Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 930: The Wrath of the God Tree

At this moment, Yu Qian was wearing the protective cover, rushing left and right.

Zhenji, Jiuyuan, and Ge Tie led the people of the South Alliance and trapped him.

"Damn ants! Go away! Go away! 99

Yu Qian yelled in a hurry.

"Haha! Can you escape? Laozi trapped you today!"

Tie Tie laughed complacently.

The South Alliance people also burst into laughter.

In just a moment, Yu Qian was trapped in a large formation by the crowd, unable to move.

"Lord Qin Feng, how should this person be handled?"

The True God asked the question.

Qin Feng looked at Yu Qian lightly.

Na Yuqian was terrified.

"Little... boy, our Yu Clan's Supreme Elder will be here soon. He is a real eternal powerhouse. Not only will he come, but Bai Wuchuan and the Bai Clan's Supreme Elder will also come together."

"At that time, will you be able to deal with the alliance between one Eternal and two Half-Step Eternals alone? If you know each other a little, you can let me go now. The grievances between us will be cleared up, what do you think?"

Yu Qianse threatened with a stern expression.

Qin Feng sneered: "Hehe! If you let go of you, it's like letting the tiger go back to the mountain! If I kill the five elders of your Yu clan, you will leave it alone? I'm afraid you will chase down to the realm of the gods?

"No! Absolutely not! As long as you let me go, everything is fine!"9

Yu Qian has softened.

"Sorry! Qin has never had the hobby of returning tigers to the mountains!""

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Feng punched the protective barrier with a punch.

The phantom avatar also sacrificed the four swords of Heaven Punishment at the same time, and also attacked the enchantment....

Boom~! Boom~!

Two loud bangs~!

Ka~! Ka~!

Several fine cracks appeared on the defensive barrier...

The combined attack of Qin Feng420 and the clone completely reached the battle power of the eternal threshold.

"Appears! Cracks appear!"

"Haha!! This guy's protection finally can't hold anymore..."

The SAARC people were extremely excited.

"Stop it! Stop it!"

Yu Qian yelled in a hurry.

Qin Feng naturally ignored it.

"Everyone, let's do it together!"

The true God cried out.

Everyone agreed and took action.

For a while, the bombardment continued.

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

Suddenly, the cracks on the protective barrier increased at a speed visible to the naked eye...

"Stop it! Stop it!"

Yu Qian was so frightened that his face was pale... . . .

Qin Feng and others naturally ignored it and attacked wildly...

In just a moment, there were thousands of cracks on the protective barrier...

"Forgive me~! Forgive me~!

Yu Qian's mentality completely collapsed, and he begged for mercy aloud...

Qin Feng still ignored it, still leading the crowd to attack

Not long after, there was a loud bang!


That enchantment completely collapsed!

Yu Qian, who was hiding in it, was suddenly exposed...

"Sir, spare your life! Spare... ah...~!"

With an extremely shrill scream, Qin Feng completely killed Yu Qian with one punch...

"Ding~! The host killed a half-step Eternal Spirit monster.... Gained 200 trillion merit points..."

"Dead! Dead! That guy is dead!

The SAARC people cheered.

At this moment, the shattered defensive barrier, as well as Yu Qian, all turned into energy that filled the sky...

Qin Feng opened his mouth to take a breath and swallowed it all.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the void.

Two incomparably huge beasts are flying in the direction of Qin Feng

It was Bai Wuchuan who was leading the way ahead.

Behind him, that giant beast ten times bigger than him is the supreme elder of the Yu clan - Yu Heng...

"Wuchuan, how long will it take to arrive?" Yu Heng suddenly said.

"Senior Yu, there will be at most one hour to arrive..."

"That's good! By the way, I won't wait for the old man to arrive, and those ants in the gods will slip away? 99

Yu Heng's tone was arrogant and arrogant.

"This...Senior, if Brother Yuqian has revealed something, they know that the Yu family has you, an eternal powerhouse, in charge. I'm afraid that at this moment, they will be scared and run away..."

Yu Heng sneered: "Humph! Even if those ants run back to the southern part of the realm of the gods, the deity will chase them to the realm of the gods and kill them all! Dare to destroy my Yu clan elder and deceive my Yu clan chief, it is simply courting death!

"Senior is right!"

Bai Wuchuan was excited.

He thought in his heart that he would use Yu Heng's power to enter the southern part of the God Realm, capture the Nine Yuan God alive and go back to continue refining the Six Spirit Ancestral Water...

"By the way, Senior Yu Heng, we are very close to our goal now, have you sensed Brother Yu Qian's condition? Is he alright now?

Bai Wuchuan asked casually.

"I can't sense it! However, Yu Qian is definitely fine. The ultimate defense barrier he cast is a secret technique unique to our clan. Without the strength of the threshold of the Eternal Realm, it can't help him at all. 29

"Just relying on those ants in the southern part of the God Realm, do you think they can get Yu Qian? 99

Yu Heng said confidently.

