Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 974: Disintegrate the blood and escape, and win a great victory

In the next second, Qin Feng chased and killed in that direction...

Naturally, he could not let go of the ascetic ancestor.

The phantom avatar, Kunpeng, Zhenji, Jiuyuan and others also followed closely.

At the same time, over a mountain range.

The ascetic ancestors fled desperately.

The black-robed man and the gray-robed man are chasing after him...

However, the speed of these two is not as fast as that of the ascetic ancestor, and they have gradually been separated by the ascetic ancestor...

"Damn it! Damn it! Cixi, Wenshu, Yuexian, the ancestors will definitely avenge you! 55

At this moment, the ascetic ancestor was extremely sad and angry.

The three people in Cixi fell, and their soul cards were all broken. He felt it all...

This is too great a loss for the Western world.

So far, their Western world's power ranking in the God Realm will definitely drop dramatically...  

"Qin Feng! If this revenge is not avenged, this old man swears that he will not be a human being! Just wait! This time, you have hurt my Western world, but you have also offended the three great sages! No matter how powerful you are, you can handle it alone. The three great saints?

"Qin Feng! Just wait for the South Alliance to be wiped out!"

The ascetic ancestor roared inwardly, his eyes were a little red.

He hated Qin Feng thoroughly!

This time, as long as he can escape with his life, he will definitely ask the three great sages to avenge himself...

After all, he came with the will of the three great sages!

Nanmeng killed him so miserably, in fact, it swept the face of the three great sages...

If this matter spreads out, it will definitely not look good on the face of the three great sages...

Therefore, the ascetic ancestor concluded that the three great sages will definitely come to trouble the South Alliance...

Thinking of this, the ascetic ancestor sneered, as if he could take revenge soon...

"By the way, and these two Damn it guys, who are they?"

The ascetic ancestor looked behind him again.

In the extreme distance, two small black dots can be vaguely seen, chasing them all the way...

That is the black robe and the gray robe.

The ascetic ancestor also hated these two people.

Both of these guys were wearing rune masks, and he couldn't figure out who they were...

If it weren't for the sudden intervention of these two people, the Western world would not be so miserable...

"Forget it! When I rush to the Holy Land and ask for help from the Supreme Saint, I will destroy the South Alliance first, and then I will trouble these two guys..."

The ascetic ancestor snorted coldly and looked forward...

Not far ahead is the border of SAARC.

As long as he escapes the boundaries of SAARC, he will be safe...

He has a strange feeling that as long as he is in the SAARC border, he always has a feeling of being watched...

In fact, he felt right.

The countless creatures in the South Alliance are Qin Feng's eyeliner. He wants to escape, how easy is it to...

However, he is about to escape the boundary of the SAARC.

As long as he is out of the SAARC border, the chances of him escaping are higher...

And the SAARC border is right in front of you, and it only takes a few seconds to escape...

Thinking of this, the ascetic ancestor secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred...

I saw a sudden change in space at the front boundary...

Immediately afterwards, a noble and handsome young man stepped out of the void and blocked his way...

The person here is Qin Feng!

"It's you~"!"

The ascetic ancestor was terrified...

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth twitched slightly: "Ascetic fellow, since you're here, let's stay!

The face of the ascetic ancestor changed greatly: "Boy, you are really afraid of you as an old man! Go to hell! 95

The next second, he roared wildly and rushed towards Qin Feng, trying to kill the fish and break the net.

He doesn't believe that he is a late stage powerhouse of the Eternal Second Realm, and he can't even fight a half-step god...

In the blink of an eye, the ascetic ancestor killed Qin Feng and slammed down the sky with a palm, showing all the might of the second realm later...

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

Wherever the palm wind passes, all the voids are shattered, the power of one palm, destroying the sky and destroying the sky is extremely terrifying...

"But so!"

Qin Feng sneered and greeted him with a palm....

3700 trillion battle power...

A 200-fold increase!

Combining the two, the power of that palm suddenly reached the threshold of the eternal third realm...

Wherever the palm of the hand goes, it is like melting the void, melting all time, space, and laws, and penetrating all barriers...


The ascetic ancestor suddenly felt wrong...

But it's too late!

Two palms collide!


A loud bang!

With a shrill scream, the ascetic ancestor was blasted to the point of bursting blood vessels all over his body, vomiting blood and flying out hundreds of millions of miles away...

This... how is this possible!

Isn't he a half-step god?

Why did the power of his palm reach the level of the third realm?!

The ascetic ancestor roared in his heart, full of boundless despair!

