Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 952 Cultivation of holy eggs (seeking full order)

At the moment, the Four Great Sages have negotiated properly, and they will start with the South Alliance first.

"Three, that's how it's decided. When are we going?"

Zhu Tiansheng looked at the three of them.

"Wait until Brother Wu Tian's strength is fully restored! That kid named Lin Feng is not weak. With the current strength of the four of us, it is easy to defeat him, but it is difficult to kill him!

Gongtian Shengzun proposed, and everyone nodded.

"Brother Wu Tian, ​​how many days will it take for you to fully recover?"

"Five days is enough! However, Wu feels that this is not enough. I always feel that Lin Feng is very strange. I met him for the first time, and his strength is comparable to mine. But after a few hours, his combat power It has reached the threshold of the second realm of eternity..."

" is this possible?

"Brother Wu Tian, ​​is this your hallucination?

Gongtian and Huangtian don't believe it at all.

Zhu Tian also smiled and shook his head, apparently not believing it.

Afterwards, Zhu Tian said again: "Brother Wu Tian, ​​if the old man's guess is correct, when you met Lin Feng for the first time, he didn't use all his strength at all, making you mistakenly think that his strength is equal to yours, but in fact he really The strength is the threshold of the eternal second realm..."

"Hey! There is a "four-two" principle!

"I also think Brother Zhu Tian is right!

Gongtian and Huang Tian all agreed with this view.

Wu Tianshengzun also thinks it makes sense.

Immediately, he said: "Three, even if I recover to the peak, with the strength of the four of us, we still can't kill that little thief. Since we can't kill him, what's the point of seeking revenge from him?

"This... What does Brother Wu Tian mean?"

"Humph! Since it's revenge, it's natural to kill that little thief in order to relieve Wu's hatred!"

"Uh.... With the strength of the four of us, I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve..."

"That's not necessarily true!" Wu Tiansheng looked at Gongtian Shengzun, "Brother Gongtian, are you breaking through to the second realm of eternity right away?"

Gongtian smiled bitterly: "I have been stuck at the bottleneck for countless years, and I have had some epiphanies recently, but it is impossible to break through the bottleneck without thousands of years!"5

"You don't have to wait thousands of years, Brother Gongtian, what do you think this is?"

As soon as Wu Tiansheng waved his hand, a white dome appeared in front of everyone, exuding a dazzling aura...

"Hey! This... This is the holy egg!

"It's still water!"

"Brother Wu Tian, ​​where did you get the holy egg?"

The eyes of the three saints shone brightly, and their eyes became hot...

It turned out that the white dome was actually a holy egg.

It's just that the holy egg no longer has any thoughts, it only contains a lot of life force and incomparably majestic energy...

This is a holy egg that has completed the first stage, but failed to advance to the second stage...

When the holy egg is promoted to the second stage, it needs to be hatched with the creation water, but there is only a 10% success rate.

After success, it is a real holy egg, which can hatch a half-step eternal holy spirit, and its future achievements are stronger than those of the four holy saints...

The four holy clans used to have the Holy Spirit, but after the reincarnation of the years, the Holy Spirit has passed away...

If the second stage of the holy egg fails, it will become the holy egg in the hands of Wu Tiansheng, which can no longer hatch the Holy Spirit, but it is also a holy product for cultivation...

Refining the egg liquid in it can greatly increase the strength of the Eternal First Realm, and even allow the peak powerhouses of the Eternal First Realm to break through the bottleneck and reach the Eternal Second Realm in one fell swoop...

"Brother Gongtian, I will give you this holy egg. Can you break through to the second realm of eternity in a short period of time?"

"Haha!! With the help of this holy egg, it only takes ten days and a half months for a certain person to break through to the second realm of eternity..."

Wu Tiansheng was overjoyed: "Okay! Then Wu will give you this holy egg!

As soon as Saint Wu Tian waved his hand, the holy egg flew into Gongtian's hands...

"Wu.. Brother Wu Tian, ​​do you really want to give me this holy egg?"

I can't say what I'm so excited about.

"Brother Gongtian, as long as you can help me get rid of that little Lin Feng thief, Wu will be willing to send it to you!"

Gongtian was ecstatic: "Haha!! Brother Wu Tian, ​​don't worry, as long as I break through to the second realm, the four of us will join forces to kill the little thief Lin Feng, it will be an easy task..."

"Yes! As long as Brother Gongtian breaks through, it will not be difficult for the four of us to kill Lin Feng!

Zhu Tian and Huang Tian agreed.

The two of them looked at the holy egg with envy.

It's a pity that this holy egg is of water attribute, so it has no effect on the two of them, only on Gongtian.

After all, one of them cultivates the fire attribute, and the other cultivates the earth attribute.

