Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 985 is on the verge of fire, battle!

Time flies!

In a blink of an eye, a day has passed...

At this moment, in the double universe, in the forbidden area of ​​​​the Heavenly Palace.

Qin Feng closed his eyes and meditated, his whole body exuding a dazzling four-color aura...

He is quenching his body wholeheartedly...

At present, the completion rate of his body of Hongmeng has reached 95%, as long as it reaches 100%, the body of Hongmeng will be completed, and his strength will also skyrocket...

However, it will take months for him to complete the remaining 5%.

A few months in the double universe, and the outside world is half an hour, and it can be completed very quickly. . . . .

As soon as he thought that the body of Hongmeng was about to be completed, Qin Feng felt infinite expectations in his heart.....

But at this moment, he seemed to sense something, a pair of divine eyes suddenly opened and closed, pierced through countless space barriers, and looked at the border of the South Alliance from afar...

At this moment, a group of Eternal Realm powerhouses appeared in his field of vision, led by the Green Robe Extreme Saint and the Purple Green Sword Saint...

Behind the two, there were five second-level powerhouses and fourteen first-level powerhouses, and the ascetic ancestors were suddenly among them...

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng frowned...

"Damn it! The ascetic ancestor brought people to come to the door so quickly! This time, it's aggressive, I'm afraid no one in the South Alliance can stop them, but I..."

"Hey~! Why is there trouble every time at a critical moment? Is this the test of the Dao for me?"

Qin Feng felt extremely depressed...

He is the critical moment to condense the body of Hongmeng, and he can't leave, otherwise everything will be lost...

Unless he is given another half an hour or so, at the speed of the seven major forces of the God Realm, they will arrive in a quarter of an hour at most...

"That's it!"

Qin Feng thought for a while and made a decision.

In the next second, the phantom clone appeared above Kunwu Mountain...

Qin Feng's idea is that he first let the virtual 433 shadow clone lead people to face it. If he can't resist it, he can only give up condensing the body of Hongmeng and force his way out...

It's just that Qin Feng has not found out that not far from the SAARC border, there is still a strong enemy coming...

That person is the Supreme Sage of Huo Yuan!

At this moment, it is less than an hour away from the distance between the Holy Fire Cloud and Mount Kunwu...

SAARC can be said to be in many crises, and one wave is stronger than the next...  

But on the other side, as soon as the phantom avatar appeared, it issued many orders...

After a while, nearly 10,000,000 quasi-god disciples from the South Alliance, led by many powerful gods, took their places and started a great formation...

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

One after another array of beams of light soared into the sky, with more than 10,000 beams...

Between the beams of light, connected by dots, a mountain-protecting mask appears...

The mountain protection formation is now open!

Afterwards, in the Kunwu Mountain headquarters, silhouettes of eternal powerhouses flew out one after another, and they gathered behind the phantom avatar...

After a while, all the powerhouses arrived.

There are Kunpeng, Gonggong and Jiuyin in the second realm.

There are Qinglin, Fengdi, Fuzhi, Zhenji and Jiuyuan from the first realm.

There are also Panzu, Batie, Qin Baobao, Minghe, Minglin, Hongyue from the half-step Eternal Realm...

As soon as the high-level officials gathered, they all looked at the phantom avatar....

"Your Majesty, are all the people from the seven major forces of the God Realm here?" Zhenji asked.

"Well! It's almost there! This time, the situation is a little bad...  

The voice of the phantom avatar fell, and there were more than a dozen rapid air-breaking sounds in the distance...

Everyone was shocked and looked up one after another, and saw a group of eternal powerhouses coming to kill in a mighty way...

The two leaders are the Green Robe Supreme Saint and the Purple Sword Saint...(baeh)

After seeing the cultivation of the two, everyone in the South Alliance could not help but change their expressions...

"My God! The two great sages have come together!"

"Fortunately! The Fire Cloud Supreme Sage didn't come, otherwise it would be even more troublesome..."

"Hey~! Even if Huoyun Jisheng didn't have it, Lord Qin Lei and the others still couldn't resist...

"I hope His Majesty will come out sooner, we may still have hope in SAARC...

At this moment, the hundreds of millions of children of the Southern Alliance also saw the situation in the air, and whispered one by one, feeling panic and anxiety in their hearts...

The phantom avatars and other high-level officials are waiting for each and every one of them, their expressions are serious, but their hearts are full of anxiety...

"Hey! There are so many Eternal Realm powerhouses in the South Alliance!""

"Yeah! Three second realms, five first realms, six half-step eternity...'

"Tsk~! Tsk~! Such a huge force is comparable to a holy place! No wonder the South Alliance dares to be so arrogant..."

At this moment, the leaders of the seven major forces also saw the battle of the South Alliance, and couldn't help but be amazed...

Even the green-robed supreme saint and the purple-green swordsman had strange expressions on their faces.

The two looked at each other with envy, jealousy and hatred...

Even their Green Robe Holy Land and Purple Green Holy Land do not have so many Eternal subordinates...

Only the power of the Fire Cloud Holy Land can be compared with the South Alliance...

