Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 996: The Power of 30 Thousand Poles

Di Jun was overjoyed: "Second brother, what is the solution, tell me quickly!""

At the moment, Taichi expressed his thoughts...

"Brother, Huoyun's request is for us to take action and help Lupao take back the Holy Land, but it didn't make it clear that we would kill Qin Feng... If that's the case, then we promise them and drive Qin Feng away from the Lupao Holy Land. Just do it!

Di Jun's eyes lit up: "Yes! It's the best of both worlds! However, the Holy Land is rich in resources, what if Qin Feng is reluctant to leave, what should he do?"

Taiyi smiled coldly: "We gave him an order that he must evacuate within five days. If he dares not to leave, we will give him a severe lesson and beat him, as long as he is not killed. , it means that you have not violated the heart oath of the ancient gods..."

"This method is feasible!" Di Jun sighed, "Hey~! If I didn't want to explore the treasures of the ancient gods, I wouldn't have to be afraid to act..."

"Yeah! It's really helpless that I have to wait so hard for a little person of the extreme holy level! 35

Tai was also aggrieved.

Di Jun sneered, "The ancient gods really took good care of their descendants and took good care of them. It's a pity that he thinks highly of his descendants."

Since the birth of the 35 Great Desolate God Realm, no outstanding disciples have been born, not even a single heavenly saint has been born. He expects such a descendant to inherit his mantle? It's just idiotic - people are joking!"

Taiyi also gloated and said: "Brother is right! The Great Wild God Realm is boundless and vast, bigger than the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains, and its resources are more abundant, but the aptitudes of the creatures in the God Realm are not outstanding...

"Like the Fire Cloud, Green Robe, and Ziqing, who were able to break through to the Extreme Sage, it was only by luck that they obtained the fragments of the jade ultimatum and obtained resources from the treasures of the ancient gods. In terms of real talent, it is not worth mentioning! 35

Speaking of this, Taiyi looked disdainful.

Deep down in his heart, he really looked down on the creatures of the God Realm.

Not only him, the creatures of the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains are somewhat disdainful of the creatures of the God Realm.

"Second brother, Qin Feng, who suddenly appeared in the God Realm this time, I wonder what his aptitude is? Will he be different from the previous God Realm children? Huoyun mentioned in the message that this person's combat power has reached 15,000. Pole numbers…”

Di Jun mentioned it casually.

He didn't know that Huoyun only mentioned Qin Feng's combat power, but never mentioned Qin Feng's cultivation base, so he subconsciously thought that Qin Feng was the most holy peak cultivation base...

In fact, Qin Feng's cultivation is the peak of the gods.

If the two of them knew the truth, they were afraid that their jaws would drop on the spot.

Of course, these two will not know that Qin Feng's combat power has increased to more than 21,000 poles.

However, Taiyi looked disdainful after hearing those words.

"Haha! It's only 15,000 poles, it's nothing. With this little combat power, you and I don't even need to take action. Sending Jiuying and Ghost Car down a few people can subdue them..."

Di Jun also said: "That's right! I won't mention these for now, I will reply to Huoyun for my brother..."

Immediately, Di Jun sent a message to Huoyun...

On the other side, Fire Cloud Holy Land, the reception room.

Huoyun and Green Robe are sitting at the tea table made of immortal jade, waiting anxiously...

Suddenly, Huoyun's communication jade talisman came to move.

He quickly took a look...

After a while, a look of joy appeared on his face.

"Brother Huoyun, how is the situation? 99

"look by youself!

Huoyun handed over the jade talisman...

The green robe took it and watched anxiously.

After a while, he frowned slightly.

"Brother Huoyun, the message you sent to Di Jun is different from what the old man expressed! What the old man means is, ask them both to kill Qin Feng, but you only ask them to help take back the holy land of green robes. These two There is a huge difference between the two!

Huoyun smiled strangely: "Brother Lupao, this is what you don't know about Di Jun and Di Jun. If you directly ask the two of them to kill Qin Feng, this will definitely not be done. Because for the two of them, for a piece of jade The ultimatum, killing Qin Feng, is not worth it..."

"Then...then for a green robe holy land, let the old man sacrifice a piece of jade, and the old man is not worth it!"

Green robe is not reconciled.

