Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 966 The Treasure of the Ancient God Lord

On the other side, Kunwu Mountain, SAARC headquarters.

Qin Feng is also holding a major meeting

At this moment, in the main hall.

Qin Feng sat on the high throne.

Below, there are high-level discussions...

"I didn't expect Luo Fu to come to such a hand..."

"Yeah! His Majesty will have a potential hidden danger. Unless, His Majesty will hand over the newly acquired Daluo Divine Sword..."

'The Eternal Sacred Artifact is extremely precious. Your Majesty finally got it, so how can you give it away?"

"That's right! In fact, with His Majesty's strength, even if those great powers come to ask for trouble, His Majesty is not afraid~..."

"Having said that, I'm worried that the three Eternal Third Realm giants will come forward. If they come, I'm afraid..."

God Jiuyuan sighed, not daring to go on-…

After hearing this, everyone's face changed slightly, and they were a little uneasy.

With Qin Feng's current strength, it is definitely not enough to deal with the Eternal Third Realm...

"Your Majesty, my concubine thought that we could take a step by step. If there is a strong third realm approaching, if we are defeated, it is not unreasonable for you to offer the Daluo Divine Sword..."

Star Master Ziwei carefully suggested.

She doesn't want to see an accident with the man she loves...

But as soon as her voice fell, Zhenji shook her head slightly.

"Fellow Daoist Ziwei, this method may not be feasible..."

"how do I say this?"

Zhenji sighed: "Luo Fu's previous oath was heard by the entire God Realm. His wish was: as long as someone avenged him, the Daluo Sword would recognize that person as the master. Therefore, even if His Majesty sacrificed the Daluo God Sword, others can't get the approval of Divine Sword..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, and each one showed a look of astonishment...


According to the content of the heart oath, only if you avenge Luo Fu, can you get the approval of the Divine Sword, otherwise it is useless to get the Divine Sword...

But if you want revenge, you must destroy their majesty...

They must not accept this.

At the moment, Star Master Ziwei frowned: "It seems that it doesn't make much sense to donate the Divine Sword. We can only deal with it head-on..."

"Yes! There are only two ways for us to remove the danger in this area. The first is to raise your Majesty's strength to the third realm as soon as possible, so as not to be afraid of anyone's provocation...

"The second method is: let Your Majesty refine the Daluo Divine Sword and become the new owner of the Divine Sword. In this way, Luo Fu's heart oath will be broken automatically. But this second method is more than ten times more difficult than the first one. …”

Speaking of which, Zhenji shook his head with a wry smile.

Qin Feng's heart moved, and he looked up at Zhenji...

"Zhenji, why is the second method more difficult than the first?"

Qin Feng asked his doubts.

This is also his biggest concern.

These days, he has been studying the Daluo Divine Sword and the Zodiac Seal, but he is unable to refine it...

"Go back to your majesty! In this world, each holy artifact is unique, and there will never be two identical holy artifacts in the world. And the holy artifact has a spirit. If you want to refine the holy artifact, you can only get the approval of the artifact spirit. Refining in an instant. This is difficult and difficult, and easy to say...  

The true God respectfully replied....

Qin Feng suddenly realized that, no wonder he couldn't refine the two holy artifacts.

"Zhenji, is there any way to forcibly refine the holy artifact? 35

"This... Your Majesty, as far as the old man knows, there should be no way. At least, the powerhouses of the Eternal Third Realm can't do it..."

Hearing this, Qin Feng nodded slightly.

Since he didn't do the third realm of Eternity, it would be even more difficult for him to forcibly refine it...

"So, if this deity wants to deal with the next troubles, there is only one way, and that is to raise his strength to the third level as soon as possible..."

"Your Majesty, it is true. However, Your Majesty still has a lot of time.

"how do I say this?

"Your Majesty, the only people who can threaten you in the God Realm are the three eternal third realms. And all three of them have holy weapons, so they won't be so excited about the Daluo Divine Sword, only the first realm and the second realm. The strong will be greatly moved..."

