Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 943 Breakthrough Half Step God

Wu Tianshengzun glanced at the information leisurely.

But in the next second, his face changed greatly, showing a look of anger...

"Damn it!


Wu Tiansheng swept away the table in front of him with an angry palm, and the fruit, fine wine, spiritual food, and candied fruit splashed everywhere...

The audience was startled and looked at Wu Tiansheng in horror...

"Holy...Holy Venerable, what's wrong?"

Bai Ku asked anxiously.

"Someone killed my Holy Land disciples halfway! This deity is going to rescue them..."

As soon as the voice fell, the Wu Tian Sheng Clan turned into a blue rainbow and flew away, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye, leaving the Bai Clan and Yu Clan all confused...

After a long time, everyone looked at each other and came back to their senses...

"Isn't it? Someone dared to intercept the disciples of the Holy Land?

The crowd was amazed.

"Sir, who do you think did it?" a Bai elder asked.

Bai Ku thought about it for a while, and then whispered: "Do you think there is such a possibility that the disciples of the Holy Land happened to meet the people of the Southern Alliance, and the two sides began to fight...

"Hey! Your Majesty, if you say that, it's really possible!

"If that's the case, the Southern Alliance can force the Holy Land's disciples to ask for help, it's really not weak!"

"Yes! Your Majesty, shall we also go to the rescue?

The elders were discussing.

Bai Ku pondered for a while, then shook his head slightly.

"No! We just speculate that the person who killed the disciples of the Holy Land was the South Alliance. We don't know. Now that the Holy Venerable is gone, we are in crisis..."

"Your Majesty, what do you say?

"Think about it, if the people who killed the Holy Land were not from the South Alliance, and the South Alliance was coming here, what should we do? We can only rely on ourselves to deal with the South Alliance..."

As soon as these words fell, the expressions of the audience changed slightly.

"Sir, what should we do now?"

"Start the protective formation, and everyone will enter a state of combat readiness, just in case! With that protective formation, even if the Eternal Realm powerhouse strikes, we will be able to hold on to the Holy Venerable to come to the rescue.

"Yes, too!"

At the moment, everyone took their orders and left...

Millions of children of the Bai people are all mobilized...

It didn't take long for a huge protective mask to rise above the Bai people's station...

At the same time, Wu Tian Shengzun has been far away from the Bai people's holy land...

After he passed through a void, the void shook slightly.

After Wu Tian Shengzun walked away, the phantom avatar came out of the void...  

He glanced at the direction where Wu Tianshengzun left, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the next second, he flew towards the Bai people's station...

On the other side, Qin Feng had already started killing...

In the void, shrill screams continued to be heard.

Qin Feng kept teleporting, killing one Holy Land disciple after another....

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for killing a half-step Eternal Spirit.... Obtained 3.02 million merit points (3.02 million exchange points)

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for beheading a god-level monster... Obtained 970,000 merit points (970,000 exchange points)

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for beheading a main-level monster for a day.... Obtained 1.04 million merit points (1.04 million exchange points)

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host..."

In less than half an hour, Qin Feng killed all the disciples of the Holy Land, not a single fish slipped through the net...

His exchange points have also accumulated to 27.6 million points, and he can exchange a lot of treasures.

However, Qin Feng was not in a hurry to exchange.

When he completes the collection task of the Creation Divine Water, the mall will update more treasures...

And the completion of the task of creating the divine water is just around the corner...

At this moment, more than a dozen subordinates including Zhenji and Jiuyuan gathered around Qin Feng.

And Qin Feng looked at the jade bottle in his hand with excitement...

In the jade bottle, there are two and a half steps of eternity and seventeen energies of God.

Immediately, Qin Feng opened his mouth and swallowed all the energy...

True God and others watched with anticipation while protecting the Dharma. . . .

It didn't take long for a torrent of weather to emanate from Qin Feng...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for absorbing a large amount of energy (2 half-step eternal, 17 god-level) successfully.... The host's cultivation base has been increased to half-step god 3%... The combat power has increased to 600 trillion Rang...

After a long time, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, his face full of ecstasy.

He finally broke through to the half-step god, and his combat power soared to 600 trillion yuan in one fell swoop...

This increase is extremely terrifying.

If he were to meet Wu Tian Shengzun again, he would definitely be able to defeat him...

"Congratulations to Your Majesty for making great progress!

"His Majesty broke through to the half-step god!

The subordinates immediately sensed that Qin Feng's cultivation had broken through.

One by one, they were overjoyed, and they stepped forward to congratulate each other.

