Global Powers: I Control All Elements

The 960 chapter of the overall victory, I wish Tianluo escape (seeking full order)

Kunpeng pounced directly on Wu Tianshengzun and entangled him.

Qin Feng also stopped Zhu Tianshengzun and Huang Tianshengzun, and completely gained the upper hand, hanging and beating them...

"how so?!

The three saints exclaimed in their hearts...

They wanted to escape to the Ruins, but it was impossible...

"Boy, do you have to kill them all?"

I wish Tian Shengzun to ask the question in a serious manner.

"Heh~! It's like if you let you go, you'll make trouble for the deity!""

Qin Feng sneered with a look of disdain.

This guy is pure bullshit.

"Boy, you must remember! Even if you can kill us, we can still be resurrected in the Holy Land. Only from then on, we will forge a deadly feud, which will never end! If you let us go, the previous grievances can be written off! 99

Zhu Tiansheng's tone was somewhat compromised.

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and the attack in his hand became more violent...

He doesn't believe this guy's nonsense.

Guixu and the God Realm have always been hostile, there is hatred of the gods, and there is no possibility of compromise.

Even after this incident, it is normal for these three guys to go back on their word.

What's more, he has an absolute advantage now, how can he give up this opportunity!

"Stop it! Boy, why don't you stop it?! Do you really want to be with us forever?

Zhu Tiansheng shouted anxiously.

"Nonsense! Today, the deity must keep you all! 39

As soon as these words came out, the three saints were furious.

"Little thief, don't be arrogant! If you have the ability, why don't you go to our holy place to try?

"Haha! Who knows that your strength will increase greatly in the Holy Land 433, why did this deity go to the Holy Land to trouble you? Just kill you in the outside world!

"Humph! Even if you kill us, we can still be resurrected, what can you still do to us?!

Wu Tiansheng roared.

He hated Qin Feng to the core.

Qin Feng sneered: "As far as I know, the number of times you saints can be resurrected is limited. The first realm of eternity can only be resurrected 2 times, and the second realm of eternity can only be resurrected 3 times..."

"Wu Tian, ​​I have already killed you once. If I kill you again, you will lose your last chance to be resurrected. At that time, will you still dare to leave the Holy Land?"

Hearing this, Wu Tian's face changed greatly, and he was so scared that he was speechless...

It was at this moment that Luo Fu's mourning roar sounded from behind everyone...

"Forgive your life! Fellow Daoist forgive your life! Luo Mou is wrong! I won't dare to do it again next time! 99

That Luofu actually begged for mercy again...

The phantom clone ignored it and continued to strangle like crazy...

Luo Fu screamed constantly.

Wu Tian and the three were startling when they heard it, and their hearts were even more frightened...

What is even more frightening is that the signing of the SAARC contract is still accelerating...

Qin Feng's combat power has increased again, and Zhu Tian and the three of them are approaching their limit...

Just when the three people's mentality was about to collapse, Luo Fu's last struggle came from the blood mist transformed by Luo Fu...

"Boy! Do you really want to kill it quickly? If I fall, I will definitely not make you feel better! 35

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

Hundreds of millions of sword lights madly bombed and killed!

This is the response of the phantom avatar...

Rover is completely disappointed!

In the blood fog, his desperate roar sounded...

"I, Luo Fu, make an oath to the sky! In the future, whoever succeeds in revenge for me, Da Luo Shenjian will recognize him as the master... ah!

At this moment, he actually made an oath of inner demon, and the roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, alarming the heavens and the world...

Billions of miles of heaven and earth, the sound waves are boundless

Thousands of miles in the sky, the white clouds shook and dissipated...

This roar spread to all corners of the God Realm...

Luo Fu also exhausted the last bit of divine power...

For a time, countless creatures were shocked, and many great men were alarmed, looking at the southern part of the God Realm...

The Daluo Divine Sword also let out a mournful cry at the same time.

The sound of sword chants pierced through the sky, reaching beyond thirty-three days...

The power of the holy artifact suddenly conveys the eight desolations and six harmony, and is shocked to realize that it is beyond the nine heavens and ten regions...

