Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 422: 3 generals of the Palace of God

"Who are you?"

The soldiers guarding the city noticed that something was wrong with the handsome young man, and immediately stepped forward to ask with their weapons, all with vigilant eyes.

"you guess!"

The handsome boy tilted his head, and his smile became more and more hideous.

This hideous smile instantly made the soldiers look nervous. Some people wanted to dare to continue asking questions, but they were stopped by the well-informed captain of the city guard.

Even the captain of the city guard, pulling the surrounding city guards back again and again.

The handsome young man glanced at the city guards boringly, and strode towards the city with a long knife on his back.

The rest of the city guards gathered together and whispered a few words, and then the captain of the city guards went straight to the city lord's mansion, ready to report this matter to Ba Wudi, the strongest leader of the resistance army.

An hour later.

The handsome young man carried a wooden box in his left hand and a long blood-stained knife in his right hand, walking out of the city step by step.

While walking, the blood in the wooden box slowly dripped, dyeing the ground red and frightening the people around.

But no one stopped the handsome boy, and no one asked about the situation. Everyone just stepped back in fear, watching the handsome boy go further and further away.

three days later.

Blackrock City.

City Lord's Mansion, large conference room.

Qin Yue, Song Xiaomei, Heiniu, Tie Niu and many other subordinates were meeting in the conference room, talking about what happened in Baihe City.

At this moment, everyone's faces were solemn, even Qin Yue clenched their hands tightly together.

"Is the news true?"

Song Xiaomei couldn't help but look at the black girl who was in charge of gathering intelligence.

"It's 100% true. White Crane City has our dark line. After repeated confirmation, the leader of the resistance army, Ba Wudi, was indeed killed and his head was taken away."

The black girl answered seriously, while slowly opening a cloth bag.

"Baihe City is the base camp of Ba Wudi, and it was killed like this, who is so powerful and can kill Ba Wudi?

He is a half-step gold rank, he once fought against the gold rank once, and he is known as the strongest under the gold rank.

How could such a powerful person be killed in his base camp? And is the other party really alone? "

In the middle seat, a bull-eyed man with a heavy hammer asked.

His name is Zhou Zhen, and the strength of Baiyin Great Perfection is one of the strongest among Qin Yue's subordinates.

"The person who did it is indeed a person, or a handsome young man. The young man is carrying a long knife, his teeth are sharp like shark serrations, and he likes to squint.

By the way, he has short purple hair, and when he's not smiling, he looks like the big boy next door. This is his portrait. "

The black girl untied the cloth bag, took out a few portraits, and distributed them out.

The portrait on the paper is divided into seven parts, which is not very realistic, but it draws the characteristics of the characters and increases the recognition degree.

Such as blue hair, big knife, squinting eyes, serrated teeth, handsome boy and a series of characteristics.

Such a combination, it is easy for people to identify this person.

Everyone took the portrait and looked at it carefully, and found that there was no special situation at all. Some people even suspected that they had taken the wrong portrait because the temperament was too much like the big boy next door.

"No need to doubt, it is indeed this person. During my investigation, I found more information about him, very important information." Hei Niu said solemnly.

"What information?" Song Xiaomei couldn't help but ask.

"It's the origin of this person." The black girl took a deep breath and said again with an unusually dignified expression.

"According to the information we have investigated, there are three generals under the Emperor of God. The first is the lame mother-in-law, who is the chief steward of the Palace of God. She has the final say in most matters of the Palace of God.

The second nickname, Crazy Giant, has an unfathomable combat power and extremely sturdy combat power.

In addition, the mad giant also has the ability to regenerate from severed limbs, which is very difficult to mess with.

The third place, the one we are going to talk about, his nickname is Squinting, with blue hair, handsome, good at using knives, and most importantly, he has shark blood. "

"Shark bloodline? You mean that the person who killed Ba Wudi was the squinting eyes of the Divine Palace?" Zhou Zhen asked quickly.

"Yes, it's him, and it's a one-shot kill!" The black girl looked solemn.

"One-shot kill? So strong?! Gold level?" Zhou Zhen asked again.

"Yes, the gold level, and the golden consummation was achieved five years ago, and now it may be semi-holy!"


When everyone heard this, they were all terrified.

You must know that the gold level is an unreachable existence for them, and as a result, a half-sage has emerged now, which is no less than a bolt from the blue for everyone.

"And not only that, according to the information I know, after squinting and leaving, the army of the Palace of God came and took away many people in Baihe City.

Regardless of whether they had anything to do with the rebels, they were all taken away. 70% of the entire city was brought into the Palace of God, and there was no news of them after that. "

The black girl continued to talk, with hatred and powerlessness on their faces. Facing the powerful Palace of God, they had absolutely nothing to do.

And her words also made the scene fall into silence. Everyone looks at me and I look at you, but they don't know what to say.

A semi-holy level powerhouse, such an opponent is suffocating to think about.

"You said, will Squint come to Blackrock City? Kill us?" Zhou Zhen suddenly said.

After he finished speaking, the scene fell into silence again, everyone's heart sank, and they didn't know how to If Squinting really came, no one here would be able to resist the opponent's blow , not to mention that it will also bring disaster to Blackrock City.

As for escape, where else could they escape?

There are so many mutant beasts in the outside world, it is not a long-term place to stay, and the half-sage wants to find someone, but it is almost impossible to hide.

The most important point is that the people of Blackrock City will also be affected, and maybe the entire city will be taken away.

Thinking of this, everyone's faces are very ugly, and they don't know what to do.

"Go, follow me to hunt mutant beasts, collect blood beads, and improve our strength. We must prepare in advance, just in case!"

Qin Yue immediately ordered, stood up with a weapon on his back, and strode away.

When everyone heard this, they immediately followed, but they knew that they couldn't improve their strength in a short period of time, and even the gold level couldn't stop each other, what could they do?

The people with heavy hearts left, went outside the city, and went crazy to hunt mutant beasts.

three days later.

Another big news came, which made all the rebels realize the big trouble.

The news is.

Occupying twelve cities, the city of Red River, known as the second largest force of the resistance army, was captured and taken over, and the entire city was taken over by the Palace of God.

And the person who did it was the squinting eyes of the Palace of God, who defeated many masters in the city with one person's power, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, he easily captured Xiao Bubai and disintegrated the resistance army organization.

After the news came out, many rebel forces were afraid, and even some rebels left directly from the occupied city, gave up the city and fled.

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