Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 961 The counterattack of the black robe

Before long, Huang Tian Shengzun couldn't hold it anymore...

"Little thief Lin Feng! Huang and you will never share the sky! Yellow Daoyin, I will definitely come and get it in person... ah~!"


With a light sound, the primordial spirit is shattered~!

Huang Tian Shengzun is dead~!

Compared with the souls of the gods, Huang Tiansheng's primordial spirit is weaker than Luofu, and it is easier to kill...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully killing the ghosts of the first realm of eternity and returning to the market (Huang Tianshengzun)...getting 12 million merit points (12 million exchange points)...99

Qin Feng was overjoyed, and put away the -energy transformed by Huang Tian Shengzun.

The Yellow Daoyin made a clear cry, like a living creature, and fled towards the entrance of the Returning Ruins...

Qin Feng dodged and stopped the treasure, sealed it, and put it away...

In addition, Huang Tian Shengzun also left a large group of Creation Divine Land, which was also taken into the bag by Qin Feng...

This time the harvest is huge!

After doing this, Qin Feng killed Wu Tianshengzun.

This time, Qin Feng, the phantom clone, and Kunpeng joined forces to kill Wu Tianshengzun with just a few face-to-face encounters...

In the sky, Wu Tiansheng's shrill screams echoed...

"Ah~! Boy Lin Feng, if this revenge is not avenged, Wu Mou swears that he will not be a human being!"

After a long time, the screams completely dissipated, and everything returned to calm...

The prompts of the system echoed in Qin Feng's mind...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully killing the ghosts of the first realm of eternity and returning to the market (Wu Tianshengzun)... Obtained 10.7 million karma points (10.7 million exchange points)...

Wu Tianshengzun was killed by Qin Feng for the second time, and his last chance to revive is running out...

Seeing the energy in the sky transformed by Wu Tiansheng, as well as the wind of creation, Qin Feng was delighted...

As soon as he waved his hand, he put away all his energy.

The group of Creation Divine Winds was also put away, and when there is time, they will be refined again, and they will be used by the phantom clone in the future...

Having said that, Wu Tianshengzun was killed twice by him in a row, and the two groups of Creation Divine Wind were all lost, and there is no Divine Wind in his clan, which is quite embarrassing.‥

"Master, all the enemies are dead! It's a pity that one of the strongest..."

At this time, Kunpeng ran over with a look of excitement.

It's just that he couldn't leave the Holy Venerable Zhu Tian, ​​which made him feel sorry...

"If we don't let Zhu Tian leave, we won't be able to kill so smoothly. Speaking of which, the threat to us from the Four Great Sages of Guixu has been minimized. Next, the most troublesome are the seven forces of the God Realm. now..."

Qin Feng thought of the oath Luo Fu made before his death, which should have alerted the great powers of the seven major forces in the God Realm...

Of course, with Qin Feng's current strength, he is no longer afraid of any Eternal Second Realm powerhouse...

But in the power of the gods, there is also the existence of the eternal third realm...

As far as Qin Feng knew, there were three eternal third realms among the seven great forces.

As for the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains, it is even more mysterious. Qin Feng has no idea how many experts from the Third Realm there are...

For the temptation of the holy artifact, the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains may not be moved, but the people of the God Realm can definitely be moved...

Qin Feng's greatest pressure is the three powerhouses of the eternal third realm...

And the threshold of combat power in the eternal third realm is 4,000 trillion yuan, which is far from what Qin Feng can handle now...

"Master, will the seven powers of the God Realm come soon?"

Xiao Kunpeng began to worry about his master.

"It's not too late to arrive! The realm of the gods is huge, and even if those great masters want to rush over, it will take some time. 35

"What's more, these people are old and mature. If they don't understand some of the situation, they will not come forward easily. According to my estimation, even if someone comes to ask for trouble, it will be ten days and a half months later..."

Qin Feng analyzed it carefully.

Xiao Kunpeng nodded slightly: "Master, then we have to take advantage of this time to make some preparations..."

