Global Powers: I Control All Elements

The 9 and 63 chapter rewards after the creation of the 4 spirits

As soon as Qin Feng opened his mouth and inhaled, he swallowed all the energy transformed by the Holy Venerable Gongtian.

In the next second, he turned the god-level devour, and the breath of the whole body began to soar all the way...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the energy of the second realm of eternity (Gongtian Shengzun)... The host's cultivation base has increased to 93.2% of the half-step god... The combat power has increased to 2800 trillion yuan...

It took half an hour for Qin Feng to digest all the energy...

After a long time, he opened his eyes with joy.

This time the harvest is really great!

Absorbing the energy of the threshold level of an eternal second realm, he actually increased his combat power by 400 trillion yuan, more than Huang Tian and Wu Tian combined...

His combat power has reached 2,800 trillion yuan, and he is a big step closer to the threshold of combat power in the third realm...

What is even more gratifying is that his cultivation progress has reached 93.2% of the half-step deity, which is not far from the deity realm.

Having said that, if he can break through to the realm of the gods, he will not be afraid of the ordinary third realm, unless it is the top powerhouse in the third realm. . . .

However, Qin Feng's foundation is too strong, and this trend is still strengthening.

He wants to break through a realm, and the energy that needs to be consumed is extremely huge...

Naturally, it is extremely difficult for him to break through a realm... 10

In the short term, it will be very difficult for him to break through to the God Realm, unless he can devour two or three Eternal Second Realm...

This cultivation base breakthrough, the closer it gets to the bottleneck, the more energy it consumes...

However, Qin Feng is very satisfied with the current progress...

"Master, your strength has improved a lot..."

Xiao Kunpeng and Qin Feng have a heart-to-heart connection.

He immediately sensed the change in Qin Feng's strength...

"These are not enough! Little guy, let's go back to the double universe retreat first, and I will help you to temper your body..."

Kunpeng was overjoyed: "Thank you, master!"

The next second, Qin Feng waved his hand and entered the double universe......

Time flies!

In the blink of an eye, two days have passed from the outside world, and twenty years have passed in the double universe.

In the past 20 years, Qin Feng has successfully helped Kunpeng to complete his body quenching by using Fengshen Pill and Creation Divine Wind, and let him be promoted to the Creation Wind Body...

The process went very smoothly, which made Qin Feng very happy.

It stands to reason that the success rate of Kunpeng's physique evolution is only 5% at most, and the smooth success this time is entirely due to luck.

The body of creation is not something that everyone can possess.

You must know that the physique of the Lord of the Ancient God Realm is just the body of wind and fire of creation.

Kunpeng possessed the physique of creation, which meant that he had half the potential of the Lord of the Ancient God Realm.

Generally speaking, the body of eternity can be cultivated to the third realm of eternity at most, which is the limit.

The body of creation can break through this limit and reach a higher fourth realm, or even the fifth realm...

In short, Kunpeng's physical progress this time is a reborn change...

His combat power has also increased by 40% in one fell swoop, and his comprehensive strength has surpassed Sage Wu Tian, ​​and also surpassed Sacred Huang Tian, ​​who has no holy artifact.

The most important thing is that Kunpeng's talent and potential have undergone earth-shaking improvement, and his future achievements are limitless...

The improvement of Kunpeng's strength has also allowed Qin Feng to gain a lot of combat power back...

In addition, Qin Feng also refined all the newly obtained Creation Divine Fire, Creation Divine Water, and Creation Divine Soil...

This gave him a considerable boost in combat power.

Divine water swallows the spirit, divine fire eats the soul, and the combined use of water and fire to destroy the primordial spirit can increase the speed by a hundred times...

The divine wind erodes the bones, the divine soil rots the body, and the combined use of the wind and soil can increase the speed of destroying the flesh by a hundred times...

If the four spirits of Shenhuo, Shenshui, Shenfeng, and Shentu are used together, the speed of killing the powerhouses in the Eternal Realm can be increased by a thousand times...

In other words, if it takes one hundred days for others to kill an Eternal Realm powerhouse, Qin Yong only needs one or two hours.

To a certain extent, Qin Feng's collection of the four spirits is equivalent to possessing a sacred artifact...

In addition, he will use an extra ball of divine fire, a ball of divine water, and a ball of divine wind for the phantom clone...

The phantom avatar has newly acquired three spiritual things, and the comprehensive combat power has been improved...

All this is not over yet.

Later, Qin Feng used the Creation Divine Soil to temper his body, and successfully obtained the Creation Soil.

At this point, his physique has reached the Fengshui, Fire and Earth Physique of Creation, plus the Eternal Moon Physique. His potential and talent are more than double that of the Lord of the Ancient God Realm...

In short, Qin Feng's combat power has skyrocketed by a lot after this...

In addition, two days have passed from the outside world, and Zhenji and others have finally signed all the contracts for the entire southern life...

This allows Qin Feng to gain a lot of life value and combat power...

So far, Qin Feng's exchange points have accumulated to more than 80 million, and the combat power has increased to 3,000 trillion yuan...

But he said that on this day, Qin Feng had just left the customs and was about to leave the forbidden land of the Heavenly Palace...

Zhenji waits for someone to come to see you...

It turned out that they had returned from all over the south...

Qin Feng was overjoyed and hurriedly summoned...

Having said that, Zhenji's performance this time was extremely good. He was on his own at a time of crisis and helped Qin Feng turn the tide of the battle at a critical moment...

Not only that, after Zhenji signed the Ten Thousand Clan Influence, he did not let go of those ordinary creatures who were not forces, even those who had not cultivated...

As long as it is in the southern part of the God Realm, all creatures with spiritual wisdom must sign contracts...

Today, more than 90% of the creatures in the SAARC have completed contracts with Qin Feng...

The remaining less than 10% basically belong to the creatures with very low intelligence, or no intelligence...

In this way, it brings a great benefit to Qin Feng, that is, the entire southern part of the God Realm has become his back garden...

Many inconspicuous southern creatures have become his eyeliner.

If there is any change in the foreign forces, as soon as he steps into the south, he can immediately notice...

At the same time, he can also use the space to summon, and teleport to it at the first time.

In the huge south, he can come and go freely, no one can stop him, and it has completely become his base camp...

At this point, even the powerhouses of the Eternal Third Realm can't compare... 433.

It can be said that without the master of the power of the gods, the control of his own territory can be as firm as Qin Feng, and it is all under his nose...

At the moment, Qin Feng is going to go to the conference hall, convene Zhenji and others, hold a high-level summit meeting, and deal with the next more difficult things...

For example, the influence of Luo Fu's heart oath, the potential threat of the common dragon, and the problem of the two holy artifacts...

During this time, he wanted to forcibly refine the holy artifact, but found that the holy artifact has a spirit and cannot be refined at all...

Perhaps, Zhenji and others can know some reasons. After all, they have lived in the God Realm for more than ten trillion years. Although their cultivation is not as good as Qin Feng, their knowledge is not low...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng is ready to leave...

But at this moment, the system sent another prompt...

"Ding~! It is detected that the host has additionally completed the task of collecting the divine soil of creation, and will receive a generous reward (eternal first realm level reward)

"Ding~! The host additionally completes the quest collection of the Creation Divine Land, gets a god-level evaluation, and the quest reward is doubled..."

"Ding~! The host completed the collection of the Four Creation Spirits ahead of schedule, obtained a super god-level evaluation, and additionally obtained super-god-level experience (eternal second-level reward)... 99

Hey! Another advantage is coming!

Qin Feng was overjoyed, his eyes lit up...

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