Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 956 1 palm beats the long river of time

For Luo Fu's question, Jiu Yuan and Ming Lin Ding all smiled coldly and did not answer.

Luo Fu frowned, unhappy.

"The deity will ask you again, how did Lord Luling die? And how did Wenyuan fall? Did you guys from South Alliance do it?"

Rover asked again.

Lu Ling and Wen Yuan were secretly instigated by Luo Fu when they entered into the SAARC.

At that time, Luofu had not yet succeeded in breaking through and could not get out of the customs, and the day when the South Alliance returned to the market had arrived.

Luo Fu arranged for Lu Ling and others to take the lead. While robbing the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, he also found out the strength of the South Alliance...

But he didn't think that Lu Ling and Wen Yuan had all perished.

This is not a small loss to the north.

Fortunately, Lu Ling and Wen Yuan did not come from the Daluo Temple, and the fall of the two did not make Luo Fuduo sad...

"Lord Luling also went to the ruins?"

Jiu Yuan was stunned for a moment.

Ming Lin is even more confused

Qin Feng did not tell these subordinates about killing Luling God and Wen Yuan...

"Looks like you don't know..."

Luo Fu saw that the two of Jiuyuan were not like what they pretended to be...

"Don't mention it! Tell the deity, where are Zhenji, Yaochi and the others?

"Sorry! We don't know either...'

Jiu Yuan lied casually.

Although Luo Fu couldn't confirm the truth of those words, Jiu Yuan's attitude was too perfunctory, which made him very unhappy...

Immediately, he sneered: "Humph! If you don't know this, you don't know that. Then the deity asks you the last question: I want to integrate the South Alliance, will you join my Daluo Temple?!

All ethnic groups in the South Alliance have been slow to join the Daluo Temple, just to let the senior leaders of the South Alliance make the decision. . . .

The former high-level leaders of the South Alliance were Zhenji, Jiuyuan, and Yaochi.

The leaders of the top forces such as Ming Lin also have a certain weight.

"Sorry! I have already followed His Majesty, Jiu Yuan, and will never join the Daluo Temple..."

"Huh? Your Majesty?

A strange color flashed across Luo Fu's eyes.

"What about you? Ming Lin! By the way, if I remember correctly, your previous cultivation was the pinnacle of the gods. How can you break through to the gods after returning from the ruins..."

"Oh! I have this breakthrough, thanks to His Majesty's help! 35

"His Majesty again? Do you want to join the Daluo Temple?!

Ming Lin's neck froze: "Sorry! I also swear to follow Your Majesty and will not join your Daluo Tiangong again. If you are unhappy, you can kill me now!"

Ming Lin was so hard-hearted that Luo Fu was restrained.

The SAARC ethnic groups were also greatly surprised.

When did they have a majesty from the South Alliance, and they let Jiuyuan and Minglin return to their hearts like this, it can be said that they are dead.

You must know that Jiuyuan and Minglin have always been the leaders of the SAARC, and they are the leaders of one party's forces, so they will easily convince people.

It seems that this majesty is not easy!

What's even better is that His Majesty can help Ming Lin break through to the level of God in a short period of time, and the means are also extraordinary...

Who is this His Majesty?

This time, the leaders of the South Alliance became very curious about the unknown His Majesty...

"It's Your Majesty again! Could it be that Zhenji and the others did not return, but were with His Majesty you said?

Luo Fu asked casually.

"Haha! It's okay to tell you, Brother Zhenji is with His Majesty..."

Jiu Yuan did not hide it.

In his opinion, letting this Luo Fu be arrogant and meeting his majesty, he is a scum...

But when Luo Fu waited for that, he couldn't help frowning.

He vaguely had a bad feeling that this unknown His Majesty seemed to have a very high prestige among the high-level SAARC leaders!

In this way, the so-called His Majesty will be the biggest obstacle for him to conquer SAARC.

He can either subdue that person or destroy that person!

However, the leaders of the South Alliance were more surprised than Luo Fu.

Who is that His Majesty?

He actually convinced the true God!

Thinking of this, the leaders had some anticipation in their hearts...

If they could not join the Daluo Heavenly Palace and would not be destroyed by the Daluo Heavenly Palace, they would naturally be willing to stay in the South Alliance, and even follow that unknown His Majesty...

After all, they were born and bred in this country, and they have more recognition and affection for SAARC...

On the contrary, Luo Fu has a sense of oppression of being competed by others...

"Your Majesty, who is your Majesty? But is Luo Mou's acquaintance? As long as more than 80% of the powerhouses above the half-step Eternal Realm in the God Realm have met Luo Mou..."

Luo Fu began to inquire.

Jiuyuan smiled coldly: "Our Majesty is not someone you know. However, he is also someone you can't afford to offend!"

