Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 992 conquests in all directions

At this moment, the two of Huoyun Jisheng completely escaped Qin Feng's vision...

Qin Feng silently put away the mysterious pearl, turned and walked towards the battlefield...

After a while, there were screaming screams one after another in the battlefield...

"Ding~! The host succeeded in killing the powerhouses in the early stage of the second realm of eternity... Obtained 2060 trillion karma (20.6 million exchange points)

"Ding~! The host succeeded in killing the mid-term powerhouse in the second realm of eternity... Obtained 2890 trillion karma (28.9 million exchange points)

"Ding~! The host succeeded in killing the mid-term powerhouse in the second realm of eternity... Obtained 3120 trillion karma (31.2 million exchange points)

"Ding~! The host succeeded in killing the late-stage powerhouse in the second realm of eternity... Obtained 4350 trillion karma (43.5 million exchange points)

Qin Feng killed four second-level powerhouses in a row, and put away all the energy they transformed into...

As soon as possible, he went to help the phantom avatar and teamed up to deal with the Ziqing Sword Saint...

In less than a quarter of an hour, the shrill screams of the Ziqing Sword Saint resounded in the arena!

"Qin Feng! Even if Zi Mou dies, he won't let you go... ah!

"Four-five-zero" "Ding~! The host succeeded in killing the powerhouse (Purple Green Sword Saint) in the early stage of the Eternal Third Realm... Obtained 8640 trillion karma (86.4 million exchange points)...

As soon as the Ziqing Sword Saint dies, it turns into energy that fills the sky...

The two divine swords, Zi Ji and Qing Ji, screamed incessantly, and wanted to escape, but they were imprisoned in place by the phantom clones, unable to move,,,,,

Qin Feng was overjoyed, took out the jade bottle of runes, and was about to collect the energy of the Ziqing Sword Saint...

"Huh! What is this?"

But at this moment, he seemed to have discovered something. Looking at the energy center, there was a piece of jade suspended in there, emitting a sacred light.

Qin Feng hurriedly waved his hand and sucked the jade into his hand...

As soon as the jade altar starts, it exudes an ancient atmosphere, the vicissitudes of life are desolate...

Taking a closer look, I saw that the front was engraved with two extremely simple ancient seal characters, and the back was engraved with many incomplete formation patterns.

"What the hell is this?"

Qin Feng put away the energy transformed by the Ziqing Sword Saint and continued to observe the jade...

At this moment, Gong Tak Kong approached...

When he saw the jade, his eyes widened in shock...

Immediately, he cupped his hands excitedly and said, "Congratulations to Daoist Qin! Congratulations to Daoist Qin! 35

Qin Feng was stunned: "Why is there joy?"

Gong Gong smiled and said, "Friend Daoist, you don't know, the incomplete jade ultimatum in your hand is left by the ancient gods, called the jade ultimatum of good fortune. Of course, this is only one of the fragments of the jade ultimatum of good fortune..."

Qin Feng's eyes lit up: "Hey! With such a history, this thing must be extraordinary!"

Gong Gong smiled and said, "That's natural! Rumor has it that by gathering all the fragments of the jade ultimatum and synthesizing a complete jade ultimatum, you will be able to obtain the core inheritance of the ancient gods, and be able to control the entire Great Desolate God Realm... 99

Hearing this, Qin Feng was moved, and the light in his eyes became even brighter.

If he wants to create the Great Wilderness God Realm, one of the steps is to control the entire Great Wilderness God Realm, so this good fortune jade is something he must get!

Now, he got a piece by chance...

Gong Gong continued: "Of course, this good fortune jade ultimatum is extremely miraculous, even if you only get the fragments, it can also be used for magic!

"What's the use? 35

Qin Feng was interested.

The top officials of the South Alliance also gathered around curiously.

Gong Gong continued: "It is rumored that when the ancient gods fell, the jade shard of good fortune shattered into eight or nine pieces, each of which corresponds to a site in the God Realm of the Great Wilderness. As long as one piece is refined, one can control the corresponding piece of god. To become the real owner of the territory, to be able to control the power of heaven and earth..."

"Why is the site of the Ziqing Sword Saint, the Green Robe Supreme Saint, and the Huoyun Supreme Saint called the Holy Land? It's because the three of them each have a piece of jade shard and can control the power of heaven and earth in their respective sites, which is similar to returning to the ruins. The Holy Land…”

"If the Ziqing Juggernaut is in his own territory, he can control the power of heaven and earth in his own territory, attaching himself to him, and exerting his combat power in the later stage of the third realm. The green-robed supreme saint can use the jade shard to play the peak of the third realm. Strength…"

"Then the Fire Cloud Extreme Sage is even more powerful, can he use the jade shard to exert the strength of a half-step Heavenly Sage?

Speaking of which, Gong Gong sighed incessantly....

"Half-step Heavenly Sage?" Qin Feng was surprised.

He had never heard of such a state.

Gong Gong quickly explained: "Half-step Tiansheng is not a realm, but a name for a super-powerful person whose combat power is far beyond the extreme holy, but has not reached the threshold of Tiansheng. Generally speaking, as long as the combat power reaches 50,000 With the power of extreme numbers, it can be called a half-step heavenly sage..."

