Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 958: 3 Thousand Belief Pillars

Qin Feng was stunned when he saw the four of them.

That's actually the Four Great Sages

"It's him!"

"What a thief!""

"There's another one too!"

"Kill them!"

The four saints saw Qin Feng and the phantom avatar at a glance

The four of them were overjoyed and immediately killed them aggressively...

Qin Feng's expression changed slightly.

He was in good shape and had the upper hand, and it was only a matter of time before he won this battle...

Right now, the Four Great Sages suddenly appeared and joined the opponent, I was afraid that I would lose...

It's really unfortunate that the Four Great Sages came!

Zhenji and the others were also stunned, and their faces were hard to look at...

Just when Qin Feng was about to give up the fight and take Zhenji and others away first, a sudden change occurred in the field...

The man in black robe, who was entangled by Qin Feng, took advantage of Qin Feng's slack attack, and suddenly broke out of the battle circle and ran away in one direction...

Qin Feng couldn't help being stunned...

Is this guy stupid?

Anyone can see that the Four Great Sages are coming towards him...

According to normal logic, this black-robed man should unite with the Four Great Venerables to attack him, so why did he choose to escape?

But without waiting for Qin Feng to think about it, the mutation in the field regenerated...

"It's you!

Gongtian Shengzun seemed to have discovered something, and looked at the black-robed man in incomparable astonishment...

The black-robed man ignored it, speeding up and escaping...

The Gongtian Saint Clan is in a hurry: "Traitor, where are you fleeing?!"

The next second, he roared furiously, chasing the man in black and leaving...

This scene made everyone stunned for a while...

"How about you two? Are you helping Brother Gongtian to hunt down the traitor, or..."

Sage Huang Tian couldn't help but look at Zhu Tian and Wu Tian...

"As for the traitor, I will be tracked by Brother Gongtian. Let's kill these two little thieves first, and don't let them run away..."

Wu Tianshengzun looked at Qin Feng10 and the phantom avatar, his eyes were red...

It can be said that when enemies meet, they are particularly jealous...

"Forget it! First help Brother Wu Tian to avenge!"

I wish you to make a decision,

The three immediately attacked Qin Feng and the phantom clone...

Luo Fu originally saw the man in black robe abandon him and run away alone, and his heart was mostly cold...

At this moment, he was overjoyed when he saw Zhu Tian and the three of them attacking Qin Feng again...

"Three daoists, I have a grudge against these two, and I hope the three daoists will help me!

The three saints are also overjoyed.

"I'm here to help you!

Wu Tian Shengzun rushed over for the first time...

The last time he was killed by the phantom clone, he hated the phantom clone very deeply...

As soon as Wu Tianshengzun joined, the battle situation changed immediately...

Rover pressure is greatly reduced!

However, when he joined forces with Wu Tian, ​​he was barely tied with the phantom avatar...

On the other side, Zhu Tianshengzun and Huang Tianshengzun joined forces to kill Qin Feng...

That Zhutian Shengzun is a strong man in the second realm of eternity, and he is extremely powerful.

Huang Tian Shengzun's combat power is 50 billion Yuan, and he is one step ahead of Wu Tian...

"Little thief, die!

Zhu Tian roared violently and launched an attack.

Huang Tiansheng followed closely...

The two of them joined hands to strike, the situation changed, the sun and the moon dimmed...

Qin Feng smiled coldly and greeted him...

Boom~! Crack~! Crack~!

A loud bang like the sky and the earth cracking!

Two more hums!

Qin Feng sent Zhu Tian and Zhu Tian flying backwards with one palm...

"how can that be?!"

Not far away, Wu Tian Shengzun was dumbfounded...

Zhu Tian was also extremely shocked.

Not long ago, this little thief was even weaker than himself.

How come I haven't seen you for more than ten days, I'm better than myself...

"Brother Zhutian, the situation is not good! 35

Huang Tiansheng roared in surprise.

Zhu Tian frowned.

