Not far away, Lord Nancy smelled the fragrance of the rice, and her stomach growled unsatisfactorily. She hurriedly took out the quaint token and approached the tree to absorb energy.

Captain Wendy next to him saw this scene and wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only help silently.

The light shines on the primitive token, and the huge trees, weeds, and monster corpses are turned into energy, all of which are integrated into the primitive token.

Looking at the energy in the token, Lord Nancy was pleasantly surprised, and looked at Li Xuan with gratitude.

"We finally have enough energy, Li Xuan, thank you, please come with me."

Lord Nancy hurriedly invited Li Xuan, and the three of them came to an open space next to the Lord's Mansion.

"To upgrade the second-level barracks, you must have the second-level lord's mansion, but to upgrade the second-level lord's mansion, you need a first-level kitchen and a first-level tool room.

This is a must-have building, I can't upgrade without them, so I need to build a kitchen and tool room. "Lord Nancy said softly, obviously worried that Li Xuan would have an opinion.

"Upgrade, these energies are enough." Li Xuan waved his hand indifferently.

He had played this kind of game in his previous life, and he clearly knew the series of conditions required to upgrade, which was why Li Xuan brought back so many things.

If it's not enough, he will take out the things in the carry-on space, which stores a large number of prey carcasses, as well as plants and weeds.

There are even a lot of plants planted in the space. It can be said that as long as Li Xuan is willing, he can give out a huge amount of energy.

"thank you for understanding."

Lord Nancy smiled slightly, two small dimples appeared on her fair little face, and her pointed little ears moved at this moment, which looked very cute.

It is a pity that such a lovely Lord Nancy did not attract much attention from Li Xuan, but instead caused Li Xuan to have a question.

"Lord Nancy, are you an elf?"

"No... not, I am a descendant of the ancient gods. This is our trial ground and an important channel for becoming a god. Here we can build a base and prepare for becoming a god.

When I set up the base, I chose the elves, so my appearance and the people of the people will be elves. "Lord Nancy explained with a smile.

"So that's the case, the descendants of the ancient gods and the gods, can you tell me about the situation of becoming gods?" Li Xuan asked curiously.

"Because of the oath contract, I can only say one thing, when you become a hero in the future, you will have the opportunity to know the forces behind me, and then you will learn more,

What I can say now is that the ancient gods are very powerful, they have existed for countless years, they are the main force in the battle against the abyss, and they are also the strongest guardian gods who guard the world..."

Lord Nancy spoke in a clear and soft voice, and talked about the situation of the ancient protoss.

It's just that after she narrates a lot of knowledge, inexplicable rules will manifest, and these words will be blocked, but Li Xuan and Wendy will not be able to hear them.

The manifestation of such rules made Li Xuan aware of the tyranny of the Ancient God Race, and he couldn't help but become more curious.

In particular, the ancient gods were the main force in the battle against the abyss, which really shocked Li Xuan.

"I can only say so much. I have said a lot of knowledge, but you can't hear it. Unless you join the ancient gods in the future, you will have the opportunity to understand."

Lord Nancy finished her speech seriously, and then looked at the ancient token. Seeing the huge amount of energy, she had a different emotion when she looked at Li Xuan.

"I'm going to start."


Lord Nancy's little white hand held the token high, and with a rumbling sound, the token shone brightly, covering the open space, and soon a building rose up.

After the light dissipated, the word kitchen was written on the door of the building, and two slender cooks slowly walked out of the building and bowed to Lord Nancy.

"Meet the Lord."

"Well, you can do your own thing."

Lord Nancy waved his hand, walked to the open space on the side of the kitchen, held up the quaint token again, and released the brilliance.


There was another rumbling sound, and the building called the tool room slowly rose and took shape.

"Meet the Lord."

Two heroic female elves walked out of the tool room and bowed to the lord.


Lord Nancy nodded, walked quickly to the lord's mansion, and raised his right hand happily.

