Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 402: Li Xuan's big harvest

But she couldn't refuse the lord's order, because all this was a fact, she could only eat the food in the bowl silently.

As for the last bowl of rice on the table, it belonged to Li Xuan, and no one moved. In their opinion, Li Xuan was already their companion and needed food.

Gu Xiaohao's territory.

A few thin peasants looked at the empty cauldron, their stomachs were hungry, but they had nothing to eat.

After a tiring day, they could only look at the lord and Gu Xiaohao.

"Go back to sleep. If you are too hungry, eat the juice overflowing from the weeds. Although it is poisonous, it is only slightly poisonous, and you can't usually feel it."

Gu Xiaohao divided a weed into several parts and threw them to several farmers.

And he took a small pot back to the lord's hut and greeted the dragon blood warrior and Gu Shan, and the three of them ate in the lord's hut.

A few tired farmers picked up the weeds on the ground and went back to the wooden house to taste the sap in the weeds. Unfortunately, the sap was very small, and it was slightly poisonous, which made them feel very uncomfortable.


Hunger and the slightest poison caused the thinnest farmer to have a problem. He huddled in the corner tiredly and started to get sick and feverish. No one paid any attention to them because even Gu Xiaohao gave up on them.

the other side.

Gu Xiaohao was eating in the lord's hut while checking the energy he had collected today.

"The energy you got today is too little, so many people combined, it's not as much as what Li Xuan brought back before." Gu Xiaohao frowned.

"Lord Lord, the plants within 50 meters are almost dug, and the stones are only large stones, which can't be dug without tools, so a tool room must be built.

In addition, I ventured to 50 meters away, the creatures there are very difficult, and I also need to be careful there, so the harvest is not much. "

The dragon blood warrior explained, his face a bit ugly.

Before, he didn't pay attention to the things that Li Xuan brought back, but now, he didn't bring back as much as Li Xuan, which made the Dragonblood Warrior very depressed.

"I hope that you will bring back more things tomorrow. This energy will be consumed in light of meals, as well as the maintenance of the daily base.

In addition, the dark night is coming, and I have to upgrade the lord base to level 2 the day before it comes, which requires more energy. "Gu Xiaohao frowned.

"We will work hard to find energy." Dragon Blood Warrior and Gu Shan nodded seriously.

"Hurry up, sigh, I don't know how Li Xuan got so much energy at that time, he should have trained him well."

Gu Xiaohao was a little regretful. He didn't calculate much before, but now that Li Xuan brought back a lot of energy, on average, it was much more than the Dragon Blood Warrior.

As a result, such a good person was forced to leave by himself, which made Gu Xiaohao very depressed.

"Although I was at fault, Li Xuan's choice to become a refugee is also a stupid move, because no one can survive the dangerous night in the wild, Li Xuan is definitely finished." Gu Xiaohao said angrily.

"Indeed, the wild at night is very dangerous, ten times more dangerous than during the day." Gu Shan agreed.

The dragon blood warrior next to him also nodded. Although he was amazed at the speed of Li Xuan's search for energy, no one can really withstand the outside world at night. Only the territory is the safest.

Because of this, the three of them felt that Li Xuan was finished. They no longer thought about Li Xuan, but were worried about how to find more energy and water.

the other side.

Nancy Territory.

After the tired elves had eaten and drank, they went back to the elf house to rest. Due to the large number of elves, a group of elves could only go to the barracks to rest.

This also caused Captain Wendy to have no place to rest. In the end, the lord said, let Captain Wendy go to the lord's cabin to rest.

"Lord, Li Xuan has no place to rest. Does he also go to your lord's cabin to rest?" Wendy asked.

"Well, there are too few houses in the base. For the time being, we can only let him rest in the lord's wooden house. When the energy is sufficient in the future, I will create a special unit for him."

Lord Nancy nodded, not feeling that Li Xuan was a man, so resting in the lord's cabin would have any effect.

"Well, I don't know when he will come back, the food is getting cold." Captain Wendy turned his head and stared at the covered bowl of delicious food.

"It should be soon, it's not far from dark now, eh? Here, he's back." Lord Nancy turned his head sharply and looked at the door of light at the door.

Sure enough, a figure walked in from the gate of light, and this person was Li Xuan.

Seeing this scene, Lord Nancy and Captain Wendy hurried over.

After seeing Li Xuan carrying a lot of things and walking into the territory with heavy steps, the two stopped at the same time.

Looking at the big tree and the corpses of many creatures wrapped in vines, Lord Nancy's eyes widened in shock, and the whole person seemed to be dreaming.

"My God, there are so many things! The energy added up is so much!" Lord Nancy said in surprise, looking at Li Xuan in disbelief.

Captain Wendy next to her was also shocked. She looked at a big rabbit exposed in the vines, and immediately showed a look of astonishment.

"Isn't this a dark rabbit? This creature is very strong, even if I rise to level 10, I can't beat it,

I am an elite swordsman, how did you do it, Li Xuan? Obviously you are just an ordinary swordsman! "

Captain Wendy was really shocked. Such a plump dark rabbit was also captured by Li Xuan. Such combat power is simply terrifying.

So at this moment, the two beauties were terrified and looked at Li Xuan like a goose.

"Come on, do me a favor, this thing is not light."

Li Xuan is a little tired. It is really not easy to carry so many things without thinking power. In addition, he has been fighting for a day today, and he also wants to rest.

So say hello to two girls and come over to help with the move.

"Wait, are you level 10?"

Captain Wendy suddenly read the article, and then she smiled bitterly, "I'm so stupid, you can bring back so many prey, you must be level ten, you are really too strong."

Lord Nancy next to him didn't speak, just looked at Li Xuan seriously, and then showed a beautiful smile.

"Don't worry, since you help me like this, then I will do my best to help you grow, and I will help you change jobs today." Lord Nancy said with a smile.

"Thank you so much, I'm hungry, I'll go eat first." Li Xuan said after putting down his things.

"Go, the bowl of rice next to the cauldron is yours, everyone has eaten it, don't mind if we eat it Lord Nancy said with a smile.

"It's alright, the people eat and rest early, so they can work better tomorrow."

Li Xuan waved his hand indifferently. He was also a farmer before, and he understands how tiring it is after a busy day, especially the weeds here are very strong and sparks can emerge from weeding.

Farmers are not lazy and work hard, so when they come back, they feel a little overwhelmed and want to eat and rest, and usually they have time to eat.

Li Xuan came back late, he had already guessed this, and he didn't take it to heart.

Quickly walking to the bowl of rice, Li Xuan opened the lid and looked slightly surprised when he saw the food inside.

Because the food in the bowl is too rich, it is completely different from Gu Xiaohao's territory. In Gu Xiaohao's side, it is basically soup, and food is rarely seen.

Unexpectedly, this bowl of rice will be so rich, mushrooms, vegetables, and unknown fruits, all in all, it makes people want to eat.

without hesitation.

Li Xuan quickly finished the bowl of rice, feeling a warm feeling in his stomach, and nodded with satisfaction.

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