Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 984 The 4 Great Realms

time flies!

Three days have passed in a blink of an eye...

On this day, a huge fire cloud rose from the Holy Land of Fire Cloud, which dyed the heavens and the world red...

A wave of supreme heavenly might emanated from the red cloud, covering the sky and the earth, covering the entire holy land, alarming hundreds of millions of holy land disciples...

For a time, countless disciples looked up to the Holy Land...

In the next second, they clearly sensed that the aura of prestige had reached the peak of the eternal third realm that day...

"Breakthrough! It's the ancestor who broke through! 99

"Ha ha!!

All the disciples were stunned and shouted excitedly one by one...

At this time, thousands of miles of red clouds surged in the air, shrinking automatically, turning into a red-haired old man, with a red gourd on his back...

The red-haired old man is the Holy Fire Cloud.

His body was actually a red cloud.

"Haha!! Breakthrough! This old man has broken through!"

Fire Cloud Extreme Sage is laughing wildly in the sky!

This time, he refined the Great Sun Holy Pill, and really broke through to the peak of the third realm, and his strength skyrocketed a lot...

"Congratulations to the ancestors! Congratulations to the ancestors! 39

At this moment, hundreds of millions of Holy Land disciples knelt on the ground, congratulating in unison, the sound shook the sky...

"Haha!! Stay in the Holy Land~! This deity will go to the South Alliance, take down Qin Feng's head and return! 95

Huoyun is extremely holy.

As soon as the words fell, he sacrificed the big gourd behind him.

That big red gourd was his birthright holy artifact.

After the integration of human and machine, the aura of the Fire Cloud Extreme Sage has skyrocketed by a large amount, surpassing the limit level of combat power in the third realm...

In the next second, he stepped on the big gourd, flew towards the South Alliance, and disappeared from the sight of the disciples in the blink of an eye...

"Tsk tsk~! This time the ancestor broke through, and his strength has increased by more than 30%!"

"Yeah! I'm afraid that in the third territory of eternity, there is no one who is the opponent of the ancestor..."

"If the ancestors made a move, that kid named Qin Feng would definitely die!"

"Haha!! Needless to say! I'm afraid that the two adults, Lupao and Ziqing, will kill Qin Feng first..."

The disciples of the Holy Land burst out laughing...

They are full of confidence in Huoyun Jisheng and others.

At the same time, the team of Green Robe Extreme Saint and Ziqing Sword Saint are only two days away from the South Alliance...

The closer to the SAARC region, the more excited the ascetic ancestors were.

The day when he will get his revenge is getting closer...

At the same time, Qin Feng's retreat has also made great progress in the SAARC headquarters and the double universe...

In the evolution of Wutian Holy Land into Wutian Great World, and the back-feeding of combat power after the breakthrough of Jiuyuan and others, Qin Feng's combat power has broken through to 7,200 trillion yuan...

At this moment, within the forbidden area of ​​cultivation.

Qin Feng was suspended in midair.

Creation Divine Fire, Creation Divine Water, Creation Divine Wind, and Creation Divine Soil form four poles, surrounding him...

In the next second, the Creation Divine Wind poured into his body and directly drilled into the Kunpeng Great World...

Thirty years of continuous preparation has finally been fully activated at this moment...


The world of Kunpeng is shaking!

Creation Kamikaze begins to fully integrate with Kunpeng World...

Qin Feng's aura also skyrocketed. . . .

A quarter of an hour later, a system prompt sounded in his mind...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, your Kunpeng Great World and Creation Divine Wind have been perfectly integrated... Kunpeng Great World has been promoted to the extreme world of wind... Your aura has evolved for the first time, and it contains the attributes of the Creation Divine Wind. …

"Ding~! The host's cultivation base has been raised to 34% in the god realm.... The combat power has been raised to 7400 trillion yuan....~"."

"Ding~! Your subordinate, Kunpeng, is automatically promoted to the Lord of the Extreme Realm of Wind. His aura evolves automatically, and contains the attributes of the God of Creation... Kunpeng's cultivation base has broken through to the threshold of the second realm of eternity, and his strength has greatly increased..."

Qin Feng is overjoyed!

This time, not only did he greatly increase his strength, but also Kunpeng broke through the peak of the first realm and was promoted to the threshold of the second realm...

Obviously, the extreme world of wind is one level higher than the world of Daqian.

