Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 941: Willows and Flowers Bright, Unprepared for Attacks (Seeking Full Order)

After Holy Venerable Wu Tian left, the two half-step Eternal Elders continued on their way with many of their subordinates.

Their speed is naturally not as fast as Wu Tianshengzun, not even one-tenth as fast...

On the other hand, Qin Feng is racing against time to get to the Bai family ahead of schedule...

Time flies!

In the blink of an eye, two hours passed.

Qin Feng finally arrived near the Bai nationality station.

This speed is definitely beyond the expectations of Bai and others...

"Your Majesty, I have already sensed the location of the bones of my previous life...

Qing Lin's excited voice sounded in Qin Feng's mind.

"How far is it from here?"

"Your Majesty, there's still about a quarter of an hour to go..."

Qin Feng's eyes lit up: "It seems that the Bai people's station is coming!

The bones of Qing Lin's previous life are in the altar where the Ancestral Water of the Six Spirits is condensed.

If you find the bones, you will naturally find the Bai people's residence.

"Your Majesty, let's hurry up! Otherwise, Wu Tian Shengzun is coming..."

Qing Lin urged again.

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "That's right!

At the moment, he was ready to rush over.

But at this moment, a huge sound of breaking the sky suddenly came from a distance, stirring the whole void to tremble slightly, and the momentum was extremely amazing...

Qin Feng hurriedly followed the reputation and saw a huge cyan planet, flying quickly...

He looked more closely, and found that it was not a planet at all, it was clearly a giant beast with a blue aura emitting from its entire body.

That giant beast looks like a divine bird, but it has four legs, blue feathers all over its body, nine bone spurs on its back, a crown of emperor feathers on its head, a blue halo on its back, and billions of auspicious clouds on top of its head, with billions of blue pearls on it. , The azure light fills the sky, showing the majesty of the saint...

It's just that this giant beast is extremely bright, and at first glance I can see a cloud of blue, like an incomparably huge planet moving fast...

After seeing it clearly, Qin Feng was shocked.

With such a weather, those who come must be strong in the Eternal Realm!

"Your Majesty, the comer is an Eternal Realm spirit, you have to be careful!"

In my mind, the reminder of the true God sounded, and the tone was full of tension.

Qin Feng opened his field of vision, and everyone in the South Alliance could see the situation outside.

That giant beast is not easy to provoke at first sight, it is more than a grade stronger than that of Yu Heng.

Qin Feng also stopped and was on guard.

The giant beast also found Qin Feng and flew directly over...

After a while, the giant beast arrived in front of Qin Feng and turned into a middle-aged man with blue hair, with an extremely majestic expression...

"Boy, who are you?

The middle-aged man looked at Qin Feng arrogantly.

He saw through Qin Feng's cultivation base at a glance, it was just a small true god with great perfection.

If it weren't for Qin Feng's flying speed before, which aroused his curiosity, he would not bother to stop.

"I am a passerby. Senior, looking at your majestic form, is it the rumored Wu Tiansheng?"

Qin Feng asked casually.

Wu Tiansheng was stunned for a moment: "Hey! You have the vision to recognize the deity! 35

As soon as these words fell, in the double universe, everyone in the South Alliance was flustered and depressed.

This is too bad luck!

They actually met Wu Tiansheng on the way.

They worry that Qin Feng is not Wu Tianshengzun's opponent...

Qing Lin sighed even more.

She originally thought that if Qin Feng could get to the Bai clan ahead of time and obtain the Six Spirit Ancestral Water of the Bai clan, his strength would skyrocket, and he would even break through to the half-step god in one fell swoop.

At that time, Qin Feng will not have to be afraid of Wu Tiansheng.

But looking at it now, the plan can't keep up with the changes!

They met Wu Tiansheng on the way, so don't think about dealing with the Bai people in advance, I'm afraid that this time, the Six Spirit Ancestral Water will not be able to be grabbed...

Thinking of this, Qing Lin sighed.

The faces of Zhenji, Jiuyuan and the others are also not good-looking.

"Boy, how did you find out the identity of the deity?"

Wu Tiansheng looked at Qin Feng with interest.

Before, he only glanced at Qin Feng quickly, but didn't take a close look.

"It is said that Wu Tiansheng can control the divine wind of creation, and he can walk in the wind, and he can travel through dozens of thousands of worlds in one day. When I see it today, it really is!"

"Ha! You can talk... eh! No! You have the aura of the gods in your body... Hehe! It turns out that you are from the gods!"

Seeing Qin Feng's details, Wu Tianshengzun's face turned gloomy.

"Haha! A little true god from the realm of the gods, how dare you come to the land of ruins alone. Boy, what is your origin? Why did you come here?"

"Haha!! Senior Saint, I just passed by!

"Humph! Do you think this deity will believe your nonsense?!

As soon as the words fell, Wu Tiansheng suddenly shot, and the giant claws shrouded Qin Feng at once, with an earth-shattering momentum...

The South Alliance crowd exclaimed.

Qin Feng was helpless, and could only meet the enemy with the palm of his hand...

In the blink of an eye, a palm and a claw will be handed over...

The corner of Wu Tiansheng's mouth twitched, showing disdain.

A small true god of the gods, who dares to meet his claw head-on, is simply courting death!

But in the next second, his expression changed drastically.

I saw a palm and a claw touch!

Suddenly, the sky is falling apart!


A loud bang!

Hundreds of millions of miles of space collapsed and shattered!

