"Do you think I can't find you?"

Li Xuan's vision of God was suddenly activated, centered on Nancy's territory, and suddenly spread to the west in all directions.

The angle of view extended to a position of 150 meters in a radius, and then it stopped. The tyrannical observation range made Li Xuan smile.

"Let me see where you are!"

Li Xuan's God's perspective glanced, carefully looking for the enemy's position in the shallow danger zone, strong observation ability, directly penetrated the plants, and saw the enemy hidden in the plants.

"Got you."

Li Xuan's vision of God instantly locked a black plant, and beneath it was a dark spider, a dark spider with four broken legs.

"It turned out to be this guy."

Li Xuan remembered who it was. It was the spider that was seriously injured and escaped after the last battle with the little hedgehog. At that time, it was torn off by the little hedgehog with its four legs.

Now this dark spider still lacks legs, and even looks sick.

But the dark spider in such a state can instantly kill the skeleton giant tiger, which is enough to prove its extraordinaryness.

"I'll kill you today and see how much experience I can get."

Li Xuan gave the order in anticipation, and 99 giant skeleton tigers roared and rushed towards the dark spider, and surrounded and killed the past in its vigilance.

The crazy battle begins.

Although the 99 skeleton giant tigers were suppressed, the single combat power could not defeat the dark spiders, but they were numerous and under the command of Li Xuan, their cooperation was very tacit.

Under such a joint battle, after suffering serious injuries to twelve giant skeleton tigers, he finally killed the dark spider in the grass.

[Experience value +50]

"Experience points are a bit low."

Li Xuan analyzed it carefully and found that the difficulty of earning experience points has increased by a notch. Not only has the difficulty of hunting monsters increased, but the experience value bar has also grown a lot.

In this case, he needs to be in the hard-to-upgrade stage for a long time.

Fortunately, he could summon dark creatures, otherwise it would really take a lot of time.

Silently commanded the giant skeleton tiger, picked up the intact bones on the ground, and replaced the injured one. Soon two giant skeleton tigers recovered, and there were only ten severely injured giant skeleton tigers left.

Those who are seriously injured don't need to worry, they can slowly repair their bones, and they can recover as long as they are given a period of time.

Li Xuan did not wait, but commanded the remaining 89 giant skeleton tigers and started the battle again.

With the previous battle, the next hunting road is easier and more unscrupulous in the shallow danger zone.

[Experience value +15]

[Experience value +15]



A golden light shone all over Li Xuan's body, and his level finally reached level 2 in the early hours of the morning, becoming a second-level hunter.

Name: Li Xuan

Level: Level 2 [31100]

Occupation: Hunter

Combat Strength: 370

Specialties: Assassination, Stealth, Swordsmanship, Logging, Weeding, Planting, Pest Control.

Occupation: Dominion, Nancy's Domain

Potential: unknown


"Huh, it's okay, it's okay, only 100 more experience points are added to the second level and the third level, but the difficulty of leveling up has not improved much. Great, continue to level up."

Li Xuan commanded the giant skeleton tiger to continue the battle, fighting and killing within 150 meters of the territory.

During the battle, from time to time, giant skeleton tigers died in battle, but there were also giant skeleton tigers that had been repaired to join in and continue the battle.

The time came to four forty in the morning.

The number of Li Xuan's skeleton giant tigers has dropped to 40, and Li Xuan's level has been raised to the fourth level, and his strength has increased sharply again.


For the next three minutes or so, Li Xuan could not find any enemies, not a single creature, not even a worm.

Such a scene made Li Xuan frown, and he couldn't figure out the reason.

Trying to control the forty skeleton giant tigers to move on, Li Xuan continued to look for it. At this time, he suddenly saw a figure of a woman in white standing under a willow tree with a crooked neck not far away.

The figure was dressed in white, with black hair, a slender and soft figure, and an elegant temperament, giving people the hazy feeling of a slender lady.

Li Xuan was immediately attracted, and instinctively controlled the forty skeleton tigers to move forward, trying to see the face of the figure clearly.

Time is also passing at this moment.

Forty skeleton giant tigers are getting closer and closer to the figure of the woman.

At this moment.

The time has come, 4:44:44.


The woman in white turned her head, revealing a delicate and beautiful little face.

