Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 998 of the misfortune, domineering and arrogant

At the same time, in the double universe, inside the Heavenly Palace Holy Land.

Qin Feng is closing the mixer.

In front of him is a furnace, constantly spitting gray flames...

This flame is stimulated by the power of Hongmeng, which is completely different from the ordinary refining fire...

Above the flames, there are the Four Heaven Punishing Swords, the Heaven Punishing Array, and many other materials...

Since the power of Hongmeng, Qin Feng's refining progress has been obviously more than ten times faster. . .

Now, the refining progress of the Heaven Punishing Sword has reached 91%, and the day of becoming a saint is getting closer and closer...

At the same time, the phantom clone sat opposite Qin Feng.

He is also refining.

He refines Yuantu and Abi.

The materials used are the Purple Sword and the Green Sword.

The purple pole sword and the blue pole sword can be combined.

Yuantu and Abi can also combine two swords.

Using the Purple Pole Sword and Qing Pole Sword as materials to refine Yuantu and Abi Double Swords is perfect...

And the phantom avatar also mastered the power of Hongmeng. This refining process was extremely smooth. In just three days, his refining progress reached 40%...

Of course, this refers to the outside world for three days.

Thirty years have passed in the twin universes.

In short, Qin Feng is very satisfied with such progress......

Time flies!

In the blink of an eye, another day has passed in the outside world, and ten years have passed in the double universe...

The refining progress of the Four Swords of Zhutian has reached 97%, and it can be completed in half a day at most...

Qin Feng's eyes gradually filled with joy.

As long as the Heaven Execution Sword is complete, his comprehensive combat power will skyrocket again...

But at this moment, his face suddenly changed slightly, he raised his head suddenly, and looked in the direction of the Green Robe Holy Land...

"Oh! Green Robe really didn't give up! He actually led someone into the Second Holy Land..."

Qin Feng smiled coldly.

The second holy land in his mouth refers to the green robe holy land.

Qin Feng moved the SAARC headquarters to the 10 Purple Green Holy Land after unifying the six major power sites in the God Realm and renamed it the SAARC Holy Land...

And the Green Robe Holy Land was renamed the Second Holy Land!

In fact, these two holy places are connected, which is very convenient to control...

"Hey! Who are those three people?"

Qin Feng's eyes penetrated the double universe, looking at the border of the Second Holy Land...

Five figures appeared in his field of vision, in addition to the green robe and the fire cloud, there were also three people called Jiuying...

Qin Feng just glanced at it and judged the combat power of the three of them from the flying speed of the three of them. One person reached the peak of the Supreme Sage, and the two reached the later stage of the Supreme Sage...

Among them, the Jiuying at the peak of the sage is obviously stronger than Huoyun. . . .

"It's strange! When did the three supreme saints appear in the realm of the gods? The strength of these three people is still very strong. Could it be that they are people from the nine heavens and ten regions? churning together? 35

Qin Feng frowned slightly, and couldn't help but look back, thinking.

He always felt that something was wrong!

After a while, he looked up again...

Seeing this, he was instantly furious.

"Damn it! The man who dared to kill me!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Feng's figure flashed and disappeared in place.

At the same time, near the border of the Green Robe Holy Land, the top of a spiritual mountain...

Nine babies and five people stood proudly in the air.

Below, hundreds of thousands of monks with low cultivation base looked at them in horror...

These weak monks are all members of the periphery of the South Alliance who have just joined Qin Feng...

This small force has been bullied by the Green Robe Holy Land before, and it is almost impossible to survive...

Qin Feng gave them excellent treatment after conquering the Green Robe Holy Land.

These people are grateful to Dade, and they have taken refuge in SAARC...

In their opinion, Qin Feng is much more generous than the Green Robe Extreme Sage, and he has also rewarded them with many medicinal herbs, so that their overall strength has improved a lot in a short period of time...

This makes their gratitude to Qin Feng grow day by day, and their loyalty has been on the rise. …

But they didn't think that their good days would not be long before they encountered today's catastrophe.

This time, the five people in the green robe happened to pass by...