This kind of existence, he can't resist at all, and only the three great sages can suppress...

But before he could stabilize his body in the air, Qin Feng chased after him and attacked again...


The screams of the ascetic ancestors sounded again in the air...

Qin Feng began to hang and beat the ascetic ancestor!

For a time, the screams of the ascetic ancestors continued to echo in the air...

Not long after, the black robe and the gray robe also arrived...

The two of them were dumbfounded when they saw the scene in front of them.

Qin Feng's comprehensive combat power has completely reached the threshold of the eternal third realm!

It's only been so long that this guy's strength has risen to such a terrifying level, it's really incredible.

The two couldn't help but glance at each other, and both saw horror in each other's eyes.

Afterwards, the two stepped forward together to assist Qin Feng and attack the ascetic ancestor...

Not long after, the avatar clone, Kunpeng, Zhenji and others also arrived one by one and participated in the siege...

The ascetic ancestor was quickly bombarded, and screams kept screaming in the blood fog...

His breath kept falling...

Soon, the ascetic ancestors will not be able to hold on anymore...

"Ah~! Qin Feng, you wait! The old man will definitely come back for revenge!"

As soon as these words fell, the blood mist in the sky suddenly exploded, turning into nine blood groups, escaping in nine directions...

The speed of each blood group suddenly reached the limit of the second realm...

At this moment, the ascetic ancestors actually used a secret technique - the great method of disintegrating blood and escape...

Nine blood groups, as long as he escapes from any group, he can be resurrected...

"not good!

"Hurry up and stop the blood group!"

"Don't let them run away!

There was exclamation in the field. . . .

Qin Feng intercepted two blood mists by himself...

The black-robed man and the gray-robed man joined forces to stop a group...

The rest of the people were unable to stop a group.

The speed of the blood group is too fast, reaching the limit of the second level of the Eternal Realm, and they can't intercept it at all...

But everyone did not give up, and chased after the blood group one by one...

In the blink of an eye, everyone in the field dispersed, and each disappeared from sight...

Qin Feng quickly killed the two blood mists he intercepted.

Immediately afterwards, he helped the two black robes to kill the third group of blood fog.

Then, he put away the energy of the three blood mists, and disappeared in place with a space summon...

In the next second, he appeared beside Zhenji.

That really is tracking a cloud of blood, and his speed is far behind, the blood in front is about to disappear from the field of vision, and he is lost in sight. . . .

But at this moment, Qin Feng arrived and was very happy.

`Your Majesty, the blood fog is just ahead!


Qin Feng hurriedly chased away...

It didn't take long for him to catch up with the fourth blood mist and blast it away...

Then, he disappeared out of thin air and appeared beside Kunpeng on the other side.

In this way, Qin Feng used this method to continuously hunt down and kill the ascetic ancestors...

After three hours, all the chase was over.

The crowd gathered at the SAARC border again, and the people in black and grey were also present.

"Your Majesty, how is the situation? 35

Qing Lin asked anxiously.

"Nine groups of blood fog, only six groups were killed, and three groups escaped!"

Qin Feng looked calm.

It is very good to have such results.

After all, the ascetic ancestor's escape secret technique is very strange, and Qin Feng can't control the nine directions alone...

None of his subordinates could keep up with the speed of a blood group.

Under such circumstances, he was able to kill the Sixth Regiment, which is already extremely remarkable...

At this moment, everyone (is it okay) let out a long sigh of relief, with joy in their eyes.

The man in black robe also smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Qin Feng, the ascetic ancestor this time was very miserable! Although he escaped with his life, he lost six of the nine groups of blood mist, which is equivalent to the loss of two-thirds of his cultivation.

"His realm will also drop from the late second stage to the second early stage, which is equivalent to his falling to the level of Mimu old immortal. This means that he has lost millions of years of penance, and it is a huge blow to him!" "

As soon as these words fell, everyone smiled again, and their hearts were happy.

Qin Feng also smiled without saying a word.

He collected six groups of blood fog energy, comparable to the energy of two old Mimu immortals, and the harvest was good...

At the moment, he looked at the black runner and the grey-robed man again.

Having said that, the cultivation of these two people is in the middle stage of the second eternal realm, and they are a small realm stronger than the old immortal Mimu...

"Thank you two fellow Daoists for your help this time!"

"Good talk! Good talk!"

"Qin is a little curious, why did the two fellow Taoists help the South Alliance?"

As soon as these words were mentioned, Zhenji and the others looked at the black-robed and gray-robed people to kill.

They were also curious as to why the two black robes would help.

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