Bai Wuchuan smiled apologetically: "Senior is right! Presumably, they have long been crying because of that enchantment..."

"Haha!! That's right! Those ants, I'm afraid I've never seen such a powerful protective barrier in my life."

"Senior, by the way, that kid named Qin Feng can control the Creation God Fire. Will the Creation God Fire have any effect on the enchantment?"

The corners of Yu Heng's mouth twitched: "Cut! What are you worried about? Even if it is the God of Creation, it will never break our clan's secret techniques, Yu Qian is sure... Hey! This... This is

Yu Heng seemed to sense something, and his face changed slightly.

Immediately, he stopped flying, turned into a human form, and hurriedly summoned a soul card...

That was Yu Qian's soul card.

As soon as he saw the soul card, Yu Heng's face (baeh) became extremely ugly.

I saw that soul card, which has been broken into two pieces...

"Senior, what's wrong?"

Bai Wuchuan also turned into a human form.

As soon as he saw the broken soul card, his heart skipped a beat, and something was vaguely wrong.

"Yu Qian is dead!

Yu Heng's voice was a little dry.

"What?! Brother Yu Qian fell?"

Bai Wuchuan opened his eyes in astonishment.

"That's right!" Yu Heng put away his soul card in grief and indignation.

"This... how is this possible? Isn't Brother Yu Qian staying in the barrier? Who can break his barrier?

Bai Wuchuan had a hard time accepting this fact.

Yu Heng was even more ashamed and annoyed.

He was still boasting before, saying how powerful the secret arts of the Yu clan are, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face so quickly, and even their patriarch fell.

This made him angry and shocked at the same time.

"Stop talking so much! Let's go! 95

Immediately, the two speeded up and rushed towards the direction of heaven and earth...

At this moment, near the spiritual roots of heaven and earth.

The people in the south are surrounded by Qin Feng...

At this moment, Qin Feng is closing his eyes, refining the energy he just swallowed...

In his mind, a system prompt sounded.

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing a large amount of energy.... The host's cultivation base has been raised to 23% of the Great Perfection of the True God. The combat power has been raised to 180 trillion yuan...

After a long time, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes with a happy expression on his face.

His strength has increased a lot!

The energy provided by the half-step Eternal Realm powerhouse is extremely huge, and it actually increases his combat power by 30 trillion yuan in one fell swoop...

In short, Qin Feng's current comprehensive strength has reached the threshold of the Eternal Realm.

It made him feel so happy!

In the same way, everyone in the South Alliance clearly sensed the change in Qin Feng's momentum, and felt very happy.

"Congratulations to the great progress of the cultivation base!"

"Lord Hershey has stepped into the ranks of the eternal powerhouse!

"Haha!! The South Alliance has adults! The future will inevitably rise to the realm of the gods!

Everyone came forward to congratulate, all of them were very excited...

Today, Qin Feng's height in the hearts of everyone is unparalleled.

Throughout the history of the South Alliance for countless years, Qin Feng and the Lord of the Universe of Jiuquan have reached the strength of the eternal realm.

However, when the Jiuquan Universe reaches its eternal strength, the cultivation base is the Great Perfection of the Heavenly God, while Qin Feng is only the Great Perfection of the True God.

From this comparison, Qin Feng is much better than Jiuquan Universe Lord.

This made the SAARC people extremely admired and willingly surrendered.

"Zhenji, how much time is left before the spiritual roots of heaven and earth will disappear?"

Qin Feng waved his hand and sucked a storage ring from the void into his hand.

It was left by Yu Qian.

"Go back to your lord, there are only two hours left!"

True God answered respectfully.

"There's not much time left!"

Qin Feng looked up at the divine tree and frowned slightly.

There were still two profound spiritual fruits left on the divine tree.

However, what he wanted was not only the two spirit fruits, he also wanted to take away the entire divine tree, but it was too late...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng took a step into the air and flew to the divine tree again.

The phantom clone followed closely.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Feng rushed into the third floor of the divine tree.


A clear chirping!

The whole divine tree is lit up with purple light!

In the next second, the space changed for a while, and a white-haired old man appeared out of nowhere. It was the guardian spirit that disappeared before.

When the guardian spirit saw Qin Feng and the phantom avatar, he was so angry that he didn't fight.

"Damn it! It's you again! Dare to break the rules, leave them all this time!

As soon as the voice fell, the remaining two spirit fruits lit up at the same time, and they summoned at the same time...

Om~! Om~!

In the next second, the space trembled continuously.

Two more guardian spirits appeared at the same time, a man and a woman, both middle-aged, and they were also the eternal threshold battle power...

Qin Feng was taken aback by this sudden change.

The next second, the three guardian spirits attacked Qin Feng at the same time.

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