Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 973 Continuous beheading

At this moment, the sky above Kunwu Mountain is so dark, the sun and the moon have no light...

The Western world has appeared in decline, and the ascetic ancestors have retreated. . . .

But at this moment, Qin Feng suddenly appeared, appearing above Zhenji's head...

"His Majesty!

Jiuyuan and others cheered when they saw Qin Feng...

That Venerable Yuexian was fighting with Zhenji, and when he saw Qin Feng appear, he vaguely felt something bad...

But before he could think about it, Qin Feng slapped it with a palm, and the palm of his hand poured out divine wind, divine water, divine wind, divine soil...

Suddenly, the fire and water are good, and the wind and sand are overwhelming!

The four major spiritual things are used together, carrion, bone erosion, spirit swallowing, and soul extinction. Wherever they pass, everything turns into nothingness, and the void is completely annihilated. The power is extremely terrifying, and its bravery is unparalleled...

Venerable Yuexian was extremely frightened, and with a palm shook his true extreme, he took out a protective mask...


Qin Feng easily shattered the mask with one palm, and together with Venerable Yuexian exploded...


With an incomparably shrill scream, Venerable Yuexian had not had time to revive, but was incarnated by the Four Creation Spirits to destroy 10 souls, instantly killing him...

The air echoed with the light sound of the moment before the destruction of the primordial spirit...

And the blood fog and energy...

"Ding~! The host succeeded in killing the powerhouse in the first realm of eternity (Venerable Yuexian)...obtained 870 trillion karma (8.7 million exchange points)..."9

This scene made everyone dumbfounded!

Oh my God!

Killing the first realm of eternity with one palm, even the third realm of eternity can't do it!

This Qin Feng is too exaggerated!

The black-robed and gray-robed people were completely stunned...

The strength Qin Feng showed this time is far more than the last time...

The ascetic ancestor instantly turned pale with fright...

"Ascetic brother, I'm sorry, the old man will withdraw first!"

"Old Ancestor, let's run away!

Old Immortal Mimu gave a startled roar, turned around and fled, how dare he stay for half a minute...

This Qin Feng is also too scary, far stronger than his brother Qin Lei...

Fairy Cixi and Taoist Wenshu were also completely panicked, they each chose a direction, turned around and fled...

The three escaped in different directions...

How can the phantom clone and others let them go...

"Old thief Mimu! The deity said last time that it is the first time you have committed a crime, so I will spare you for a while. If you come again, you will surely die! It is your second crime, and you still want to go back alive?

In the next second, the phantom clone will catch up with the old immortal Mimu and entangle him...

"Lord Qin Lei, this old man is only collecting money to do things, and he hopes to raise his hand..."

Old Immortal Mimu begged for mercy while running away.

The phantom avatar sneered, ignored it at all, and kept entangling it...

On the other side, Fairy Cixi and Daoist Wenshu fled in two directions...

Kunpeng had no choice but to choose one.

However, he was known for his speed, and he caught up with the powerful Fairy Cixi at once and intercepted her...

Zhenji went after Wenshu Daoist...

But Zhenji's speed is obviously not as fast as Wenshu Daoist, unable to catch up...


As soon as the ascetic ancestor saw all his subordinates running away, he did not dare to stay, turned around and fled...

The black-robed man and the gray-robed man are chasing after him...

At this time, Qin Feng put all the energy transformed by Venerable Yuexian into a jade bottle of runes......

In the next second, he stepped into the air and chased after Daoist Wenshu...

But it is said that Daoist Wenshu fled all the way, leaving Zhenji farther and farther away...

He was proud of himself, secretly thinking that he should be able to escape this time...

But at this moment, the space in front of him changed for a while, and an incomparably noble and handsome young man stepped out of the void and blocked his way...

The person here is Qin Feng!

When the Taoist Wenshu saw Qin Feng, he was so frightened that he lost his mind. . . .

But in the next second, Qin Feng slapped it with a palm...

"No~! Ah~!"

"Ding~! The host succeeded in killing the strongest in the first realm of eternity (Wenshu Daoist)... Obtained 940 trillion karma (9.4 million exchange points) 35

With a shrill scream, Taoist Wenshu was instantly killed on the spot...

As soon as Qin Feng waved his hand, he put the energy of the Taoist Wenshu into the jade bottle...

In the next second, he will kill Fairy Cixi...

It didn't take long for a woman's shrill screams to sound again in the field...

"Ding~! The host succeeded in killing the powerhouse in the first realm of eternity (Cixi Fairy)... Obtained 1050 trillion karma (10.5 million exchange points)

After collecting the energy transformed by Fairy Cixi, Qin Feng killed the old Fairy Mimu...

At this moment, the old immortal Mimu is being entangled by the phantom avatar...

When he saw Qin Feng kill him, his face changed greatly...

"Daoist friend! Daoist friend! Misunderstanding! Everything is a misunderstanding! The old man just took the treasures of the ascetic ancestors and helped him out, and he has no deadly enmity with the South Alliance!

Old Immortal Mimu begged for mercy...

Qin Feng sneered: "Humph! My brother warned you last time! If you come again, you will have no return! Are you farting when you talk about SAMC?! 35

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Feng immediately shot...

When he joined hands with the phantom avatar, the old immortal Mimu was not an opponent at all, not even a grade...

After only a few face-to-face encounters, the old immortal Mimu was blasted into a cloud of blood...

"Sir, please spare your life! Lord Qin Feng, please spare your life! The old man is wrong! The old man is really wrong..."

The blood mist was surging continuously...

Mimu old immortal struggled desperately, while crying and begging for mercy...

The powerhouse of this eternal second realm is far stronger than the first realm after all, and it is dozens of times more difficult to kill him...

Qin Feng still can't kill the second realm in seconds......

However, he has the Four Creation Spirits, and the speed of killing the Eternal Realm is extremely fast...

At the moment, Qin Feng manipulated the creation god fire, god water, god wind, god soil, and madly strangled the old immortal Mimu...

The phantom avatar is also killing it with all its strength...

At this time, Kunpeng 433, Zhenji, Jiuyuan and others also came together to bombard...

A few minutes later, a shrill scream came from the blood fog...

Old Immortal Mimu's Primordial Spirit is shattered!

A strong man in the second realm of eternity has fallen....

"Ding~! The host succeeded in killing the strong man in the second realm of eternity (Old Immortal Mimu)... Obtained 2300 trillion karma (23 million exchange points)...

"Haha! Master, this old thief is dead!"

Kunpeng and the others were overjoyed.

Qin Feng was also very happy.

This is the second Eternal Second Realm he killed.

Of course, the old immortal Mimu is much stronger than the sage of Gongtian. . . .

As a creature in the God Realm, the primordial spirit of the old immortal Mimu is more powerful, and it is difficult to kill several times...

However, he was easily beheaded by Qin Feng after all...

As soon as Qin Feng waved his hand, he put away all the energy transformed by the old immortal Mimu...

"Your Majesty, the enemy who invaded this time is almost wiped out!

Really excited.

"One more culprit!

Qin Feng smiled coldly, raised his head and looked into the distance...

That is the direction that the ascetic ancestor escaped, and at this moment he has long since escaped without a trace...

In the next second, Qin Feng chased and killed in that direction...

Naturally, he could not let go of the ascetic ancestor.

The phantom avatar, Kunpeng, Zhenji, Jiuyuan and others also followed closely.

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