Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 999 who blocks who

At this moment, the hearts of hundreds of thousands of Xiang's disciples sank...

There is Dijun Tiansheng to force him, Qin Feng should not dare to disobey, but he is afraid that he will give up the green robe holy land...

Only this time, the Xiang family will be miserable!

Not only will they not be able to take revenge, but they will also fall back into the hands of the green-robed sage.

How could the green robe treat them well?

Thinking of this, the Xiang's disciples looked extremely ugly, and looked at Qin Feng eagerly...

That's their last ray of hope!

Jiuying also waited for Qin Feng's reply in a leisurely manner...

In his opinion, Qin Feng will definitely admit to counseling.

He didn't believe it, he had already raised the name of Lord Di Jun, wouldn't this Qin Feng be afraid?

In fact, if it wasn't for Huoyun's repeated emphasis that Qin Feng's combat power had reached 15,000 poles, he would have been too lazy to mention the name of Lord Dijun, and he would have taken a direct shot to shock...

Because what Qin Feng thinks, it's just a small peak of the gods. Does he really have the power of 15,000 poles?

Could it be that Huoyun and Lupao deliberately exaggerated Qin Feng's strength in order to hide their ugliness?

At this moment, not only Jiu Ying thought this way, but Ghost Car and Qin Yuan also had the same thought...

The eyes of the three of them looking at Qin Feng became a little playful...

In this way, Qin Feng became the focus of everyone in the field.

At this moment, he was extremely angry.

These guys in front of him not only killed his people, but also forced him to give up the green robe holy land, which is really deceiving!

"Qin Feng, have you thought about it?! The deity is in a hurry, so I don't have time to wait!"

Jiu Ying's tone became a little impatient, as if Qin Feng had settled down...

Qin Feng smiled coldly: "What if the deity does not agree?"

Jiuying was stunned.

He didn't expect Qin Feng to say such a thing.

The ghost car and Qin Yuan were also greatly surprised.

The Xiang family's disciples seemed to see hope, and there was a glimmer of light in their eyes.

"Boy, do you dare to disagree?! Are you trying to offend Lord Di Jun?!"

"So what?!" Qin Feng still sneered.

"!" Jiuying sullen: "A small peak of the gods, does he really think that he is a character?! The deity will give you a message in person, and it has already given you enough face, so don't know what to do!"

"Face? You are not qualified to show face in front of this deity!", Qin Feng did his part.

"court death!

Jiuying was furious.

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed towards Qin Feng.

He has always had a lofty status. In the great sun world, he ranks only below Dijun and Taiyi, and is respected by everyone. When was he so despised?

It seems that if he doesn't teach Qin Feng a lesson by himself, this kid doesn't know the power of the Great Sun World...

Jiu Ying's action caused an exclamation from below...

Ghost Car and Qin Yuan both showed schadenfreude sneers.

They also hope that Jiuying can teach Qin Feng a lesson...

In the blink of an eye, Jiuying came to Qin Feng and grabbed it with a single claw...

呲~! 呲~! 呲~!

That claw was surrounded by black flames, and its power was earth-shattering. Five fingertips cut through the void, leaving five deep black claw marks in the air...

Everything Claw Wind said was burned into nothingness by black flames, and the terrifying combat power suddenly reached the power of 12,000 poles...

"Oh my God!"

"Your Majesty! Be careful!"

The Xiang clan roared in horror...

Xiang Liu was even more anxious.

This is the first time he has seen that the combat power that surpasses the peak of the extreme holy, can your majesty be able to stop it?

But don't wait for him to think too much, the winner will be decided in the field!


With a wave of Qin Feng's hand, he slapped Jiu Ying upside down and vomited blood, and flew out hundreds of millions of miles away...

The audience was dumbfounded!

Ghost car, Qin Yuan's mouth is open!

Even Huoyun and Lupao were stunned.

They felt that Qin Feng's strength had obviously grown stronger...

It's only been a few days?

How did this kid get stronger again?

This is too exaggerated!

Huoyun and Lupao couldn't help but look at each other, their eyes filled with disbelief.

But the two of them didn't know that Qin Feng's palm just used only 70% of his strength...

At this time, Qin Feng looked coldly at Qin Yuan, the ghost car...

The two stepped back in horror.

Only at this moment did they realize that what Huoyun and Lupao said before was not an exaggeration at all...

On the contrary, this Qin Feng seems to be stronger than what the two of them said. I am afraid that the two of them will join forces with Jiuying, and they will not be Qin Feng's opponent...

"Fellow Daoist, do you really want to be the enemy of Lord Di Jun?"

The ghost car swallowed his saliva and asked daringly.

That Qin Yuan didn't dare to speak, his previous arrogance was gone...

Qin Feng smiled coldly: "It was Emperor Jun who took the initiative to be my enemy, but he said that this deity wants to be his enemy. Do you think this deity is easy to bully?

"This...", Ghost Car was at a loss for words.

"Qin Feng, you really have some skills!

At this time, Jiuying returned to the scene with blood hanging from the corner of her mouth.

His face was extremely ugly.

That palm just now made him lose face and made him fear Qin Feng...

66 `Qin Feng, Jiu Mou will ask you one more question, are you sure you will not evacuate?"

Jiuying wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth.

"Nonsense!" Qin Feng gave him no face at all.

Jiu Ying's face changed slightly, but he didn't dare to attack.

"Okay! You have a kind! What you mean, the deity will convey a Lord Dijun, just wait! Let's go!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiuying turned around and left.

Ghost Car, Qin Yuan followed closely...


The three suddenly remembered Qin Feng's cold voice.

Jiuying three people froze, slowly turned around.

"What do you mean?" Jiuying asked coldly.


Qin Feng smiled coldly: "The person who killed the deity, you still want to leave like this? 55

Jiuying frowned: "How are you doing?

Qin Yuan was a little uneasy.

Before, he was the one who committed the murder.

Immediately, he said: "If you don't kill more than a thousand ants below the quasi-god, why should you make a fuss, is it possible that Qin must apologize to you? 99

"Apologize?!" Qin Feng sneered, "More than a thousand lives, one sentence of apology is all you have to do? 55

Qin Yuan's face changed slightly: "Then what do you want?"

"Leave your life!

As soon as these words fell, Qin Yuan's face changed greatly.

Jiuying was furious: "Qin Feng, do you really think we are afraid of you?! If you want to kill Qin Yuan, first ask the deity if you agree or not!

"Who is blocking me! Who am I to kill!" Qin Feng looked resolute.

"You dare?! 35, Jiu Ying was shocked and angry.

Qin Feng waved his hand, the space in the field changed, and a group of people appeared...more...

All the experts from the Eternal Realm of SAARC, including the phantom clone, Xiao Hongjun, Kunpeng, Gonggong, Jiuyin, and Ziwei Xingzhu, were all present...

Qin Feng has been talking nonsense with these people for so long, that is, arranging phantom avatars, gathering these men into the double universe, and then summoning them together...

When Jiuying and the five people saw this battle, their faces instantly became difficult to look at.

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