For a time, the great powers in every corner of the God Realm sensed it, and even the great powers in the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains sensed...

"Hey! That seems to be the roar of the Daluo Divine Sword!

"The holy artifact screams! Is this going to change hands?"

"Where did this happen?"

"It seems to be in the southern part of the God Realm?

"How could it happen in such a barren place!

"I might as well wait and see! 35

Outside the void, there are thoughts exchange one after another.

That's the exchange of ideas between the powerhouses of the Eternal Realm...

Luo Fu's move really shocked the entire God Realm.

Qin Feng couldn't help frowning.

This is a hidden scourge!

However, the southern part is located in a corner of the realm of the gods, and it is very remote. Even if there is a powerful person who comes to check it, it will only be ten days and a half later. . . .

At that time, Qin Feng has already dealt with all the trivial matters, and can face the coveted coveted by the powers...

The temptation of the holy artifact (baeh) is something that few eternal realms can resist...

It was at this moment that Luo Fu's incomparably desperate roar sounded in the blood fog...

His primordial spirit was instantly shattered, and he died just like that...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully killing the first realm of Eternal Realm (Luofu)...getting 8 million karma points (8 million exchange points)..."

Qin Feng is overjoyed, Luo Fu is finally dead...

The faces of the three saints changed greatly.

At this moment, the phantom clone turned the energy of Luo Fu into a jade bottle...


The Daluo Divine Sword seemed to have a spirit. After a clear cry, it turned into a rainbow of rainbow lights. It wanted to escape, but the phantom clone grabbed the hilt...

Divine Sword struggled hard, as if trying to break free...

The phantom avatar repeatedly moved the seal, and after sealing it, it was put into the storage ring...

The harvest was good this time, and I got a holy artifact...

After doing this, the phantom clone will go to support Qin Feng and Kunpeng...

The three saints collapsed completely when they saw the phantom clone coming over. . .

"Brother Huang Tian! I'm sorry!"

Zhu Tian Shengzun left these words, and then he used a secret technique, and with a quick dodge, he withdrew from the battle circle, leaving Huang Tian Shengzun alone to face Qin Feng...

"Wish... Zhu Tian brother, you can't leave me... ah!"

Huang Tiansheng shouted anxiously.

But in the next second, he was bombarded by Qin Feng...

Qin Feng ignored Zhu Tian's escape and concentrated on killing Huang Tian Shengzun...

The Creation Divine Fire, Creation Divine Wind, and Creation Divine Water fought one after another, trying to destroy the primordial spirit of Saint Huang Tian...

Huang Tian sacrificed the sacred artifact, the zodiac seal, to block the divine wind of creation.

He sacrificed the Creation Divine Soil and blocked the Creation Divine Water...

But Qin Feng's fire of creation, he has nothing to stop him

That Creation Divine Fire rushed into the blood mist instantly, crazily eroding his Primordial Spirit...

Shengzun Huang Tian's Primordial Spirit aura plummeted at a speed visible to the naked eye...

"Wait, brother, wait for me!

Wu Tian Shengzun fled when he saw Zhu Tian, ​​and shouted anxiously...

But he was entangled by Kunpeng and had no chance to escape.

Kunpeng's strength is comparable to him, but Kunpeng's speed is more than twice his speed...

What Kunpeng is best at is speed.

As long as the strength is not stronger than him, he will never try to escape from him, unless he can't beat...

In the blink of an eye, the phantom clone rushed over to support Kunpeng...

The two teamed up to deal with Wu Tiansheng.

After just a few encounters, Wu Tian Shengzun was bombarded, and the two began to strangle his primordial spirit...

"Brother I wish Tian, ​​save me! Hurry up and save me!"

"Brother Zhu Tian, ​​you can't leave us... ah~!"

Zhu Tiansheng listened to the screams of the two behind him, and did not stop.

Although he can be resurrected after death, he doesn't want to miss a chance to be resurrected...

He knew that he was going to die, so why should he continue to stay?

In just a moment, he escaped into the Guixu and disappeared, leaving behind only the screams of Huang Tian and Wu Tian echoing.

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