This force has suffered. . . .

At this moment, the top of the Lingshan Mountain was bombarded with two big pits...

There are broken corpses everywhere in the pit, and the air is filled with a thick smell of blood...

Just now, when Lu Pao saw that this affiliated force had betrayed him and turned to the South Alliance, he was so embarrassed that he killed hundreds of people with one palm...

Afterwards, Huoyun didn't know what to say, and he hinted with words...

After Qin Yuan heard it, his hands were itchy for a while, and he killed more than a thousand people with one palm...

That's why there are two big pits left in the ground!

With just two palms, this small force lost more than a thousand people, and it completely angered this small force...

For a time, hundreds of thousands of children raised their heads one after another, looking at the five people in the sky in shock and anger...

At this moment, Jiuying frowned as she looked at the broken body below.

Then, he looked at Qin Yuan unhappy.

"Brother Qinyuan, why did you take action just now? 99

"Uh.... I... Just now, fellow green robe slapped hundreds of people with one hand, and fellow Daoist Huoyun said that the power of this palm was not small. Qin Mou didn't care, and when his hand was itchy again, he gave him a palm. Take a look. The effect is not bad, killing more than a thousand people with one palm..."

Having said this, Qin Yuan still looked proud.

Jiuying glanced angrily.

Afterwards, he glanced at Huoyun, feeling a little unhappy in his heart.

He vaguely felt that Qin Yuan's shot was instigated by Huoyun.

The ghost car looked at Qin Yuan and was speechless.

This guy has always been reckless...

He smiled wryly and shook his head: "Qin Yuan, you, you! You killed his people before we met Qin Feng. How do you explain when you see him?"

Qin Yuan looked disdainful: "Cut! It's not that there are more than 1,000 subordinates, and they are all ants below the quasi-god. There is nothing to regret. Besides, these people are all new recruits to Qin Feng, that guy will care?

"Whether he cares or not, you don't give him face by doing this. Brother Jiuying is still thinking, let Qin Feng retreat in spite of the difficulties. If you want to retreat, you can't retreat, at least you can't save face..."

The ghost car explained carefully.

Jiuying shook her head slightly, secretly thinking that Qin Yuan's success is not enough, and there is more than failure.

But Qin Yuan was still disdainful: "Oh! If Laozi kills, kill him! Laozi doesn't believe it, Qin Feng dares to disobey Lord Di Jun's orders and fight against our Great Sun Heaven Realm!"

The words just fell, and a person rushed up from the bottom of the mountain...

Hundreds of thousands of children on the mountain, when they saw the person, they all shouted as if they had seen the backbone...

"Sect Master is here!"

"Sect Master, they killed more than a thousand of our children!"

Hundreds of thousands of disciples sounded sad.

The visitor is a heroic middle-aged man named Xiangliu, whose cultivation base has reached the peak of half-step eternal. It is the leader of this group of people...

When he saw the tragic scene of corpses lying everywhere in the field, he felt extremely sad in his heart...

"You...why do you want to kill the children of my Xiang clan?!"

Xiang Liu raised his head and questioned with grief and anger.

"Xiang Liu, don't you recognize this old man?" Lu Pao sneered.

Xiang Liu's face changed slightly: "Lord Lupao, I don't seem to have offended you from the Xiang clan?

"No offense? You Xiang clan have taken refuge in the South Alliance, and you have offended the old man!"

"But we have never been under your jurisdiction. On the contrary, the land left by our ancestors has been eroded step by step by your green robe holy land. Now, SAARC not only accepts us, but also returns the land left by our ancestors to us.

"We are grateful to His Majesty Qin Feng, who willingly joined SAARC and willingly became a peripheral force of SAARC. Excuse me, where is this betrayal?

Xiang Liu argues with reason.

He also saw the casualties of more than 1,000 children, and became dizzy.

Green Robe was at a loss for words when asked.

Strictly speaking, the Xiang clan did not count as his affiliated forces, and had never been attached to him.

It's just that he never took the Xiang clan seriously before, so he didn't care too much...

