Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 967th Hongjun's movement

Qin Feng put away the jade bottle and remembered something.

"By the way, Zhenji, I suddenly remembered something."

"Your Majesty, say it!"

"If I can't refine the Da Luo Divine Sword, it will always be a hidden danger, and the deity will never be able to get rid of Luo Fu's heart oath, like a curse. Even if I have the strength of the third realm in the future, I can't stop the greed of others... .."

"Yes! Your Majesty, if you want to completely lift this curse, there is only one way, and that is to refine the Daluo Divine Sword, so as to completely dispel the greed of others, but...hey!"

Zhenji shook his head helplessly, even the powerhouses of the Eternal Third Realm couldn't be forcibly refined, and he had no choice...

Qin Feng smiled coldly: "I have a way, maybe without refining, I can lift the curse! 99

Zhenji's eyes lit up: "What way?"

"Destroy the Daluo Divine Sword!"

Zhenji was taken aback for a moment.

Then, after a little thought, he nodded slightly.

"Your Majesty is extremely smart, I didn't think of this method, but it does work. As long as the Daluo Divine Sword is destroyed, others will have to give up the idea of ​​​​taking the Divine Sword. Just doing this is a pity for a holy weapon... "

Hearing this, Qin Feng smiled without saying a word.

For him, destroying the Daluo Divine Sword is not a waste.

Destroyed the Daluo Divine Sword, mainly destroyed the tool spirit, but the material of the sword body is...

Qin Feng obtained the holy artifact refining secret not long ago.

According to the secret technique, he can fuse those materials into the Four Swords of Execution of Heaven...

The Daluo Divine Sword is metallic, and the Four Swords of Execution are also metallic. The two are very compatible. …

In addition, Qin Feng also wanted to destroy the zodiac seal, and then integrate it into the Heaven Punishing Array.

The Heaven Punishing Array is of the earth attribute, which is exactly in line with the zodiac sign.

After this operation, it should be able to refine the Heaven Punishing Sword into a holy weapon, even stronger than the Daluo Divine Sword...

The sacred artifact is divided into three levels: Kaiding level, casting heaven level, and good luck level.

The Daluo Divine Sword and the Zodiac Seal are both the lowest Kaiding level.

According to Qin Feng's idea, the final refining sword and the array map, the combination of the two, may be able to exert the power of casting heaven...

At this time, Zhenji said again: "Your Majesty, you want to destroy the Daluo Divine Sword, there is a problem here?"

"What problem?

"The holy artifact is hard to destroy! Although the Daluo Divine Sword is only the lowest Kaiding level, to destroy it, at least it must have the strength of the eternal third realm..."

Qin Feng suddenly said: "It seems that if I don't raise my strength to the third realm, I really can't do anything about it. By the way, if it is a sacred artifact of casting heaven, what strength is needed to destroy it? 99

"I'm afraid I need the existence of the Fifth Eternal Realm. However, it is hard to say whether the Fifth Eternal Realm exists or not. If it exists, it will only be in the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains..."

"I see!"

Qin Feng nodded slightly and secretly wrote down...

The next second, he waved his hand, and the two disappeared out of thin air, thus entering the double universe to retreat.

Time flies!

In a blink of an eye, five days passed by the outside world.

In these five days, SAARC successfully captured the north.

The northern part without Daluo Tiangong is just a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered, completely crushed by the South Alliance...

This time, the SAARC has used thunderous tactics against the north. Any wise creature must sign a contract. Those who do not sign will die!

In just five days, Jiu Yuan and the others swept the entire northern region, bringing tens of billions of beings under Qin Feng's command.

So far, the northern part has also become Qin Feng's back garden. He can come and go as he wants, and it is completely integrated with the South Alliance.  …

From then on, there will be no northern part of the God Realm, and it will belong to the Southern Alliance...

And the quasi-god-level combat power of the South Alliance has also reached more than 5 million...

Qin Feng also obtained tens of millions of life points, and the exchange points accumulated to more than 120 million points...

As a result, he also gained a lot of combat power back, and his strength rose again...

It's not over.

Five days in the outside world, fifty years in the double universe...

In the past 50 years, Qin Feng has used the Creation God Fire and the Fire God Pill to temper the physique of Zhenji to the eternal fire body...

Later, he rewarded Zhenji with a Holy Spirit Pill, which allowed him to successfully break through to the first realm of eternity...

During this period, Kunpeng also successfully refined the Holy Spirit Pill, and his cultivation base broke through to the peak of the Eternal First Realm...

At this point, Qin Feng's subordinates have three eternal-level combat powers, namely: phantom clone, Kunpeng, Zhenji...

After Jiuyuan and others unified the north and returned to the headquarters, Qin Feng rewarded everyone with a large number of divine pills...

Later, he used the points to exchange for a large number of medicinal pills, as well as the Fengshen Pill, the Fire Pill, the Water Pill, the Earth Pill...

He wants to transform the physique of his henchmen in large quantities...

An activity to improve the strength of the subordinates on a large scale has been launched in such a mighty manner...

Time flies!

In a blink of an eye, another ten days passed...

Ten days in the outside world, one hundred years in the double universe.0

Over the past 100 years, Qin Feng has finally tempered all his confidants and physiques. His redemption points also cost 100 million, leaving only more than 30 million...

And the strength of the entire SAARC has also increased by a large level.

However, the talent level of everyone has also changed.

Jiuyuan, Qinglin, 呲tie, Ziwei, Fengdi, Panzu, and Fuzhi have successfully broken through to half-step eternity...

Babies, Styx, Red Moon, Lu Ming, Ming Lin and others have reached the peak of God.

As for the God-level, there are already more than seventy people...

God is more than that. . . .

The combat power of the quasi-god or above is close to 10 million, and it is four times that of the Wutian Holy Land by visual estimation...

With such strength, among the seven major forces in the God Realm, it is not the lowest existence...

In short, the development of the forces of the entire SAARC can be described as vigorous...

Everyone is full of confidence in the next Wutian Holy Land battle

And Qin Feng, after this series of operations, his combat power has unknowingly increased to 3500 trillion yuan...

This made him get closer and closer to the threshold of combat power in the third realm...


Everyone sees it in their eyes, rejoices in their hearts, and has more and more confidence in Qin Feng...

Of course, in the first and second half of the month, four groups of Eternal Realm powerhouses came before and after, all of them came for the Daluo Divine Sword...

These people either came alone, or came together with two or three people, but they were easily defeated by the phantom clone...

Even the fourth provocateur, a powerhouse in the Eternal Second Realm, was defeated by the phantom clone...

So far, the South Alliance has become famous in the realm of the gods.

The name of Qin Lei (phantom avatar) is even more resounding in the entire God Realm......

And on this day, in the double universe, in the main palace of Star Ziwei, a big event is happening...

The fetus Hongjun has been in the mother's body for thousands of years, and today there is finally a huge movement

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