It's just that her dark eyes stared at Li Xuan, looking at Li Xuan through forty skeleton giant tigers.

Bang bang bang!

Forty skeleton giant tigers suddenly burst and shattered, and an extremely suppressed sense of coldness swept across the four directions.

Li Xuan, who was in the base, shivered violently, and then found that blood was dripping down his cheeks.

Nancy Base.

The light door of the base guardrail cracked, and the guard wall suddenly cracked.

The city lord's mansion, where the tree of life is condensed, is also banging loudly, as if something is madly attacking the tree of life.

However, the second-level tree of life was extremely strong, and it actually withstood the heavy blow. However, Li Xuan's condition was not good. He only felt that his scalp was numb.


The power of the Holy Light rippled in the room, blood flowed from Li Xuan's facial features, a strong sense of crisis poured into his heart, and a cold chill appeared on his back.

The holy light continued to permeate, the power of purification shone, the warm power that should belong to the light, but Li Xuan could not feel the slightest warmth, and some were just cold.

Looking at the territory from God's perspective, Li Xuan didn't see anyone, not even in the room where he was resting.

But he could feel that there seemed to be something behind him, staring at him behind him.

Li Xuan tilted his head slightly, looked back from the corner of his eyes, and found a white skirt faintly behind him, and a pair of fair calves under the skirt.

Those calves were very slender and fair, and the fair ones were a bit pale and weird.

Inexplicably, Li Xuan felt a hand resting on his left shoulder, and a heavy feeling came from his left shoulder. Li Xuan felt terrified, and all his bright talents burst out at the first time.


A strong holy light spread from Li Xuan's body, and his whole person was like the sun, illuminating the entire house.

The hand on the shoulder turned red as if it had been baked, twisted, and there were faint wailing and twisted screams.


As if something shattered, Li Xuan was shocked, and then opened his eyes.

"Huh? When did I close my eyes?"

Li Xuan found himself lying down, immediately sat up, carefully observed the room, and found that there was nothing. When he opened his perspective to observe the outside world, his brows were wrinkled.

Because I don't know when, the quaint token of Lord Nancy was floating in the air, illuminating the entire territory and dispelling everything in the darkness.

Li Xuan mobilized God's perspective to look at the next room, and found that Lord Nancy and Captain Wendy were sleeping, but did not notice all this.

Also at this time.

Lord Nancy's body glowed with golden light, which was the brilliance of upgrading, and she even upgraded in her sleep.

[Collaborative kill, experience value +1000]

A line of fonts appeared in front of Li Xuan's eyes, and the next second his level rose to level five.

"Collaborative kill? It seems that the lord token has been shot, and it has provided me with 1,000 experience points. What kind of monster is the woman in white? Even the gate of the territory was destroyed."

Li Xuan looked at the gate of the territory solemnly, watching the gate slowly recover under the light of the token, he narrowed his eyes.

"It's a dangerous world. Fortunately, the lord's wooden house has been upgraded to a tree of life. Otherwise, it may not be able to withstand the strange existence. I'll live in the tree of life in the future."

Li Xuan made a decision to sleep in the tree of life every night in the future, and urged Lord Nancy to upgrade the tree of life more.

After deciding.

Li Xuan narrowed his eyes, leaning on the pillow and fell asleep.

As for the quaint token, after everything was repaired, it flew back to Lord Nancy and returned to its original state. The whole process was as if nothing had happened.

The battle log of the token ~www.readwn.com~ briefly recorded this incident, and the record was very vague.

It only said that the territory was attacked, and Li Xuan assisted in killing the enemy. There was nothing else, there was no way, the battle log was so vague.

In this way, everything was silent, except for Li Xuan, the entire territory did not know what happened to the outside world.

In the early morning, the rising sun slowly rose and enveloped the territory, making the entire territory full of vitality.

Lord Nancy and Captain Wendy woke up slowly, stretched slowly, and got ready to get busy.

But in the next second, Lord Nancy was shocked and opened his mouth immediately.

"I... I have been upgraded! What's the matter? My level has been upgraded by one level!" Lord Nancy said in surprise.

"Upgrade? How? Did something happen at night?" Captain Wendy wondered.

"It's possible, I'll look at the records on the token."

Lord Nancy, realizing what absolutely happened in the night, immediately picked up the token and checked the contents.

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