He knows that if this continues, his side will definitely lose, so what's the point of fighting...

But then, he thought of something and turned to look at Huang Tiansheng.

"Brother Huang Tian, ​​after so many years, don't hide your clumsiness any more, take out your trump card and use it! No way, let's do it for nothing, shall we?"

Huang Tian Shengzun was stunned for a moment, his expression became extremely strange...

He does have a big hole card, and it has been hidden for hundreds of millions of years...

But how did the Lord Zhutian know?

"Brother Zhutian, your eyes and ears are really well-informed..."

Huang Tian smiled bitterly, admitting it.

The four holy clans are very united, but they also compete with each other...

Zhu Tian smiled slightly: "That thing can only be used by you. After all, you are the only one of the four of us who cultivates the earth attribute. Brother, you don't have to hide it. We can envy it at most..."

"Huang didn't have that kind of idea. He originally wanted to choose a time to take it out. It was a blockbuster. It seems that it is today..."

This is just the end, Qin Feng has already killed it....

Zhu Tian's face changed slightly: "The little thief is here! Brother, let's do it!"

"Okay! Let this little thief get to know him today!"

Huang Tian's mind moved, and his inspiration flashed behind him...

Then, a giant seal the size of Kunwu Mountain emerged from the aura...

The giant seal is square, yellow, and engraved with the 'yellow path' in the middle, exuding a thick and majestic earth element force...

That giant seal is actually an eternal sacred artifact, called the zodiac seal.

As soon as the seal of the sky came out, the spiritual light bloomed, and it instantly became one with the seal of Huang Tiansheng....

In the next second, Huang Tiansheng's aura soared, his combat power doubled in an instant, and he suddenly reached the threshold of the second realm of eternity...

"Another Eternal Sacred Artifact!"

Qin Feng was slightly taken aback, there are so many emergencies today!

It was at this moment that Huang Tian Shengzun raised the Heaven Seal and smashed it towards Qin Feng...

Zhu Tianshengzun also shot at the same time...

This is equivalent to two Eternal Second Realm powerhouses, dealing with Qin Feng alone...

The two sides are fighting...

But in this fight, it was still a tie, and even Qin Feng had a slight advantage, but it was extremely inconspicuous...

In short, the battle between the two sides has fallen into a stalemate...

Qin Feng faced Zhu Tian and Huang Tian with one enemy and two...

The phantom avatars face Luo Fu and Wu Tian with one enemy and two...

Qin Feng's side is more powerful in terms of momentum...

This scene made everyone in the South Alliance secretly rejoice...

Zhenji and the others let out a sigh of relief...

Afterwards, Zhenji quietly ordered to continue to kill the disciples of Daluo Tiangong...

Everyone readily agreed, a massacre continued, screaming screams continued, and the children of Daluo Tiangong fell one by one...

Luo Fu was angry and anxious.

But he was entangled by the phantom avatar and couldn't be distracted to help...

The three saints don't even care...

They are not their disciples, who cares about the life and death of those ants, their targets are only Qin Feng and the phantom avatar...

In less than half an hour, the Daluo Temple went up and down, and all the millions of children were slaughtered...

The energy they transformed after they died was carefully collected by Zhenji and others...

This makes Luo Fu extremely sad!

However, as long as he is still alive, he can still rebuild the Daluo Temple...

Afterwards, Zhenji and the others quietly descended the mountain with the leaders of the South Alliance...

In a blink of an eye, over the top of the mountain, only Qin Feng, the phantom avatar, and several Eternal Realm powerhouses were fighting...

Below, those onlookers walked away completely and became empty, leaving only a messy battle scene...

For the strange whereabouts of Zhenji and others, the three saints don't care at all...

Although Luo Fu also thought it was strange, he didn't think much about it...

At this moment, the battle between the two sides is still in a stalemate......

A quarter of an hour later, at the foot of Kunwu Mountain...

Nearly 10 million people gathered around Zhenji...

