Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 957 The Holy Artifact, Daluo Divine Sword

This scene made the whole audience dumbfounded, and everyone's mouths were wide open...

Even the mysterious black-robed man was stunned

At this moment, Qin Feng made another move, the divine fire of creation pouring out of his palm turned into a golden sea of ​​fire, poured into the sea of ​​blood that filled the sky, and rushed directly to the primordial spirit, trying to devour it...

The strength of this Luofu is also stronger than that of Yu Heng, belonging to the new eternal first realm......

But the difficulty of killing him is comparable to killing Wu Tianshengzun.

Nothing more than the primordial spirit of the souls of the gods is extremely powerful, not comparable to the ghosts of the ruins, and can continue to kill...

If you want to destroy its root, you must destroy its primordial spirit. . . .

"Hey! It's the God of Creation!

The black-robed man showed a hint of stunned when he saw the Creation Divine Fire...

At this moment, a terrified roar came from the sea of ​​​​fire...

"Senior save me! Hurry up and save me!!

"stop it now!

The black-robed man roared violently and rushed towards Qin Feng, punching directly at Qin Feng. …

The fighting power of the second realm of eternity exploded in an instant, and wherever the fist wind passed, the space shattered every inch...

The audience exclaimed!

Oh my God!

There is another super powerhouse of the Eternal Second Realm!


Qin Feng frowned and punched the opponent's "four three three" attack...


An earth-shattering bang!

The entire southern part of the God Realm trembled, and hundreds of millions of beings were shocked, all of them raised their heads and looked in the direction of Kunwu Mountain...

The next second, the man in black robe groaned and was blasted away thousands of miles away......

Totally bewildered!

Oh my God!

Lord Qin Feng even easily repelled the powerhouses in the second realm of eternity...

The leaders of the SAARC are extremely admired!


But at this moment, Qin Feng's expression changed slightly, and he looked down at the sea of ​​blood below...

I saw the sea of ​​blood below, and suddenly a colorful streamer burst into the sky, illuminating the entire Kunwu Mountain in an instant...

That colorful streamer rose, actually blocking out all the divine fire of creation...

In the next second, the sea of ​​blood swelled, and a long sword of ten thousand feet emitting a colorful streamer rushed into the sea of ​​​​blood.

Immediately afterwards, as soon as the Divine Sword was wrapped, the blood mist rolled up and rushed out of the battle circle...

Immediately, the blood fog swirled, Luo Fu was resurrected, and looked at Qin Feng with horror, his face was pale...

The arrogance and disdain from before have long since disappeared...

At the same time, the divine sword swirled in the air and fell to his hand...

As soon as Luo Fu grabbed the hilt of the sword, the divine sword chirped happily. . . .

The sword light bloomed in an instant, Luo Fu's whole body also bloomed with aura, and the human and the sword became one...

That Luofu's aura suddenly soared, reaching the level of Wu Tianshengzun in an instant...

"Huh! This is..."

Qin Feng couldn't help but be stunned....

what sword is this?

It actually doubled Luo Fu's strength in an instant, reaching the imposing manner of Wu Tian Shengzun...

What's even better is that this sword can actually resist the erosion of the divine fire of creation...

In this way, it will not be easy for Qin Feng to destroy Luofu....

At this moment, the sound transmission of Jiuyuan sounded in Qin Feng's ear...

"Your Majesty, that divine sword is called the Daluo Divine Sword. It is an eternal sacred artifact, passed down by Luo Fu's ancestor Luo Tian Bansheng. Luo Fu holds this divine sword and his strength has soared more than doubled. Your Majesty should be careful to deal with it...

Hearing this, Qin Feng's eyes lit up with joy in his eyes...

O Eternal Sacred Artifact!

He still doesn't have any...

If he can grab this Daluo Divine Sword, wouldn't he have it!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng's gaze towards Divine Sword became hot...

At this moment, the black-robed man who was blown away by Qin Feng rushed back to the square...

When Luo Fu saw it, he suddenly regained his confidence...

"Senior, let's join forces! Let's kill this beast together!""

"As it should be!

The next second, Luo Fu and Heipaoren joined forces to kill Qin Feng...

The atmosphere in the field was tense again, and everyone's eyes widened...

Jiu Yuan and Ming Lin didn't even dare to breathe.

This black robe and Luo Fu teaming up are obviously stronger than Zhu Tian Sheng Zun and Wu Tian Sheng Zun teaming up...

Because the strength of the man in black robe is already above the Holy Venerable Zhutian...

What is the result of the competition between the two sides, Jiuyuan and Minglin have no idea...

In the blink of an eye, Luo Fu and the two killed him...

I saw Luo Fu sacrifice the Da Luo Divine Sword, directly slashing at Qin Feng, emitting nine sword lights, one color each, smashing the sky and destroying the earth!

And when the man in black robe waved his hand, a monstrous black water poured out from the palm of his hand, and it devoured Qin Feng away...

That is actually the creation of divine water!

He wants to use water to overcome fire, so as to suppress Qin Feng's fire of creation...

Qin Feng sneered, and the Creation Divine Wind, Creation Divine Fire, and Creation Divine Water attacked at the same time...