"During this period of time, my strength should have improved. Of course, if I can improve to the third level of the eternal realm, I don't need to fear anyone in the God Realm, but this is too difficult..."

Qin Feng was a little helpless and stopped talking.

At present, improving strength is the key and the most urgent...

The phantom avatar threw the jade bottle containing the energy transformed by Luo Fu, and threw it over...

Qin Feng took it, opened his mouth and sucked in all the energy inside...

In the next second, his momentum began to soar all the way...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the energy of the first realm of eternity (Luo Fu)... The host's cultivation base has been increased to 76% of the half-step god... The combat power has been increased to 2030 trillion yuan...

This is not over, Qin Feng continues to devour...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the peak-level energy of the first realm of eternity (Wu Tianshengzun)... The host's cultivation base has increased to 82% of the half-step god... The combat power has increased to 2,200 trillion yuan...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the peak-level energy of the first realm of eternity (Huang Tian Wu Tian Shengzun)... The host's cultivation base has increased to 89% of the half-step god... The combat power has increased to 2400 trillion yuan..."

After a long time, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, his face full of ecstasy.

He devoured the energy of three Eternal First Realm powerhouses in a row, and his combat power reached 2,400 trillion yuan in one fell swoop...

This far exceeds the limit of 2,000 trillion yuan of combat power in the second realm, and with his 200-fold increase in combat power, it can be said that it can completely swept the second realm of eternity...

·0 Flowers · ......

The only one who can control Qin Feng is the Third Realm of Eternity.

But within this God Realm, only three people are known to the Third Realm.

In other words, Qin Feng has already touched the pinnacle level of the God Realm...

Of course, there may be some hidden masters here, as well as the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains, and the reverse world of returning to the ruins, there will be stronger existences...

But those are still relatively far away and cannot threaten Qin Feng for the time being...

All in all, Qin Feng is very satisfied with the strength improvement this time...

"Master, I feel that you have become so strong!

Xiao Kunpeng looked at Qin Feng excitedly...

"It's not enough! As far as I know, the threshold of combat power in the Eternal Third Realm is 4,000 trillion yuan, and the combat power limit is 8,000 trillion yuan. With my current strength, even if I encounter the weakest third realm powerhouse, Not an opponent..."

Qin Feng smiled humbly.

He has always been self-aware and has not been overwhelmed by the progress in front of him...

"Master, what are you going to do next?"

"The two holy artifacts I just got need to be dealt with by this deity... and the creation divine soil and creation divine wind still need to be refined, and by the way, use divine soil to quench the body, and I can improve my strength... .

Having said that, Qin Feng thought of something, and his eyes lit up again.

"By the way, Kun'er, your physique belongs to the wind attribute, and you should be able to use the wind of creation to quench your body. I'll give you a Fengshen pill to help you quench your body. Whether you can get the wind of creation depends on you. My own good fortune. If the physique can be promoted successfully, the strength will definitely improve..."

Kunpeng's physique is the eternal wind body, and if he is promoted to one level, it is naturally the creation wind body...

"Thank you master!"

Xiao Kunpeng was ecstatic.

Qin Feng smiled: "You have done a great job this time, and you should be rewarded..."

These words just fell, and there is another mutation and regeneration...

I saw in the distance, the sound of rapidly breaking through the air, and a miserable roar...

Qin Feng quickly followed the reputation and saw three black dots flying in the distance...

The one flying in the front is suddenly the Sage of the Common Heaven...

At this moment, it was covered in blood, bruised and bruised all the way, and it was screaming constantly, obviously it was severely injured...

In addition to the mysterious black-robed man, there was another gray-robed man who was chasing it...

Qin Feng could see at a glance that, apart from the Holy Venerable Gongtian and the black-robed man, who were both outsiders of the Second Eternal Realm, the newly-appeared gray-robed man was also a powerhouse in the Second Realm of Eternity...

At this moment, the three of them flew spoons in the direction of Qin Feng.

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