Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 942 windfall (seeking full order)

After leaving the phantom clone, Qin Feng flew in the direction Wu Tianshengzun came.

He believed that if Wu Tiansheng had a subordinate, which direction should he come from...

Time flies!

In a blink of an eye, an hour passed...

At this moment, somewhere in the void, Wu Tian Holy Land and his party are speeding up to the Bai people's residence...

"Three elders, how long will it take us to arrive at the Bai people's residence? 35

"It should be like two or three hours?

"That's almost there!"

The two elders who led the way chatted while they were on their way.

They are all half-step Eternal Realm powerhouses, even stronger than Bai Wuchuan and Yu Qian...

"Five elders, do you think the Holy Venerable has arrived at the Bai clan?"

"At the speed of the Holy Venerable, it must have arrived long ago. I really don't understand, the appearance of a South Alliance has scared the Bai people into that, and rushed to the Holy Venerable for help..."

"Yeah! The nine major forces in the God Realm, the South Alliance and the North are all unknown, and it is rumored that they will be delisted. But the other seven forces, one is stronger than the other, and some have surpassed our return to the ruins..."

"The most glorious period of the Southern Alliance was the period of the Jiuquan Universe Lord. At that time, the ranking among the major forces was only seventh. Now, they are even more unbearable, ranking last from the bottom.""

"The old man has also heard that his "Four Twenties" don't even have a half-step eternal powerhouse. I really don't understand, what is there to be afraid of Bai people?"

"I'm afraid that there is some outstanding person in the South Alliance, that person has already threatened the Bai people...", the third elder guessed.

The five elders curled their lips and said with a look of disdain: "If there were any outstanding figures in the Southern Alliance, they would have caused a sensation in the God Realm long ago.

"If you want to see, even if the South Alliance is a character, it will not be very powerful. At most, it will threaten the level of Baiku. I am afraid that I have not even touched the threshold of the first realm of eternity..."

As soon as these words fell, the third elder also felt that there was some truth, and nodded slightly.

Many of the god-level subordinates behind the two also showed a clear color.

They also did not take SAARC seriously.

For the SAARC request for help this time, they all felt that it was a bit of a fuss.

But at this moment, the three elders seemed to have discovered something, suddenly stopped and looked forward with a serious face...

Everyone stopped.

"The third elder, what's wrong?", the fifth elder looked puzzled.

The third elder did not return to him, but looked at the void ahead with a gloomy expression...

"Since your Excellency is here, then show up!

As soon as the third elder's voice fell, the void in front of him shook slightly...

Immediately afterwards, a noble and handsome young man came out of the void...

The person here is Qin Feng!

Qin Feng's appearance shocked the disciples of the Holy Land.

When did this guy hide here, they didn't find out before...

But when they took a closer look, they found that Qin Feng was just a little true god, and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief......

It really scared them!

They thought that the comer was some kind of expert, but they didn't expect it to be a little true god...

The people in the Holy Land couldn't help but show self-deprecating smiles...

At the same time, Qin Feng also looked at the third elder, with excitement hidden deep in his eyes...

Then, he smiled and said: "I thought it was an illusion, but I didn't expect you to sense my position, which proves that my previous feeling was not an illusion!"

The third elder smiled coldly: "Heh! Boy, you are quite alert, and you suddenly discovered the way this old man found your location. So, you have the other half of the inheritance jade of the Lord of the Nine Springs on you? 35

It turned out that the three elders did not rely on the six senses to discover Qin Feng, but rely on the half of the inheritance jade...

The half of the inheritance jade was picked up by Wu Tiansheng.

Later, Wu Tianshengzun found it useless, and it was a pity to abandon it, so he gave it to the third elder.

And Qin Feng has three and a half jade ultimatums on his body, the half of the jade ultimatum and the half on the third elder's body are both the jade ultimatum inherited from the human world, and they are one.

Qin Feng was originally hiding in the void, eavesdropping on the conversations of these people, and planned to make a sneak attack.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the three elders approached, half of the jade scorpion on his body sensed...

At the same time, the third elder's jade ultimatum also had a feeling.

Such a discovery made Qin Feng overjoyed.

As long as he takes the half of the jade, and the four inheritance jades are collected, he will be able to obtain the Jiuquan Universe and evolve into the second Great Thousand World...

"Boy, the old man asked you! Do you have the inheritance jade of Jiuquan on you? If there is, hand it over obediently!

The three elders frowned slightly.

Qin Feng didn't answer for a long time, which made him a little impatient.

"The third elder, this kid's aura seems to be from the realm of the gods...", the fifth elder looked at Qin Feng carefully.

"Hey! Really!

"Heh! The third elder, a little true god in the realm of the gods, what nonsense are you talking about with him? If you kill him directly, you won't know if he has inheritance jade..."


As soon as the words fell, the third elder suddenly shot, and grabbed Qin Feng's head with one claw...

Stab it~!

A screeching sound!