Passing by today, he took a little look, and found that the Xiang clan had joined the Southern Alliance, and his heart was inexplicably angry, so he shot...

"Humph! Even if your Xiang clan is not a betrayal, but you have taken refuge in the South Alliance, you are the mortal enemy of this old man. If you want to kill this old man, what can you do?!

The green robe sneered arrogantly.

Xiang Liu was furious: "Lupao, don't want to be arrogant! When His Majesty Qin Feng arrives, he will definitely not let you go!"

"Haha!! You are a peripheral force of the SAARC, do you think he will care about you? Stop being selfish!"

Green Robe taunts.

The faces of the Xiang clan changed slightly, and their hearts became uneasy.


They have only joined the South Alliance not long ago, and Lord Qin Feng may not care about them, let alone avenge them...

Thinking of this, the hearts of Xiang's disciples sank.

But at this moment, a cold and majestic voice sounded in the air...

"The Xiang family is already my Nanmeng children, whoever dares to touch my Nanmeng children will die! 35'

These words were like thunder, resounding throughout the audience.

The Xiang's disciples were shocked, they all looked up and saw Qin Feng walked out of the void with a sullen face...

"It's Your Majesty! It's His Majesty Qin Feng!"

"I beg Your Majesty to avenge our Xiang family's children!

When the disciples of Zhongxiang's clan saw Qin Feng, it was like seeing a savior, and they cried out in mourning. …

That Xiangliu flew to Qin Feng for the first time, and knelt on the ground and cried loudly.

"Your Majesty, Lupao and one other person killed more than a thousand people of our Xiang family, and I hope Your Majesty will give justice to our Xiang family!

"Don't worry! This deity will definitely give you justice!

Qin Feng swept away the thousands of corpses below, and his heart was filled with grief and anger.

These are all the children who just took refuge in him!

Each of them contributed a little -450 drops of combat power to him, and they all signed a contract with him to provide him with life values...

Naturally, he also has the duty to guard them.

But now, these people have been brutally murdered by outsiders!

Although the deceased were all very weak disciples, they had no effect on Qin Feng's strength...

But the person who killed Qin Feng touched Qin Feng's bottom line, not even the external forces...

"Green robe, this time, you don't want to go back alive! 99

Qin Feng looked at the green robe extremely holy coldly.

The green robe was afraid of Qin Feng.

Seeing Qin Feng look over, he involuntarily stepped back...

"Qin Feng, don't be arrogant! Today, the old man is not here alone. Besides, these people were not killed by the old man alone. I'm afraid some people you can't afford to offend!"

The green robe began to lead to misfortune.

"That's right! Most of them were killed by the deity! What do you want, boy?"

Qin Yuan sneered and stepped forward, not taking it seriously.

Qin Feng was furious.

This guy killed his own people, but nothing happened, he really didn't take himself seriously.

Right now, he's going to have a...

But at this moment, Jiuying stopped Qin Yuan.

"Qin Yuan, step back!"

Qin Yuan's lips moved, and he stepped back unwillingly.

At this moment, everyone could see that Jiuying was the leader of this group of people.

Qin Feng couldn't help but look at Jiuying.

"Your Excellency is Qin Feng, the leader of the SAARC, right?

"Who are you?"

Jiuying said proudly: "The next is the Great Sun Heaven Realm, the first strong general under Emperor Juntian - Jiuying!

As soon as these words fell, hundreds of thousands of Xiang's disciples were stunned.

Oh my God!

This man is actually a subordinate of Tiansheng!

This time, the Xiang family's disciples suddenly felt bad.

"Why are you here?" Qin Feng asked.


"By the order of Lord Dijun, I bring you an order!""

Jiu Ying looked aloof.

Qin Feng could not help frowning slightly.

When did he become Di Jun's subordinate?

How can I get him to take orders?

"What order?", Qin Feng pressed patiently.

Jiuying smiled coldly: "Master Di Jun ordered you: within ten days, return the green robe holy land to the green robe daoist, otherwise...hehe! 35

As soon as these words fell, the expressions of Xiang's disciples changed greatly.

These guys really came to trouble Master Qin Feng...

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