Global Powers: I Control All Elements

9 hundred and 90 chapters 1 spiritual root_1holy ancestor

At the moment, the green robe whispered in Huoyun's ear.

After Huoyun finished listening, his eyes gradually glowed, and his face also showed a look of great joy.

They seem to have found a way to get rid of Qin Feng

"Brother Lupao, are you sure you want to do this?


"Brother, that jade shard was obtained from the secret place of the ancient god master's treasure after you experienced a near-death experience. You really don't feel bad about sending it out this time?"

Lvpao Jisheng smiled bitterly: "If you say that you don't feel distressed, that's a lie! But what's the use of this old man now guarding the jade shards?"

"This...hey!" Huoyun sighed helplessly.

He knew what the green robe was telling the truth.

Today, the Green Robe Holy Land is being occupied by Qin Feng.

The green robe did not dare to go back to the Holy Land for rescue.

In the end, the Holy Land will become Qin Feng's thing, and it is useless for him to have a jade ultimatum. . .

"Brother Green Robe, you have to think about it, that jade shard not only allows you to gain the power of the Holy Land, but also allows you to gain air transport bonuses in the treasure land of the ancient gods, are you really willing to send it out? "

It turned out that the jade shards had another magical effect.

That is to say, the person who masters the jade shards, in the treasure of the ancient gods, can get the luck bonus granted by the ancient gods, and the chance of getting the chance will be doubled....

It is for this reason that the powerhouses of the Nine Heavens and Ten Regions also favor the jade shards...

"Brother, although this jade shard has the effect of boosting luck, the old man has entered the treasure of the gods many times, but he still has little gain, similar to those who don't have jade shards. Perhaps the old man's strength is too low, and many treasures are secret. It is impossible to go in and explore."5

"In a word, this jade is just tasteless to this old man. There is not much difference between whether it is there or not. Besides, if you want to impress Tiansheng, you can only give this old man a piece of jade.

"For those heavenly saints, it is very helpful for them to explore the treasures of the ancient gods, and it is very tempting to them..."

It turned out that the solution that Lu Pao thought of was to dedicate the fragments of his good fortune jade to Di Jun and Taiyi, two heavenly saints.

Let the two of them take another shot to deal with Qin Feng.

This can be described as murder with a knife!

"Okay! The old man will send a message to Di Juntian now and see how he responds!"

"Brother, please! As long as they agree to take action, the old man will immediately offer the jade!

Huoyun nodded slightly.

Then, he took out the communication jade talisman and sent a message to Emperor Jun Tiansheng.

It didn't take long for Huoyun to receive a reply.

"Brother, how is the situation?" Lu Pao looked anxious.

Huoyun frowned slightly as he looked at the contents of the jade talisman.

After a while, he looked up and said: "The two heavenly saints said that this matter can be considered, but the two of them have to discuss it before they can make a decision! 35

"Negotiate?" Lu Pao was anxious.

Huoyun reassured: "Don't worry, brother! Since the two heavenly saints said they want to discuss, it means that they have already moved. You and I wait for the results of their discussions, just fine!

"Never mind!""

The green robe sighed, and that's all there is to it...  

At the same time, in the Great Sun Heaven Realm above the nothingness.

Two rounds of fiery red giant suns hang in the air, illuminating the entire heaven...

But if you look closely, you will be surprised to find that it is not two red suns at all, but two gods wearing crowns and royal robes, and the whole body exudes fiery red light...

It's just that the two gods are very huge, and the red light radiating from the sky is very dazzling. From a distance, it looks like two red suns...

These two are the Lords of the Great Sun Heaven: Di Jun Tian Sheng and Tai Tian Sheng.

At this moment, the two heavenly saints looked down at a valley below.

That valley is called Tanggu, and it is the most beautiful place in the Great Sun Heaven (baeh).

In the middle of the Tang Valley, there is a sapling of a divine tree. The root is divided into two strands, and it bursts out of the ground. It is like two saplings supporting each other. Shaped like a midsummer mulberry...

"Second brother, we have finally cultivated this root of heaven and earth..."

Emperor Jun's crown trembled slightly, looking a little excited.

"Haha! When heaven and earth are exhausted, the cycle of reincarnation will be annihilated. If it is to be truly eternal, it is necessary to have a soul rooted in it. After this fusang spiritual root grows for a while, my brother and I are expected to break through to the quasi-saint ancestor..."

Tai Yi smiled with his hands down, his eyes full of joy.

It turns out that the sapling of the divine tree, called the divine tree of Fusang, is actually a kind of spiritual root of heaven and earth...

It's just that this spiritual root is still a seedling. The spiritual root of heaven and earth that Qin Feng saw in the returning market is already a towering tree...

"One side of the heaven has one root, one spiritual root and one holy ancestor. As long as there is only one spiritual root in the heaven and earth, it can only be used by one holy ancestor. The exception is this fusang tree, which is born with two roots and supports each other. , hence the name Fusang.

"Because it has two roots, it is possible for you and my brothers to sacrifice and raise the same spiritual root of heaven and earth, and break through to the realm of the quasi-saint ancestor..."

Di Jun was both emotional and happy.

It turned out that, to break through from the Heavenly Saint to the Quasi-God Ancestor, it is necessary to find a spiritual root of heaven and earth, and separate out a little primordial spirit to be fostered in the spiritual root of heaven and earth...

In this way, the two sides become one.