The cyan claws opened a space crack in the void, and suddenly reached the sky above Qin Feng's head, the power was extremely terrifying...

The fifth elder narrowed his eyes slightly, and the corners of his mouth showed a smile.

The rest of the Holy Land disciples also showed schadenfreude.

In their opinion, Qin Feng is about to die under the claws of the third elder...

But in the next second, a mutation will occur!

"Go away~!"9

Qin Feng waved his hand casually to meet that claw...




An earth-shattering bang!

Immediately afterwards, there was a shrill scream, and the third elder was directly killed by Qin Feng and turned into a slag, turning into a blue fog in the sky.

" is this possible!

The fifth elder opened his eyes in astonishment.

Everyone in the Holy Land also exclaimed, completely dumbfounded.

They really couldn't believe that a true God of the God Realm blasted their elders with one palm...

In the next second, the blue mist rolled over the sky, and the third elder would be resurrected...

This Guixu Saint Race is different from ordinary Guixu spirits, they have holy blood to help them, and they can also condense their primordial spirits in half a step of Eternal Realm...

It's just that their Primordial Spirit is very weak, so they are comparable to the God of the God Realm...

Without waiting for the resurrection of the three elders, Qin Feng released the divine fire of creation, engulfing the blue mist in the sky...

The screams of the third elders sounded in the thick fog, and the aura of the primordial spirit plummeted all the way at a speed visible to the naked eye...

"That...that's the divine fire of creation..."

There was another exclamation...

"Escape! Escape!

"The enemy is too strong! Everyone escape!

"Come to the Holy Spirit for help!

Originally, the five elders wanted to help.

But after seeing the Creation God Fire, he was completely desperate and took the lead in running away...

Creation Divine Fire is their nemesis, only their clan's Creation Divine Wind can resist...

But the divine wind of creation is in the hands of the Holy Venerable, and they cannot control it.0

He really couldn't figure it out, how could the Four Creation Spirits that can only be controlled by the Eternal Realm appear in the hands of a True God?

What made him even more puzzled was why a true god was so powerful, and he exploded the three elders in a single face-to-face...

At the moment, the five elders and others went in more than a dozen directions, each running their own way...  

At this moment, there was a soft sound in the blue mist, and the three elders' primordial spirit was shattered...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for killing a half-step Eternal Spirit.... Obtained 3.1 million merit points (3.1 million exchange points)

Qin Feng was overjoyed, took out a jade bottle, collected all the energy of the three elders, and obtained the storage ring of the three elders...

He picked up the storage ring, swept his consciousness slightly, and found that there was half a piece of inheritance jade inside...

What a surprise!

However, there are still some fish that slip through the net and have not been killed!

Qin Feng quickly put away the storage ring of the third elder.

In the next second, he released more than a dozen people including Zhenji, Jiuyuan, Shitie, Qinglin, etc.

The crowd immediately chased after the dozen or so who fled, each choosing a direction, exactly one-on-one...

The direction Qing Lin chose was actually the Fifth Elder.

Qin Feng chose a god.

Everyone cooperated very well.

In just a few seconds, Qin Feng caught up with the God, killed him in seconds, and put away his energy...

On the other side, the five elders are running away while asking for help from Wu Tiansheng...

As soon as he finished sending the distress message, he found out that it was Qinglin who was chasing him, a little goddess...

He was instantly annoyed, and he wondered when he had fallen to such a level that even a god would dare to chase and kill him...

Immediately, he turned his head and wanted to slap Qinglin and get rid of this annoying tail...

But at this moment, the space beside Qinglin changed for a while, Qin Feng appeared out of thin air...

The face of the fifth elder suddenly changed greatly, and he was so frightened that he turned around and ran away...

But it was already too late, Qin Feng dodged and easily chased after him...

It turned out that Qin Feng asked these subordinates to chase the enemy, not to let them kill the enemy, but to let them lock the enemy...

And as long as he uses the space to summon, he can quickly arrive....

At the same time, the Bai nationality resides. 4.7

In the VIP room, in a banquet hall, Wu Tiansheng sat on the main seat, enjoying the warm reception of the Bai people and the flattery of everyone...

"Holy Venerable, with you here today, Bai finally feels at ease!"

Bai Ku looked excited.

Wu Tian Shengzun smiled proudly: "Bai Ku, you said that the South Alliance is going to kill, the deity has been here for an hour, why haven't they seen them come?

"Holy Venerable, the people from the South Alliance went to the Yu Clan's residence three hours ago. If you count the time, it's almost there. Of course, their speed can't be compared with yours..."

"Oh!" Bai Ku nodded slightly, "By the way, you said that the loss of Shen Ye is related to the South Alliance? Where did you get the news?"

"Holy Venerable, the situation is like this..."

Withered to explain.

But at this moment, Wu Tiansheng's communication talisman came with a message.

He took out the communication jade talisman,

Bai Ku quickly stopped talking.

Wu Tianshengzun glanced at the information leisurely.

But in the next second, his face changed greatly, showing a look of anger.

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