Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 940 ultimate combat power (seeking full order)

The next second, Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, then swallowed the Sanqi Ancestral Water in the pool...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully refining a large amount of Sanqi Ancestral Water... Your combat power has increased to 350 trillion yuan.

After a long time, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with joy.

The Sanqi Ancestral Water that filled the pool was refined by him. Although it had no effect on the progress of his cultivation, it increased his combat power to 350 trillion yuan in one fell swoop...

The limit of combat power in the first realm of eternity is generally about 400 trillion yuan...

However, the combat power of the First Realm of Eternal Realm increased by about one hundred and seventy times.

But Qin Feng's combat power increased by 200 times.

In this way, Qin Feng's current comprehensive strength is comparable to the combat power limit of the first realm...

That is to say, if the second elder of the Yu clan had not lied, he would now have a 50% chance of winning against Wu Tiansheng...

Qin Feng was satisfied with this thought.

50% win rate!

Half and half!

Worth a fight!

What's more, the Bai people have the Six Spirit Ancestral Water, Qing Lin's corpse from his previous life, and another holy egg...

It was at this moment that the sound of breaking the air continued to sound outside the forbidden area...

After a while, Zhenji, Jiuyuan, 呲tie, Ziwei, and Qinglin entered the forbidden area.

"Your Majesty, there are millions of spirits and monsters from the Yu clan, and they are all beheaded, and no one is missing!"

The true God respectfully reports.

Qin Feng nodded slightly: "Okay! The weeds need to be rooted out. If we don't kill them today, tomorrow will be a disaster for our SAARC! By the way, what about the others?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, they are transporting the resources of the Yu Clan. Although the Yu Clan is a barbarian returning to the ruins, they have retained a lot of resources!"

Really God is excited.

Jiu Yuan and others also smiled.

This time the harvest is not small, and everyone is very satisfied.

Qin Feng nodded slightly and said nothing.

These trivial matters of resources can be arranged by subordinates.

"Your Majesty, this is the energy transformed by those 420 spirits after they died, all of which have been collected by us..."

The true God respectfully sent a storage ring.

Jiuyuan, pyridoxine, Qinglin, and Ziwei also each gave a storage ring.

While slaughtering the Yu clan spirits, they are also responsible for collecting energy.

The energy of a million spirits is enough to fill five storage rings.


Qin Feng accepted the five storage rings with satisfaction.

"Your Majesty, did you get the Holy Egg and Sanqi Ancestral Water?"

Qing Lin asked curiously.

Qin Feng nodded slightly: "I got it! However, I got another news that the Bai people actually invited Wu Tiansheng to go there. It should be for our South Alliance..."

As soon as these words came out, all five of Qinglin's people turned pale.

"Your Majesty, the situation is not good! The Four Sages of the Returned Ruins are all powerful, and they are not comparable to ordinary Eternal First Realm powerhouses..."

"Yeah! Back then, my ancestor, the master of the universe, Jiuquan, lost his life because he despised the four great saints. Your Majesty, you have to be careful..."

Zhenji and Jiuyuan reminded each other.

They know more about Guixu than the average person.

Qinglin also worried: "I really didn't expect the Bai clan to do this. Generally speaking, if the Guixu Wan clan wants to invite the Holy Venerable, they will not invite them. I am afraid that something will happen here, and the Holy Venerable will come forward voluntarily. Come…..'

"In any case, the situation is not good. Your Majesty, should we withdraw to the South Alliance first and avoid the edge for a while? After all, this is the site of return to the ruins, which is not good for us..."

Shi Tie also commented.

Only Star Master Ziwei smiled slightly and did not express her opinion.

She knew that the four Zhenji and Qin Feng had been together for too short a time, and she did not understand the speed at which Qin Feng's strength increased.

To put it bluntly, the Zhenji four still underestimated Qin Feng.

Their view of Qin Feng's strength still remains on the impression that Qin Feng killed Yu Heng.