Speaking of which, Wu Tian really paid for his revenge, and even took out this holy egg...

"Brother Wu Tian, ​​where did your holy egg come from?" Zhu Tian asked curiously again.

"Three trillion years ago, Wu accidentally discovered that the Monchi tribe was secretly cultivating holy eggs, so they were wiped out in one fell swoop, and the holy egg was collected. Fortunately, the cultivation of the Monchi tribe failed, and the holy eggs became tonic….."

Wu Tian did not hide it.

"I'll just say, the Monchi clan has always been respectful to Brother Wu Tian, ​​why did you suddenly destroy them. It turns out that these guys are doing such diabolical things behind our backs!"

"Haha! These forces are restless! They also want to become saints...

"Hey~! The bad thing is that there was a traitor in our Common Heaven Holy Land, who actually brought out the secret technique of cultivating the water-type holy egg and spread it everywhere, so that all races knew the method. Over the years, I don't know how many Race, want to secretly cultivate water-type holy eggs...

Gongtian Shengzun looked depressed.

It turned out that the secret technique of cultivating holy eggs was extremely secretive, and apart from the four holy clans, the rest of the races were originally unknown.

But they didn't want to, the Gongtian Saint Clan had a traitor and deliberately leaked the method of cultivating the Water Element Saint Egg to the Guixu Wan Clan.

This has caused many races to secretly cultivate holy eggs...

Bai and Yu are two of them.

"Brother Gongtian, by the way, have you found the traitor yet?"

I wish you a random question.

Gongtian smiled bitterly: "No! The traitor's strength was not lower than me back then, and his talent was one or two grades higher than mine. Gongmou suspects that he has already broken through to the second realm of eternity, and may even be the third territory…."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces changed slightly, and they were all ugly...

"I really don't know what the guy did that way back then. What was the purpose?"

"I don't know about Gong. 0 However, that person is extremely shrewd and never does meaningless things, I'm afraid there are other purposes..."

"That's it! Things will change! I won't talk about the traitor again. Right now, our main goal is to deal with that kid named Lin Feng..."

"That's right! Ladies and gentlemen, then Gongmou will go to retreat and refine this holy egg. Within half a month, he will be able to break through to the second realm!

"Wu also has to retreat and restore his strength to the peak..."

"Okay! After half a month, the four of us will attack SAARC..."

After all the saints discussed it, they split up and went to retreat.

On the other side, Qin Feng and his subordinates are also doing their best to retreat...

Time flies, and ten days have passed in a blink of an eye.

Five days outside, one hundred years has passed in the double universe.

In the past 100 years, the Star Alliance, Qingqiu, and South Alliance have all undergone earth-shaking changes...

After taking a desolate pill, the true God successfully broke through to the half-step eternal realm.

After Jiuyuan, Pitie, and Qinglin took the Huangshen Pill, their strengths all reached the peak of the God-level.

After Minglin Tianzun took Xuanshen, he also successfully broke through to God, and the title was changed to Minglin God.

In addition, Qin Feng used five God-level corpses, as well as the Desolate God Pill and the Profound God Pill, to elevate several of his confidants to God...

These five people are Ziwei, Fengdi, Fuzhi, Panzu, Hongyue...

Among them, Ziwei and Hongjun fetuses are all at the level of God, and their comprehensive strength is stronger than that of Jiuyuan.

In addition, Lu Ming, Qin Baobao, Ming He, and Chu Chu were also forcibly promoted to the peak of the gods...

As for the new gods and half-step gods, there are more.

Under the secret manipulation of Yunxi, the members of the original Star Alliance rose the fastest...

In short, the strength of Qin Feng's subordinates has not only improved by a big level...

The soaring strength of these subordinates also made Qin Feng's combat power soar.

And Qin Feng also refined the Creation God Wind after 4.7, and used the God Wind to quench his body into the Creation Wind Body, and his strength has continuously increased...

So far, Qin Feng's combat power has skyrocketed to 1,300 trillion yuan, which has greatly exceeded the original estimate and increased by 30%...  

But this increase in strength is not over yet...

At this moment, in the Heavenly Palace Holy Land.

Qin Feng was suspended above an incomparably huge altar.

There are two holy eggs in the center of the altar, which he snatched from the Yu and Bai tribes...

The altar is surrounded by a spiritual pool, which is filled with black creation water...

Qin Feng is using these divine waters to breed holy eggs.

In fact, according to the secret method he got from Yu Heng's storage ring, he had been bred for nearly a hundred years.

Today, this holy egg has been conceived to the last critical moment...

It's just that the success rate of the holy eggs is only 10%. Qin Feng is not sure whether the two holy eggs will succeed.

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