Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 401: The more powerful Li Xuan

Name: Li Xuan

Level: Level 3 [0300]

Occupation: Swordsman

Combat Strength: 190

Good at: swordsmanship, logging, weeding, planting, pest control.

Occupation: Dominion, Nancy's Domain

Potential: unknown


Seeing that the level reached level 3 and the combat power from 170 to 190, Li Xuan nodded with satisfaction.

The improvement in level is only superficial. What really makes Li Xuan happy is that his soul power has been strengthened again, and he is heading towards the golden perfection.

And the suppression of the world has been reduced again, and his ability has been unlocked one step further. Now, he is no longer worried about the five-skull dragon.

It is estimated that even if it encounters four big mice at the same time, the five-headed dragon can survive and even defeat them.

Li Xuan, who was in a good mood, continued to listen to the sound of the experience point, and killed the creatures that were thrown over.


The golden light shines again, and Li Xuan's level has been improved again, as fast as riding a rocket.

The increase in the soul made Li Xuan feel happy. He felt that if it continued like this, within a few days, his soul would be able to break through to the golden level of perfection.

At that time, he is a master of the golden perfection, and he can work hard towards the semi-sacred powerhouse.

"The realm must also be mastered as soon as possible. Without the realm, you will never be able to reach the holy level."

Li Xuan murmured secretly, preparing to seize the field, and he couldn't be stuck in the semi-holy stage because he couldn't master the field.

that's all.

Li Xuan and the little hedgehog continued their blond hair, and started killing, leveling up, and looking for various treasures in the shallow danger zone.

With a talent for treasure hunting, Li Xuan's search speed is very fast, and he finds useful things from time to time. While Li Xuan is happy, he can't forget to teach the little hedgehog some knowledge.

This little guy's background is very deep, and everything is fast without reason. When it was close to the evening, it condensed a second field.

Looking at the black field around the little hedgehog, Li Xuan was hit hard. He was clearly the one who raised the little hedgehog, but he didn't know the field himself, but the little hedgehog showed it first.

Fortunately, after the field appeared, Li Xuan saw the formed field and had some insights, and finally condensed into a dark enchantment.

"It's almost there, little hedgehog, go back. I'll go to your nest tomorrow to find you. You don't have to go to me. My strength is already strong and I can move freely."

Li Xuan looked at himself at level 10 again, and nodded with satisfaction, feeling that he was in the shallow danger zone, except for the dark evil tiger, he no longer needed to be afraid of any danger.

Haw Haw!

The little hedgehog nodded, raised his little paw and shook it at Li Xuan, saying goodbye.

This is what Li Xuan taught it, telling it that shaking its little paws means goodbye, the little hedgehog is very smart, and it is learned after only one study, which is very worry-free.

In addition to goodbye, there are some other things that also benefit the little hedgehog.

that's all.

After Li Xuan and Little Hedgehog separated, they returned to the safe area, that is, within 100 meters of the base.

After confirming that no one was there, Li Xuan turned into a human again.

"Phew! It's still comfortable in human form."

Li Xuan stretched his body, checked the prey he brought back, and nodded with satisfaction.

Considering that the outside world is very dangerous at night, Li Xuan sent five skeleton dragons back and summoned 100 skeleton tigers.

Li Xuan, a tenth-level swordsman, is even stronger. Five of the skeleton tigers that have been increased are enough to fight a big mouse. Li Xuan plans to use them to see the dangerous situation in the wild.

See if 100 skeleton tigers can provide yourself with a lot of experience.

With anticipation, Li Xuan ordered the giant skeleton tiger to wait, and then act after dark.

The reason for this is that Li Xuan has reached the full level and can no longer gain experience points. He will use his mind to order the giant skeleton tiger to act after returning to change jobs.

"gone back."

Li Xuan is holding a big tree in his right hand, and a big net made of vines in his left hand, which is densely packed with prey, plants, animals, and even dark rabbits.

These were all carried by Li Xuan and walked to the Nancy base.

Nancy Base.

Lord Nancy is burning two large pots, cooking food little by little, making today's dinner.

She placed a lot of food materials, including mushrooms, vegetables, fruits, etc., which were relatively rich, unlike Gu Xiaohao who just put a weed to make soup.

The food in this world is slightly poisonous, and Li Xuan can't feel it if he has resistance, but the summoned peasants, elves, and even sword soldiers can't eat it.

These foods must be boiled to remove the toxicity before they can be eaten.

So for the territory, water is very important, without water, a territory will soon die.

Lord Nancy knew this very well, so when she saw that there was not much water in the water bag, she felt a little stunned, but she still took out all the water to cook, and put a lot of ingredients.

Lord Nancy values ​​her subordinates very much. She thinks that her subordinates can gain experience by eating food, so she regards eating as a way to cultivate her subordinates.

So she didn't skimp on water, or even on ingredients, but instead made a lot of ingredients.

At this moment.

Twenty little elves were surrounding a large pot, looking at the cooking food, all of them like kittens, blinking and waiting.

The swordsmen next to them looked the same, all of them looked at the cauldron and swallowed their saliva.

They had been tired all afternoon, fought many dangerous battles, and were already hungry, and now they smelled the fragrance of the food, and naturally wanted to eat it very much.

At this time, Captain Wendy saw that the food was finally cooked, but Li Xuan had not returned, she couldn't help saying.

"Lord Lord, the food is cooked and Li Xuan hasn't come back, what should we do?"

"It's okay, I will divide the food first and leave it for Li Xuan. You must be starving after a busy day. You eat first, and I will keep Li Xuan's for him."

Lord Nancy smiled and held a bowl to serve everyone.

However, Captain Wendy found that Lord Nancy did not eat, and the bowl of the most abundant food in front of them was actually reserved for Li Xuan.

"Lord Lord, is this bowl of rice reserved for Li Xuan? Don't you have any food?" Captain Wendy asked hurriedly.

"I'm not hungry, you can eat." Captain Wendy shook his head with a smile.

"How can you not be hungry? You have participated in more battles today than we have."

Captain Wendy frowned. She looked at the empty cauldron, and suddenly remembered that while cooking, the lord's water storage bag seemed to be empty.

This made Captain Wendy have bad thoughts, she asked quickly.

"Lord Lord is there no water? Because there is not enough water, do you not eat?"


Lord Nancy didn't know how to answer, and finally said helplessly.

"Originally, the water was enough for two days, but I made a mistake. There are a lot of people summoned today, so the water is not enough.

Don't worry, I will lead the team to find water in person tomorrow, and everyone will definitely have something to eat at noon tomorrow. "


Captain Wendy fell silent when she heard this. She looked at her bowl and handed it to Lord Nancy, "Lord Lord, eat my food."

"No, I'm the lord. If you don't eat for two meals, it won't affect you, but you are different. If you don't eat a meal, you have a high chance of getting sick.

Even your walking is affected the next day, so hurry up and eat, this is the lord's order and must be eaten. "Lord Nancy said seriously.


Captain Wendy wanted to refuse, and was very remorseful.

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