In fact, Qin Feng had already reached the level of Wu Tianshengzun before he knew it.

And Star Master Ziwei knows Qin Feng very well.

Since Qin Feng said this information, it means that Qin Feng is not afraid of Wu Tiansheng at all.

I saw Qin Feng smile slightly: "What are you afraid of? I got the information from the elders of the Yu clan, and I don't know if it is true or not. Even if it is true, so what? Of course, if we can get to the Bai clan faster than Wu Tiansheng, Better for us....

Qing Lin's eyes lit up: "Yes! As long as Your Majesty arrives first, you will be able to obtain the Six Spirit Ancestral Water, and Your Majesty's strength will be greatly increased. Maybe, His Majesty can break through to the half-step god in one fell swoop. At that time, His Majesty will still Don't be afraid of Wu Tianshengzun...

With this reminder, the eyes of the real few people all lit up.

Immediately, Zhenji said: "Your Majesty, let's go now! Don't delay the trip!

"The five of you quickly help the others gather resources, take care of it all, and we're off!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!

At the moment, the five Zhenji people have left the forbidden area one after another to help those subordinates to search for resources...

Qin Feng took out the five storage rings he had just obtained, released all the energy inside, and swallowed them all in one gulp...

It didn't take long for him to devour and refine them all.

The energy of the million monsters is extremely majestic, and his cultivation level has increased to 95.8% of the Great Perfection of the True God, and his combat power has increased to 354 trillion yuan...

This made Qin Feng very happy, and his confidence in the fight against Wu Tiansheng became stronger...

Soon, the members of the Southern Alliance also scavenged the resources of the Yu Clan. It was a great harvest, and everyone was overjoyed.

A quarter of an hour later, Qin Feng took everyone into the double universe and hurried to the Bai people's residence.

At this moment, there was already a panic in the Bai people's residence.

Bai nationality, in the conference hall.

Bai Ku was surrounded by the elders of the Bai and Yu clan, and everyone looked flustered.

"Yutong, are you telling the truth? All the four elders left behind by your Yu clan have fallen?"

Bai Ku looked at Yu Tong, the great elder of the Yu clan.

"Yeah! Senior White, their soul cards are all broken, absolutely can't go wrong..."

Yu Tong looked sad.

"Senior White, not only did the four elders perish, but the soul cards of other clansmen also shattered. We contacted everyone, but we couldn't get in touch..."

"Not long ago, some clansmen sent us a message for help, but we can't get in touch now. Our Yu clan may have been exterminated..."

The rest of the Yu clan elders all cried...

The crowd looked ugly...

Bai Ku took a deep breath: "The comers can destroy the Yu clan in such a short period of time, and their forces are tyrannical, I am afraid that it was not done by one person. Yutong, do you know who did it?"

"Senior Bai, in the message for help, a clan member mentioned that he saw two of them very much like the Jiuyuan God and the True God described in the clan..."

"What? Jiuyuan, (baeh) Zhenji? Could it be that the people from SAARC were killed?"

"Isn't it? We haven't bothered the SAARC yet, but they came to the door on their own initiative!

"Damn it! Your Majesty, let's go to the Yu clan now and kill all the Nanmeng thieves!""

The elders of the Bai tribe were filled with righteous indignation.

"Senior White, we also believe that it was the South Alliance, and we hope that Senior White will call the shots for us!"

Yutong also choked and begged.

Bai Ku shook his head again and again: "Don't worry, everyone! Judging from the current situation, it is indeed what the South Alliance did. But have you ever thought about it? After picking the spiritual fruit of the heaven and earth, the South Alliance not only did not leave, but killed it instead. Come here. What does this mean?

"Sir, what does this mean?

"It means that the matter of the God of Yaochi has been completely exposed! The South Alliance came over this time, I'm afraid it is for revenge. Moreover, they have the ability to take revenge! Think about it, how did Yu Heng, Yu Qian, and Wuchuan fall? I'm afraid that among the people who come this time, there are strong people in the eternal realm!

