Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 951 The decision of the saints (please complete)

At this moment, a group of people flew out of the Star Alliance station, headed by a beautiful and moving woman, it was Liu Yan...

After Qin Feng took everyone to the Ten Thousand Clan Conference, Liu Yan was in charge of guarding the Star Alliance...

At this moment, the appearance of Nanmeng and others shocked her...

"Your Majesty, you are back!

When Liu Yan saw Qin Feng, she was overjoyed.

The members of the Star Alliance were also excited when they saw Qin Feng...

"Yan'er, you arrange for everyone to take a break, I'll go to integrate resources, and make arrangements later..."

"Yes! Your Majesty!

Liu Yan gladly took the order...

Qin Feng jumped into the double universe

After a while, Tiangong Holy Land.

In a secret room, Qin Feng communicated with the system again...

"Ding~! May I ask the host, do you want to receive the first reward of the collection task (Deity level)...


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully receiving the rewards. The rewards you have obtained are as follows: 2 Xuanshen Pills, 10 Taishen Pills, 50 Extreme Pills..."

Remarks: The Profound God Pill can greatly improve the cultivation level below the peak of the gods. One person can only take one, and eating more is ineffective...

"Half-step deity is the best effect? ​​I'm not a half-step deity, then it should be useful..."

Qin Feng's thoughts moved, and there was a black elixir in his hand, which was crystal clear and fragrant...

He didn't even think about it, he just swallowed it...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the Profound God Pill... Your cultivation base has increased to 23.1% of the half-step god... The combat power has increased to 900.5 trillion yuan..."

After a while, Qin Feng opened his eyes in surprise...

A Profound God Pill actually increased his combat power by 0.5 trillion yuan, which is comparable to a yellow fruit!

Maybe, this Profound God Pill can make some of the peaks of the gods break through to the gods.

The system only rewarded two at a time, Qin Feng had just swallowed one, and there was only one left...

"Ding~! May I ask the host, do you want to receive the second reward of the collection task (God level)...""


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully receiving the rewards. The rewards you have obtained are as follows: 2 Huangshen Pills, 10 Xuanshen Pills, and 50 Taishen Pills.

Remarks: Desolate God Pill can greatly improve the cultivation of God, one person can only take one, and it will be ineffective if you eat more...

"Ding~! May I ask the host, do you want to receive the third reward of the collection task (half-step eternal level)..."


"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully receiving the rewards. The rewards you have received are as follows: 2 Hongshen Pills, 10 Huangshen Pills, 50 Xuanshen Pills, and 200 Taishen Pills.

"Ding~! It is detected that the host has obtained a god-level rating, the reward is doubled, and the reward is recalculated..."

"Ding~! The calculation is completed, congratulations to the host for obtaining the following rewards: 4 Hongshen Pills, 20 Huangshen Pills, 100 Xuanshen Pills, 400 Taishen Pills..."

Remarks: Hong Shendan can greatly improve the cultivation level below half-step Eternal Realm, one person can only take one, and eating more is ineffective...

Qin Feng is overjoyed, this time the reward is so generous...

Immediately, he picked out a Desolate God Pill and a Profound God Pill from the reward, and swallowed them separately......

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the Desolate God Pill... Your cultivation base has increased to 24.8% of the half-step god... The combat power has increased to 904 trillion yuan...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the Hongshen Pill... Your cultivation base has increased to 31.4% of the half-step god... The combat power has increased to 920 trillion yuan...

Qin Feng was delighted, the effects of Hong Shendan and Huang Shendan did not disappoint him...

Especially the effect of the Hong Shendan is comparable to swallowing half of the energy of a half-step eternal powerhouse...

What a pity! Such a magical pill can only be taken once in a lifetime...  

In conclusion, Qin Feng is very satisfied with this reward.

So far, he still has 3 Hongshen Pills, 21 Huangshen Pills, 111 Xuanshen Pills, and 460 Taishen Pills...

Then, Qin Feng summoned Shangguan Yunxi...

"Master, are you looking for me?" Yun Xi respectfully saluted.

"Xi'er, send these four desolate pills to Zhenji, Jiuyuan, Shitie, and Qinglin. The four of them are in the realm of the gods, and these four pills are the most suitable for them..."

"These hundred or so Mysterious Divine Pills will be distributed to those gods who reach the peak of the gods...""

"There are more than 400 Taishen Pills, which are distributed to those half-step gods to true gods..."

Yunxi was extremely excited when she saw the many precious divine pills in front of her.

"Master, your harvest this time is too rich! So many divine pills will definitely change the strength of our South Alliance..."

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Go ahead! The more their strength improves, the more benefits it will bring to the deity..."

"Hmm~! Master, my disciple will do it now!

Yunxi smiled sweetly, turned around and left...

But she thought in her mind that these medicinal herbs should be given to some people from the Star Alliance, as well as those innate souls cultivated by the master...

As for those SAARC people who joined later, it is appropriate to give less....

The master let her take charge of medicinal pills, and also gave her great power...

In her heart, she naturally favored the subordinates who were nurtured by the master, which is also human nature...

Qin Feng looked at Yun Xi's leaving back and smiled slightly...

He could see through this disciple's careful thinking at a glance.

However, he will not stop...

