Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 965 calculation of the total day

At the same moment, a major event was also taking place in Guixu, Wutian Holy Land...

As soon as Wu Tian Shengzun was resurrected and exited the customs, the three saints took the initiative to visit...

At this moment, inside Wu Tian Holy Land, the VIP living room.

Wu Tian, ​​Huang Tian, ​​and Gongtian, the three great saints, all had pale faces...

The three of them have just been resurrected, and their strength has not recovered to the peak, and their bodies are a little weak.

Zhu Tian Shengzun looked as usual, just a little embarrassed.

He didn't have any loss, but he left Huang Tian and Wu Tian, ​​and fled alone. Although there was a reason for the incident, his face was not good after all...

At this moment, he sat silently in the corner, sipping the spirit tea, without saying a word...

On the other side, Wu Tian and the three were inexplicably sad and angry, sighing silently.

"Hey~! Gongmou not only lost a chance to resurrect this time, but also lost a ball of creation divine water. It is the only creation divine water of our clan!

Gongtian Shengzun wants to cry without tears.

Creation Divine Water is extremely difficult to condense, and it was only with the strength of his family that he condensed two groups.

One is in his hands, the other is stolen by the traitor Tiangong...

Now, the ball in his hand is also lost...

"Huh! Huang not only lost a ball of Creation Divine Soil, but also lost the sacred zodiac seal. It was Huang's life's hard work to get it..."

Huang Tian Shengzun repeatedly smiled wryly and shook his head.

Gongtian quickly comforted: "Brother Huang Tian, ​​you don't have to be sad. Although the zodiac seal is lost, you still have a chance to get it back. The holy artifact is unique, born with spirit, and is extremely loyal to its master..."

"Unless it is identified by the former master, or the sacred artifact actively recognizes the master, it is impossible to refine the holy artifact. Even if the kid gets the zodiac seal, he can't refine it. Let alone him, even the eternal three realms will not be refined. Do not 433 to…”

It turned out that refining the Eternal Sacred Artifact was extremely easy and extremely difficult.

It is very easy to say, as long as it is approved by the spirit of the artifact, it can be refined in a moment.

It is extremely difficult to say, that is, it is not easy to think of the approval of the artifact spirit.

Generally speaking, artifact spirits are extremely loyal and will not recognize their former master's enemies as the mainstay.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to refine the Daluo Divine Sword and the Zodiac Seal that Qin Feng obtained...

At this time, Sage Huang Tian smiled bitterly: "Even so, I don't know when I will be able to regain the Zodiac Seal..."

As soon as these words fell, Wu Tiansheng, who had been silent for a long time, let out a long sigh.

"Hey~! Compared with the two of them, Wu is even worse. He even lost his last chance to be resurrected. In the future, Wu will not dare to take a step out of the Holy Land. As for revenge, I don't know what year and month it will take?" "

Wu Tiansheng sighed with a look of loss.

Seeing this scene, Gongtian smiled bitterly: "Brother Wu Tian, ​​I am most worried about you now. I'm afraid that if you don't leave the Holy Land, you may not be able to escape the disaster..."

Wu Tian was startled: "How do you say this?

"Brother, have you ever thought about it? We have already formed a deadly feud with that Lin Feng. It can be said that we will never die. Right now, you are the weakest (baeh), do you think he will let go of the opportunity to cut the weeds?"

"Is it possible that he still dares to enter my Wutian Holy Land?"

"Why don't you dare?!" Gongtian smiled coldly, "Brother, even if you can use the power of the Holy Land to achieve the second-level combat power, you are not Lin Feng's opponent. You know, there are two Eternals beside him. Realm strong..."

Gongtian refers to the phantom clone and Kunpeng.

Hearing this, Wu Tiansheng's expression changed slightly.

But he still refused.

"I still have hundreds of millions of clansmen, and there are hundreds of large formations in this holy land. The formation of these clansmen together is also a huge force..."

Gongtian shook his head: "Don't forget! That kid seems to have a large number of subordinates, he is not alone. If I am not bad, he is the real leader of the SAARC. The name of Lin Feng is probably fake... …”

These remarks are reasonable and well-founded, and all the saints were moved by it after hearing it. …

Wu Tianshengzun couldn't help but feel a chill on his back, and he also realized the major crisis...

Even Sage Huang Tian felt terrified.

His situation is not much better than Wu Tianshengzun.

Without the zodiac seal, his strength would only be stronger than Wu Tianshengzun.

If Qin Feng attacks the Yellow Heaven Holy Land, he will be in danger.