And Kunpeng, as an alternative universe master, his combat power surpassed his cultivation base and reached the second stage late stage...

All this is not over yet, Qin Feng's mind moved, and the fire of creation poured into the world of Wenyuan...

In the next second, the Creation God Fire will quickly merge with the world of Wenyuan....

Qin Feng's aura is soaring again....

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, your Wenyuan Great World and Creation Divine Fire have been perfectly integrated... Wenyuan Great World has been promoted to the extreme realm of fire... Your aura has undergone a second evolution and contains the attributes of Creation Divine Fire... "

"Ding~! The host's cultivation base has been raised to 38% in the god realm.... The combat power has been raised to 7600 trillion yuan....

"Ding~! Remind the host that there is no master of the extreme world in the extreme world of fire, and the host can appoint from his subordinates..."

Qin Feng's eyes lit up, and he secretly thought about the benefits for his subordinates.

He was also prepared.

The next second, as soon as he beckoned, Emperor Feng appeared out of thin air.

"His Majesty!"

"Are you ready?


Feng Di nodded, and then closed his eyes and meditated.

Qin Feng condensed his hand, and an inheritance divine seal composed of golden flames took shape in the palm of his hand...


With Qin Feng's finger pointing, the flame divine seal penetrated into the eyebrows of Emperor Feng...

That bright and clean forehead lit up with a dazzling fire...

Fengdi's face also showed extreme pain, his delicate body was trembling, and a large amount of cold sweat was oozing from his forehead...

It lasted for a full quarter of an hour before the pained look on Feng Di's face gradually calmed down, and the momentum on her body began to increase wildly...

"Ding~! Your subordinate, Emperor Feng, is automatically promoted to the lord of the extreme realm of fire, and his aura evolves automatically, and contains the attributes of the divine fire of creation.... Emperor Feng's cultivation base has broken through to the first realm of eternity, and his strength has greatly increased... "

After a long time, Emperor Feng slowly opened his eyes, and his face showed ecstasy...

This time, Qin Feng not only helped her break through to the first realm of eternity, but also made her the master of an alternative universe...

This made her combat strength surpass her cultivation level, comparable to the peak of the first realm of eternity, equivalent to the level of Wu Tianshengzun...

66 `My concubine, thank you for the gift of Your Majesty!"

Feng Di is extremely grateful...

Qin Feng also looked relieved: "Yue'er, you have followed me so far, and it is also necessary for you to have today's cultivation base. Between you and my husband, don't talk about gratitude..."

"Your Majesty's affection, the concubine will remember it!"

Feng Di's heart is full of warmth...

Afterwards, Qin Feng continued to retreat….

Feng Di left.

She also went back to retreat to consolidate her cultivation.

Next, Qin Feng used the Creation Divine Water to promote the Jiuquan Great World to the Extreme World of Water, and appointed Qinglin as the Lord of the Extreme World of Water

Later, he used the divine soil of creation to promote Wutian Great World to the extreme world of soil, and appointed Fuzhi as the master of the extreme world of soil...

In this way, Qin Feng's aura evolved four times in a row, containing four attributes of divine wind, divine fire, divine water and divine soil...

His cultivation base has also increased to 47% of the God Realm, and his combat power has increased to 8,000 trillion yuan, which has reached the ultimate combat power in the late third realm...

Qinglin and Fuzhi were also under his transformation (four good), and their cultivation bases broke through to the first realm of eternity, but their combat power reached the peak of the first realm.

So far, in addition to Qin Feng, there are seven people in the Eternal Realm of the Southern Alliance, including the avatar clone, Kunpeng, Qinglin, Fengdi, Fuzhi, Zhenji, and Jiuyuan.

In addition, SAARC also has foreign aid from Gonggong and Jiuyin from the second border.

The overall strength of the SAARC can be said to be a lot stronger. . . .

Just after this operation, Qin Feng spent a day.

Next, Qin Feng went on to the second part, fused the four attributes of the spiritual energy in his body into one, and finally tempered his physical body into a Hongmeng body

This time, it will take him a day, or even more...

But he didn't know that Lupao, Ziqing and the others had only one day left to kill from the South Alliance.

The Fire Cloud Extreme Sage, who came later, with its extraordinary speed, will be able to arrive in almost a day...

The crisis in SAARC is imminent..

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