Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 406: The first attack is gone

"The territory was attacked last night? Li Xuan participated in assisting the killing?"

When Lord Nancy saw the record on the token, he was stunned for a moment, and then he looked horrified.

"How could it be? Why was the base suddenly attacked? There are still a few days before the first wave of monsters attacked, and last night was not the night of death, how could it be suddenly attacked?

Moreover, the attacker was killed, and it was Li Xuan who participated in the killing. That is to say, if there was no Li Xuan, the territory would have suffered huge losses last night! "

Lord Nancy was stunned. He didn't expect so many things happened last night. The key point is that they didn't know anything and slept soundly all night.

She couldn't imagine how serious the consequences of the attack on the base would be without Li Xuan.

"I feel that it was my greatest luck to accept Li Xuan at the beginning, he is definitely a treasure refugee,

Gu Xiaohao, who is next door, is afraid that there is something wrong with his brain. To drive such a good person away, I have been cheapened in vain. "

Lord Nancy is very fortunate, especially seeing that her level has been raised by one level, she feels more and more that the original decision was so correct.

Lord Nancy, who was in a happy mood, immediately ran to Li Xuan's house, ready to express his gratitude to Li Xuan.

When he walked to the hall, he found Li Xuan in the yard outside the door, ready to leave the base.

"Li Xuan, what happened last night..." Lord Nancy hurriedly said.

"I know, I need to investigate the relevant information again, let's do it first, I'm leaving."

Li Xuan interrupted Lord Nancy's words, strode away from the base, and walked towards the little hedgehog's lair.

The weird woman last night was not easy. Li Xuan was going to ask the little hedgehog if he knew about this weird woman.

With the strength of the little hedgehog, he may know some relevant information, so Li Xuan walked quickly and left the base in the sight of everyone.

It didn't take long for Li Xuan to come to the shallow danger zone in the dark, saw the black earth overgrown with weeds, and heard the strange sound of insects.

Dark Call!

Li Xuan clasped his hands together suddenly, and a space crack of more than ten meters long slowly formed, exuding special power fluctuations.

With the appearance of the space crack, the mighty army of skeletons came out of the crack and stood majestically one by one.

They have skeleton warriors, skeleton swordsmen, skeleton archers, skeleton tigers....

Thousands of skeletons were like an army of undead, following Li Xuan's orders, heading deep into the shallow danger zone.

Li Xuan, who has reached the fifth-level hunter, has been unblocked again, and more and more undead creatures can be summoned, and the increase is getting stronger and stronger.

With such a strong increase, even the skeleton warriors, who are weaker than the skeleton giant tiger, can exert a strong combat power in this world.

So Li Xuan summoned a group of skeletons, let them fight with all their strength, swept the shallow danger zone, and also looked for information about the strange woman.

The purpose is to find out how many strange women there are and whether they will appear again in the future.

With this thought in mind, after Li Xuan arranged the skeleton, he turned into a hedgehog again, stepped on the cold ground, smelled the faint fragrance of flowers, and walked towards the little hedgehog's nest.

the other side.

Gu Xiaohao's territory.

Gu Xiaohao, who was sleeping late, was disturbed by the knock on the door.

With a look of getting up, Gu Xiaohao unhappily opened the door of the lord's mansion and looked at the five people outside the door.

These five people are Dragon Blood Warrior, Lumberjack Gu Shan, and three sick farmers.

"What's the matter with you? Why do you look so sick? What about the other farmers?" Gu Xiaohao frowned and looked at the three farmers.

"Other farmers... died." Gu Shan said in a low voice.

"Dead? Dead in one night? What a waste!"

Gu Xiaohao's face was ugly. He thought that these farmers could last at least three or four days if they didn't eat, and they could go out to work more to provide him with more energy.

But I didn't expect that after one night, there were only three peasants left, and they still looked sick.

This made Gu Xiaohao very annoyed. He felt that after Li Xuan left, the entire base was in a terrible state.

But there is no way, without water, the food problem can't be solved at all, Gu Xiaohao can only say with a gloomy face: "Go find energy, I need more energy."


Gu Shan and others hurriedly bowed and saluted, and left the base with three sick farmers, leaving only Gu Xiaohao standing depressed.

"The water in the small water bag can last for two days. In these two days, the dragon blood warrior must be upgraded to level 10, and then transferred to a small hero.

When I become a little hero, I can go to the shallow danger zone to find water, um, I figured it out in an instant, I am really a genius. "

Gu Xiaohao muttered triumphantly and continued.

"Although some peasants will be lost, it doesn't matter. It's just some low-level peasants. After I have energy, I can summon as many as I want."

Gu Xiaohao doesn't take farmers seriously at all, he's just some low-level troops anyway, plus he has a background, so naturally he doesn't care about it all.

"If I can't bear it anymore, I will ask my father for help. With my father's strength, I will definitely help me get through this difficult time."

After Gu Xiaohao finished speaking, he walked lazily into the city lord's mansion and went back to sleep.

the other side.

Nancy Territory.

After Nancy arranged the team, she took Captain Wendy and a swordsman and walked towards the area fifty meters away in full armor.

Who is she going to go to, and she must get water, otherwise everyone will have no food at noon. Food is a very serious problem for the territorial people, and it has to be taken seriously.

Considering the danger at fifty meters, Nancy did not let the elves follow.

Instead, with Captain Wendy and the swordsmen, they cautiously went fifty meters away, began to search for water sources, and fought the enemy in crisis.

Little hedgehog's lair.

Li Xuan is communicating with the little hedgehog and asking for relevant information.

To Li Xuan's surprise, the little hedgehog really knew the existence of strange women, and even saw it more than once.

According to the little hedgehog, the strange woman is the strongest existence except the dark evil tiger. There will be a strange woman in the shallow danger zone outside each lord base.

They are very hostile to the lord base. Every strange woman is staring at the base. When the time is up, they will become the strongest monsters in the first wave of attacking the base.

They are powerful and have a high chance of breaking through the base. Unless the base is upgraded to Level 2, they will have a chance to overcome it.

Fortunately, a strange woman will only attack one base, and will not encounter the situation of multiple strange women attacking, which also makes Li Xuan look strange.

"It turned out to be like this. I didn't expect the first wave of attacks on Nancy's territory to be broken like this.

Does that mean that there will be no more enemies in the territory by then? In other words, there will be no powerful enemies? "

Li Xuan muttered to himself, feeling very speechless. It was not time to attack, and the enemy was gone, which really surprised him.

"Little Hedgehog, when will the dark evil tiger attack the lords' base?" Li Xuan asked again.

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