Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 964 Hongmeng body (seeking complete order)

"Ding~! May I ask the host, do you want to receive the reward now (the first level of eternity)?"

The system prompts again...

"Receive! 33

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for your successful receipt, your rewards (the first level of eternity) are as follows: 1 Holy Spirit Pill, 5 Hongshen Pills, 20 Desolate Pills, 100 Profound Spirit Pills, 500 Taishen Pills... …”

Remarks: The Holy Spirit Pill can greatly improve the combat power of the first realm of eternity, and can also assist the half-step peak of the eternal realm to break through the bottleneck (one person can only eat one in a lifetime, eating more is ineffective)  …

Qin Feng's eyes lit up, this Holy Spirit Pill is definitely a good thing!

However, in the past, the best pills were rewarded with 2 pills, but this time, only one was awarded...

Could it be that the Holy Spirit Pill is too precious?

This thought came to me, and the system sent a prompt again...

"Ding~! It is detected that the host has completed additional tasks, the reward is doubled, and your reward starts to be recalculated...

"Ding~! After the calculation is completed, your rewards are as follows: 2 Holy Spirit Pills, 10 Hongshen Pills, 40 Huangshen Pills, 200 Xuanshen Pills, 1000 Taishen Pills. 35

"Ding~! May I ask the host, do you want to receive the reward now (the second level of eternity)?

"Receive! 39

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for your successful receipt, your rewards (the second level of eternity) are as follows: Hongmeng Body Fusion Method (cultivation), 3 Holy Spirit Pills, 20 Hongshen Pills, 60 Desolate Pills, 500 Profound Spirit Pills , 2000 Taishen Dan

Qin Feng was overjoyed.

The rewards of this system are more than ten times richer than the last time...

The Holy Spirit Pill alone has accumulated to 5...

He can greatly enhance the strength of his subordinates...

However, Qin Feng is more curious, what is that Hongmeng body?

As soon as his mind moved, there was an extremely simple purple jade talisman in his hand, which recorded the cultivation method of the Hongmeng body...

In the next second, Qin Feng infiltrated his consciousness, and a large amount of information poured into his sea of ​​consciousness instantly, almost bursting his sea of ​​consciousness‥

The content described in the information, Qin Feng has never heard of it, it is extremely novel...

At the moment, he greedily absorbed....

It took an hour for him to digest the content of the information, his eyes slowly opened and closed, and his eyes were full of joy.

He finally knew that the Hongmeng body was the creation of water, fire, wind, and soil, and the four bodies were integrated into one, and a super physique evolved, that is, the Hongmeng body.

This Hongmeng body is a big grade higher than the creation body, just like the creation body is a big grade higher than the eternal body...

At present, Qin Feng has created the water, water, wind, and soil, and has just reached the qualifications for cultivation.

In addition, to cultivate the Hongmeng body, it is also necessary to integrate the four creation spirits into the body...

From then on, the aura in Qin Feng's body contained the characteristics of the four spirits, and it was no longer ordinary aura, but a primordial aura...

That Hongmeng spiritual energy will kill the powerhouses of the Eternal Realm ten times faster than the four spiritual things combined, and no one can stop it...

If Qin Feng can make it, his strength will definitely skyrocket by a big level....

Thinking of this, Qin Feng was very excited....

This is only the primary stage of the Hongmeng Physique, and there will be a promotion stage in the future. For example, if he upgrades his Eternal Moon Physique to the Creation Moon Physique, he will be able to advance to the second stage.

However, Qin Feng was still helpless.

There are three basic conditions for cultivating the Hongmeng Body.

The first one has the four elements of creation (water, fire, wind, earth)

The second one has the four spirits of creation (Shen Shui, Shen Huo, Shen Feng, Shen soil)

The third one has four Great Thousand Worlds...

The four great thousand worlds need to be sacrificed and refined with the creation of the four spirits, and eventually become the great world of water, the great world of fire, the great world of wind, the great world of earth...

They have thus become the roots of the four spiritual things of creation, allowing the four spiritual things of creation to never be exhausted, and to continuously generate...