They really couldn't figure out how a poor and weak South Alliance in the past could become so powerful in such a short period of time that it was comparable to the Fire Cloud Holy Land...

Could it be that all this was done by that thief Qin Feng?

The more the two great sages think about it, the more jealous they become!

A Fire Cloud Holy Land will crush the two of them to death!

They didn't want the second Fire Cloud Holy Land to come out of the God Realm and press them down again....

But at this moment, the voice of the ascetic ancestor sounded behind the two...

"Everyone, you should pay more attention to the boy at the front. Don't underestimate him. That guy is Qin Lei, Qin Feng's brother. He may be the strongest existence in this group..."

"What? He is the strongest being?!"

"No way? No matter how you look at that kid, he's just a little god!"

"Yeah! A god would be the strongest existence? Could it be that he is stronger than the three eternal second realms behind him?"

"Friend ascetic, did you make a mistake? 39

The bigwigs of the seven major forces all showed doubts...

"Hey~! That...Ku is telling the truth, the last time..."

The ascetic ancestor smiled wryly.

But in the end, he seemed to have thought of something, and his face showed surprise...


The last time he saw the phantom avatar, this guy was only half a step god...

Why haven't I seen him for a few days, this guy has broken through to the realm of the gods, and his strength has improved again!

This guy's strength shouldn't increase too much, right?

Thinking of this, the ascetic ancestor was a little sour, very jealous...

However, he is not worried!

Last time, when he saw the phantom avatar, the strength of the phantom avatar was stronger than that of the old immortal Mimu...

This time, even if the phantom avatar breaks through a realm, the combat power will at most reach the level of the late second realm...

With such strength, he is vulnerable in front of any extreme saint.

What's more, this time there are two extreme saints...

The discussion of the ascetic ancestor and others also naturally spread to the two great sage ears...

This made Lupao and Ziqing even more unhappy...

There are so many powerhouses in the Eternal Realm in the South Alliance, which makes the two jealous, and now count Qin Lei and Qin Feng...

The Eternal Realm powerhouse is above the number of people, and it will surpass the Fire Cloud Holy Land...

"Brother Ziqing, this South Alliance has become a climate!

"Yeah! It should be uprooted! Don't give them the opportunity to join the All Saints Covenant!

"That's right! If they are allowed to join, it will be the eight major forces of the God Realm. In the future, the share of resources and interests that the two of us will gain will only become less and less!"

"Understand now! You and I will let go of the battle today, and must not give SAARC a chance to survive..."

The Green Robe Extreme Sage and the Purple Green Sword Sage have private voice transmissions...

The two quickly reached an unanimous proposal, wanting to eradicate SAARC and then hurry up....

It was at this time that the teams of the seven major forces reached the sky above Kunwu Mountain and confronted the phantom clones...

Below, the hundreds of millions of children of the Southern Alliance are all nervous, looking up one by one...

Kunpeng and other high-level executives also looked serious, and they were all waiting for...

"Who are you waiting for? Why did you break into my SAARC headquarters?"

The phantom avatar asked before him.

"Haha!! Qin Lei, don't you remember the old man? Today, the old man brought someone to take revenge! Where is the thief Qin Feng?

The ascetic ancestor stood up and shouted arrogantly.

The phantom avatar frowned: "You are not qualified to see my brother just because you are an old man! 99

"You...!", the ascetic ancestor was so angry that his old eyes rolled...

Before he could finish his words, Sword Saint Ziqing was already impatient...

He raised his hand slightly and stopped the words of the ascetic ancestor...

Then, he looked at the phantom avatar arrogantly.

"Are you Qin Lei?

"Exactly! Who is fellow Daoist?"

"Fellow Daoist?!" The Ziqing Sword Saint sneered, "This deity is the Ziqing Sword Saint, one of the three great sages in the God Realm. In terms of honor and inferiority, you should call this deity senior and fellow Daoist, you can't afford it. !

The phantom avatar could not help frowning...

Kunpeng, Qinglin and others also frowned, thinking that this and Ziqing Sword Saint are really arrogant...

He also underestimated the phantom avatar.

"Boy, this deity is too lazy to talk nonsense with you! If you don't want to die, call Qin Feng out! 99

The impatient face of the Ziqing Sword Saint...

The green robe and the others all watched with a smile on their faces, and they were waiting for a good show...

The phantom avatar frowned slightly.

At this moment, the quenching progress of the body has reached 97%, and it will take three quarters of an hour to complete...

It seems that he has to find a way to delay the time...

Thinking of this, the phantom clone said: "Sorry! My brother..."

"Don't talk nonsense! Call Qin Feng out!"9

Ziqing Sword Saint's tone is extremely tough...


"court death!"

As soon as the voice fell, Sword Saint Ziqing suddenly shot...

This sudden scene made the hundreds of millions of children of the South Alliance exclaim in surprise...

I saw Ziqing Sword Saint slashed with a sword finger, and hundreds of millions of sword lights condensed out of thin air...

In the next second, the rain of billions of sword lights shot towards the phantom avatar...

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