Only Gongtian and Zhutian are not worried, they are both strong in the second realm, and with the help of their own holy land, they can exert the combat power of the eternal third realm...

"Brother Gongtian, what do you mean?"

"Yeah! Brother Gongtian, if you brought up this topic, you should have a solution already, right?"

Wu Tian and Huang Tian both asked with concern.

Seeing this, Gongtian smiled slightly in his heart, thinking to himself that it was finally back to business.

He came today, but with a major purpose.

Immediately, he whispered: "Three, a total of one feels that our four clans should activate the teleportation contract..."

As soon as these words fell, Wu Tian and Huang Tian changed slightly.

Even Zhu Tian was moved.

The so-called teleportation contract was a wartime contract signed by the four clans.

It turned out that within the Holy Land of the Four Clans, there were giant teleportation formations leading to the other three clans.

But these teleportation arrays are all closed, and communication has always been prohibited.

Although the four clans of Guixu are united, there is also a competitive relationship, and there are guards against each other, and everyone is tacit.

If the teleportation array is opened, it is equivalent to opening its own portal to the other three clans, which will cause many security risks...

Therefore, the four clans are not under a huge threat, and they will not easily open the teleportation array...

Once it is opened, the four clans must sign a contract together, and it cannot be closed without authorization.

If you want to open it, you need to open it together. If you want to close it, you need to close it at the same time. It needs to be discussed by the four families together...

"This... this... Brother Gongtian, is it a little early to activate the teleportation contract now?"

Wu Tianshengzun said carefully.

Now, their Wu Tian clan is weak, if the teleportation array is opened, I don't know what will happen...

He is unwilling to open it unless it is a last resort.

Gongtian smiled coldly: "Brother Wu Tian, ​​if you don't open it up. At that time, Lin Feng will attack with everyone from the South Alliance. We are too far away from you, and we can't rescue you for a while. I'm afraid your Wu Tian family will not be safe... ."

"This...hey~! This seems to be a problem..."

Wu Tian's face was ugly, and he was a little hesitant.

"And you, Brother Huang Tian, ​​if Lin Feng attacks the Holy Land of Huang Tian, ​​I'm afraid the situation won't be much better..."

"This...", Huang Tian also smiled wryly.

At this time, Gongtian looked at Sage Zhutian: "Brother Zhutian, what do you think?

"As long as the two of them agree, the old man doesn't matter!"

Zhu Tian said lightly.

Of the four holy clans, the Zhutian clan is the strongest. If the teleportation formation is opened, it will be beneficial to them. Naturally, he will not object to it...

"Okay! Brother I wish Tian agreed, and Gongmou also suggested opening it up. It depends on the two of you. Gongmou's suggestion is also for the sake of the two of you. In addition, Gongmou will tell you some bad news..."

"what news?"

"This time, Gongmou will fall, entirely because Lin Feng and the traitor joined forces..."

Gongtian Shengzun began to fabricate lies.

"That traitor is already the second realm of eternal cultivation, and he has a helper by his side, who is also in the second realm. Not to mention Lin Feng, he is more terrifying than them..."

"Gongmou can tell you responsibly that the traitor seems to have reached an agreement with Lin Feng, and they may go to the ruins together at that time. Who can resist the two of you?

As soon as this lie came out, Wu Tianshengzun and Huang Tianshengzun were completely panicked...

The two looked at each other.

After a long time, the two sighed.

"That's it! That's it! Wu agreed to sign!

"Huang also agrees!"

"Okay! Then I will sign the contract as soon as possible and activate the teleportation array, so as not to change over time..."

The Holy Venerable Gongtian said calmly, but his heart was ecstatic...

He still has a secret he didn't tell the three...

His father, Gonglong, is about to break through to the third realm in the near future, and is about to leave the border soon...

Speaking of which, he would also like to thank Wu Tianshengzun.

If it weren't for the holy egg presented by Wu Tiansheng, their father and son would not know when they would be able to break through...

It turned out that Gongtian Shengzun only used half a holy egg to break through to the second realm...

The other half was given to his father, Gonglong.

The Gonglong has already broken through, and since it absorbed the half of the holy egg, the progress of the breakthrough has accelerated, and it will be successful in the near future...

Gongtian Shengzun actively allows the four clans to communicate with each other, paving the way for his father, making it easier for his father to unify the four clans...

Wu Tian, ​​Huang Tian, ​​and Zhu Tian didn't know about it.

At the moment, the Four Great Sages negotiated and started to sign the contract......

On the other side, Kunwu Mountain, SAARC headquarters.

Qin Feng is also holding a major meeting...

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