Qin Feng smiled slightly and waved his hand casually. In front of him, there were two more incomplete inheritance jade...

Afterwards, he pressed the seal again and again, and the two broken jade ultimatums exuded a dazzling aura, and they automatically combined together...

Om~! Om~!

Jade Ultima Sounds~!

Heaven and earth are shaking in the void~!

Not long after, the fusion of the two jade ultimatums was completed, and a complete jade ultimatum appeared in the air, bursting with dazzling golden light...


The jade scorpion made an incomparably happy sound of joy...

After years of brokenness, it is finally complete.

Afterwards, Qin Feng waved his hand, and three other complete jade ultimatums appeared.

As soon as the four jade ultimatums appear, they are automatically distributed into the arrangement of the four poles of heaven and earth. …

East Pole Green Dragon Elephant, Antarctic Suzaku Elephant, West Pole White Tiger Elephant, Arctic Basalt Elephant...

The four poles are formed, the heaven and the earth are ringing!

Jiuquan's remnant thoughts hidden in the four jade suffixes also sent out gratifying mental fluctuations...

The next second, the mental fluctuations were directly connected with Qin Feng's thoughts, and the two sides communicated and merged...

Before long, the exchange between the two sides was completed.

Jiuquan's residual thoughts dissipated automatically, Qin Feng's soul trembled, and his spiritual thoughts instantly sublimated...

In the next second, his eyes shone brightly, penetrating all kinds of voids...

He saw dozens of fragments of broken continents....

He saw the broken reincarnation monument...

He even saw the location of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth through the void, and he was rooted in a strange space like that, looming...

At the same time, on those dozens of continents, hundreds of millions of beasts also sensed the existence of Qin Feng, looking up at the starry sky one by one, emitting cheerful beast roars...

For a time, on dozens of continents, the roar was shocking, and the void shook, shocking the creatures near the continent...

At this moment, Qin Feng has completely inherited the Jiuquan universe, so he can resonate with the beasts on all continents

That is to say, he is already the owner of hundreds of millions of beasts, as long as his mind moves, he can teleport to those beasts...

In addition, he can sense the position of the spiritual root of heaven and earth at any time.

On that day, the spiritual root of Jiuquan was left with the imprint of Jiuquan's soul.

Before Jiuquan's residual thoughts dissipated, he had already passed all his senses to the imprint of his soul to Qin Feng, which was his last gift to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng also agreed to Jiuquan's remnant and avenged it...

After a long time, Qin Feng took back his divine sense...

"Your Majesty, is it done?" Qing Lin asked with concern.


The crowd also showed anticipation.

"It's done!

Qin Feng smiled slightly and put away the four jade ultimatums in front of him.

With his current ability, he can already reorganize the shattered universe of Jiuquan...

"Excellent! Congratulations, Your Majesty, for another great harvest! 35

Everyone showed their joy 420.

At this moment, there was a huge sound of breaking air in the distance...

Qin Feng looked at the sound, and saw a giant beast the size of a planet, flying towards this direction...

"It's Sage Wu Tian!

"Your Majesty, do you want to fight?"

All the subordinates showed anticipation.

"No need! Go and clean up the Bai clan first, then come back and clean up him! 35

Qin Feng waved his hand and took everyone into the double universe.

He is very clear in his heart that with his current strength, it is not difficult to defeat Wu Tianshengzun, but it is still difficult to kill Wu Tianshengzun...

It's better to wait for him to destroy the Bai clan, improve some strength, and then deal with Wu Tianshengzun, then the chance of killing will be greater...

In Qin Feng's view, he either doesn't do it, and since he wants to do it, he has to be thorough...

What's more, he promised Jiuquan Cannian to avenge him.

He has endured the benefits given by Jiuquan, and naturally he must also endure the cause and effect.

At this time, Wu Tianshengzun also saw Qin Feng clearly...

He understood everything immediately.

On the way he came, he had already sensed that all the soul cards under his hands were shattered.

At this moment, when he saw Qin Feng's presence, how could he not understand everything?

What's more, there is still blood mist floating around Qin Feng, as well as the soul fragments of the disciples of the Holy Land.

All this goes without saying!

"Little bastard! You destroy the children of my clan! The deity will tear you apart!

Wu Tiansheng roared and rushed over.

His eyes were burning with rage...

"Haha!! Fellow Daoist Wu Tian, ​​you are late! Farewell!

As soon as Qin Feng's thoughts moved, he sensed the position of the Void Avatar and activated the Space Summon.

In the next second, he disappeared out of thin air.

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