After Yunxi left, Qin Feng took out a jade bottle, which was filled with the energy transformed by Wu Tiansheng...

This is the big head that enhances his strength. . . .

Qin Feng excitedly looked at the jade bottle for a while, opened his mouth and sucked in, and swallowed all the energy inside...

In the next second, a tremendous amount of energy rushed to the limbs and bones...

Qin Feng's aura began to increase wildly all the way...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the peak-level energy of the first realm of eternity (Wu Tianshengzun)... The host's cultivation base has increased to 67% of the half-step god... The combat power has increased to 1,100 trillion yuan...

After a long time, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, his face was full of ecstasy...

His combat power reached 1,100 trillion yuan in one fell swoop, finally surpassing the threshold of combat power in the Second Eternal Realm, much better than he expected...

The range of combat power of Eternal Second Realm is 1000 trillion to 2000 trillion...

If he were to meet the Holy Venerable Zhu Tian again, even without the help of a phantom avatar, he would still be able to surpass Zhu Tian Xianxian...

Of course, it's not over yet.

He also has the Creation Divine Wind that has not been refined, and can use the Divine Wind to temper himself into the Creation Divine Body...

This can greatly enhance your strength. . . .

In addition, he still has five god-level corpses to study, which can greatly improve the strength of five subordinates, and maybe he can create five more gods...

It all takes a lot of time....

At the moment, Qin Feng started the first step, refining the creation of the gods...

On the other side, everyone from the Star Alliance, Qingqiu, and South Alliance also received the divine pills distributed by Yun Xi, and all entered the retreat...

An era of rapid advancement in strength is coming...

Time flies!

In a blink of an eye, two years have passed in the double universe, and only a few hours have passed outside...

At this time, in the Huixu, Wutian Holy Land, there was a VIP room.

·0 Seeking flowers····

The four saints gathered together.

At this moment, Wu Tianshengzun has been resurrected, but his breath is weak, and he is sitting on the jade chair with a haggard face. Obviously, his strength has not recovered to the peak...

"Brother Wu Tian, ​​who is the person who attacked you?

May the Holy Venerable ask with concern.

"That person's name is Lin Feng, and I don't know if it's his real name or a fake name. This name was said by another person who was with him. They claim to be from the northern part of the God Realm..."

Wu Tian was deeply saddened.

He fell once, not only lost a lot of energy, but also lost a group of creation gods.

That Creation Divine Wind is the reliance of the Wutian Saint Clan!

Now, there is only the last group of Wu Tian Sheng Clan left...

Not only that, but his resurrection is not unlimited.

As the first realm of eternity, there are only two primordial spirit imprints he can leave in the Holy Land.

Every time you fall, there will be one less mark of the primordial spirit.

In other words, he can only be resurrected twice.

Now, he only has one last chance to resurrect...

Of course, as the second realm of eternity, Sage Zhutian can leave three imprints of primordial spirits in his holy land, and he has three chances of resurrection...


"So, Brother Wu Tian still doesn't know the identity of the other party? It's hard to say whether that guy is from the northern part of the God Realm! 35

Wu Tianshengzun smiled wryly: "You can say that!

In fact, he was embarrassed inside.

He was killed once, and it was not clear who the other party was.

"By the way, there is still a doubt here. When I went to the Bai clan's station, it was also the Bai clan who revealed to me that the loss of the divine leaf may have something to do with the Southern Alliance. Counting the time, this is also the time for the Southern Alliance to pick the spiritual fruit... ."

Wu Tianshengzun revealed another piece of information.

As soon as they heard Shen Ye's message, the three saints all frowned, and their expressions became more concerned.

That god leaf is related to the integrity of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, and it is more related to the instructions of the ancestors...

Everything can be violated, none of the orders of the Holy Ancestor can be violated!

"Brother Wu Tian, ​​if you say so, the suspicion of SAARC is not small?"

"That's right! That's what Wu thinks..."

Zhu Tiansheng nodded slightly: "In other words, that kid is either from the northern part of the God Realm, or from the South Alliance..."

Gongtian Shengzun interjected: "Gongmou thinks that it is more likely that that person is from the north.

"How can you see it?

People are puzzled.

The Holy Venerable Gongtian smiled slightly: "Southern Alliance has always been weak, and has always been the lowest existence in the God Realm. Not only are there very few talents, but resources are also extremely scarce. In such an environment, it is almost impossible to cultivate such a terrifying genius. ….'

Zhu Tian nodded slightly: "That makes sense! With the resources in the north, it is easier to cultivate such a terrifying genius. However, there are exceptions to everything, and it is not easy for us to determine... 35

"The two of you, to put it bluntly, both the SAARC and the north are suspected. The suspicion in the north will be even greater, then the four of us will directly kill the north, and we will find out if we don't check!"

Huang Tiansheng also expressed his opinion.

Shengzun Zhu Tian shook his head: "I think it's better to start with the South Alliance first. After all, the South Alliance is weaker and easier to deal with. As long as we find out that it was not the South Alliance, it will not be too late for us to go to the north. What do the three think? "

"This... Okay! It's easy to turn from easy to difficult, and it's better to be cautious..."

At the moment, the four great saints have negotiated properly, and they will start with the SAARC first.

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