Bai Ku's analysis is eloquent.

Those words were deafening.

After hearing this, everyone's expressions changed greatly, and they panicked.

"Shang Shang, then... what should we do? If the South Alliance has the support of the Eternal Realm powerhouse, we Bai people will be out of luck!

"Yeah! I rushed here from the Yu Clan's station, and at the speed of the eternal powerhouse, I am afraid that it will arrive in three or four hours. How should this be good?

Bai Ku took a deep breath: "Everyone, this old man contacted Wu Tiansheng not long ago, and he will arrive in three hours.

As soon as these words fell, everyone's eyes lit up.

"It would be great if the Holy Venerable could arrive at this time!"

"Yeah! With the Holy Venerable here, we don't have to be afraid of the Eternal Realm powerhouses of the South Alliance.""

'Strange! I've always heard that the strength of the South Alliance is low, when did the Eternal Realm have powerhouses? 35

"Eternal powerhouses are extremely rare. In my opinion, even if there are Eternal Realm powerhouses in the South Alliance, I'm afraid they are the kind that have just broken through..."

When everyone learned that Wu Tian Shengzun was coming, they gradually felt relieved.

Bai Ku said again: "Everyone, no matter when the Holy Venerable arrives, we must not relax. Great elder, let us know quickly and start the whole clan's defense formation. This old man will lead the formation in person, and you and others will also help this old man together. Elders, come with us too!" 5

"Senior, I will do my best to obey your orders!

The elders of the Yu clan agreed.

"This time, with the main formation of the Supreme Being and the support of more than a dozen elders of our two clans, the protection of the defensive formation can reach its peak. "

"One hour is enough! Perhaps, Wu Tian Shengzun will arrive without waiting for us to activate the great formation..."

Several Bai elders showed a relaxed look.

Bai Ku urged: "Hurry up and prepare! The old man also contacted the Holy Venerable and urged him to arrive early..."

"I will obey!! 9

At the moment, the elders took their orders and left...

After Bai Ku hurriedly sent a message to Wu Tianshengzun, he also rushed to set up a defensive formation...

It's just that these people underestimated Qin Feng's strength.

Qin Feng is not an ordinary Eternal First Realm, his combat power has reached the limit of Eternal First Realm.

At his speed, it would take two or three hours to get from the Yu Clan to the Bai Clan's station, not three or four hours...

On the other side, somewhere in the void.

More than a dozen giant beasts are rushing towards the Bai people.

The giant beast headed by that is extremely huge, and the width of its back cannot be seen at a glance, it seems to be tens of billions of miles wide...

This giant beast is Wu Tianshengzun.

Behind it, there are also two half-step eternal beasts, the two elders of the Wu Tian holy clan.

The dozen or so giant beasts in the future are all of God-level.

It was at this moment that Wu Tiansheng seemed to sense something, and with a flick of his body, he turned into a middle-aged man with a majestic expression...

The subordinates also turned into human figures.

After seeing Wu Tiansheng's transformation into a human form, he took out the communication jade talisman and glanced at it, frowning involuntarily.

"Holy Venerable, what's wrong?"

A half-step eternal elder asked with concern.

"This deity has just received a request for help from Bai Ku, saying that the people from the South Alliance are about to be killed. They asked this deity to speed up and rush to rescue..."

"Southern League? He didn't say that the loss of Shen Ye was related to the Southern League. Then the Southern League should flee back to the God Realm as soon as possible. He has a way to track down the Southern League. It is also because of this that we came to the Bai people. How can we become Nanmen now?" The alliance took the initiative to kill the Bai people?"

"Since Baiku asks for help, the situation must be critical. Otherwise, the deity will rush first, and you can arrive later..."

Wu Tianshengzun put away the communication jade talisman.

Without the drag of his subordinates, his speed will be faster, and he will naturally be able to arrive at the Bai people earlier...

At the moment, all the men agreed.

After Wu Tiansheng explained something, he rushed towards the Bai people by himself.

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