"Kill a lord? It turned out to be like this!" Li Xuan was surprised, completely not expecting such a condition.

"Yes, after killing the lord, you will drop the lord token, which is such a simple token. With the token, you can establish the territory after completing the remaining four conditions." Lord Nancy explained.

"I see, I understand." Li Xuan nodded and stopped asking.

"Aren't you going to ask me about the remaining four conditions?" Lord Nancy was puzzled, surprised that Li Xuan was not asking.

"Don't worry, you will naturally tell me everything after I show my worth in the future." Li Xuan smiled confidently.

He has only joined this territory for a long time, and Lord Nancy has already told him a lot of things.

If you know too much about becoming a lord, any lord will worry about whether he will be killed by Li Xuan and **** the lord token.

Now I only know one condition, and I don't ask about the remaining four conditions, but it can make Lord Nancy feel at ease, and can better improve his strength here.

After all, becoming a lord is still a long way off. Li Xuan is more concerned with improving his soul. It is best to achieve golden perfection, or even semi-sacred.

Considering this, Li Xuan didn't ask any more questions, but said lazily, "It's too late, I should rest."

"Well, let's go to the lord's mansion, that is, inside the tree of life. There is a lot of space there and there are five rooms." Lord Nancy said with a smile.


Li Xuan yawned and walked towards the tree of life. After pushing open the door, he chose a room to rest and sleep.

Outside, only Lord Nancy and Captain Wendy were left standing quietly.

"What an interesting person."

Lord Nancy smiled, feeling that Li Xuan was very interesting.

Captain Wendy next to him stared blankly, wondering why Lord Nancy said Li Xuan was interesting.

"Come with me, there is still a little energy in the token, just to build farmland. I didn't expect the second-level barracks to need to build farmland."

Lord Nancy shook her head helplessly, feeling that energy was really scarce, so much energy was consumed almost, which made her very painful.


Another brilliance shone, and the farmland was built and appeared in the right corner of the domain gate.

As for the energy in the token, there is only a little bit left, and it is not enough to even recruit the elf, so naturally there is no way to use it again.


The rumbling sound of the stomach came, and Lord Nancy's little hand moulded his stomach, feeling really hungry.

Unfortunately, there was no water, so she could only endure hunger and walked towards the room inside the tree of life.

Captain Wendy looked at the lord worriedly next to him. She clearly knew that if the territorial people did not eat, the chance of getting sick was extremely high, and the sickness rate of weak farmers could even reach 80%.

So they must eat, even if Captain Wendy is not weak, they must eat. As for the lord, although she said that she would be fine if she didn't eat, Captain Wendy was still very worried.

With such worries, the two walked into the tree of life, but as soon as they entered the living room, they saw a plate of fruit and a plate of red apples.

"How come there is fruit here? Wait, it's him!"

Lord Nancy suddenly turned her head to look at the room where Li Xuan was. At this moment, a deep gratitude rose in her heart, and she felt that she was very lucky to have met Li Xuan.

Thinking that since Li Xuan joined, the power of the base has increased rapidly, the number of people in the base has increased rapidly, and the buildings of the base have flourished, and these are all brought by Li Xuan.

To meet such a good lord, Lord Nancy wanted to jump in happiness, especially looking at the red fruits, thinking that these were enough to fill her stomach, she felt even more happy.

"That Gu Xiaohao is really a stupid lord, to give up such a good Li Xuan, and it's cheap for me."

Lord Nancy felt beautiful in her heart, especially after she picked up the apple and took a bite, the sweet taste made her even happier.

"Huh? Apple can actually strengthen one's physique. This is a good thing. Why didn't Li Xuan eat it himself? It was given to me!"

Lord Nancy felt the increase in physique and realized the value of apples. When he looked at Li Xuan's room, he became more and more grateful.

She didn't say any words of gratitude, but kept all this in her heart. Some help does not need to express too much gratitude, but only needs to be rewarded by actions.

Lord Nancy naturally understood all this, smiled and took Captain Wendy back to the next room to rest.

In the room on the other side.

Li Xuan leaned on the bed and silently probed his summons, the 100 skeleton giant tigers.

At this moment, the sky was getting dark, and the surrounding area became quiet and terrifyingly quiet.

Li Xuan got feedback from the skeleton giant tiger through his thoughts and found that they were actually afraid of something.

Li Xuan quickly checked and found that their field of vision had been compressed tenfold, and an inexplicable sense of coldness surrounded them.

This feeling of coldness does not act on the body, but comes from the soul, and Li Xuan can feel a trace of it through his thoughts.

However, the night in this world still needs to be tested, in order to see the degree of danger, so he moved his mind slightly and directed the giant skeleton tiger to start its action, attacking a mouse hole that was selected in advance.

Li Xuan has been transferred to a hunter, and the repression is lower. In addition, the soul is stronger and stronger, and he can better utilize various talents and increase the skeleton tiger.

This also caused these giant skeleton tigers to exert their combat power far beyond their own, and they were really powerful, roaring and hunting big mice.

The battle started like this. Li Xuan remotely controlled the giant skeleton tiger and kept fighting. He hunted monsters everywhere in this area, and his experience value was also increasing rapidly.

[Experience value +15]

[Experience value +15]


"The experience value has decreased. It should be that the stronger I am, the less experience value I get. It is estimated that now I am weeding, and I will no longer gain experience value."

Li Xuan looked at the experience value prompt and quickly realized the reason for the decrease in experience value, but he was not discouraged, but looked forward more and more to the following changes.

With 100 giant skeleton tigers fighting for him, the speed of gaining experience points will increase at a terrifying speed, and Li Xuan is not worried about this at all.

The only thing he needs to pay attention to now is whether the giant skeleton tiger can survive the night. Li Xuan still attaches great importance to the feeling of coldness.

"According to the information I have obtained, tonight is not the night of death. That is to say, it is still relatively safe at night. If it is really dangerous, then we can only lose these 100 skeleton tigers."

Li Xuan clearly knew that after these summoned creatures died, as long as their souls were sent back to their original world, they would recover after a while, and there was no need to worry about death at all.

In addition, skeleton giant tigers can be summoned a lot, they are not as rare as bone dragons~www.readwn.com~, so it doesn't feel bad if they die.

Li Xuan's goal is to check the level of danger in this world, and more is to level up, level up at night, and increase the strength of the soul.

With this thought in mind, Li Xuan commanded 100 giant skeleton tigers to continue fighting and slaughter in the dark night.

[Experience value +15]

[Experience value +15]



The head of a giant skeleton tiger suddenly shattered and fell to the ground motionless.


Li Xuan narrowed his eyes. Just now, he was controlling the giant skeleton tiger and was fighting. Suddenly, a giant tiger died, which surprised Li Xuan.

Without any hesitation, Li Xuan controlled the remaining giant tigers to look for the attackers, and scanned the surrounding grass to find the enemy's position.

To Li Xuan's surprise, the 99 skeleton giant tigers didn't find any enemies and found nothing, which made Li Xuan frown.

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