[Hint: Whether to upgrade if the upgrade conditions are met. 】

A message flashed, and Lord Nancy nodded immediately and said, "Upgrade the Lord's Mansion."

Bang bang bang!

With the crisp and sweet voice of Lord Nancy, the wooden lord's mansion began to change, gradually turning from a small wooden house into a big tree, a tall tree exuding vitality.

"Success, the tree of life, as long as it is upgraded one level, it can become the ancient tree of life." Lord Nancy clenched her fist happily.

The promotion of the lord's mansion has also unlocked many buildings. She can build more buildings and troops, and even build mounts.

So Lord Nancy looked at the tree of life, happy like a child.

When she thought that this was all brought by Li Xuan, she couldn't help looking at Li Xuan and bowed deeply to Li Xuan.

"Thank you Li Xuan, now you can change careers, you don't need to upgrade the barracks to the second level, after the lord's wooden house is upgraded to the tree of life, the archers, sword and shield soldiers, and hunter soldiers are unlocked.

What kind of troop do you want to switch to? Hunter I feel good, has a special ability, better hide itself in the dark, is a natural assassin. "

Lord Nancy explained, considering the subsequent career change, she said again: "The archer may be transferred to the elf archer in the future,

What the sword and shield soldier will become, I don't know, the hunter should also have a stronger profession that can be transferred, and the specific situation depends on the follow-up situation. "

After Lord Nancy finished speaking, he stared at Li Xuan with big eyes, waiting for Li Xuan's choice.

"Then choose a hunter. I'm still very curious about the hunter's ability." Li Xuan said calmly.


Lord Nancy nodded immediately, held up the quaint token again, and in the shining golden light, began to help Li Xuan change jobs.

Hu Hu Hu!

The sound resounded like the wind, and Li Xuan was bathed in golden light, transforming from the inside out.

He only felt that his soul was rapidly increasing, the speed of improvement was as fast as lightning, and the overflow of his soul was almost full.

"Come on, it's getting closer and closer to the golden consummation. It's getting closer."

Li Xuan secretly muttered in surprise, suddenly the whole person was shocked, tyrannical power spread from the body, and the transfer ended at this moment.

Li Xuan clenched his fists and felt the power contained in his hands. He spread out his right hand, and a crescent-like scimitar appeared in the palm of his hand, exuding a cold and cold light.

Name: Li Xuan

Level: Level 1 [01000]

Occupation: Hunter

Combat Strength: 350

Specialties: Assassination, Stealth, Swordsmanship, Logging, Weeding, Planting, Pest Control.

Occupation: Dominion, Nancy's Domain

Potential: unknown


"Nice property."

Li Xuan looked at his attributes and the newly added assassination and concealment abilities, and nodded with satisfaction.

These two abilities are quite suitable for him, much stronger than archers and sword and shield soldiers.

However, Li Xuan felt that the ability to increase the aura type was more suitable for him.

After all, he can summon dark creatures, and if the aura of amplification is more, it can also make the skeletons play a stronger role.

It's a pity that this is the elf there is no enhancement ability, if it is the undead territory, it may be better.

But I don't know where the undead territory exists. Even if it exists, it is hard to say whether it will be graded by the lord card over there.

Li Xuan would not pin his hopes on others. He felt very lucky to meet a Nancy lord, enough for him to gain soul power.

Of course, if he became the lord himself, he wouldn't be stuck.

"Huh? Be your own lord?"

Li Xuan was stunned for a moment, feeling that this was really a solution, and immediately turned his head to look at Lord Nancy and asked, "Lord, is there a chance for a lord like us to become a lord?"


Lord Nancy frowned when she heard this. She looked at Li Xuan carefully, and when she saw Li Xuan's sincere eyes, she was silent for a while.

"Yes, but it's difficult. Five conditions are required, one of which is..."

"What is it?" Li Xuan asked.

"Kill a lord!!"

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