The cyan Creation Divine Wind instantly entangled the opponent's Creation Divine Water...

And the divine fire of creation continued to attack the black-robed man...

Creation Shenshui attacked Luofu....

The water is more flowing when the knife is cut off...

Using Shenshui to deal with Luofu's divine sword is the most suitable...

"This...this is..."

The black-robed man was almost dumbfounded when he saw Qin Feng controlling the three major spirits at the same time, and the depths of his eyes were unbelievable...

In his cognition, it is extremely difficult to control one of the four spirits of creation, and it is almost possible to master two or more...

But Qin Feng has control over three...

This reminded him of a legend, that is, the supreme ancestor can control the four spirits of creation at the same time...

But that is the almost invincible ancestor!

Don't allow the black robes to think too much, the two sides will fight together

But after just a few face-to-face encounters, Heipao and Luo Fu were each blasted away.

This scene made everyone in the South Alliance cheer. . . .

The people in Daluo Tiangong were dumbfounded and couldn't accept it in their hearts...

"How is this possible! Is this guy really just a half-step god?

The black-robed man was extremely depressed.

"Senior Tiangong, let's attack again!""

Luo Fu was even more reconciled.

He couldn't accept it. He and Tiangong teamed up, and they couldn't deal with a half-step god...

"Good! Fight again!

As soon as the words fell, the two attacked Qin Feng again...

"Ha!" Qin Feng's mouth curled slightly, "It's time to end it!"

As soon as the voice fell, he waved.

There were tens of thousands of people in the field in an instant...

The phantom avatar, Zhenji, Ziwei, Qinglin, Fengdi, Fuzhi and others are all in the list...

There are several people in the God-level powerhouse alone, and Zhenji is a half-step Eternal Realm...

"Everyone obeys! Kill them all!

"As ordered!"

Zhenji and others cheered excitedly.

They have been watching in the double universe for a long time, and they have long wanted to do it...

At this moment, Qin Feng gave an order, and all the subordinates, under the leadership of Zhenji, killed the disciples of the Daluo Temple...

Qinglin flew down to rescue Jiuyuan and Minglin...

At the same time, Qin Feng killed the black-robed man.0

The phantom avatar kills Luofu...

War is imminent!

In just a few seconds, great changes took place in the field...

Qin Feng completely suppressed the black-robed man and had the absolute upper hand...

Luo Fu was even worse, and was completely beaten by the phantom clone...

Today, the combat power of the phantom avatar is 550 trillion yuan, plus his 200 amplitude, the combat power is even more terrifying...

It can be said that even if the two Wu Tianshengzun join forces, they are not necessarily the opponents of the phantom avatar...

This Luofu has the Daluo Divine Sword in hand, and its comprehensive strength is equivalent to a Wu Tianshengzun.

He naturally cannot be the opponent of the phantom avatar...

The battle below is even more tragic!

In addition to one Luofu, there are only seven gods left in the Daluo Tiangong, and there is no stronger master...

On Qin Feng's side, Zhenji is a half-step eternal powerhouse. Ziwei, Qinglin, Panzu, Fengdi, Fuzhi, Hongyue, plus the rescued Jiuyuan and Minglin, are all God powerhouses.

As for Tianshen Peak and Tianshen, there are more than 1,000 people, far more than Daluo Tiangong...

As soon as the two sides come into contact, it becomes a one-sided massacre. . . .

The screams of the people from the Daluo Tiangong continued to be heard below...

"Damn! Withdraw! Withdraw!"

Rob roared anxiously.

But at this moment, he can't protect himself...

Below, the millions of disciples he brought over collapsed and fled in all directions...

It's a pity that they set up a great formation before, imprisoning the entire Kunwu Mountain, and now it has become a barrier to prevent them from escaping.

The leaders of the South Alliance saw this scene, and their blood was surging...

"Everyone, let's also help the real giants..."

"Quickly inform our subordinates and fight together!

The leaders agreed with a bang...

In an instant, the leaders of tens of thousands of forces summoned the 4.7 subordinates of their respective forces, and also joined the ranks of slaughtering the children of Da Luo...

The situation in the Daluo Temple has deteriorated sharply, and the field is full of blood...

In the process of massacre, Zhenji and others did not forget to collect energy...

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!

Luo Fu kept roaring in grief.

He knew that the situation was over, and while screaming desperately, he ran away frantically...

But he was entangled by the phantom avatar, and he couldn't escape for a while...

On the other side, the man in black robe also lost his fighting spirit.

He wanted to escape, but was also entangled by Qin Feng...

In just a moment, more than half of the millions of children of the Daluo Temple were killed or injured...

But at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred...

In the forbidden area of ​​Mount Kunwu, at the exit of the Guixu, there was a sudden, earth-shattering loud noise...


The space is bursting, and the aura is shining!

Lingshan swayed, almost collapsed~!

The audience was startled by the loud noise, and they all looked up...

I saw that the exit of Guixu was blasted through a huge mouth hundreds of miles wide...

In the next second, four stalwart figures rushed out from the breach...

Qin Feng was stunned when he saw the four of them.

That's actually the Four Great Sages

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