Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 975 total arch_9yin

"Qin is a little curious, why did the two fellow Taoists help the South Alliance?"

As soon as these words were mentioned, Zhenji and the others turned to look at the black-robed and gray-robed men.

They were also curious as to why the two black robes would help...

The man in black robe said sincerely: "Fellow Daoist, you once suggested that you want to form an alliance with the next one and plan to return to the Four Holy Lands of Ruins, do you remember?

Qin Feng smiled: "Unfortunately, fellow Taoist refused last time!"

"Hey~! The reason I refused last time was because I didn't have confidence in fellow Daoists, and I was even more worried that fellow Daoists wouldn't be able to stand up to Luo Fu's oath..."

"Then why did you change your mind again? 35

The man in black robe smiled awkwardly: "Your proposal at that time was very tempting. With my own strength, if I want to seek revenge for Gongtian and Gonglong, it will be impossible to achieve. If I can cooperate with you, I hope to greatly increase..."

"So, I have been wandering around Kunwu Mountain, I just want to see if SAARC has the ability to cooperate. I didn't expect that the performance of SAARC has greatly exceeded my expectations. Your strength has improved with each passing day. The next surprise, but also the next shock..."

"After thinking about it again and again, I decided to cooperate with Your Excellency. I just didn't expect that after Your Excellency made this decision, the ascetic ancestors would bring people to challenge things, and I naturally have to help...

The black-robed man was frank and did not hide anything.

Qin Feng nodded slightly: "Your Excellency's thoughts, Mr. Qin can understand. It's just that your help, although you have won the trust of my South Alliance, you have also offended the three major 433 extreme saints. If so, will it be worthwhile? ?

The man in black robe laughed loudly: "Haha!! Fellow Daoists are too worried! Since I want to cooperate with Your Excellency, I naturally have to show enough sincerity, how can I back down because of the Three Saints?"

"Besides, I put my hope on Your Excellency. I see that Your Excellency has infinite potential and that You are a kind and righteous person. In this case, I naturally choose Your Excellency's side..."

Qin Feng was curious: "Why do you think I am a kind and righteous person?"

"Isn't this simple? Before, the ascetic ancestors came with the power of the three saints to divide the South Alliance with the contract of the saints. But the South Alliance knew that they were defeated, but no one flinched, and no one even hesitated. 35

"It can be seen that Your Excellency must be a kind and righteous person. I have made up my mind on this matter. Even if I offend the three great sages, I am willing to cooperate with SAARC. I sign a covenant!""

The black-robed man's tone was very sincere.

In fact, he also thought about asking the three great sages for help.

But he expected that the three great sages would not offend the forces of the Ruins just because of the refuge of an eternal second realm...

What's more, the three great sages have always been high above, and they may not be waiting to see him....

Now, Qin Feng is rising from the bottom, and he helped Qin Feng (baeh) in the crisis, this friendship is extraordinary...

Sure enough, Qin Feng nodded in relief when he saw the statement of the man in black robe.

"Okay! Your Excellency is not afraid of offending the three great sages, but you must also befriend Qin, and help Qin defend against foreign enemies. For this kindness alone, Qin will repay, what is nothing to do with mere alliances!

The man in black robe was overjoyed: "Haha! I'll wait for the words of fellow Daoists. If Brother Qin can trust me, how about you and I sign an alliance contract?"9

"Yes! Can you tell Qin's real name?"

"Under Gong Gong, this is my best friend Jiuyin..."

Gong Gong introduced the grey-robed man beside him.

The gray-robed man has been silent.

At this moment, he slightly bowed his hands to Qin Feng, and it was considered that he had met him.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, my friend is not good at words. As for his origin, it is inconvenient to say at this time, but I will tell you in the future, and I hope you will forgive me!

"It's easy to talk about this! What is the plan of fellow Taoist Gong Gong?"

"Naturally, it is to destroy the Gongtian family and avenge the blood revenge of my parents, wife and children!"

"Okay! However, Qin's goal is to destroy the four holy clans!"

"Haha!! Then take the goal of Fellow Daoist Qin as the goal of our covenant. After the alliance between you and me, all matters will be dominated by fellow Daoist Qin. You say that which clan to destroy first, destroy that clan first!

The man in black robe said it very frankly, and it was already very sincere.

Qin Feng was overjoyed: "Your Excellency, let's sign a covenant with me!"

"it is good!"

At the moment, Qin Feng took out a contract scroll, and the two began to sign...

After a while, the covenant was completed.

Both parties are happy, and the trust and friendship between each other has deepened. . . .

Having said that, the whole SAARC has a good impression of Gonggong and Jiuyin.

Soon, they all got acquainted with each other warmly...

"Brother Qin, this time the ascetic ancestor fled back, and he will definitely ask the three great sages for help as soon as possible. Next, you may have to accept the anger of the three great sages..."

The common arch points out the big threat Qin Feng is about to face.

"Hmm~! This is indeed a troublesome matter. When do you think the three great sages will arrive?"

"To calculate the time, we should arrive in seven days, or even later..."

"Arriving in seven days? Why so late?"

Gong Gong smiled and said: "Right now, the three great sages are preparing for the treasures of the ancient gods, and that is their real goal. If not, this time, the ascetic ancestors will not be allowed to come, but the one among them. One is coming..."

"No matter what, the Daluo Divine Sword is also a holy weapon, and it is still somewhat tempting to the three great sages. However, the ascetic ancestor failed, the three great sages will definitely appear, but the time will not be so positive. 99

"For them, the conflict between them and you is just a battle of face, not a battle of life and death, much less the importance of the treasures of the ancient gods..."

"It makes sense!" Qin Feng's eyes lit up, "If it takes seven days to arrive, then the time will be enough. Brother Gong Gong, I'm going to attack Wutian Holy Land tomorrow, what do you think?

"Attack tomorrow?

The co-arch was a little shocked.

This arrangement seems a bit rushed!

"That's right! If I go to attack tomorrow, I will be able to end the war within seven days and return to the realm of the gods. At that time, even if the three great sages come, I will be able to deal with it..."

Qin Feng didn't say a word.

That is, as long as he gets the Wutian Holy Land, he can evolve the fourth Great Thousand World, and he can condense the Hongmeng body...

By then, his strength will definitely skyrocket.

Even if the three great sages came, it wouldn't help him.

In this way, the South Alliance will completely gain a firm foundation in the God Realm and dominate one side...

"Okay! Since Brother Qin has made a decision, Gongmou will sacrifice his life to accompany him!

"Nine Yin is also willing to fight!

Gong Gong and Jiuyin expressed their positions at the same time.

SAARC people rejoice.

Qin Feng was also delighted.

With the full support of these two people, the battle against Wutian Holy Land will surely go smoothly...

"Kun'er! You bring two fellow Daoists Gonggong and Jiuyin back to the headquarters, and arrange accommodation for them..."

"Yes! Master!"

Kunpeng quickly took orders...

"Zhenji, Jiuyuan, Pitie, Qinglin, Fengdi, Panzu, and Fuzhi, the seven of you quickly gather your personnel, rectify the three armies, and go to the Guixu tomorrow..."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The subordinates were excited to take orders.

Your Majesty is going to expand the territory again...

After this order was given, all the subordinates took the order and left...

Qin Feng said goodbye to Gong Gong and disappeared out of thin air...

In the next second, he returned to Double Universe, Heavenly Palace Holy Land...

Then, he took out a jade bottle with a happy face, which contained the energy of several Eternal Realm powerhouses...

He wants to devour it and greatly enhance his strength

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