The whole void is shaking violently!

Even the distant Bai people's station, some people sensed it, and looked at the direction of the explosion in horror, extremely frightened...

A dazzling white light rose from the center of the explosion, illuminating the entire void, making it impossible to see the situation in the field...

The people of the South Alliance were extremely panicked.

After a long time, the light faded!

Everyone was surprised to find that Qin Feng and Wu Tianshengzun had each stepped back hundreds of millions of miles...

In the face-to-face meeting just now, the two sides reached a tie!

Everyone in the South Alliance suddenly cheered, admiring Qin Feng in their hearts, and instantly raised a new level!

And Wu Tianshengzun has long been dumbfounded!

how can that be?!

He actually had a draw with a true god Dzogchen?

"How could this be? Is it an illusion? Boy, are you a true god? Are you hiding your cultivation?

Wu Tiansheng roared.

Qin Feng smiled without saying a word.

The palm attempt just now greatly boosted his confidence.

"Damn it! 33

Wu Tianshengzun was unwilling and rushed to Qin Feng again.

Qin Feng took a step and took the initiative to meet...

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

In the blink of an eye, the two sides fought for dozens of rounds, killing the sky in the dark, the sun and the moon without light...

But the two sides are still tied!

This made Wu Tian Shengzun feel more and more frightened the more he fought.

He is one of the Four Great Sages of Returning Ruins.

In this return to the ruins, there are only three people who are stronger than him.

But now, a true god from the realm of the gods can come to a tie with him.

When did the God Realm become so powerful?

The more Wu Tiansheng thought about it, the more terrified he became.

The SAARC people are getting more and more excited as they look at it....

It was at this moment that Qin Feng suddenly withdrew from the battle circle...

"Haha! I've learned Daoist Wu Tian's methods, which is really admirable. However, there are still important things to do next, so let's say goodbye first!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Feng immediately chose a direction to withdraw, and escaped tens of billions of miles in the blink of an eye...

"Damn it!

When Wu Tianshengzun saw Qin Feng escape, he wanted to catch up.

·0 for flowers·

But immediately, he stopped again helplessly.

With his strength, even if he catches up, Qin Feng can't help him, so he can only let him withdraw...

"By the way, this kid is from the realm of the gods, why did he appear near the Bai clan's station? Then the Bai clan will not be in trouble, right? 35

With this thought, Wu Tiansheng's face changed slightly, he turned around quickly, and rushed towards the Bai people's residence.

In just a moment, his figure disappeared into the vast void.

After Wu Tian Shengzun left, Qin Feng stopped and did not really withdraw.

"Your Majesty, why did you retreat just now? With your strength, you are not inferior to Saint Wu Tian..."

The true God is greatly puzzled.

"Although I don't lose to Saint Venerable Wu Tian, ​​but this is Guixu. If I really entangle with him, I'm afraid I will attract three other Saint Venerables. At that time, it will be a big trouble..."

When everyone heard it, they suddenly realized.

Qing Lin sighed helplessly: "It seems that we have no relationship with Liuling Ancestral Water! 35

Qin Feng was puzzled: "How can you see it?

"Your Majesty, Holy Venerable Wu Tian has already gone to the Bai Clan. There is still a half-step Eternal Powerhouse, a dozen God Powerhouses, and a million people from the Bai Clan. If they join forces with Holy Venerable Wu Tian, ​​we won't have a chance to win against them, let alone. Don't talk about grabbing the Six Spirit Ancestral Water..."


"The old man thinks that Daoist Qinglin's analysis is right! Hey! It seems that we came here for nothing..."

Everyone was lost and sighed.

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "That's not necessarily! There is a saying that there is another village in the dark. Why do I have to attack the Bai people?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, puzzled.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean..."

"The sound is hitting the west!"

"how do I say this?

"Wu Tiannai is a dignified saint, do you think he will travel alone without his subordinates? 35

"Hey! That's right! It seems a little unreasonable to see that Wu Tiansheng hurried to the Bai clan alone. Could it be that the Bai clan found clues and asked him for help?

Qin Feng nodded slightly: "It should be so! If the deity's guess is not wrong, Wu Tianshengzun left many subordinates in order to rescue the Bai people and came first..."

Qing Lin's eyes lit up: "Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Since he wants to save the Bai people, then we will kill his subordinates, let him take care of one thing and another, and he will be too busy at the beginning and the end..."

"This is a great idea!

"It's still Your Majesty Shengming!"

Everyone was overjoyed and admired in their hearts.

Immediately, Qin Feng waved his hand, and the phantom clone appeared directly.

During this time, the phantom clone has been refining.

He wants to fuse the Divine Leaf and the Divine Sutra to refine an eternal holy artifact.

But the eternal holy artifact is so easy to refine, even if the phantom clone has been refining in the double universe for more than ten years, the progress is still very small.

Today, if Qin Feng wants to have a big fight, he has to see him summoned.

As soon as the phantom avatar appeared, the figure faded, and it blended into the void strangely, as if it never existed.

This scene made everyone in the SAARC stunned.

With the evasion technique of phantom avatars, it is extremely difficult to discover even the powerhouses of the Eternal Realm.

Naturally, these people do not know that the phantom avatar does not have the soul of the soul, and the best thing is to hide...

After leaving the phantom clone, Qin Feng flew in the direction Wu Tianshengzun came.

He believed that if Wu Tiansheng had a subordinate, which direction should he come from?

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