He wished Qin Feng died sooner.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Feng and the phantom clone rushed into the third floor together...

Om~! Om~!

Both soul attacks are ineffective...

Qin Feng and the phantom avatar instantly approached a spiritual fruit...

Shine bright!

The Guardian Spirit reappears!

It was the same white-haired old man from last time.

"Hey! Not dead yet? Dead!

The white-haired old man had a disdainful expression on his face, and he crushed it down with a palm, causing the world to tremble...

Qin Feng hurriedly sacrificed his strongest defensive spiritual tool - Dimu Tianjing (Tianpin)...


The divine light of the Earth Mother's Heavenly Sutra bloomed, spreading out in the air like a book, and a protective mask was automatically formed...

At the same time, the phantom clone rushed towards the Spirit Fruit at an extremely fast speed...


The palm of the guardian spirit fell, and the protective shield was directly shattered...


Yu Li fell on the Heavenly Sutra, and countless fine cracks appeared in an instant. The spirituality was greatly lost, and it could no longer be used...  

But all this was not over yet, the palm of his hand was not exhausted and hit Qin Feng heavily.

Qin Feng groaned, spurting blood, and his body instantly shattered into several pieces...

Everyone in the South Alliance has changed color...

At this moment, Qin Feng was extremely miserable, but he barely blocked the blow.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the phantom clone instantly came to the side of the spirit fruit, shot like electricity, and slashed at the stem of the spirit fruit with a sword...


A crisp sound!

The spirit fruit is falling!

The phantom avatar catches the hand....

At this moment, the guardian spirit was extremely angry.

He never expected that Qin Feng would be able to block the blow, and the phantom clone took the opportunity to pick the spiritual fruit...

He was actually pitted by two true gods!

For him, this is simply a great shame!

"Looking for death~"!"

The guardian spirit roared and shot like a knife, condensing a golden light knife that was hundreds of millions of feet long out of thin air, and slashed forward...

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

Wherever the light blade goes, everything is split, everything is destroyed, and even the void is cut in half...

That power is shocking and weeping ghosts and gods!

Qin Feng was only able to condense his body, but was smashed into pieces by the knife, turned into powder, and died. . . .

This scene shocked everyone...

But all that is not over yet, the light knife also instantly came to the phantom clone...

The crowd exclaimed again.

The attack range of that knife is too wide, and it is absolutely impossible to escape with the strength of the phantom clone...

Not to mention the phantom clone, even if it is replaced by a half-step eternal powerhouse, it cannot be avoided...

As soon as the phantom avatar dies, Qin Feng has completely fallen...

Thinking of this, many people showed despair in their eyes.

Yu Qian opened his eyes with joy, he waited for the phantom clone to be killed by that knife.

In his opinion, the phantom clone is dead.

Not only did he think so, but everyone in the SAARC also thought so.

They couldn't figure out how the phantom avatar could avoid that knife...

It was at this critical moment that a mutation occurred...


Between heaven and earth, the void trembled slightly.

Space Summoning is activated instantly!


The phantom clone disappeared out of thin air...


That knife slashed down at the same time, splitting the space, but also splitting the empty space!

In the next second, the space beside Qinglin changed, and the phantom avatar appeared out of thin air...

Immediately, the phantom avatar swayed slightly and changed back to Qin Feng...

He actually used the space to summon, escaping the mortal blow


In the void, the unwilling roar of the guardian spirit echoed...

But Qin Feng has already escaped from the area shrouded by the light of the divine tree, so he will not be hunted down again...

In the next second, the guardian spirit was forcibly taken back by the divine tree and disappeared...


Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief….

If the guardian spirit continued to chase and kill, he could only escape into the double universe, and then escape back to the realm of the gods.

All of this is in his plan, and the process is full of extreme danger...

"Qin Feng!

Qing Lin almost cried with joy.

At that moment, she almost thought Qin Feng was going to die, and her heart was extremely painful.

It was also at that moment that she realized the weight of Qin Feng in her heart...

"His Majesty!"

"Master Qin Feng!"

"Haha!! Great! The adults made it!""

The SAARC people cheered.

Yu Qian's face was extremely ugly.

He never imagined that Qin Feng would be able to succeed...

At this moment, Qin Feng is also happy in his heart.

As soon as he waved his hand, the phantom clone reappeared, and the Earth Mother Heavenly Scripture that had been knocked flying also flew back.

Qin Feng glanced at the spiritual tool, and he had lost his spirituality and needed to recreate the ritual.

He felt a little distressed, and put it away.

Then, he looked at the profound spiritual fruit in his hand and smiled.

Compared with the harvest of this spiritual fruit, the damage to the Heavenly Sutra of the Mother Earth is insignificant.

This time, he really made a lot of money.

In the next second, Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing the Xuanji Spirit Fruit...

It didn't take long for a violent energy to rush towards his limbs...

`Ding~! Congratulations to the host for swallowing a 'Xuanji fruit', obtaining a lot of energy and a mysterious yellow energy... The host has broken through the bottleneck, and the cultivation base has broken through to the great perfection of the true god by 7%... The combat power has increased To 150 trillion yuan...


There was a soft sound in the body, and the barrier of cultivation broke through...

Qin Feng's cultivation base has successfully broken through to the great perfection of the true god, and the combat power has been increased to 150 trillion yuan...

This is not far from the 200 trillion battle power threshold of the Eternal Realm.

However, Qin Feng's attack increased by 200 times, and the power of the Eternal Realm powerhouse was increased by about 170 times.

This conversion, Qin Feng's combat power has been infinite (is it) close to the threshold of the eternal realm.

If there is another phantom avatar teaming up, it may be able to compete with the powerhouse on the threshold of the eternal realm.

After all, the combat power of the phantom clone has also increased to 50 trillion yuan at the same time, which has completely reached the level of half-step eternity.

At this time, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, and he usually looked down on the world's bearing, spontaneously.

At this moment, his heart was full of ecstasy.

"Quick! Quick! Quickly stop him from looking up!"

"Don't let him run away!

At this moment, a shout suddenly sounded behind Qin Feng.

Qin Feng turned back quickly, and saw that Yu Qian was running away, but was entangled by Zhenji God and others.

It turned out that when he saw Qin Feng's cultivation base breaking through, he was finally scared and wanted to escape.

But now, his strength has plummeted, where can he escape.

Seeing this, the corners of Qin Feng's mouth curled slightly, revealing a sneer.

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