But Qin Feng now has only three Great Thousand Worlds, namely Jiuquan Great Thousand World, Wenyuan Great Thousand World, Kunpeng Great Thousand World...

"It's a pity! There is still one less world, and this secret technique cannot be practiced for the time being...~"."

Qin Feng put away the jade talisman with a look of regret.

"Hey! By the way, isn't Guixu Holy Land a variant of Daqian World? Then Wu Tian Shengzun was killed by me twice, if I kill him again, I should be able to win Wu Tian Holy Land!

Qin Feng's eyes glowed with fiery light.

If you want to take the land of the Holy Clan, you must first kill the Lord of the Holy Land.

Then Wu Tiansheng has no chance to be resurrected. If you kill it again, Wu Tiansheng will become an ownerless thing, and he can take it back...

Although Wu Tianshengzun can rely on the power of the Holy Land to achieve the strength of the second realm of eternity.

But the current second realm of eternity is already a target that can be beheaded in Qin Feng's eyes...

The more Qin Feng thought about it, the more he felt that this method was feasible, and naturally he was moved...

However, Wu Tian Holy Land is the home of the ghosts returning to the ruins after all, where is not only Wu Tian Shengzun alone, but also hundreds of millions of Wu Tian clan spirits...

With Qin Feng's strength alone, I'm afraid it will be difficult to capture.

At that time, he must launch his men to fight an all-out war in order to successfully take down the Holy Land...

It seems that it is imperative for him to improve the strength of his subordinates.

In addition, the number of his subordinates still needs to continue to increase.

This time, the actions of Zhenji and his subordinates helped him a lot...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng's mind moved, and there was a pure white elixir in his hand.

As soon as the medicinal herb appeared, the fragrance was overflowing, and just smelling it, it opened hundreds of millions of pores, from the inside to the outside, it was extremely comfortable...

It can be seen that this pill is extremely extraordinary!

This is the Holy Spirit Pill that Qin Feng just got, he still doesn't know how effective it is...

In the next second, he opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing the elixir...

It didn't take long for Qin Feng's aura to soar...

66 `Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the Holy Spirit Pill... Your cultivation base has increased to 95.4%, and your combat power has increased to 3100 trillion yuan..."

After a long time, Qin Feng opened his eyes, his face was full of joy...

A Holy Spirit Pill actually allowed him to increase his combat power by 100 trillion Yuan, this pill is really effective...

Immediately, he waved his hand, the space in front of him changed, and Kunpeng appeared out of thin air...

"Master, why did you summon Kun'er?"

Xiao Kunpeng was delighted when he saw Qin Feng.

He was only completed by Qin Feng's body quenching not long ago, and his strength has grown greatly, and he has reached the late stage of the first realm of eternity.

This made him very grateful to Qin Feng, the master...

"Kun'er, this Holy Spirit Pill is a reward for you. You refine it, and your cultivation base should be able to rise to the peak of the first realm of eternity..."

As soon as Qin Feng waved his hand, a Holy Spirit Pill flew over...

Xiao Kunpeng was ecstatic and subconsciously took the medicine pill.

"Thank you master for the medicinal pill!

At this moment, his gratitude to Qin Feng has reached an indescribable level...

"Master, then... that Kun'er will go to refining now?"

Kunpeng looked at the elixir in his hand (is it okay), and was so excited that he stuttered when he spoke...


"Master, Kun'er has retired!

At the moment, Xiao Kunpeng left happily...

Seeing the back of Xiao Kunpeng leaving, Qin Feng was also very relieved.

As long as this little guy can break through to the peak of the first realm, his comprehensive strength will be comparable to the threshold of the second realm...

Then Qin Feng can get a lot of combat power back... .

In addition, Xiao Kunpeng will also be a great help for him to attack Wutian Holy Land...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng dodged and left the forbidden area.

He wants to hold an important meeting with Zhenji and other high-level officials to discuss how to deal with Wutian Holy Land.

At the same moment, a major event was also taking place in Guixu, Wutian Holy Land...

As soon as Wu Tian Shengzun was resurrected and exited the customs, the three sacred nobles took the initiative to visit...kill

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