"But these people can't threaten you. Maybe, after the first and second realms have failed, the third realm will come forward..."

Qin Feng was surprised: "Strange! Why don't those three strong people in the third realm not get excited after they have the holy artifact? Isn't it the more holy artifact, the better? 39

"Your Majesty, that's a bad statement! There are two types of holy artifacts. The first type is the holy artifact of destiny. Generally, after the strong get the first holy artifact, they will sacrifice and refine it as the holy artifact of destiny. And the holy artifact of destiny affects the strength max.35

"If you get a holy artifact in the future, it will belong to the second category - auxiliary holy artifact. Auxiliary holy artifact can also improve your strength, but the impact on strength is much smaller. The three major eternal third realm powerhouses have their own destiny holy artifact. , I also practice in retreat every day, without asking about trivial matters..."

"Even if the holy artifact is born, it will be handled by the subordinates, unless the subordinates are unable to deal with the major events, so the old man concluded that the three of them will not come forward for the first time..."

"What's more, the treasure of the ancient gods is about to be opened, and the three powerhouses are actively preparing for this matter, and they should not put their minds on a sacred artifact. The treasure in the treasure is many times more valuable than a sacred artifact. …”

True God said a lot in one breath...

"Huh! Treasure of the ancient gods? What is that?"

Qin Feng's eyes lit up, showing interest.

"His Majesty, it is the treasure left by the Lord of the Ancient God Realm. It is rumored that it contains nearly half of the treasures and resources of the ancient God Lord's life. It is also the largest treasure house in the entire God Realm, and even the secret method and experience of creating the God Realm....,

"However, this treasure is only opened once every 100 trillion years, and it will take no more than a few decades for the next time to be opened. Unfortunately, since the birth of our SAARC, we have never participated in it once..."

Really smiled wryly.

Other SAARC members were also embarrassed.

Qin Feng was surprised: "It has been more than 100 trillion years since the birth of the SAARC. Why haven't you participated once?"

Zhenji said helplessly: "The treasure of the ancient gods is the biggest secret place in the God Realm. At that time, not only will the forces of the God Realm go to explore the mystery, but the Nine Heavens and Ten Regions will also send people there, and even some unknown forces will come to participate..."

"But the resources in the treasure are limited after all. In order to limit the entry of too many people, the forces have set a rule. If one of the forces does not have a powerhouse in the Eternal First Realm, then it is not eligible to participate in the exploration..."

"Since the birth of our South Alliance, a master of the universe of Jiuquan has finally been born, and his strength has reached the first realm of eternity. But he died before the treasures of the ancient gods were opened. In this way, I have participated in the South Alliance. ….'

As soon as these words fell, Qing Lin's eyes lit up: "Fellow Daoist Zhenji, now His Majesty's strength is not only in the first realm, but has reached the second realm. Qualified for the Treasure Tour..."

"Hey! Yes! We have His Majesty in charge, so we have this qualification..."

All the members of the Southern Alliance showed joy.

Even Zhenji's eyes flashed with joy...

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Don't be too happy, we still have a difficulty, and that is the handling of the Daluo Divine Sword..."

This sentence brought everyone back to reality, and many people began to worry again...

"Your Majesty, according to this old man's opinion, the only way now is to improve your strength as soon as possible, but the time is pressing, I'm afraid it's too late..."

Really helpless.

Qin Feng pondered for a while and said, "This deity has a method that can give me the combat power of the third realm in a very short period of time..."

"any solution?"

Everyone's eyes lit up with anticipation.

"Attack the Wu Tian family and seize the Holy Land!"

Qin Feng's idea is that as long as he captures the Wutian Holy Land and evolves it into the fourth Great Thousand World, he can condense the Hongmeng Body...

At that time, his combat power will inevitably reach the third realm, and there is no need to fear the threat of the eternal third realm...

At the moment, he briefly described the situation of Wu Tianshengzun again...

After listening to the crowd, they nodded again and again...