Qin Feng was stunned.

His combat power is only 15,000 poles, which has surpassed the limit of the extreme saint, but is far from the standard of half-step heavenly saint...

"According to what you said, Fire Cloud Extreme Sage can exert a combat power of 50,000 poles in his own territory?"

Gong Gong nodded slightly: "That's right! It's even stronger! With the help of the jade shards, the combat power of the Fire Cloud Extreme Sage is probably more than 50,000 poles, reaching 60,000 poles..."

"Close to 60,000?"

Qin Feng couldn't help frowning.

If this is the case, entering the Fire Cloud Holy Land with his current strength is equivalent to the sheep entering the tiger's mouth, and he is not an opponent of the Fire Cloud Supreme Holy Land at all.

It seems that if he wants to put out the holy cloud, he will not be able to do it for a while.

Kunpeng and other subordinates also frowned.

They also thought of the same question.

"Strange! Ziqing and Green Robe both have jade shards, why are these two people's improved combat power, not Huoyun Jishengduo? 35

Qin Feng was a little puzzled.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, the strength of the jade shards depends on the user's own combat power. The stronger the user's combat power, the greater the increase. In addition, the jade shards are divided into sizes. The larger the shards, the greater the increase. The more the multiplier..."

"As far as Gonggong knows, the jade shards obtained by Ziqing and Lupao are of the same size, the multiplier of borrowing the power of heaven and earth is four times, and the fragments of Huoyun Jisheng are larger, and the multiplier is six times!

Hearing this, Qin Feng suddenly realized.

No wonder Gong Gong said that Fire Cloud Extreme Sage is in his holy place, and his combat power can reach 60,000 extremes.

The Fire Cloud Extreme Sage is the third realm peak cultivation base, the combat power has reached 10,000 poles, and with the six-fold increase of the jade fragments, it is naturally 60,000 poles...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng looked at the jade shard in his hand, and there was light in his eyes.0

In the same way, the jade shards in his hand have quadrupled, and if he refines it, he can also reach 60,000 poles of power...

"Your Majesty, according to fellow Taoist Gong Gong, you have refined this jade shard, and in the Purple Green Holy Land, you can reach the level of a half-step Heavenly Sage! 35

"Hey! That's right! Your Majesty, your subordinates suggest that you refine this jade as soon as possible, and let us move our SAARC headquarters to the Holy Land of Purple Green..."

"Haha! This is a good idea! However, the Ziqing Holy Land should be renamed, let's call it the South Alliance Holy Land!

The high-level officials also thought of this matter, and they were all excitedly talking about it. . . .

Qin Feng smiled without saying a word.

He also felt that the idea of ​​the crowd was good.

It is time for him to occupy the Purple and Green Holy Land and use it as the foundation.

In this way, he can exert a half-step Heavenly Sage's combat power in his own foundation, and he is even less afraid of the revenge of various foreign enemies...

"It is indeed imperative to change the address of the headquarters! However, the Ziqing Holy Land is not our territory, and the children of the Ziqing Holy Land are still there. There are probably more than one billion people up and down..."

Qin Feng asked casually.

Gong Gong smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist Qin, after this battle, the seven major forces of the God Realm have all been defeated by you. Now there are only some half-step eternal powerhouses left in the Ziqing Holy Land, and they can't resist the attack of the South Alliance at all. …”

Jiuyuan also echoed: "Not only the Ziqing Holy Land, but also some other forces in the God Realm have no Eternal Realm powerhouses, and only half a step of Eternal is left. Perhaps, only the Fire Cloud Holy Land and the Green Robe Holy Land have the power to resist. , the rest are not worth mentioning at all..."

Zhenji hurriedly stepped forward: "Your Majesty, this old man suggested that unless the Fire Cloud Holy Land and the Green Robe Holy Land, our South Alliance will attack the territory of the other five forces, occupy them all, and let them sign a contract with Your Majesty."

"Those who are willing to sign, live! Those who are unwilling to sign, die! 4.7 If Your Majesty is willing, the old man is willing to take 30,000 pillars of faith to conquer the forces of the Western world!"

As soon as these words fell, Fuzhi, Kunpeng and other subordinates also asked for their orders.

"Father, the child is also willing to receive 30,000 Pillars of Faith to conquer the forces of the Eastern Realm..."

"Master, Kun'er is also willing to receive 30,000 Pillars of Faith to conquer the Ziqing Holy Land..."

"Your Majesty, the concubine is also willing to receive 30,000 Pillars of Faith to conquer..."

For a time, all the subordinates asked for their orders...

Below, hundreds of millions of Nanmeng disciples also watched with enthusiasm...

Qin Feng was overjoyed.

If he takes all the creatures from the five forces of the God Realm under his command, at least he can obtain thousands of trillions of creatures, and even more...

At the same time, he can also acquire a large number of powerful subordinates, many of whom are half-step eternal powerhouses...

In this way, his strength can be greatly improved...

It can also greatly increase his life value, those are all precious exchange points,

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