Luo Fu was annoyed: "Oh! I'm not afraid that the wind will flicker your tongue! You said that the deity doesn't know him, could it be that he came from outside the realm of the gods?

"My Majesty is a person from the realm of the gods, and he is also a native of the Southern Alliance!

Hearing this, Luo Fu was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, he looked up to the sky and laughed: "Haha!! I thought that your majesty was a strong man from the Nine Heavens and Ten Regions, but after a long time, he was actually a member of the South Alliance.

"Just based on the background of your South Alliance, there is no resource if you need resources, and no talent if you need talents. In such a poor and weak place, there are talents who can produce a fart! It seems that His Majesty is a general generation..."

Luo Fu mocked SAARC mercilessly.

In fact, he also looked down on SAARC from the bottom of his heart.

As soon as he heard that His Majesty was from the South Alliance, he let go of his guard...

When the leaders of the Southern Alliance heard those words, they all felt extremely harsh and uncomfortable, and they were even more resistant to joining the Daluo Temple...

At this moment, the mysterious black-robed man beside Luo Fu spoke up...

"Luo Fu, you said last time that the half of the inheritance jade of the Jiuquan Universe Lord is in Jiuyuan's hands. It should be this Jiuyuan, right?"5

After the reminder from the black robe, Luo Fu only remembered the business.

He said very respectfully: "Senior Tiangong, you guessed right, this is the nine yuan..."

As soon as the voice fell, he looked at Jiu Yuan.

"Jiuyuan, hand over half of your inheritance jade?"


"Senior Tiangong sees your things, it is your blessing! Hand it over!

"Sorry! No more!"

Jiu Yuan smiled coldly.

The half of the inheritance jade was given to Qin Feng long ago, and naturally it was gone.

Luo Fu thought that Jiu Yuan was stumbling, and was immediately furious.

"Jiuyuan, this deity has been forbearing you for a long time. Let me ask you one more question, do you pay or not?

"Don't pay!

·0 for flowers·

"you wanna die!""

Luo Fu was furious, his aura soared, and he was about to teach Jiu Yuan a lesson...

The leaders of the Southern Alliance saw this scene, and secretly said that it was not good...

Ming Lin is also anxious...

At this moment of crisis, an icy voice sounded above everyone's heads...

"You dare to try it!

As soon as this familiar voice came out, Jiuyuan and Minglin were ecstatic...

"His Majesty!

"It is Your Majesty! 99

It turned out that Qin Feng used the space to summon and teleported directly...

When everyone heard the exclamations of the two, they instantly knew who was coming, and they all looked up...

Luo Fu and Heipao were all heartbroken, secretly shouting that the Lord is finally here... . . .

At the moment, everyone's eyes are turned to the sky, and they see a handsome and noble young man walking out of the void...

"Then... that's not Lord Qin Feng!"

Many SAARC leaders recognized Qin Feng and looked stunned...

"Huh! Only half a step god?!"

Luo Fu was stunned when he saw Qin Feng's cultivation level...

Immediately, he laughed mockingly: "Haha!! Jiuyuan, Minglin, the deity thought you were following a strong man, but it turned out to be just a small half-step god! 99

"You guys would rather follow a half-step god than the deity, are you out of your mind?

Ming Lin sneered: "I think it's your brain that's broken!"

Luo Fu was furious: "You are courting death!"

As soon as the voice fell, he suddenly shot at Minglin...

At this moment, Qin Feng also shot at him...

When Luo Fu saw that Qin Feng dared to take action against him, he couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth slightly, changing the style of his palm, and attacking Qin Feng directly...

This little half-step god really doesn't know how to live or die...

In the field of battle, it becomes Qin Feng and Luo Fu in an instant!

In the blink of an eye, the attacks on both sides will collide!

The leaders of the South Alliance saw this scene and sighed in their hearts...

A half-step celestial being to confront a powerhouse in the Eternal Realm head-on, wouldn't it be death in vain!

What a shame for a genius!

On the contrary, the people in the Daluo Temple are all gloating...

In their opinion, Qin Feng is dead!

But just when the two sides attacked and collided, a mutation suddenly occurred...

I saw Qin Feng's momentum suddenly skyrocketed...

The combat power comparable to the second realm of eternity was instantly revealed and enveloped the audience...

"This...this is..."

Luo Fu's eyes widened in horror...

He couldn't imagine how terrifying the combat power of a half-step god could be...

At this moment, he was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he wanted to run away, but he didn't have the courage to resist...

But it's too late...

Qin Feng slapped his palm down, swallowing the sky and covering the ground with his aura...



Qin Feng smashed the void, smashed the long river of time, and smashed Louvre with one palm.

This scene made the audience dumbfounded, and everyone opened their mouths to the top...

Even the mysterious black-robed man was stunned..

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