Thinking of this, Qin Feng also decided to attack the five forces in the God Realm.

But at this moment, a clear chirping sounded suddenly in the arena...

Everyone was alarmed, and they turned their heads to look, and saw the chaotic beads in the air suddenly burst out with dazzling aura...

In the next second, Xiao Hongjun turned into a ray of light and flew out of the Chaos Orb...

As soon as he appeared, he opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing the Chaos Orb...

Then, he saw the crowd surrounding one person, that person was his father - Qin Feng!

"Daddy! 35

Father and son are connected, and when Xiaohong sees Qin Feng, he feels very cordial.

Before he finished speaking, he ran over with his little butt bare...

Qin Feng was also stunned by his cute little appearance.

He is very fond of this boy.

Even if you don't talk about the relationship between father and son, the talent and strength shown by Xiao Hongjun are astonishing...

Xiao Hongjun threw himself into Qin Feng's arms.

Although the father and son met for the first time, Xiao Hongjun frequently communicated with Qin Feng when he was in the mother's womb.

"Little guy, what happened to the five or 10 ascetic ancestors?" Qin Feng asked with a doting face.

"Dad, I killed all five of them. Here~! This is the energy transformed by those five people. I know that Daddy is useful, so I have collected them all! Daddy, take it...  

Xiao Hongjun took out a jade bottle with a milky voice.

That cute appearance was completely different from the old-fashioned look he pretended to be in front of outsiders.

This little guy is only willing to show the appearance of a child in front of his parents, and always wants to pretend to be an adult in front of outsiders...

"Hong'er has a heart!"

Qin Feng put away the jade bottle with relief.

This is also the filial piety of his children.

"Hong'er, your bellyband..."

Qin Feng suddenly found that Xiao Hongjun's apron was crooked, and there were still many threads, and it looked a bit strange...

"Dad, this is what my mother sewed for me, doesn't it look good?"9

When everyone heard the words, they took a closer look at the apron, and all pursed their lips and smiled.

When you look at the apron, you can see that it is hand-sewn...

Star Master Ziwei blushed: "Your Majesty, the concubine is not good at needlework, and the situation was urgent, so I sewed one. When I have time, I will sew another one for Hong'er..."

Emperor Feng also pursed his lips and said with a smile: "My concubine knows some needlework, I will sew a few pieces for Hong'er later..."

"Hee hee~! Then I will sew a few pieces for my brother too!

Qin Baobao seemed to have thought of something interesting and said with a smile...

"Thank you! However, my favorite mother sews clothes by herself..."

Xiao Hongjun looked at Star Master Ziwei affectionately.

This remark warms the heart of Star Master Ziwei, and is quite gratified...

Everyone laughed and said nothing.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the field is warm...

"By the way, Daddy, the boy just listened to your discussion, and is going to conquer the five forces. Can you let the boy lead a team to conquer one side?"

"Are you going too?"

"Well, the child wants to share the worries for daddy! 35

Qin Feng nodded slightly, feeling the child's filial piety.

"Hong'er, this expedition is by no means without danger. There are still remnants of the seven major forces. For example, the Supreme Sage of Fire Cloud and the Supreme Sage of Green Robe... When you go to the expedition, if these two people come forward to play tricks, I'm afraid... ."

Qin Feng was still a little worried.

Gong Gong remonstrated: "Fellow Daoist Qin, in fact, there should be three people from the Eternal Realm remaining in the seven major forces. Gong Mou has just counted them, and there is another second realm in the Fire Cloud Holy Land that was not present, I am afraid it was an accident. I'm staying in the Holy Land..."

"However, it is difficult for these three people to form a climate. With you here, they would not dare to leave their own territory without authorization, so Gongmou feels that the conquest of the five directions can be carried out!

"That's right! This subordinate also thinks it's feasible!

The subordinates also joined in.

Qin Feng nodded slightly: "It doesn't matter! This time, Huoyun and Lupao have been injured by my Hongmeng Qi. Even if they want to make trouble, they will have to wait until the injury is healed before they can come out..."

"You can take advantage of this gap to conquer the five directions at the fastest speed. As long as the creatures from the five directions are all under the command of this deity, it is equivalent to integrating with our South Alliance territory. In the future, as long as Huoyun and the two step into our forces Half a step, I can detect it immediately! 35

When these words came out, everyone was overjoyed.

Qin Feng's methods, they have already experienced

"Dad, Hong'er feels that not only do we have to occupy the five forces, but also the Holy Land of Green Robe and Huoyun must be conquered and taken over! In this way, the entire God Realm is ours, hee hee! 35

"The little guy is greedy! The Huoyun and Lupao have the help of the good fortune jade, and you can't conquer it with your strength. After handling the trivial matters for the father, I will go to the Greenpao Holy Land in person. As for the Huoyun Holy Land, we have to wait. After the strength is enough, let's talk about it..."

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Feng looked at everyone...

"Kunpeng, Zhenji obey orders!""

"Kunpeng is here!

"Subordinates are here!

"The deity ordered the two of you to lead 30,000 pillars of belief, more than 30 gods, 2 million or more quasi-god disciples, and conquer the eastern world~!"

As soon as these words fell, the eyes of all the subordinates also lit up.

Kunpeng, Zhenji, and Jiuyuan were even more overjoyed.

"I'm waiting for orders!

As soon as Qin Feng waved his hand, 30,000 pillars of faith flew towards the two of them.

The three of them excitedly put away the Shenzhu, told Qin Feng to retreat, and hurried back to the headquarters to dispatch people...

"Hongjun and Ziwei obey orders!"

"The child (concubine) is here! 35

"The deity ordered the two of you to lead 30,000 religious pillars, 30 to go to God with 450, and 2 million or more quasi-gods to conquer the Western world~!"

"Baby (concubine) take orders!

Qin Feng waved his hand, and 30,000 pillars of faith flew towards the two of them...

The mother and son of Hongjun put away the pillar of faith and left in a hurry, dispatching the army...

Afterwards, Qin Feng arranged another three-way army, as follows:

Gong Gong, Fu Zhi, and Qing Lin led an army all the way to conquer the Middle Earth Realm...

Jiuyin, Fengdi, and Jiuyuan led the army all the way to conquer the Wanhaijie...

The phantom avatar, 呲tie, and Panzu led all the way to the mainland to conquer the Purple Sacred Land...

Qin Baobao, Ming Lin, Hongyue, Ming He and other half-step eternal, leading the remaining children, guarding the headquarters......

After ordering everything, Qin Feng returned to the double universe, preparing to absorb the energy just obtained, as well as refining the fragments of the jade ultimatum, as well as processing the two holy artifacts of the purple sword and the blue sword...

After half an hour, Hong Jun and the other five armies left Kunwu Mountain and marched mightily to the five directions of the God Realm...

A battle to seize control of the God Realm begins...

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