Tiansheng also found an opportunity to break through, breaking through to the quasi-saint ancestor in one fell swoop, and then the holy ancestor.

This way, there will be no more bottlenecks.

how so?

Nothing more than heaven, earth, and myriad worlds, there will eventually be a time of decay and destruction, a time of cessation of reincarnation of the ten thousand realms, and a time of collapse of the laws of the Great Dao.

When the world comes to the end, everything will return to nothingness and re-evolve.

Even if you are the eternal power, you will also become nothingness, disappearing into the world, not even the residual thoughts of the primordial spirit, as if it never existed.

But the great masters also discovered that the heaven, the earth and the myriad worlds repeat themselves, but the spiritual roots of the heaven and earth are not damaged at all, and they can also participate in the re-evolution of the heaven, the earth and the myriad worlds...

If a trace of the primordial spirit is transformed and fostered within the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, it can coexist with the spiritual roots of heaven and earth...

When the heaven, the earth and the ten thousand worlds repeat themselves, all living beings will be destroyed, and the spiritual roots will remain.

This type of creature is the innate spirit of the world, far stronger than the creatures born later...

Although doing so is not really eternal life, but it is also another kind of eternal life...

At least, if the world repeats itself, they still have a chance to be resurrected.

This is also the pursuit of the powerhouses of the eternal realm!

Right now, Di Jun and Tai Yi are heading in this direction.

In other words, the spiritual root of heaven and earth that Qin Feng saw in Guixu was already a towering tree, and there should be an ancestor-level power hidden behind it.

Behind every spiritual root, there is almost a master.

It's just that Qin Feng doesn't know!

"Brother, if you and I want to break through to the realm of the quasi-Saint Ancestor, we still need to cultivate this divine fusang tree to hundreds of millions of feet. According to its growth rate, I don't know what year and month it will take..."

Tai Yi was a little anxious.

He naturally wanted to break through to the Quasi-Saint Ancestor as soon as possible.

Di Jun pondered for a while, then said: "In a few decades, it will be the day when the treasure of the Lord of the God Realm will be opened. Where can there be a treasure to speed up the growth of spiritual roots. If you and I can get it, maybe the divine tree of Fusang will grow as soon as possible. stand up….."

Taiyi smiled bitterly: "Although there are such spirits, the two of us may not have such good luck! If we can have a piece of good fortune jade shard, maybe the next time we go in, our luck will be better..."

Hearing this, Di Jun smiled slightly: "Second brother, we now have a chance to get a jade shard..."

Taiyi's eyes lit up: "Brother, how do you say this?"

"Brother received a message from Huoyun, and he wants to complete a deal with us. That is, the green-robed sage is willing to give up his jade shards, but wants us to help them deal with someone?"


"The Lord of the Southern Alliance of the God Realm -- Qin Feng. I heard that he is a rising star in the God Realm, and I have never heard of this person's name before!"

Tai Yi nodded slightly: "I have never heard of this person's name. Strange! The God Realm is not respected by fire clouds and green robes. Why are these two begging us? Is it possible that Qin Feng is a heavenly saint level master? ?"

"That's not true!" Di Jun shook his head slightly, "Huoyun replied clearly, that Qin Feng doesn't even have the strength of a half-step Tiansheng. You and I have to deal with him easily..."

Tai sighed in relief.

But then, he made another mistake: "Brother, you and I all know that the ancient gods were extremely protective of their shortcomings. Although he fell, he made an oath before his fall. The children of the gods can have priority to obtain his inheritance. 99

"If anyone dares to slaughter a disciple of the gods above the level of gods, he will be cursed by luck in the treasure land of the ancient gods. Because of this oath, the powerhouses of the nine heavens and ten regions will treat the children of the gods below the gods. They're all forgiving."

Di Jun nodded slightly: "Yes! After all, the children of the gods are, to some extent, the descendants of the ancient gods, so he naturally has to take care of one or two. That Qin Feng, in all likelihood, is also a descendant of the ancient gods... "

What Di Jun said was right.

Qin Feng is indeed a descendant of the ancient gods to some extent.

And the children of the gods in the treasures of the ancient gods all have luck bonuses, and the chance of obtaining opportunities is also higher.

For example, in the jade shard of good fortune, the strength of the powerhouses in the ten days and nine domains is obviously stronger than that of the gods, but the number of people who get the fragments is only one or two.

But within the God Realm, Huoyun, Lupao, and Ziqing were the ones who got the fragments.

This is the performance of strong luck!

At this time, Taiyi said again: "Brother, idiot thinks that you and I can't kill Qin Feng for a piece of jade shard. Such a gain or loss will not strengthen the luck, and there is even a risk of weakening..."

"That's right! Because of this reason, brother Wei didn't agree to Huoyun. However, it would be even better if he could get the jade shard without killing Qin Feng..."

Di Jun smiled wryly and shook his head.

He wants the best of both worlds, but it's hard to do!

"Brother, can you show me the message from Huoyun!"

"Look! 35

With a wave of Di Jun's hand, the jade talisman was sent to Taiyi.

Taichi took it, and after reading it carefully, he revealed contemplation.

After a while, he seemed to think of something and smiled.

"Second brother, what's wrong?"

"Brother, Yudi thought of a way to get the best of both worlds, which can be used to deal with Qin Feng, and can get the jade piece..."

Di Jun was overjoyed: "Second brother, what is the solution, tell me quickly!"

At that moment, Taichi expressed his thoughts.

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