Some of these people are disciples of Zhenji Sect...

At this moment, all the disciples of the Zhenji Sect were summoned by Zhenji...

Even the family members of the disciples, children who have not yet cultivated, have been summoned...

The other part is the forces of all ethnic groups in the SAARC.

Except for those leaders, their subordinates are all concentrated here...

At this moment, the atmosphere in the field is serious, and everyone is waiting for Zhenji to speak...

"Really half-sage, you called us all here, there should be a major announcement?"

In the realm of the gods, if the cultivation base reaches the half-step eternal realm, it is called a half-sage.

The cultivation base reaches the Eternal Realm, which is the Holy Venerable.

"That's right! This deity has called you all here, and there is indeed a major announcement..."

When Zhenji said this, he waved his hand, and a huge soundproof barrier enveloped the audience...

"Everyone, you have also seen it. On the top of the mountain, Qin Feng and Qin Lei are fighting the enemy equally! Have you ever thought about what would happen to us in the South Alliance if Qin Feng and Qin Lei lost this duel? ?55


The people looked at each other.

They didn't really think about it.

Zhenji smiled coldly: "We just killed all the children of Daluo Tiangong. You said, if Qin Feng and Lord Qin Lei lose, what will Luofu do to us? He will definitely kill us all for the sake of Daluo Tiangong. The children of revenge!

As soon as these words fell, everyone's face changed greatly...

"This... how should this be?"

"Great man, what should we do?"

Many people are anxious.

Zhenji said coldly: "There is only one way, and that is to help Qin Feng and Qin Lei to win this duel!

"Ah?! We are not qualified to intervene in such a duel between great powers, and we can't help if we want to help! 35

"Yeah~! There's nothing we can do!"

"That's not necessarily! Lord Qin Feng has a secret technique. As long as you sign a contract with him and serve him as the master, you can increase his strength. 433 If you want Lord Qin Feng to win this duel, then you can do it with him. Sign the contract. This is not only helping Lord Qin Feng, but also saving your life!

After Zhenji said these words in one breath, everyone suddenly realized...

"Hey! There are such secret techniques? If this secret technique is available, I can sign it with Master Qin Feng!""

"Master Qin Feng is so powerful, following him, the South Alliance will have a future..."

"That's right! Besides, this is the only way for us to survive, so naturally we have to sign..."

Everyone responded one after another, and they were willing to sign the contract in unison...

Zhenji, Jiuyuan, Ziwei and others were overjoyed.

The development of this matter was much smoother than they expected...

"But... but Lord Qin Feng is at war with the enemy, how can we sign a contract with him?"

"Yeah! He can't make time now..."

Someone thought of a very real problem.

The crowd was overwhelmed....

Many people showed anxiety...

Zhenji smiled slightly: "I don't need to come forward with Mr. Qin Feng, I can also sign the contract, you see.

As soon as Zhenji waved his hand, three thousand stone pillars of runes appeared out of thin air, and they were engraved with ancient and unfamiliar runes...

"What the hell is this?"

"They are the pillars of faith refined by Lord Qin Feng! As long as you drop your blood essence on these pillars and sign a contract, you are equivalent to signing a contract with Lord Qin Feng...'

"I see!

The crowd suddenly realized.

Immediately, everyone was ecstatic.

"My lord, I want to sign a contract!

"I want to sign too!""

"I'm coming! Let me come first!"

For a time, nearly 10 million people scrambled to sign the contract, and their enthusiasm was extremely high...

What a joy.

Immediately, he arranged for Jiuyuan and others to maintain order, and asked tens of thousands of people to line up and start to sign contracts one by one to believe in the divine pillar...

Three thousand sacred pillars are carried out at the same time, and every ten seconds, three thousand people complete the contract...

And as soon as these people complete the contract, Qin Feng will get back the battle strength...

His combat power gradually increased little by little...

The phantom avatar was also affected, and the strength increased synchronously.

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