"Hey! There's no way to do this. However, it's up to people to make things happen. The old man has a way to make some discordant things happen between them. In the end, Di Jun and Taiyi shot and killed Qin Feng..."

Speaking of this, a cunning light appeared in Huoyun's eyes.

He hated Qin Feng so much that he wanted to get rid of Qin Feng sooner, so how could he easily let go of this opportunity?

What's more, if Qin Feng is not removed, he will feel uneasy after all.

On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to sleep soundly?

No matter what, he would not allow Qin Feng to live.

It's just that he knew the temperament of Di Jun and Jun, so he didn't get straight to the point...

Lupao was puzzled: "Brother Huoyun, you and Dijun Tiansheng said that, how can you get rid of Qin Feng?""

"Brother, listen to this old man..."

At the moment, Huoyun got close to the green robe's ear and talked about his plan...

Green Robe listened carefully.

At first, he didn't care, but after listening, he began to be moved.

After listening to those words, the green robe took a deep breath and looked at Huoyun with a look of surprise...

"Hey~! Brother Huoyun, you are a conspiracy! It's just that this move is a dangerous chess game, will the people of the Great Sun Heaven be fooled?

The green robe's tone was a little apprehensive.

Huoyun smiled coldly: "Those people are extremely arrogant and have always looked down on our gods. With what I know about them, 80% of them will be fooled. As long as they are hooked, then Di Jun and Taiyi will not kill Qin Feng if they want to. It's hard..."

"Just... just like this, will the two heavenly saints trouble us?

·0 Seeking flowers····

"Hey! Don't worry! The two of them couldn't find us, so they would reprimand us. Besides, we always have to take some risks, this is a great opportunity for us to get rid of Qin Feng!

After hearing this, the green robe was slightly moved.

He was finally moved.

After thinking for a moment, he said: "Okay! Brother, this time I will take an adventure with you. You can reply to Dijun Tiansheng and do as he says! 35

Huoyun was overjoyed: "That's right! 35

Immediately, Huoyun sent a message to Di Jun.

After the two sides communicated for a while, they soon reached a consensus.

"Brother, how is the situation?"

"Hehe! Tiansheng Di Jun agreed! He promised to help you retake the Green Robe Holy Land within ten days. In addition, he will send someone from the lower realm to our Fire Cloud Holy Land to hand over the jade shards and sign a contract with you!" 5

"Brother, when will his people arrive?

"About five days later! 99


Lupao rejoiced: "Okay! The specific situation will depend on what you and I do after five days. I hope this time, the people from the Great Sun Heaven Realm will not disappoint us..."

Huoyun also said coldly: "If you don't bleed a little bit, even Heavenly Sage doesn't know it hurts..."

As soon as these words fell, the two looked at each other with sinister smiles.

Time flies!

In a blink of an eye, five days passed.

In the past five days, the entire God Realm has undergone tremendous changes.

On the first day, Qin Feng led Qin Baobao, Sitie, Minglin and many other subordinates to unify the Green Robe Holy Land, beheading millions of people who did not surrender, and captured tens of billions of novice servants, including dozens of them from God alone. Half-step eternity also has three or four people...

In just one day, Qin Feng integrated the Green Robe Holy Land into the South Alliance, and his combat power increased to 22,900 poles...

On the second day, the phantom clone also brought many subordinates to conquer all the Purple Green Holy Land, and Qin Feng's combat power thus increased to 24,700 extremes of power...

On the third day, Xiao Hongjun brought many subordinates to conquer all the Western world, Qin Feng's combat power was thus increased to 26,100 poles... .

On the fourth day, Kunpeng led many subordinates to conquer all the Eastern Realm, Qin Feng's combat power thus increased to 27,600 poles...  

On the fifth day, Gong Gong led people to conquer the Middle Earth Realm, and Jiuyin brought people to conquer the Wanhai Realm...

So far, Qin Feng's combat power has reached 30,000 poles in one fell swoop.

Five days ago, his combat power had doubled.

This is the benefit of Qin Feng's unification of the God Realm!

Huoyun and Lupao also never guessed the result.

They still thought that Qin Feng's combat power was still at 15,000 poles...

It was on this day that the people dispatched by Emperor Jun finally arrived at the Holy Land of Fire Cloud.

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