"Your Majesty, if you obtain the Wutian Holy Land, you will be able to reach the third realm of combat power. This old man thinks that this battle can be fought! 99

·0 for flowers.‥........

Zhenji's eyes lit up, as if he saw hope.

But Jiuyuan God said worriedly: "Your Majesty, what if the Great Master of the God Realm happened to come to Nanmeng to ask for trouble when I was waiting to attack Wutian Holy Land in a big way? 99

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Don't worry about this! 90% of the creatures in the South Alliance have signed a contract with me. If there is a change here, the deity can use the double universe to rush back as soon as possible, only a few seconds before and after..."

Everyone's eyes lit up, secretly thinking that it was indeed the case.

In this way, they will have less worries and can concentrate on attacking Wutian Holy Land......

"Your Majesty, in addition to Wu Tiansheng, there are hundreds of millions of people in Wutian Holy Land. I have to be careful to deal with it..."

Feng Di warned carefully.

Qin Feng nodded slightly: "There are hundreds of millions of clansmen, there is no threat below the quasi-god, and there is some combat power above the quasi-god. If my estimate is correct, the Wu Tian clan's quasi-god or above is only two to three million. Can we count? The number of quasi-gods in our Southern Alliance combined is almost three or four million, and it is still one of them..."

Zhenji seemed to have thought of something, and hurried forward.

"Your Majesty, the old man has a proposal to double the number of our quasi-gods. In this way, it will be of great benefit for us to attack the Wutian Holy Land, and at the same time, it will also enhance Your Majesty's strength..."

Qin Feng's eyes lit up: "Come and listen?"

Zhenji smiled and said: "Your Majesty, the Daluo Temple was destroyed, and the northern part of the God Realm is full of dragons without a leader. And the northern land is more extensive than our Southern Alliance, with as many as 16,000 large and small forces, we might as well take the opportunity to recover..."

Qin Feng smiled and said: "This deity has already thought about it, and has this plan. Since you have said it, let's do it like this. All living beings with intelligence must sign a contract... This time, those who sign the contract will live! Those who do not sign will be born! , die! 35

As soon as these words fell, everyone was full of energy and energy...

The South Alliance's territory was originally small, and it couldn't compare with the seven major forces of the God Realm.

If they can unify the north, the SAARC territory will be barely on par with the seven major forces...

And the expansion of the site will increase the resources, which will be of great benefit to the future development of SAARC...

"Your Majesty, the old man will take someone to the north immediately..."

Really take the initiative to ask for your life.

"No need! This time, Jiuyuan, Ziwei, Qinglin, Pitie, Minglin, Fengdi, and Fuzhi will each lead a team to conquer the north in seven directions. The faster the better..."

"Uh, that old man..."

"You made a great contribution last time, and this deity will reward you! You will retreat with me, and this deity will help you temper your body and improve your strength..."

I was extremely ecstatic, and thanked me gratefully: "Thank you, Your Majesty!

Everyone around was envious.

Qin Feng smiled again: "You don't have to worry, after you conquer the north, the deity will also give a big reward. This time, the medicinal herb resources that this deity has obtained are more than ten times richer than the last time, which can greatly improve your strength….."

As soon as these words fell, everyone was overjoyed and thanked one after another...

The major event of attacking the north is settled here.

Soon, Jiu Yuan and others left.

In the hall, only Qin Feng and Zhenji were left.

"Zhenji, go to retreat with the deity!""

"Your Majesty, the old man has something important that I almost forgot to mention.

"What's the matter?""

"Your Majesty, this bottle contains the energy of millions of children of Daluo Tiangong, and it also contains the energy of six gods. Besides, more than two million children of Yaochi Mountain are unwilling to surrender, and the old man also beheaded them all, and the energy is exhausted. take it...

The True God respectfully handed out a jade bottle with runes

“Well done!”

Qin Feng was pleased and put away the jade bottle.

When he devoured the energy in this bottle, his combat power could increase a little.

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